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Good Morning/Evening, look who has come to visit us today. Yes Darwin and I hope you will make him feel welcome. I know he has a bit of a problem with his handcuffs, so could you help him out with food and drinks. |
I have provided this little pond for Darwin to flop around in.
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The Welcome Wagon is always parked here, so if you are new “Tell us About You.” |
Have a good start or ending to you day today, depending on your world location, and be sure to spend lots of time with us in the Cafe.
Be sure to seeManeegees Diary: “What have you done for Boo Lately”,
Here is a great pictures courtesy of Olivia with my cropping applied.
I want my Darwin coffee mugs! Maybe they’ll arrive today.
Here’s to a most happy news day for all frogs everywhere.
Will you post a picture of you drinking with your mug? I mean … I know you use your mug .. oh well.
OH YAWNERS … Hard to get up this morning! How are all of you?
P.S. Democracy Now! is really good today. I haven’t seen it yet — waiting until 8AM when it’s on FSTV. Amy interviews Seymour Hersh **AND** Robert Dreyfuss, who’s written numerous muckraker-type articles on the CIA’s economic spies (such as Valerie Plame).
Will you post a picture of you drinking with your mug? I mean … I know you use your mug .. oh well.
Lol! A picture of my mug with my mug?
Wish I could post a picture, but I haven’t made the effort yet to investigate digital cameras and how to etc. I’m not a Luddite, just a slothite.
kansas, I love what you said above:
What a great descriptor. I’ll have to borrow that line.
That’s one of my upcoming Friday ideas…
“Show us your mugs!” and for the t-shirts, “Show us you jugs!” (or lack thereof)
I think someone needs to kiss the frog to see if he might be a prince. Sorry it can’t be me I am under the weather and don’t want to spread germs. Happy Tuesday everyone.
Sorry you don’t feel good.
Is this the germmy table? Maybe I could sit with you?
I just showed back up but yes please sit with me. I have to keep going out and moving the sprinkler. I am beginning to think this is allergies as when I return from outside I loose my voice and my ears plug up. The thistles are blowing their seeds around the past two days. I dig them out and they just blow in and replant themselves. Joys of living in the country. Had a skunk blow last night and thought we would be bathing kitties but if he was aiming at them he missed. But the house reeked for an hour or more.
For the day-before-vacation hike I come back to where I started, the Grand Canyon. This loop hike starts at the South Kaibab Trail and descends to the Inner Gorge, 7 miles and 5000 feet below. The trail follows a ridge down into the canyon which means that it, unlike the Bright Angel Trail, offers constant views of the canyon. That’s the very good news with the bad news being that there is little shade and your knees take a beating on the steep trail. But those canyon views are very distracting as is the knowledge that if you get down to the Phantom Ranch early enough in the day, there will still be cold beer waiting for you.
Get a good night’s sleep to prepare for the climb up the Bright Angel Trail back to the rim. The 9 mile Bright Angel Trail goes in and out of side canyons as it works its way up, offering shady respite from the sun. Although views of the canyon are limited, the very acceptable tradeoff is that you directly experience the layers of time exposed by the canyon as you walk through each layer, from the 1.7 billion year old Vishnu schist at the bottom to the 270 million year old Kaibab limestone at the rim*.
From the South Kaibab Trail, the inner gorge and a much better view of the original blue dot (which is green because the Glen Canyon dam keeps the river much too free of sediment).
* For more information on the amazing geology the the Grand Canyon, you can visit this site.
The confusion stems from the fact that that is obviously a Green Stripe rather than a Blue Dot. I hope I have helped to clear this up.
What critters have you seen on these GC hikes?
I hope you have a really wonderful vacation!
The best thing are the california condors. They are quite majestic. The worst thing is the Abert’s Squirrel which will happily mug you for a cookie.
Mule deer are plentiful as are lizards.
We would like to see (from a safe distance) the rare pink rattlesnake but we’ve never had so much as a hint of one.
However, the best park we’ve been to for wildlife viewing is Glacier National Park with Grand Teton a close second.
I saw a pink rattlesnake! It was at Arches National Park. Now, the range of the Grand Canyon pink rattlesnake doesn’t extend that far and supposedly Arches only has faded midget rattlers (which are not supposed to be pink) but I swear it was pink – pretty well camouflaged against the pink dirt. Probably just a color variant of a faded midget.
