Perhaps some of us missed this?
I have made a point of suggesting in several comments recently that the greatest danger of ALL in this occupation of America by the neo-cons and their allied war profiteers is the rising potential for the beginning of a true nuclear war. I have noticed when I say this that people tend to avert their eyes a little, almost as if to say “Well!!! I wouldn’t go THAT far!!! Maybe he’s just a little …alarmist, eh Mabel?”
Continue on to hear what Rep. Tom Tancredo (R., natch. Colorado) has to say about this possibility.
But before you do… a little snippet from his website. The major Congressional committees to which he is assigned, plus a little blurb about his job there.
International Relations
Subcommittee on International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights
Subcommittee on Africa
Today, leadership by the United States is essential in promoting democracy, prosperity, and respect for human rights throughout the world. As a member of the International Relations Committee, I will work to ensure our participation in the world community is effective in promoting our values and ensuring peace and stability in a changing world. I will also work to promote respect for human rights in places like Sudan, Communist China and any other areas where freedoms are limited.
Yup – he’s on the International Relations Committee and the Subcommittees on International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights and on
D’ya think he might be privy to some…information?
HE’S got a GOOD way to enforce non-proliferation.
Blow ALL them ragheads up REAL good.
They been a’proliferatin’ way too much ANYHOW!!!
Nice, Tom.
You stone age fuck.
And now…on with the show.
AP via CNN
Congressman suggests way to retaliate for nuclear terror
Spokesman: Tancredo was speaking hypothetically
Monday, July 18, 2005; Posted: 12:44 p.m. EDT (16:44 GMT)
DENVER, Colorado (AP) — A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that the U.S. could “take out” Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.
Rep. Tom Tancredo made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando, Florida. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically.
Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons.
“Well, what if you said something like — if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites,” Tancredo answered.
“You’re talking about bombing Mecca,” Campbell said.
“Yeah,” Tancredo responded.
The congressman later said he was “just throwing out some ideas” and that an “ultimate threat” might have to be met with an “ultimate response.”
Spokesman Will Adams said Sunday the four-term congressman doesn’t support threatening holy Islamic sites but that Tancredo was grappling with the hypothetical situation of a terrorist strike deadlier than the September 11, 2001, attacks.
“We have an enemy with no uniform, no state, who looks like you and me and only emerges right before an attack. How do we go after someone like that?” Adams said.
“What is near and dear to them? They’re willing to sacrifice everything in this world for the next one. What is the pressure point that would deter them from their murderous impulses?” he said.
Tancredo is known in the House for his tough stand on immigration.
Mohammad Noorzai, coordinator of the Colorado Muslim Council and a native of Afghanistan, said Tancredo’s remarks were radical and unrepresentative but that people in Tancredo’s position need to watch their words when it comes to sacred religious sites and texts.
Scared yet?
Y’oughta be.
You don’t think that this sort of message has been CLEARLY conveyed to the leaders of the Islamic opposition?
Since the first terrorist bomb went off in a place that is in ANY way allied with the U.S.?
THIS is all that stands between unrestrained domestic terror and us, at least as long as we insist on maintaining the status quo of economic imperialism.
Steal from the poor, give to the rich.
Not a threat to bomb Mecca alone.
A threat to bomb ALL the major cities of the Islamic world that are in any way allied against the U.S.
BET on it.
And if someone calls our bluff…
Why then you will hear Ratpubs from here to Littleton Colorado and beyond citing Harry Truman’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki actions as they turn large portions of the world into glass parking lots.
Only when HARRY did it…there was no chance of retaliation.
NOW…man, you KNOW there are warlords and arms dealers and God only KNOWS who else out there ready to bring End Times to pass if Allah appears to so will it.
Bet on THAT, too.
I will reward ANYONE who can tell me ONE good reason other than the threat of massive nuclear retaliatiuon why 9/11 didn’t happen at the Indian Point nuclear plant (Ironic, that name, eh???) on the Hudson 20 miles north of NYC instead of at the World Trade Center.
Take out a few million instead of a few thousand.
REALLY make a point.
Tancredo knows.
He’s just too crude to keep his mouth shut.
We ALL should know, too.
Abd REMEMBER what we know every time we get involved in ANYTHING “poitical.”
We are at Last Chance Junction, here. No time left for gradual compromise.
Get rid of these people NOW, before their incompetent asses get us ALL killed.
well Arthur, glad to see you survived the Purge… and you’re in top form. Good. Hope life continues to shine on you.
an old friend.
“We found Tancredo’s comments to be quite useful.
However, he did not go far enough. We must not only take out Mecca, but also the corrupted and satanic world capitals of Jerusalem, Vatican City and Constantinople in order to ensure the ultimate salvation of humanity.”
–Press Statement released 7/19/05 by a heretofore unknown terrorist group calling itself the “Holy Trinity”.