I am writing this because the riechwing theocrats that are trying to take over my country, they may one day be able to prohibit me for practicing my spiritual path. That they want to make Christianity the National religion, to subsidize it with taxpayer money and demand fealty from all Americans, personally makes me physically ill. My hope is that others will recognize the intrinsic value that Native American’s place upon their lives, the world in which they live and their interactions with all living things in the world. I have practiced Native American Spiritualism for more than 17 years; it has fostered in me a deep appreciation for all who share this planet with me. I hope that this information will be helpful in bringing forth a better understanding of how Native American spirituality evolved and what it brings to the table for a human being who practices it. I have paraphrased much from another writer who clearly understands the rich and emotionally fulfilling life that Native American spirituality can bring to one who practices it and incorporates it within them. I wish to acknowledge Donna Ladkin from Green Spirit, who did all of the research that is quoted here. I worked diligently to paraphrase and bring to life from my own understanding of the spirit world, the richness that comes from the enlightenment of Native American spirituality.
::::::::::::::::::::More after the fold::::::::::::::::::::
Crossposted at European Tribune
When the European’s arrived in the New World there were over 1000 different indigenous tribal groups scattered throughout the North American Continent. These tribal affiliations each created their own beliefs, rituals and spirituality. It would be a fallacy to state there is one belief system for all Native American cultures. Having stated this, there are indeed many commonalities that clearly cross into the varied practices of the indigenous peoples of North America.
That spirituality played a central role in the lives of Native Peoples cannot be emphasized enough. It was through their spirituality that Native peoples related to the Earth Mother. This constant awareness of the spirit guides, offered Native Americans a life journey that balanced all aspects of the living being that is a human being.
I have found this path and hope that you will find the same joy in living, the same happiness in having a life worth living, the same spiritually fulfilling pleasure in walking upon the Earth Mother.
For as Angie Debo writes:
they [the Indian] were deeply religious. The familiar shapes of earth, the changing sky, the wild animals they knew, were joined with their own spirit in mystical communion. The powers of nature, the personal quest of the soul, the acts of daily life, the solidarity of the tribe–all were religious, and were sustained by dance and ritual.
Angie Debo. The History of the Indians of the United States (Pimlico,1995), p.4.
These are some of the key aspects in which Native American peoples share in terms of their spirituality. It is this communion that gives to us the spiritual power to walk upon the earth and know that our lives are indeed in tune with the Great Spirit. That the spirits of the world fills my life, that I am a part of a greater theater of life, brings embodiment within my soul.
Land-Based Spirituality
The Land is the basis of Native American Spirituality, not the owning or possessing of the land, but how the human beings were part and parcel of the Earth Mother. That one was a part of a greater whole, that the land was/is the anchor, in which all life is sustained. The relationship between the land and the people was one of mystical inter-dependence. Geronimo, the Apache leader exemplifies the relationship between the people and the land.
For each tribe of men Usen created He also made a home. In the land for any particular tribe He placed whatever would be best for the welfare of that tribe…thus it was in the beginning: the apaches and their homes each created for the other by Usen Himself. When they are taken from these homes they sicken and die.
Lee Miller, (ed.). From the Heart, Voices of the American Indian (Pimlico, 1997).
Geronimo’s words clearly emphasis the reason for the wide disparity of festivals, rituals and rites that were practiced within each tribal affiliation. Each tribe’s rituals are specific to the region of the land that is called home by the tribe. The plains tribes such as the Apache and Sioux celebrated in worship of the sun and the seemingly endless skies that were a part of their everyday lives.
Those cultures like the Sioux that relied on the Buffalo for food, clothing, shelter and implements, also saw the buffalo in a pivotal role in their spirituality. Clearly displaying it within the context of its overwhelming symbolism on shelters, clothing and songs.
And here Angie Debo suggests,
When Garry, of the Spokanes of eastern Washington said, ‘I was born by these waters. The earth here is my mother,’ he is not using a poetic figure of speech; he was stating what he felt to be the literal truth.
Angie Debo. The History of the Indians of the United States (Pimlico,1995), p.4.
Now would be a good place to develop an understanding of the interconnect between the land and the Native peoples. To fully comprehend this interconnect, one must understand the nature of the Creation of the human beings and how the land and they came to know each other.
