[promoted by BooMan. Hersh strikes again.]
Seymour Hersh’s New Yorker article is so well written and engaging I’m not really going to even try to summarize it. Or even analyze it too much. Suffice to say that if this is true — and verifiable — it represents a serious threat to the Bush presidency’s legacy, legitimacy, and legality.
If Bush — stung by the popularity of pro-Iran Shiite factions, the dismal polling of Allawi, and the refusal of Congress to authorize secret election meddling — went “off the books” and financed fraudulent Iraqi election manipulation without Congress’ acquiescence or appropriations… Well, you can imagine. The most important excerpt — though the whole thing is astounding — after the jump:
Excerpt from “Get Out The Vote,” by Seymour Hersh:
A Pentagon consultant who deals with the senior military leadership acknowledged that the American authorities in Iraq “did an operation” to try to influence the results of the election. “They had to,” he said. “They were trying to make a case that Allawi was popular, and he had no juice.” A government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon’s civilian leaders said, “We didn’t want to take a chance.”
I was informed by several former military and intelligence officials that the activities were kept, in part, “off the books”–they were conducted by retired C.I.A. officers and other non-government personnel, and used funds that were not necessarily appropriated by Congress. Some in the White House and at the Pentagon believed that keeping an operation off the books eliminated the need to give a formal briefing to the relevant members of Congress and congressional intelligence committees, whose jurisdiction is limited, in their view, to officially sanctioned C.I.A. operations. (The Pentagon is known to be running clandestine operations today in North Africa and Central Asia with little or no official C.I.A. involvement.)
“The Administration wouldn’t take the chance of doing it within the system,” the former senior intelligence official said. “The genius of the operation lies in the behind-the-scenes operatives–we have hired hands that deal with this.” He added that a number of military and intelligence officials were angered by the covert plans. Their feeling was “How could we take such a risk, when we didn’t have to? The Shiites were going to win the election anyway.”
In my reporting for this story, one theme that emerged was the Bush Administration’s increasing tendency to turn to off-the-books covert actions to accomplish its goals. This allowed the Administration to avoid the kind of stumbling blocks it encountered in the debate about how to handle the elections: bureaucratic infighting, congressional second-guessing, complaints from outsiders.
Wow. Just, wow. I hope there’s hard proof. Go read it and then think of ways to make sure this is true, and then ways to make sure the media doesn’t ignore it. By rights it’s the biggest Iraq story so far this year, and if it’s both true and has no media impact then the lefty blogosphere is inept, incompetent, and impotent in doing what needs to be done when it matters.
Here are some of the responses to the Hersh allegation from various government officials. All these quotes are from the MSNBC story linked here. First off, I should note that some details are disputed by White House, State Department, and Congress:
So, that could mean that Hersh cannot be taken as gospel — up to and including the possibility that NO covert action was actually taken — or it could mean that everyone doesn’t know everything about what happened. We don’t know. The reactions are our best gauge as to the truthfulness of this. To that end, Orrin Hatch gives a strange answer to a straightfoward question:
An anonymous intelligence official sounding unsure:
The NSC spokesman Fred Jones stops oddly short:
[National Security Council spokesman Frederick] Jones would not say whether any political parties had benefited from covert support. The State Department openly gave money to help parties organize for what the White House called Iraq’s first free and democratic election.
And what about George W. Bush, his Press Secretary Scott McClellan, or any Bush Administration member involved with Iraq policy?
We’ll have to work on that one. I’ll keep this diary updated during the day Monday as new non-denial denials come in…
Hatch is a no holds barred kind of guy who gets nasty with the best of them. In fact, I think he teaches a class in Nasty 101. So, if this wasn’t true, he would have lashed out strenuously against Hersh. His non-denial denial speaks volumes.
This is a good one and right on time !! Good man, Seymour Hersh! Good work, Addison!
Sheesh… and the Afghan elections for Karzai (since we know that the parliamentary ones have STILL not been held) were just as equally rigged.
Freedom to rig elections is on the march!
Sy Hersh should be man of the year,
He’s ripped off the Bush “Freedom” veneer.
