View via White House Webcam. The daily briefing was cancelled. And why shouldn’t they? The press will switch over to the SCOTUS nominee. No reason for McClellan to add sound bites about stonewalling on Rove to today’s news.
View via White House Webcam. The daily briefing was cancelled. And why shouldn’t they? The press will switch over to the SCOTUS nominee. No reason for McClellan to add sound bites about stonewalling on Rove to today’s news.
thread? I want to remind everyone here that there is a Congressional race in Ohio on August 2nd. If you live near the area, you can help out by:
If your not in the area, you can send a donation (see my signature).
With something of this importance, I’d hate for any potential volunteers and/or contributors to miss all the great information you shared. This seems like a topic calling out for its own diary. (imho)
I will try to write one ASAP. It has been very hectic here at home but this shouldn’t take long.
Well, just so you don’t miss it:
I’m not going to comment on that, it’s part of an ongoing investigation.
I think our views on that have been made well known.
I believe we’ve already covered that.
Go ahead, Goyal.
said it was cancelled because McClellan didn’t want to be deflecting questions about the Supreme Court nominee.
I’m a simple guy, I believe.
Such a very touching expression of trust in one’s fellows, Ed.
I have a bridge available for sale, good condition, recent paint job, convenient to all amenities, modestly priced. A great bargain!
an apartment on the Brooklyn side, we’ve got a deal.
Courtesy of Digby,
Findlaw is compiling legal documents pertaining to the Valerie Plame case. They can be found at
One of the things I have also noted, but am not sure if it means anything is that they used Valerie Wilson’s maiden name (Plame).
Now if she had been married to Wilson for years, then she may have taken his surname. If she did, then the following paragraphs apply.
Assuming she was known as Valerie Wilson around DC, then a casual White House smear may have identified her as Valerie Wilson. Instead, they referred to her as Valerie Plame, which indicates they must have examined her (confidential) CIA file. (I say this because everything I have read indicates she used her maiden name abroad.)
This means a significant level of maliciousness on the part of whoever originally leaked. They could easily have tried to discredit Wilson by saying a relative got him the assignment, or (casually) mentioned his wife (as Valerie Wilson). But instead, they used her maiden name. Why?
1 – Was this just stupidity on the part of the leaker?
2 – Were they trying to discredit Plame as well as her husband (and if so, why)?
3 – Or was this to get back at the CIA for the leaks concerning caution about Iraq WMD (also see 2)
Thought-provoking comments.
I’m not as knowledgeable on this subject as I’d like to be, so forgive me if I’m behind on the facts of this case.
Would it have been the press that came up with her name? I ask this because Rove was alleged to have only referred to her as “Wilson’s wife”.
they would have referred to her as “Wilson’s wife” or “Valerie Wilson.” If my understanding is correct, the name Valerie Plame was only used outside of the country when she was doing her spy stuff.
The obvious question at this point; was she still an active agent? That question is moot because there is a special investigator (Fitzgerald). If there was no case (as some conservative voices are saying), then why is there an ongoing investigation?
Since she was a specialist in WMD, I wonder if the White House assumed she was part of the CIA leaks urging caution on Iraqi WMD before the war. However, that is sheer speculation on my part, so let’s not get off on a tangent.
I was just out of the office to get a hair cut. Was ‘accosted’ by a couple of activists from HRC who are fighting for equal marriage rights. We had an interesting chat, and he may have been surprised that I was fairly aware of the salient issues. Then we spoke a bit about blogs, which he seemed quite unaware of. I promised to post a comment about their work.

“The Human Rights Campaign envisions an America where gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are ensured of their basic equal rights.”
Top 10 Reasons for Marriage Equality
Q: What is the difference between a family cat and Karl Rove?
A: A Republican congressman once proposed investigating how much money the White House spent on President Clinton’s cat, Socks. Congress has shown no enthusiasm for investigating Rove.
of the Bob Franken comment and it’s even worse than I thought:
The Rove matter is “so yesterday”?
Liberal media?
One thing’s for sure…
CNN’s Certainly Not News!