Native American Creation Mythology
There are many differences that can be seen in the creation mythologies of different tribes, yet there are two very distinct similarities that create a glaring contrast with the Judeo-Christian creation mythology. For me the most significant one is there is no original sin concept, no damning of human beings for some initial wrongdoing, that human nature is evil and has been cast out of the place where we really belong. The second area, there is no Kingdom of Heaven, where this life is but a testing ground for us to prove our worth to enter the true spiritual home.
In his book, The Earth Shall Weep, James Wilson expands on this point:
Yet for all their range and variety, these stories often have a similar feel to them. When you set them alongside the biblical Genesis, the common features suddenly appear in sharp relief; they seem to glow with the newness and immediacy of creation, offering vivid explanations for the behavior of an animal, the shape of a rock or a mountain, which you can still encounter in the here and now. Many tribes and nations call themselves, in their own languages, ‘the first people’, the ‘original people’, or the ‘real people’, and their stories place them firmly in a place of special power and significance…Far from telling them that they are locked out of Eden, the Indians’ myths confirm that (unless they have been displaced by European contact and settlement) they still live in the place for which they were made; either the site of their own emergence or creation, or a ‘Promised Land’ which they have attained through long migration.
James Wilson.The Earth Shall Weep (Picador, 1998), pp8-.
The Native Americans experience earth as home, this home has been made specifically to meet the needs of the peoples of the earth. The magnitude of this implication is huge, it clearly demonstrates why Native Americans in their daily lives treat the Earth with respect and dignity. For them it clearly shows that the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is happening here and now, not in some mythical place in the future. Secondly it means that the earth is not a dumping ground, or a way station for human beings on their way to somewhere better.
There is no dominion concept in Native American Spirituality, there are significant differences in how Native Americans, interact with the other inhabitants of the Earth, i.e.; animals, plants and minerals. These companions of our Earth are co habitants, who are here for us to learn from and live with on our Home.
There is respectfulness to the interdependence between human beings and the other forms of life on our planet. The many stories that demonstrate the need to share our home with not only the living beings that inhabit it, but also natural forces, like the wind and rain.
Finally, these myths inform us that creation itself is an ongoing process. All that is, is part of an ongoing Creation Story, it didn’t just happen millions of years ago and end there. Most importantly, the Spirit that first infused the world is still with us now, and can be experienced as ‘immanence’, spirit that imbues all things.
Native American spirituality sees all things from the context that everything has been given a spirit and spirits communicate with each other all the time. For human beings to survive they must strive to understand these dialogues between the manifestations of these spirits and not insult the spirits of the wind or the earth.
Spiritually, Consciousness is not just the domain of human beings, for everything has its own life force and spirit. All the world created with man must be understood and acknowledged, if Human beings are to continue to survive on this planet. My spiritual path expects me to understand and acknowledge when I have cause pain or hardship up one of the other spirits that live in my world. I acknowledge the gift of life that is given when I eat the food that is offered up to me daily. I pray to the wind, the sun, the rain and the earth that I walk upon, offering up my willingness to understand what each spirit is offering me in my walk upon this earth.
Winona LaDuke articulates it clearly in this passage:
According to our way of looking, the world is animate. This is reflected in our language, in which most nouns are animate…Natural things are alive, they have a spirit. Therefore, when we harvest wild rice on our reservation we always offer tobacco to the earth because, when you take something, you must always give thanks to its spirit for giving itself to you.
Winona LaDuke. Resurgence, Sept/Oct, Issue 178, p.8.
And John Mohawk most eloquently expresses the indigenous relationship to creation when he writes:
The natural world is our bible. We don’t have chapters and verses; we have trees and fish and animals. The creation is the manifestation of energy through matter. Because the universe is made up of manifestations of energy, the options for that manifestation are infinite. But we have to admit that the way it has manifested itself is organized. In fact, it is the most intricate organization. We can’t know how we impact on its law; we can talk only about how its law impacts upon us. We can make no judgment about nature.
The Indian sense of natural law is that nature informs us and it is our obligation to read nature as you would a book, to feel nature as you would a poem, to touch nature as you would yourself, to be a part of that and step into its cycles as much as you can.John Mohawk. Resurgence., Sept/Oct, Issue 178, p11.
Because everything in indigenous spirituality has been given a spirit, it also recognizes that some landscapes, earth formations and certain types of matter represent a super natural embodiment of sacredness.
Indigenous peoples oral histories speak of the special significance of sacred rocks, hills or mountains, where specific rites or rituals were performed. It is within the sacred places, especially mountaintops, or isolated wilderness areas where Native Americans perform their rites of passage, initiation ceremonies, where people go to fast and pray and perhaps the dreams of vision quest will open before them.
