I am not a wine drinker and I don’t know a great deal about this – but respect and support the group – thought I’d pass it along.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comPurpleOcean is a public membership organization of the SEIU
They sent this release in support of a campaign by the United Farm Workers.

Lately, Gallo Wines is worried about too much publicity. And more specifically, they’re worried about the Internet. Why? Because they’re doing something wrong.

more of the release from Purple Ocean after the jump.  If you know more about this, please add info in the comments. Thanks.

The Gallos are one of America’s wealthiest winemaking families, but their seasonal contract workers often endure miserable living conditions without health benefits. The Gallos are right about one thing–they should be very, very worried about the power of the Internet. By adding your name to the Gallo boycott, you’ll send a message to Gallo confirming their worst fears–that exploiting workers can have a very high cost.

Already, tens of thousands of people from across the country have pledged their support in this boycott, started by the United Farm Workers. It’s simple: by standing together, we can convince the Gallos to do the responsible thing. Actions have consequences–and with your help, the Gallos are about to find out that they can’t get away with mistreating their workers.

The famous winemakers have already been found guilty in 2004 by the State of California of illegally trying to get rid of their workers’ union, the Cesar Chavez-founded United Farm Workers. Add your name to the boycott and join Americans across the country in sending a strong message for economic justice.


Your support means so much to the workers in California. Thank you.

In solidarity,
Andy Stern

I think one way Liberals regain power in this country is for us to support our workers and make economic issues a mainstay. Crossposted to MyLeftWing and dKos.