We had put our cooking pots under a small juniper for the night and when we got up the next morning, there it was all snuggled against the pot I wanted to use to cook breakfast. Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait long to be able to get our pot – it gets hot so early at Arches that Mr. Snake moseyed on along to a cooler hole in the ground not long after we discovered him.
I also have a good rattler pic from an early morning hike at Tsankawi in New Mexico, but I decided not to post it – might scare Darwin.
I know what you mean about scaring the frog. I looked up photos of pink rattlers, with the idea of posting one of them, but then I just couldn’t do it. But anybody who wants to see one the really safe way will find plenty of creepy crawly pictures on google images. Not for those of faint stomach, however.
Actually, I don’t think rattlesnakes are that big on frogs (those damn squirrels should worry, though). He’d probably be a lot more concerned if you put up a picture of my favorite snake, the ultra-cool blue racer.
Well, I didn’t have in mind so much actual amphibians as “BooFroggers” who might have a phobia and cringe if they saw my picture. It’s a close up – I don’t know what I was thinking when I took it. Sometimes I’m scared when I come across one of those guys, but other times I feel very calm and as if we’re just all critters who happen to be sharing some space at the moment. So far, my instincts have led me right. Don’t know if I have good instincts or it’s been just dumb luck.
Here’s the picture if any non-phobic Tribbles want to know what I’m going on about.
very meaningful about me that all I was thinking about was Darwin.
I can only think of one time we’ve come across a snake while hiking and it was a garter snake. But since we get plenty of snakes here at home, I don’t feel particularly deprived.
I think of Arches as nature’s amusement park. All the hikes there are such fun.
The confusion stems from the fact that that is obviously a Green Stripe rather than a Blue Dot. I hope I have helped to clear this up.
But, but … if you had been closer to the original blue dot it would have been a green stripe so the green stripe is the the blue dot in the endless multiverses of possibility.
I’m so dizzy now.
That’s exactly the effect I like to have on people. Keep ’em off balance and they never notice what a schlump I am.
Boy, it’s another hot and muggy one here in NC. These days I can’t sit on the front step drinking a cup of coffee no matter how early I get up. At 6:00 AM it’s already nearing 80 and the last thing I want to do is start sweating again before I’ve even dried off from my morning shower.
I’ll have an iced coffee, Diane.
Love the Anne LaMott sig line. I just cited her in writing to a friend in NYC that it’s OK to write a shitty first draft (speaking of my own writing, not my friend’s).
Here too (Denver area). We had a record at the airport today – 101º. But it’s a dry heat. 🙂
I had to do some work in the real world for a few minutes this morning and by the time I finished that, the orders were mounting here in the cafe, I am afraid you will have to use self service today, Zander is away, the cafe is undermanned, it’s every (hu)man for him/her self.
As usual when I read all of your entries in these diaries I want to respond to all of you personally, as your topics and comments and pics are usually so darn interesting, but you know one person just cannot, even a 24/18 computering person like me.
The cafe has a capacity for oh maybe 100 people at a time, so there is plenty of room in here for some of you who have never visited ye old cafe. We can even build an extension if the place gets too crowded, so jump in, splash around, rem. to keep pic. in new comments, if possible and under 400 px.
Have a great day/night everyone, spread plenty of 4’s around and May the force be with you. (I just saw Star Wars.) (smiley face)
Puget Sound has settled into a classic summer pattern of low to mid-level patchy mist underneath crystal clear blue skies, warming and clearing away later in the day.
A morning view much like today on a northern Fidalgo Island beach.
It looks as if you now have the weather that we had earlier today in Maine. Getting hot even here, so I imagine it’s really ugly in the Outside World.
Fog moved in last night about dusk, so thick it was hard to see across the road.
most places I can see. The mountains are gone but above them is solid blue sky. It’s mainly hazy but clear now at ground level; there are chunks of very low cloudlets drifting around especially some of the hilltops.
Even lifelong Seattlites won’t consider it hot today. We’re only expected to range from 55 this morning to 75 in the afternoon. 80F is when the panic sets in.
I know what you mean. I go into meltdown above about 75.
This is my fav of the photos you’ve posted so far, Gooserock.
Here is my first try with the ‘code’ thing for a link of a very excellent article reg. la’affair Plame in the Democratic Underground. Hope the link works.