The unfortunate reality is that so many modern people view this sensibility as nothing more than superstition at the least and for some, out right satanic worship.
I can’t tell you how many times I have been accused of devil worship or worse because I practice Native American spiritualism. I have my fetish, my medicine bag, my prayer feathers and my smudges and those who don’t know any better, condemn when they would be better off just being quiet. I don’t wear my spiritual embodiment as a fashion statement. I wear my coyote fetish around my neck, my medicine pouch is also with me either around my neck or in my pocket. These have unfortunately be seen by some people, when they pop out of my shirt and I have been asked if I am a devil worshiper. I am appalled at some of the ignorance that is being perpetuated in some of the evangelical churches today.
In his book, Sacred Earth, Arthur Versluis, challenges us to examine our motives and our thinking, when he tells the story of the desecration of Shunganunga Bluff, overlooking Topeka, Kansas, with a water tower.
A sacred high place, where for ages people have gone to fast and be alone with the spirits – a point at which above and below meet – must not be dug into and damaged, for it is charged with spiritual power. When a sacred place is desecrated – which is what the great disk-like water tank gouged in the side of the hill entails – one can expect that there will be consequences. One can feel the disturbed energy in the air around the water tower; there is wild graffiti completely encircling the tank, and everywhere around that bluff one feels the sense of desecration.
Arthur Versluis. Sacred Earth; The Spiritual Landscape of Native America (Inner Traditions, 1992).
We have now come full circle, like life itself, back to the very basis of Native American Spirituality. The relationships between human beings, the land and all the creations that inhabit this Earth. This quote from Weatenatenamy, Chief of the Cayuse nation, clearly goes to the heart of why I am a Native American Spiritualist.
I wonder if the ground has anything to say: I wonder if the ground is listening to what is said…the earth says, God has placed me here. The Earth says, that God tells me to take care of the Indians on the earth; the Earth says to the Indians that stop on the Earth feed them right. God named the roots that he should feed the Indians on; the water speaks the same way…the grass says the same thing… The Earth and water and grass say God has given our names and we are told those names; neither the Indians nor the Whites have a right to change those names, the Earth says, God has placed me here to produce all that grows upon me, the trees, fruit, etc. The same way the Earth says, it was from her man was made. God, on placing them on the Earth, desired them to take good care of the earth do each other no harm. God said.
Lee Miller, (ed.).From the Heart, Voices of the American Indian (Pimlico, 1997) p.333.
Please let me know what you think of this information and if I should continue bringing this kind of information in diary form.
…calls what we believe – I’m an animist – superstition, but what they believe R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N?
Thanks for this post, ghostdancers.
there is a quote to that effect….the definition of superstition is other people’s religion.
fairly early in the Hebrew scriptures. It’s a foundational concept for Jews and Christians, as is the assertion that theirs is the only acceptable way.
Conversion is a foundational concept for Christianity, it’s a quoted instruction of Jesus.
Tolerance, and more rarely, acceptance of the propriety of other beliefs, are sometimes pasted on top of this foundation.
Hi ghost…you already know my answer. And I did go back and read over the diary at Eurotrib like I said I would so that’s where I posted my other comments.
I’ve recommended your diary beause this is an important topic and you’re presented it with your usual excellant perspective. But, I tell you that whether or not the “Christian” doctrine becomes the Law of the Land, it is already the guiding hand in society.
It’s been 20 years since I lost custody of my children. I never lost their hearts and loyalty to me; only their physical custody. But, it was a grief, a stab to my heart that has never healed. The ex-husband’s lawyer was unrelenting: “Who are you worshiping around these bonfires and circles? It’s the devil, isn’t it? It’s Satan!” I repeated over and over, “I worship our Mother Earth, our Father Sun and the Great Spirit. Satan is a Christian concept. I am not a Christian.” That condemned me, right there. I didn’t accept Jesus as my lord and savior; I was damned. The judge took my children away because I was not a Christian.
They are grown now. Both of them are pagans. My son married a pagan and will raise my grandchildren as pagans. But, we all know that we practice outside of what is acceptable. This has not changed in a thousand years and it will not change until Jesus fails to show up and save these bigots from the responsibility for their crimes against the Earth. And, we will all suffer the consequences. Some of us sooner than others, I fear.