An election Bushwhack,
With Iraqi kickbacks,
Doesn’t seem to be tinfoil headgear.
My thoughts exactly.
Now — is Seymour Hersh part of the Official Reality-Based Community(tm)?
I knew the vote was rigged when they announced that the Shiite’s had come up just short of enough votes to give them the majority needed to control government. No amount of fraud was gonna help Allawi, so they went for the next best thing. Wasn’t it a few days after the voting that they announced the results? During that in-between time, I remember thinking, here we go again. They should be pretty good at rigging elections by now, since they’ve had so much practice. Evil fucks.
I forgot to mention BrendaStewart’s diary about this yesterday.
Yes, the results were supposed to be announced earlier. When this delay was announced, I also thought; “Uh oh, they’re cookin’ the books”.
I wish I could say I was surprised.
If you took the corruption of the Nixon and Reagan administrations combined, cubed that sum, then cubed it again, you’re beginning to get near the corruption of the Bush junta.
Everything they do turns to shit. Call it the “feces touch,” if you will.
These people will say or do anything to achieve their goals, including abandoning completely constitutional government — not just in Iraq, but here at home, as well.
How far will they go? Three and a half more years is a hell of a long time to have wait to find out.
I think I’ve figured out where the missing $8 million went to:
Damn those Pentagon-issued Sharpies are expensive!
have had a nice clean election in Iraq with strong turnout everywhere.
But I am not shocked that we helped one side, especially in light of Iran’s activities.
What this article shows me is that Porter Goss has not been successful in stopping a rolling coup aiming to dethrone chimp-boy.
And Pelosi must be PISSED.
Good morning Booman. Can you explain why Pelosi is, as you say, pissed? Pissed because patriots inside the CIA are attempting to get Bush out? Or the other way around?
Now that I read that question, it sounds pretty dumb. Still, I’m wondering why you mentioned Pelosi when there are thousands of us “pissed” people to think about.
A couple items got left out of the story …
Thanks Susan. Now I see it.
According to the article, Pelosi received assurances that plans to rig the election had been abandoned, that’s why.
I am SO surprised!!!
This “represents a serious threat to the Bush presidency’s legacy, legitimacy, and legality?”
C’mon…BushCo’s “legacy” is the millions of people whose lives it has ruined all over the world, and it has no legitimacy OR legality because the votes which put it into power and kept it there were rigged. As was the media coverage of both of the campaigns.
“If Bush — stung by the popularity of pro-Iran Shiite factions, the dismal polling of Allawi, and the refusal of Congress to authorize secret election meddling — went `off the books’ and financed fraudulent Iraqi election manipulation without Congress’ acquiescence or appropriations… Well, you can imagine.”???
No I CANNOT imagine.
I cannot imagine the members of this “Congress” being horrified by ANYTHING these people do other than hurt said members’ chances of being re-elected.
“The genius of the operation lies in the behind-the-scenes operatives–we have hired hands that deal with this?”
No surprise THERE.
Can we spell the word “contractors”?
This is the way they run their game.
From sex stings right through vote fraud right on into the nasty business of spilling human blood. (You want to find out who ran Monica Lewinsky at Clinton? Maybe someday we’ll know for sure, but it LOOKS just like Rove work. Or that of one of his teachers. BET on it.)
They use cut-outs.
JUST like the Mafia.
“Big Joe was nowheres NEAR the scene of dat crime. Why…he was eatin’ at Manny’s Clam House da whole night. HUNDREDS of witnesses.. Yeah,. THAT’S right. At Manny’s Clam House.”
Business as usual.
I am sorry, folks.
This kind of “Oh golly gee whiz wow” reporting is not enough. I am not sure if Mr. Hersh really knows how credulous this sounds, although my guess is that he is quite aware of it and is simply putting it out in the best form that he can manage given the system in which he works.
Just doing his job as an asset of one faction of people who are opposing the neo-cons.
But from US???
The ones who should already KNOW better?
Let’s start calling spades spades and war criminals war criminals, here. Enough pussy-footing around about the fiction of an honest Congress and “horrified” CIA people.
This is what the CIA does and HAS done for 50 years.
Fix elections.
With money, with guns, and with propaganda and spin disguised as journalism.