Congrats! That worked perfectly
I read it and thanks for linking. Good article, well written, and clear. What will they do next?
Thanks for the mention in the diary Diane, I hope it helps Boo out alittle with site promotion. Things are somewhat chaotic today at work so I will be in and out throughout the day. Last night was very eventful as Mother Nature decided to show up in full-force with a big thunderstorm. Check out this lightning we had:
Click on the picture to see what else I had to deal with…I was one of those 35,000 people.
Talk to you all later.
Speaking of friends. . .Tucson’s not all that big, so I’ll ask you something. I won’t use their names, but I wonder if you happen to know some friends of mine. She works for the Tucson Hospice and he’s a carpenter/contractor? They’re rock climbers, to further identify them.
Does Purple Rain fall from purple skies?
Hmmm, not ringing a bell. We’re actually pretty decent-sized now. There has been an explosion of growth, even though our road system remains archaic. 🙂
Beautiful photo, I can’t wait until August when we’re going out to Arizona again. (as well as Utah, Colorado and NM) Post some more!
Ah, good ol’ monsoon season. I do not miss that from my years in Tucson but the lightening storms were spectacular. Hope all is back up and running for you ok Manny.
We do have amazing lightning storms, but unfortunately it’s problematic for the electricity grid around here. I was only without power for about 2 hours, enough to make me nervous regarding the newly-bought groceries in the frigidare. But all is well, thx for askin 🙂
Haven’t had as much time online since our move. It seems like once I get the chance to get online, all my time is spent getting caught up on past posts and stories … and then I run out of time for news scouting and comments and diary writing. I have to find a new balance.
I’ve finally got a photo account at Flickr, so I’m going try to post some pics. Hoping that I don’t go over the boundaries (all the pics are under 400). Here goes …
I’ll start w/ my fat cat, who is remarkably similar in colouring to many other BooTribbers’ feline companions.
He rues the day I brought home the dig cam, I used him as my model when learning the camera’s features.
And some pics from my new garden (the primary reason my online time has decreased so much … all my energies focused now on deadheading and pruning!)
Lots of rosebushes in the garden. (And LOTS of thorns and scratches until I bought my rose gloves yesterday, which go up to my elbows.)
Dew drops sparkle like diamonds in the morning sun.
And I finally have a home for Mr. Gnome. He’s the wise old man of the garden.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Great pics, and I want to steal copies for future FBC diaries, esp. the gnome one, Is that ok with you..
Your plants look great, where are you located. Mine have suffered lately due to the weather and I lost several prized plants lately as well as a new fuschia plant (never have been able to keep fuschia alive.)
I must go and do a check in my garden now, to see what the state is today, and see if the tomato stealer has made a recent theft…
Thanks Diane. I’d be honoured to have Mr. Gnome in the FBC. Now that I’ve got my garden and my camera, I’ll keep an eye out to see if any amphibious-types show up. :o)
I live in Ottawa Canada. We’ve had quite a hot spell over the last two months – high 30s and low 40s (which translates to high 90s and it was over 100F a couple days ago on my thermometer.) It’s sticky, humidity hot. Hot that makes people w a l k a n d t a l k r e a l s l o w . . .
This morning, we were warned via news that the province is likely to run out of electricity today (d/t the amount of energy running a/c), so expect rolling black-outs.
I water every 3rd day if there has been no rain. So far so good. It’s so hot during the day, that I’ve been working out there at night, just before sun down.
Ah, to be Canadian … complain about the heat in the summer … complain about the cold in the winter. Good to see I’m confirming those labels, eh?
Good luck w/ your plants. And your tomatoes!
It’s not entirely wild extremes. You could live in Victoria, world famous for its gardens, and complain about the year-round presence of rain and absence of extremes.
Gardens of Victoria site.
Sort of a Seattle for the civilized world.
I should say, to be Ontarian.
I’ll change my comment above to: Canadians love to complain about the weather!
Lovely gardens in Victoria. Thanks for the link.
That’s a beautiful cosmos picture. What camera are you using? It seems you’ve learned it well.
The camera is a Canon ELPH SD300. It’s one of the tiny ones, but it has a remarkable number of features. It’s the first dig cam I’ve owned, and I’ve been interested in playing w/ the different features – zoom, digital macro, lighting on manual setting, black/white settings, etc. I’m really impressed w/ the results from this little guy. It’s really good on close up, but I’ve also used it at hockey games to capture action shots quite well.