I lost my first born, a daughter, because 1 I am a recovering heroin addict, the judge just could never see beyond the heroin. 2, I am not a christian either and her mother’s lawyer brought out many of the same issues, your ex’s lawyer did, that sealed the deal and I have not seen her now in over 7 years. She will be 12 this Oct.
I pray that Great Spirit will guide her and keep her safe, until such time as she deems she wants to know her father.
I am so sorry to hear that you lost your children. Thankfully they are now back in your life.
I really liked what you wrote here “until Jesus fails to show up and save these bigots from the responsibility for their crimes against the Earth.”
I think that is why so many feel they can live the way they do – Jesus will save em… but who will save us from their belief?
I was told that not only did I hate America because I didn’t
but that I also hated Christians.
I think they want a war. Any war. Wars make them feel useful even though they don’t serve in any way except for prayer to Bush and the troops.
As to losing children… you can lose them if you use medicinal marijuana.
You can lose them if you refuse to turn them into Ritalin addicts. I know 3 parents of autistic children who have had the state of CA and NV take their children away because the schools felt they were neglecting their children by not drugging them.
we are war, not just in Iraq.
Thank you so much for this diary.
Thank you.
I believe you are a messenger for the Human Beings, and your words must keep coming for those who have not listened.
You are giving light for those who cannot see in the shadows of these dark times.
It is your journey to spread the words of the ancestors.
Listen to your heart, your spirit, and Earth Mother my brother, and continue your journey.
Go in peace,
“God, on placing them on the Earth, desired them to take good care of the Earth. Do each other no harm. God said”.
Thank you.
A lesson we should all heed.
yes. please do keep on writing. I am always enriched by your writing and perpsective. Thank you for your time and care in writing this.
Please do continue to post this kind of diary-I don’t know much about Native American Spirituality, although I know more now, thanks to you. I am a pagan myself and it’s scary times out there.
We are always enriched by your comments and diaries, but especially by this one. Like an ecosystem, in our diversity lies our strength and resilience. Please feel free to continue to share with us on this (or any) subject as you are moved to do so.
The capitalists have already won the culture war. Theocrats are nothing but slaves of kapital.
Native American ghosts live and dance on the grave of the American Zombie’s Dream.
Tommorrow I am a ghost.
Today I am Buddha’s priest set ablaze in the town square of the living dead.
Thanks Ghostdancer’s for these beautiful diaries. I appreciate your work in posting them here. I believe that change happens slowly and always at the cellular level. Even reading one small part of your diary is going to effect a certain change somewhere.
As a Winkte, I share your concern. Great diary and recommended
Ghostdancers, I want you to continue to write your diaries. I am learning and that is what I want to do. I am not a pagen. I am of the faith that goes along with yours and that is to say, I believe that my God wants and demands we take great care of our earth, that he was so very generous to give to us to inhabit. They way that this method is described is not determined by any religion IMHO. He did not say to which religion he gave the most authority to do this, as a matter of fact it is not religion’s part to do that IMO, it is simply a human charge to take for us all to take great care of our earth and heavens. I suppose I am someone who might want you with me and me with you in assuming this charge, and I promise I will do my part.
Yes indeed, I love your diary tonight and always. Your thoughts on many topics have given me great thoughts in return. Thank you, very much. From a Christian not like the others out there that take you to task for what they believe in and it is wrong too. I feel they are not legitimate Christians for if they were they would return love with love. That is what I hear coming from your heart. May some light shine in your life and heart to be there for when your children are in need of your great counsel-advise.
What a beautiful diary! Thank you, Ghostdancer’s Way. Please don’t stop writing about beliefs, we as humans all believe and it is one thread that binds us, if we let it.
I was a child of 9 when my family visited my Aunt in Utah. My brother was old enough to drive and we kids merrily bombed around the desert in an old open jeep. We visited unexcavated cliff dwellings, drove down dry dusty washes, and visited a Navaho burial site. The burial site consisted of one body wrapped in a blanket, in a fetal position, under huge boulders in the middle of the desert. It was a beautiful wind-swept spot full of majesty and incredible power. I was in awe… in that moment I understood in my 9 year old mind the reverance held for nature by Native Americans. To this day the memory gives me goose flesh. I believe that my own reverence for nature springs from that moment of realization so long ago.
I want to thank you for reminding me of things I already know, Ghostdancer’s Way… yours is a gentle spirit, smiling and wise. I’m glad to know you.
Thanks for writing your diaries, ghostdancer, they are always filled with such… generosity, I think is the word I’m looking for. There is a lot of giving.
Please do continue to write them.