By ANY means whatsoever, just as long as it works and it does not blow back on “the good guys”. The politicians with clean hands and dirty little secrets.
And Congress is WELL aware of this. They have given the CIA TRILLIONS to do this.
Carte blanche.
Well…it IS blowing back, now. BIG time. That is what “The War On Terrorism” is all about, really. Some of the people of the third world who have been coverted out of what they consider to be their rightful place in the sun have found a weapon that works against monstrously large empires. It brought down the U.S.S.R. and now it is bringing out into the open all the nasty little fault lines that exist in in THIS kleptocracy.
What is Mr. Hersh’s REAL point?
That the established spooks are mad at the NEW spooks.
That they think the neo-spooks are not very good at their spooky little jobs.
Which on the evidence is perfectly true.
But should WE be equally credulous in this matter?
I think not.
“No more economic imperialism” should be OUR watchword.
Easy to understand.
Not because it’s “right” to stop ripping off the other 4/5ths of the world.
It is, of course, but let’s leave morality out of this.
So the CIA (The international police force for Old Money) is bugged that another group of criminals is stepping all over what has heretofore been THEIR turf? And Old Money wants to step in now that the new boys have THOROUGHLY bungled the job and put in their OWN caretakers of business as usual? Some group of centrist DemocRatpublicans like the Gang of Fourteen or John kerry who will reliably stabilize the status quo once again in our favor?
Ain’t gonna happen anymore, people. There is a new paradigm in action here, and it is WMD and “terrorism” fueled.
THEIR terrorism, not ours.
I am overwhelmingly happy to see BushCo go up in flames.
But do NOT allow the Phoenix of imperialism to rise once again from the ashes of a failed TACTICAL approach.
Do NOT trust the CIA or its sponsors to “set things right” in the world. Not unless they recognize that the STRATEGIC approach embodied in militarily supported economic imperialism is no longer a viable idea.
And so far…I am hearing no sign that this is or will be the case.
It has been the actions of these people…in the Middle East and everywhere ELSE on the globe…that put us in this position in the FIRST place, and the left MUST remember this instead of collapsing in an agony of puppyish joy that some group of people is finally actually having a negative effect on the BushCo gang.
Remember the 1961 Akira Kurosawa film “Yojimbo”? The one where Toshiro Mifune walks into a desolate little town where two gangs of petty thugs are feuding over who will control things?
We’re there now.
Best result?
Both gangs will fuck each OTHER up and a THIRD force…one that realizes our true place in this brave new word…will come to power.
In a response to a comment I made upon susanhu’s diary Focus on the President, BrendaStewart wrote:
Oh WOW!!!! Man, can you say things or what!!
I can still dream, can’t I??!!!
If I can dream the impossible dream, then, just maybe, it might come true.
I didn’t respond to that comment. But I will here.
THIS is MY impossible dream.
One of them, anyway.
That out of all of this can arise some sort of realization among the people of the developed countries about our new position in the world.
That we will not just substitute new tactics for the failed ones of the neo-cons in an attempt to fulfill strategic ideas that are no longer viable.
Ideas like economic imperialism.
I can dream too, right Brenda?
I can dream too.
And yes, the Bush Co does have some resemblance to the Mafia – the lack of true information from inside the group, the fawning loyalties of the sycopants (Mehlman comes to mind – “How dare the Democrats blah blah blah” and the brutal lack of hesitation in cutting people down. Some Mafia Don would be proud of Cheney.
“Some Mafia Dons” could LEARN from Cheney and his ilk.
They make street level gangsters look like children and have DONE so from time immemorial.
Gangsters feed on the offal of society.
THESE guys feast at the BIG table.
At least until they get too fat to steal well.
And then they are taken down, and the whole cycle begins again.
That’s why they call them “revolutions”.
‘Round and ’round we go…
Normally I would not even be too involved in fighting something like this, seeing as how it’s just a repeating cycle in human endeavours. But once in a while, the fat cats take a society into a position of final jeapordy…one where the whole thing threatens to blow up in everyone’s faces. This is the WORST case to have ever come down the pike, in my estimation, because the bad guys have almost total control of the information media, both they and their enemies are no longer simply packing tommy guns, and it’s not just one superpower with a lot to lose facing another one.