Thank you. I’ll add that to the list of cameras to check out. The list seems to be evolving into Nikon and Canon models, and prices are coming down dramatically from where they were a couple of years ago.
Sob, rabbits ate both of my from-seed Cosmos down to the nubs. That gorgeous photo is as close as I’m going to get this year.
Those pesky wabbits. Here’s another pic for ya …
(To see it larger go here – I didn’t want to mess w/ the boundaries by posting the larger version.)
Thank you! They’re sweet plants, aren’t they?
I can’t post the pics because they are copyrighted, but here are some links to Yosemite and the Eastern Sierra’s, taken by Dan Mitchell. He has pictures of many of my favorite hiking area’s in the Sierra’s. I hope you enjoy them.
Hey Kansas, they should help us keep cool, many are from the spring and fall in the Sierra’s, what a great time that is to hike in the mountains.
Eastern Sierra’s
Ooo, lovely. I esp. like the cloud formations in that first one.
Is it rainy and cool around Lawrence this morning, GD?
I am working in Topeka and it is cloudy, rainy, stormy, lots of lightning and thunder, perfect day to be inside an air conditioned office. How is Prairie Village today.
PV is delightfully cool, rainy, cloudy.
We should get you and me and Katiebird together for a Kansas Boo meet some time. There are other Kansans on this site, too, I believe.
I’d do it!
How about the Great Mall of the Plains, that would be close to all of us I would assume. I live south of Lawrence.
seen KansasNate.
I post updates on his antiSam blog. Keeping up to date on the theocratic Sam the brownshirt Brownback.
KansasNate, that’s who I was trying to think of. When we do this, whenever that is, we’ll let him know, too. Personally, I’d be happy to drive to Lawrence, wouldn’t you, Katiebird? Always delighted to be in the litle blue heart of the state.
Sure, I’d love to got to Lawrence — maybe the Brewery?
Gotta love that blue heart in this otherwise redstate. I cried when I saw that splash of blue, that did not vote that bigoted anti gay marriage amendment. Thought I was going to have to come to blows with one of my neighbors, who kept pulling down my, Kansas, as bigoted as you think. lmao
You Kansas folks – I highly recommend a get-together. We have a group in Austin that started out as just a let’s get together and have a beer and see what these people we’ve been conversing with look and sound like IRL. Now we meet at least once a month. We’re all really excited about the great new friendships we’re forming.
Hope you like what I did with your pic, and it is in the diary also, I will use the gnome later today in the next FBC edition.
Thanks Diane. It’s nice to see part my garden on the welcome message to the FBC. Now it really feels like home here!
It’s been a cool summer in Portland until now-I think we hit 100 yesterday and almost that is expected today. I’m out adjusting the irrigation again at work and am actually solving problems instead of breaking it like last week. Fixing it with it running IS an option. I tell people the reason I’ve lasted so long (30 years) in this job is because I can climb trees, play in the mud, run through the sprinklers AND get paid for it. Some people were never meant to work indoors encased in polyester blends. Of course people like us will become extinct if the US becomes a theocracy.
I often visit and occasionally contribute to our local indymedia site which is the hottest one in the nation. It’s journalism at its wild and wooliest, definitely an acquired taste but I got to have a wonderful interaction with a poster who was irked because someone lectured him about not wearing a bicycle helmet. I told him that the woman may have been seriously impacted by someone else’s head injury or maybe she was a caring person who was socially inept. And maybe it was her way of saying I love you. He understood what I wrote and said he’s looking at the situation from a different perspective.
The library sent notice that a DVD checked out to me was missing so I called them to say I was certain I had turned it in last week so perhaps it was lost in their system. The woman I spoke with said “oh I’m sorry” to which I replied “It’s OK because I love you folks.” She was somewhat taken aback.
And it’s true that I do love the young cyclists with and without helmets and the librarians too but until now I haven’t had a chance to tell them. There certainly are a lot of people I don’t love and it’s OK now not to pretend that I do instead of some phony unconditional love.
It’s been difficult undoing the knots in this life, the things I said and did because I felt I had to in order to survive. Seems like I’ve reached a clearing now, someplace cool and green.
Well I have certainly rambled on and on when all I meant to do was say good morning!
and a danish. Cherry sounds good to me.
How is everyone doing at the Cafe? Has the fire inspector determined that we are safe to host so many patrons?
Ooops, wrong inspector.
Espresso coming right up, someone will be bring it soon. Thanks boo for stopping by the cafe (did Darwin drag you along), we have been cleared for 100 patrons, sometimes we squeeze a few more in, don’t tell the fire inspectors.
The cafe is the place to be if you want to know what is happening to the real people around the world, we know weather, gardens, home life, jobs, and a whole lot more.
So what’s happening in your neck of the woods and what is the temp like. Says 78 deg. here at 11:37am in socal, but it feels hotter than that. We have been warned about brownouts and blackouts this summer, so what will we Calfornians do without internet access.
I want to get an evergency generator.
Booman, be sure to come back often, the folks like to see the site proprietor here.
Still HOT here. About to get the blender fired up and make some Amaretto Frozen Frappes.
GOT THE LOAN!!!!!!!! Notary lady is coming over today at 5 and we sign the dotted lines. WHEW! No on to a new bank for checking/savings account.
Big one finger salute to Navy Federal Credit Union who denied us every time we ever asked for a loan. So long and thanks for nothing after 20 years of never missing a payment.
Hockey may be starting up… hooray …I’m still pissed off at them though. I will not be getting Centre Ice (to watch the games on tv) I will watch whatever game is on. The money we save can go to Amnesty Intl.
Diane, I wrote the salmon recipes down for my mom and myself. Yours and there were two others… My mom had been looking for yours for like FOREVER 🙂 I’ll be trying them all out.
Golden tickets and golden fours to everyone!
Janet, glad you and your mom liked the recipes in my diary on cheap cooking,
I thought I might give another one out:
Nutritious Chews:
3 eggs well beaten
1 C. raw sugar
1 C. Chopped Walnuts
1 C. Shredded coconut
1 C. Chopped dates
1/4 C. Wheat Germ
1/4 Peanut Butter
3/4 C. Oatmeal
Oven 350, combine all ingredients, press down in a well oiled 9 in. square pan, bake 20 min. cut into squares.
Good news about your loan…congrats…May the cool be with you.
You can make substitutions for some of the ingred. with nuts, dried berries and butters of your choice, but it is delish and kids love it. You could make this into separate cookie type balls and bake for an easy for kids version. This is also a good one for kids to make.
Maybe I will do another cooking diary soon…
I’ll try those out when baking season returns 🙂 Fallish. Ever notice how expensive those granola bars and cereal bars are getting. OMIGOSH! So I will definitely give thos a whirl 🙂
one of my coworkers sent this to me, it is kind of fun to see if you can trick darth vader into the wrong answers.
Darth Vader
and he wants
Darth Tator Tots
of course he wants those.
Most excellent!
Here’s a simpler version. Goes faster and without the Darth Vader insults. I think it’s only been wrong once or twice when I’ve answered honestly.
My AC unit is finally hooked up-it’s now a frigid 81 degrees (and dropping) here indoors in beautiful muggy SE PA.
I feel like my neuronal function is finally returning!
I just spent an hour working in my garden, trying to provide some shade for it and tying up some tom. It is getting hot outside, then I came back into my nice cool room and found the tv off,,,,I thought ‘brown out’….but it came back on soon, so keeping fingers crossed. Just watched this spot about people and heat and they said among other things 2 hours in a/c resets the heat clock for elders. So elders think about that…if you don’t have a/c. Not that you are an elder Cabin, just passing it along.
Poor Tom! 🙂
Glad you got the AC!!! (as I feel droplets run between my cleavage, my back, my knees… CRIPES)
Must. Get. Ice. Cream. (which is not dandy for the wanting to toss some pounds)
Come on over, there’s penty of cool air and (and today, pina coladas!) to go around!
I’ve actually survived the summer during the last few years by spending the morning in the library or coffee shop working, then coming home in the afternoon to melt.
I keep dancing around the house, sticking my feet on top of the vents, goin “AC, I have AC!”
Our little guy at 13 is to have his recently-blinded right eye removed tomorrow. You can see from the picture that he likes to look people straight in the eye. “Mommy” is of course concerned; he’s a real charmer, people-doggie and cuddler.
We’re advised that the prognosis is excellent, and of course he’s already adjusted to his lost sight. Among the greater concerns of this world that hold your attention, hoist a toast for him if you get a chance.
I’ll have my fingers crossed, Gooserock. I count on hearing a good report.
Lots of warm happy thoughts are heading his way from all of us at Chez Cabin! I hope everyting goes well tomorrow.
Another errand day (post work for the spouse), but today was fun, because we got our New Toys: HIS AND HERS iPODS! 🙂
His: 1GB iPod Shuffle
Hers: 20GB iPod (I’m the techie in the family, so I deserve it!)
I’ve got to finish charging the iPod before I can load anything on it, unfortunately, so I’ll probably have to wait till tomorrow to officially play with it. However, I set up another playlist — Walking Workout — with some upbeat music to get my ass moving out of here.
I’ve got a great playlist all set for the spouse’s Shuffle, but since I added Queen to the music library, I need to add a few more tunes. I’ll work on setting it up tomorrow night…
Can’t wait to fire this bad girl up… 😉
Hi Cali, nice to hear you had a happy day as you seemed down of late.
Isn’t it interesting how we know so much about each other on this site now, I just love seeing the daily updates and whatnots, and happenings in tribber’s lives.
Your comments are always very interesting, many times I have meant to respond to you but not sure if I have, so I wanted to take some time now.
Sounds like you are going to have some fun with new equipment, I just love getting new gadgets myself, hoping a new computer comes my way soon….that would be fun..
Have fun with your pods! We gave my mom a shuffle for Valentine’s day (she’s the best!), and half the fun was loading it and charging it ahead of time, so it was ready to go right out of the box for her!
Actually charged up quicker than expected; I am now listening to the Podcast of last Friday’s Morning Sedition — since they stopped repeating the broadcast from 6-9 Pacific (when they added Jerry Springer), I’ve missed hearing it on our local AAR station.
This is going to be very cool for our trip down to SoCal; since it’s going to be about 9 hours one way (train and bus) and 11 hours back (train).
I’m still frustrated with the disorganization in this place…but I’m resigned to the fact that I’m not going to get any cooperation unless I take matters into my own hands and get rid of shit that the spouse wants to keep; sometimes it takes tough love to get through a thick skull. 🙂
I think I’m also worried about what the answer’s going to be tomorrow from the doctor doing his transit physical (was supposed to go today, but they were shorthanded so they asked if he could come tomorrow instead). Having him home on disability for a few days/weeks might enable us to get stuff done…or he might just end up staying up too damn late and never getting anything done.
I’ve been coping with the status quo for 14+ years…as the saying goes, I knew the job was dangerous when I took it…I know I’m not going to change him, so it’s a matter of accepting what is and adjusting my mindset accordingly.
I have to confess, I haven’t downloaded any of the podcasts yet…we’re excited about listening to Brian Jacques’ Rakkety Tam on the way to the outer banks next week though!
Still hot in the mtns and in need of a cold one. Let’s not talk politics tonight…K? I’m toast and need a break.
Little Tom Waits on the stereo and a pint of lager-COLD-if you will.
Heh, I did a google search for lager, and was highly amused by this. I’m guessing that’s not what you wanted.
how ’bout one- o- these instead…heh? Make it 2…the 1st one’s already gone:

a safer choice. My apologies for the ba-a-a-a-a-a-d joke.
A whiskey and soda, please…. and go light on the ice….. hmmm…. there’s light at the end of this workoholic’s tunnel…. I think it’s called dawn of a new day.
Birds twittering 4AM and the sky goes lighter midnight blue. Balmy and soft. A beautifl day is born.
My writing partner at the other desk putting the finishing touches on his new opus…. The one I wrecked with all my radical politics and quotes…. ahh well, just don’t be the name on the marquee and the show will go on…..
The loved one is far far away….. In time and space and thought. The thrill is gone BB King….. and I am not moaning about it (for once)
“All great literature is based on a single theme… the case of mistaken identity.” If the Loved One is not who I think, and if that was not love, either… how can I suffer?
Bollocks!! A whiskey, please, one for managee and one for dada too, whatever they’re having.
Suskind, there you are, how would you like to do a diary right now for the FBC, the night one for us/day for you. let me know asap or I will be putting one up.
You can’t lose what you never had…aka love…old, classic blues lyric.
Another pint would do nicely…thanks!