I loved this little beauty from John Kerry quoted at Reuters:
“The president should not wait to find out whether Rove is convicted in the end for his leak. Either Rove lied to the president about this matter of national security, which means he should be fired immediately, or the president is not being straight with the American people about his own involvement,” Kerry said.
I love how he put the or the president is not being straight with the American people about his own involvement. The nice, subtle dig, hint put it into the public’s mind that Bush is possibly involved. keep eroding the trust. It’s diminished on a daily basis. W doesn’t know that though because He doesn’t pay attention to polls. Maybe it’s time to come out of lala land. Is this regime in it’s “Last throes”? Let’s ask Dick Cheney.
I compiled this from several posts at the Yahoo Group about Raccoons. And I asked for the newspaper article to verify that the story is true. This woman cares for wildlife and dogs.
Hello Everyone….
A dear friend to many and ALL animals, Marna Mills, has endured a
devastating house fire and has lost all, including many rescued animals.
I am asking each and everyone of you that say you care for and love
animals to PLEASE, PLEASE open your hearts and send any donations, no matter how small, so we can return some of the love and caring Marna has given to all animals throughout her life and also to show Marna how much we all appreciate who she is and what she has devoted her life to, the enrichment and safety of both domestics and wildlife.
Marna needs our love, support and any help we are generous enough to help …..Please help……Thank You…
Marna’s address can be obtained by e mailing either Linda @, Deb Workman @
Here is Marna’s daughters address where Marna is staying.
Marna Mills
c/o 215 N.Lafayette Dr.
Muncie,Indiana 47303
Please open your hearts….Put your money where your heart is, loving
animals and those that unconditionally care for them.
Judy – tncoons
Crawdad Creek Wildlife Rehab
ADDS another friend, Sheila:
Marna’s kennel functioned as a haven for orphaned, abandoned and needy animals of all sorts. Marna lost several beloved raccoons, ferrets, her cockatoo, a guinea pig, and a number of dogs and everything that she owned, including the medicines that allowed her to function. As Judy has said, this is a woman who has devoted her life to the selfless care of animals. This is a critical situation, heartbreaking beyond understanding.
Fire wrecks home/kennel; at least one dog dies
BLOUNTSVILLE – Fire destroyed a rural Randolph County farmhouse that doubled as a kennel, killing at least one dog Monday, authorities said.
As of Monday evening, firefighters were unsure how many dogs were accounted for and how many might have died, Blountsville Fire Department’s safety officer Kevin Stautomoyer said.
As many as 20 might have been in the house at the time, Stautomoyer said.
Thirteen surviving dogs were transported to Lynn Veterinary Hospital, veterinarian Bryan Schmitz said.
One was euthanized because of burn wounds and five would remain at the hospital overnight for observation, Schmitz said.
No humans were hurt, Stautomoyer said.
When firefighters arrived, homeowner Marna Mills was tossing dogs out a back door from an area of the house that contained dog cages, Stautomoyer said.
That area eventually burned to the ground, leaving only stacked cages and charred framing behind.
Stautomoyer was unsure if Mills rescued all the dogs.
Flames and heat prevented firefighters from searching the house for dogs though they believe it is possible some died in the blaze.
“By the time I got here, smoke and flames were shooting out of the back side of the house,” Stautomoyer said.
The fire happened around 4 p.m. at 11647 W. Randolph County Road 800-S.
Mills was a licensed kennel operator, Stautomoyer said.
She said she believed the fire’s cause was faulty wiring.
Firefighters battled sweltering temperatures and humidity also, rotating work to keep the men from overheating, Stautomoyer said.
Water was ferried in tankers from hydrants in Losantville.
Departments from Blountsville, Losantville, Modoc, Liberty Township and Parker City responded.
The Hoosier Heartland chapter of the American Red Cross also responded to assess the needs of the fire victims and provide food and drinks to firefighters.
Contact news reporter Nick Werner at 213-5832.
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Can the media walk (follow Rove) and chew gum (cover SCOTUS) at the same time? We’ll soon find out.
Were there questions when he appeared with the Australian PM?