There are all KINDS of independent gangs out there this time, just ITCHING for a fight. Pretty dumb ones, a lot of them, their stupidity fueled by centuries of rascist imperialism and lockstep fundamentalist doctrines of a better life after this one.
We are literally facing nuclear annihilation now.
Staring it in the face.
We are one angry Muslim packing a suitcase bomb away from U.S. nuclear retatiation, and even CLOSER to a pre-emptive nuclear strike by either Israel or the U. S. Once THAT cat is out of the bag, red herrings like Rove will disappear from the front pages in an orgy of nationalistic testosterone waving and every nuclear power in the WORLD will be queuing up the ol’ thunder sticks.
BET on it.
Meanwhile, our decadent so-called “leaders” cannot even say the name of their ultimate weapon correctly, let ALONE understand the chaos that will undoubtedly be unleashed by the use of it.
Do YOU want someone who says “nukular” after undergoing a Harvard mis-edumacation to be in a position where his finger could be on the red button if one of his executive handlers is not around to stop him?
How about replacing him with someone like Wesley Clark, who wanted to take the chance of pushing a destabilized Russia into nuclear warfare less than 6 years ago as Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) during the Balkan Wars and was only STOPPED from doing so by a British General who refused to obey his command.
“‘I’m not going to start the third world war for you,’ General Sir Mike Jackson, commander of the international KFOR peacekeeping force, is reported to have told Gen. Clark when he refused to accept an order to send assault troops to prevent Russian troops from taking over the airfield of Kosovo’s provincial capital. The Times of London reported on 23 May 2001 in an article titled, ‘Kosovo clash of allied generals,’ that “General Sir Michael Jackson [was] told that he would have to resign if he refused to obey an order by the American commander of Nato’s forces during the Kosovo war to stop the Russians from seizing control of Pristina airport in June 1999.”
And who do YOU think the Old Money will be backing THIS go-round?
Wes Clark and/or John McCain.
BET on it.
Let us pray.
Time to get real, here…
Time to get real.
P.S. Not sure I like that “rant” word very much, Grandma Jo. I know it’s in common use in Blogworld U.S.A. these days and all, and I’m sure you meant no harm in using it, but…it smacks of impotent rage.
Drivers stuck in traffic “rant”.
Ballplayers who are being thrown out of a game and welfare mothers who are being totally stonewalled by the system “rant”.
I hope that I am offering more than that.
A clear picture of the danger in which we find ourselves today, and a warning (in this instance) not to be quite so grateful for proffered help from the rival gang.
They’re just a little more…dignified in their tactics.
Same strategy, though.
Steal from the poor; give to the rich, and use the middle class as overseers.
Same strategy.
They just pay a little better wages all around.
It’s still “Plomo ó plato?” as fare as they are concerned. (Silver or lead. Mexican gangster offer. Money or death.)
Bet on it.
Nice to see you posting again.
I’ve always appreciated your voice over at the unmentionable blog.
Good job calling out the Next Hurrah operatives over there.
Don’t worry, no DHinMi here.
Apparently not.
Let us pray.
Bets are on that Hersh will be blamed for some insurgent attacks in Iraq with the WH concluding, like they did with Newsweek, that he should have kept his mouth shut about Bushco’s extracirricular activities.
What is the sound of one US administration collapsing under its own immeasurable weight of hubris? Can you hear it? I sure can.
Of course the elections were fixed. Evidence of that, provided by Hersh, is very welcome after the self-aggrandizing orgy of media reporting in the wake of those bogus elections.
I can’t believe Hersh has evaded a bullet to the head, thus far. He is the last true investigative journalist, now that Moyers has retired. Somehow Hersh has survived after breaking Ma Lai, Abu Ghraib, and now this.
The man is a one man gang, leaving militaristic corporatists and neo-cons in his wake.
Send him “flowers & candy” and salutations here:
1211 Connecticut Avenue., Suite 320
Washington, DC 20036 USA
The Independent‘s Cockburn this morning, on Democracy Now!, about Hersh’s article: