(Not Quite)
Froggy Bottom Pub&Café
Evening Edition
A special Evening Editionfor the late risers, and for those who never went to work for fear they might miss something.
The bar is open, and the windows are too, so help yourself to what you want. The books are for reading, not for propping up wobbly tables… in the best FBC tradition of Brother Feldspar… “When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. – Erasmus”
The drinks are on, but the food is off, except for Lisette’s mother’s health food muffins. The coffee is strong, and so is the language. The battling Thomas’ are at it again. The bar phone is not officially working, so anyone ducking the boss, the creditor, or the Love Object, rest assured your anonymity is our number one concern.
“You’re the only person, of course you’re the only person from here to Aldebaran and back, with whom I’m free entirely; and I think it’s because you’re as innocent as me.” (Dylan Thomas to Caitlin MacNamara, who later became Mrs. Dylan Thomas)
“I hold a beast, an angel, and a madman in me, and my inquiry is as to their working, and my problem is their subjugation and victory, downthrow and upheaval, and my effort is their self expression.” (Dylan Thomas about himself)
“Tell me everything; when you’ll be out again, where you’ll be at Christmas, and that you think of me and love me.
“And when you’re in the world again, we’ll both be useful if you like, trot round, do things, compromise with the They people, find a place with a bath and no bugs in Bloomsbury, and be happy there.”(1936:Dylan Thomas’ first love letter to his future wife, Caitlin, which sold for £12,500 at auction in April of 2004)
: “… it’s nonsense me living without you, you without me: the world is very unbalanced unless; in the very centre of it, we … stand together all the time in a hairy, golden, more-or-less unintelligible haze of daftness …” (letter to Caitlin, May, 1937)
Everyone is welcome here. Come and take your ease or ease into your day. There’s a poker game still going on out back. Just make yourself at home and introduce yourself if you are new to the place. You’ll find this is a very friendly spot & full of fascinating people… Yvonne, the barmaid, is off this morning. But if you need anything ask Lisette who is new to the Cafe, but knows her way around the inside of a pub.
When Called I Will Serve, but if I should fail to hear you, or am busy drinking with someone else, Serve Yourself:
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask Lisette.
If Lisette can’t find what you’re looking for, it probably doesn’t exist.
Now, just trying something new…. coffee and muffins!! Try them, anyways, and tell us how you like them… Lisette and her mother are into health food.. so there’s carrot, zuchinni, cranberry and apple. The coffee is a new brand as well… Good for a try.
Welcome to the Froggy Bottom Pub & Cafe. If you’re so inspired to share your images, please curb your enthusiasm to a width of 300 pixels!! Bottoms up, and have a good evening!
And will you run around the corner and pick up the morning papers when you get a chance? Thanks.
A whiskey soda please, while I peruse the Evening Edition…. I see the Abbey Theatre is in deep trouble again…. hope there’s some hope for their financial resucitation…. And what’s this about the Chatham Report…. The UK Security forces were too busy minding the IRA to mind possible terrorist attacks from other directions??? Jesus!!
Have you got a phone number for Bob Geldof? How did he provide security for all those concerts??? Jesus, we need more rock star diplomats, clearly.
Could I have an Irish Mist, a double, and a cup of stong coffee on the side….
I see my career has been lying fallow for the last three days…. One might come around to getting in the mood to start thinking about going back to work…. hmmmm…..
Time for a good ponder….. is there one of those mild untipped cigars behind the bar???
Has anyone been in inquiring about last night’s billiards or today’s poker game??? Are any of the sporty types around???
Barely after midnight; I’m still halfway through a glass of mild local white wine. Probably most folks are busy commenting on the pending wrapup of the American Experiment, or drinking about it in private.
So it’s a perfect time for random thoughts.
Boat house? In the ownership society, veterans may go homeless but boats needn’t. (Behind the sail:)
“Caitlin.” If my light acquaintance with Gaelic is informative, I believe this name would be pronounced “caht-LEEN” i.e. Kathleen.
“When salami meets baloney, comin’ thru the rye.” –Chorus of singing sandwiches in an early 70’s lunchmeat TV commercial.
coming early to drown my sorrows.
I am hosting a Conyers-House Party on Sat and only one responder. I am so disappointed in all the big talkers and very few doers on these blogs.
I’ll be back with the three percent rule, if I can find it…. but basically it says that when people volunteer only 3% show up to actually do the work… but those 3% are golden…. I do commiserate and I think tying one on is a great plan.
Rosee, I notice that even though you get frustrated at times with the complacency all around you, you also keep plugging away and that is what matters. I take my hat off to you for your tenacity. We here are a tough bunch… our eyes are open, we are never afraid to speak up, and our hearts are in the right place. You are among friends.
Thanks Nag! I know people care about a variety of issues and it has almost become too overwhelming to put much focus on any of them because there are so many.
I keep telling myself to stop posting diaries but then I come across something that kicks up my concern meter and boom up it comes. LOL!
I do know there are many friends here and am grateful for these forums and people like you!
I’m going to stretch out on the couch in the office, if anyone should call you will serve them in your inimitable fashion….
If there are calls, don’t take them… pretend they’ve got a wrong number…. do NOT give the impression we’re open, or we may have more trouble over serving before half ten….
if any of the suppliers should call, serve them and tell them I’ll send them a checque as soon as I return…. of course if anything should come up that you don’t feel you can handle, do wake me… and if Yvonne comes in, don’t take any grief from her…. this is her day off and I insist that she take it.
thank you Lisette, you’re a great worker.
Good Morning, folks! I am new to Boo and want to say a few words about myself as an intro. I am a retired College Professor from Michigan and have moved to Carmel, Indiana in 2001 to be close to my children and grandchildren. I have five daughters and two sons and twelve grandchildren.My wife and I spend our entire day chauffering the grandchildren to their tennis and music and ballet lessons.We are very interested in what is happening to our world under this administration’s WOT( I mean the War on Truth, not Terror).We are avid tennis fanatics ourselves and don’t miss an opportunity to attend any and all tennis championships including the Australian, Wimbledon, the French and the U.S. Open.We think Lindsay Davenport and Roger Federer are class acts.
Because three of our eldest daughters are physicians and surgeons who have recently returned from service with Doctors Without Borders in africa, Sri Lanka and Indonesia our own involvement in this great organization is also increasing. We hope to spend sometime in these countries as volunteers in the next year.
We are delighted to be part of this fine blog and look forward to making friends and putting in our own two cents worth.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of your group.
Those muffins look good! And, I am drinking something called the Yogi Chai which has a number of aromatic spices that are very good. Have a good day everyone!
Welcome to the frog pond! You’ve got quite the busy schedule it appears – with a wonderfully large family. And it’s great that you and your wife were able to move to be closer to them – I know how much I loved staying w/ my grandparents when I was small.
In which content area did you teach, Professor?
And please, please would you write a diary about your family’s experiences w/ Doctors Without Borders? I’d love to read about it, and I’m sure others here would as well.
I was a Professor of Engineering in a specialty area called Materials Science.I joined the University in 1982 after spending nearly twenty years in industry, mainly in aircraft engines related work.After my retirement, I have formed a company in Carmel, IN that uses my expertise to produce parts for Aircraft Engines and Orthopedic Implants.I try to provide employment for good and deserving College students as much as I can. I know how much of a difference that can make to young people.
I will post from time to time some experiences my daughters have told me that people here might find interesting.We have also been fortunate recently to be hosts for twelve children that our daughters brought back with them to provide corrective surgeries that could not be performed over in those countries. After the children left, our home now looks like it is empty without their laughter and energy.
I’m constantly amazed at the various backgrounds and collective knowledge of the people here … which I know I shouldn’t be, as the world is a very large place. Hosting 12 children … now that sounds like another diary, LOL! I’m looking forward to your perspective – both in diary and comment forms.
May this old indian ask what University you taught at Professor. I grew up around Jackson and spent many wonderful days in the Sixties and Seventies in Ann Arbor, soaking up the frothy ferment of discord and dissent concerning the Vietnam war.
I welcome you and look forward to reading many wonderful diaries that I am sure you will present for us. The one diary a day is a positive suggestion, but I imagine Booman would not be to disconcerted if you wrote a diary one day and something that was earth shattering occurred that day and you wrote another one to help us understand more of what occurred. Just my opinion of course.
I am glad you have found our community and I offer you a hearty welcome and enjoy your time here at the Frog Pond.
Thank you, Olivia, for all your kind words of welcome.I hope I can live up to the high standards you people have set for yourselves.
Welcome, Professor KlatooBaradaNikto! Wow, 5 children and 12 grandchildren… you are very fortunate, indeed. Sounds like you will fit right in here… we are all concerned about Bush’s War on Truth and the War on Democracy and then there’s the War on Muslims and the War on Liberals and don’t forget the War on Science. sigh. It all gets a little heavy now and then, which is why we love to hang out at the Froggy Bottom Cafe. Food is great, drink is always refreshing, and the company is top notch.
I am looking forward to hearing stories about Doctors Without Borders, and hearing your 2 cents about other things. After all, you know the magic words.
Thank you.I am glad to be in a place where people appear to be sharing views freely in a spirit of what the French(not them frogeaters!) call Noblesse Oblige.
Hopefully we can establish a corner where many of the questions missed by our mainstream media can be fully aired and kept alive.
Top o’ the morning and a big welcome to you sir!
I haven’t been in a position to read more than a diary or two a day, but it appears you’ve been quite prolific in your writing. What path did you follow to land on this site?
Wishing you – and everyone – a fabulous day filled with peace, hope, joy and all things good.
Thank you for your welcome.I have read several posts by Susan Hu in the last week concerning the active role that Judith Miller has played in some of the events surrounding the Plame case and that brought me to explore this site more fully.
After I logged in to this site, I didn’t realize that there was a limit to the posts I could make and let loose like an old Professor who has been silent too long.I have been told, in a gentle way, that is a no-no and you will not see me going on a tear again.
Thanks again.
Welcome! We’re looking forward to hearing more from you!
Thanks.Looking forward to hearing your comments from time to time on all issues.
Gawd, I love “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” One of my all-time favorite SF classics. Even as a child, I laughed out loud when Patricia Neal formed her pouty lips around those nonsense syllables.
What a wonderful, humanitarian family you have! I look forward to your contributions here.
I’m late joining in today because we awoke to no electricity. Someone somewhere nearby ran their car into a utility pole. <sigh> It wasn’t a bad morning to do without; the temperature stayed below 75 and the open patio door allowed a little breeze. I planted myself by the doorway and enough light filtered thru the trees to let me read.
Now, I’m off to track down your too-numerous postings…
Welcome! It will be great to hear your take on things. I hope you post many diaries and that you hang out here at the cafe a lot.
P.s. Gooserock says the drinks are on him today. He had some good news!
As a Hoosier, I welcome you to our fair (hot, sticky) state and to our fair (less hot, sticky) blog. In fact, I grew up on the northeast side of Indy, just a few minutes from Carmel (pronounced, for you Californians, CAR-mel, not car-Mel. My father has always called it Carmel by the Corn.) That’s wonderful you can be near all your g’kids – my grandparents have always lived on a farm east of Indy in a town called New Palestine (that’s new pales-TEEN, although many of its new suburburban dwellers mistakenly pronounce it pales-TYNE). It’s been such a blessing for me and my cousins to be able to visit them often.
So, once again, welcome to BT! I look forward to your contributions.
You’re back! How was the trip x-country? How’s the new kitty at your dad’s house? And if you’ve already told all this, where was I?
I see you Tell All further along. I’ll go read it now. Anyway. . .welcome back! We missed you.
Hi Kansas! The trip was great, mostly – more details and a picture downthread. My dad’s new cat is just the cutest little thing ever. I’m helping to socialize her a bit – dad was afraid of her, so he didn’t do a whole lot. He didn’t understand that she wouldn’t actually hurt him when she played around (claws and teeth). The only drawback is I may be allergic to her – I’m not sure.
Thank you for your contribution!!
Google celebrates the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing in their trademark style. (Click on the image for geeky coolness, and zoom all the way in for a laugh.)

Thank you for the smile, Bearpaw. And I love your sig. It’s a little bittersweet to think about space exploration today, because an emissary from a better world, in a sense, has died.
Such a shame…
I should head over to Wil Wheaton’s blog…
His ashes are going to be sent to space. I love that! Like Gene Roddenberry’s.
Thank you for the reminder about Wil Wheaton’s blog. I think Wil’s was my introduction to political blogs… not that he’s all that political, but I think he quoted somebody who cited Tom Tomorrow’s blog. On ThisModernWorld, Tom quoted Atrios who linked to Kos, and the rest, for me as for so many around here, is history.
I loved this. Thanks. I’d buy you a drink in appreciation, but Gooserock says it’s all on him today, and who am I to argue with such generosity?
Just came home from a beautiful ride on a horse named “Fudge.” The sun was rising and sparkling on the morning dew, sandhill cranes just hanging out, scrub jays making friends – Ah, my steamy Florida home.
What a thrill to stop in for refreshment and find Dylan and Caitlin. I needed some more beauty today, not to mention Gaelic lessons.
Hey KlatooBarada, where’d that Chai come from? It wasn’t on the menu. Don’t worry Suskind – I did ten years as a waitress and will gladly pitch in. If the work gets too heavy, we can handle it.
Shooting digital camera through binoculars. View of the Cascade Mountains.
That’s brilliant! I really love forward to your daily photos and envy your great location.
Shooting through binoculars … What a cool idea Gooserock. It’s like we’re seeing through your actual eyes, with the fuzzy area around the edges.
More heat…enough already…off to the high mountains for a few days
aka Mt. Baker

I spent the afternoon looking over at The Watcher and painting tiny landscapes.
So weary of politics…of the bald-faced lies.
My son’s friend – I was also friends with his mother, Florence.
He works for UNICEF and right now he is over in Chad.
He sends these photos which I made into a web page for
him. He is a ‘Star.’
Have a look at some folks over in Chad.
Only three photos, not a lot of bytes.
The vet reports our 13-year-old little guy’s awake and recovering from his right eye removal. Mommy hopes we can bring him home late this afternoon. She’ll be off tomorrow to nurse him through the first day of recovery.
So it’ll be drinks on us for the rest of the afternoon!
So glad your faithful companion came thru.
Hey, bartender, since the drinks are on Gooserock, I’ll have a bottle of your most expensive champagne!
What great news. I’m so glad! And I’ll have what sjct is having, thank you very much (hic).
Good News! We had a cat who had an eye removed (Cancer) when she was about 13 or maybe even a little older. She went on to live comfortably for several more years. It looks funny at first before the hair grows back, but afer that you hardly notice the missing eye — it just looks like one eye is closed.
The lil’ guy came home tonight with his anti-scratch cone. He’s surprisingly upbeat and tail waggy when he’s awake. Most of the time he’s snoozing, of course.
It’ll probably take over a year for all the hair to grow back, based on the half year it’s taken for partial regrowth after a mole removal. No doubt he’ll be back issuing orders by tomorrow.
CUTE! Glad to hear everything’s ok with your pal.
I am a little late arriving here today, how is everyone.

BTW is Abbott out of town now, I forgot about that and his day of hosting is today.
So how hot is it where you are, anyone in hurricane path.
What’s new and what did I miss…
Could I sushi plate, I am a tad bit hungry, and a frappe also. Thanks..
I will sitting over here by the palm trees..
I’ll have maguro, sake (not the drink), tako, anago, ika, tamago, uni and hamachi. With a glass of ice water and some hot tea please.
for those who don’t know what all this is, I am adding a menu for your to peruse.
in San Diego, I have been friends with Kazumi for more than 15 yrs.
Sushi Bar Kazumi
I am posting this again, watch cspan 1, debate in house about not putting a withdrawel date on War in Iraq, I tell you the dems are great, but I am just screaming at the Reps. voicing all the virture of the war, repeating all the bull in the talking points, of this ‘noble war’.
Bonjour, fellow swamp denizens! In case anyone was anxiously wondering about my safety, I made it to the end of my cross-country trek without incident. Without unpleasant incident, that is. There were some very pleasant incidents, indeed – hiking in Zion, staying in a little town in Utah called Panguitch (my father compared the little towns in So. Utah to the little towns in Florida in the 50’s) and driving along many, many miles of twisty, two-lane highway through mountains, deserts and incredible rock formations. I had no idea what a beautiful state Utah is, and I’d love to go back sometime in the fall when the leaves are changing colors and the temperature drops down enough for me to do some serious hiking (if anyone was wondering why I was living in SoCal, it’s because I’m a HUGE wimp about heat and cold). How about a picture?
This was my no means the most spectacular scenery we saw, but it is the most flattering picture of yours truly, so I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination/memory.
Now I have about a month in Indianapolis to get ready for grad school and just generally chill. I don’t have much internet access, but I’ll try to stop in whenever I can.
On a more serious note, WTF?????? I stop reading the papers for a week and all hell breaks loose. The surprises are coming thick and fast at this point – I just hope the momentum is building up to something good.
Hello, good to hear from you and that you made it safe. I spent some time in Zion national park years ago and it and the whole state of Utah is indeed beautiful.
Good to put a face on your screen name and you and good to see your words here today.
Watch cspan, fiery debate going on.
So glad you are back on the site.
Glad you had such a good trip!
I second your hope that the news momentum continues and adds up to good things for all of us…
Why are you closing this diary???,
sorry, i was trying to revamp for the evening edition… almost functional again.
Mood’s a bit better today — even though all I’ve done is play with the new toys. Got the spouse’s iPod Shuffle good to go so far; still got 200+ MB available on it so will keep my eyes open for more stuff he’d like.
As for mine — I’m adding even more stuff to iTunes so it’ll go in the iPod! Pulled out some of my favorite choral CDs — mostly Cambridge Singers; my church choir did many of the same anthems they recorded, so I would get the CDs so I could hear what the song was supposed to sound like! I’d follow along with the vocal score and pick out my part; one benefit of 3+ years of piano lessons is actually being able to read music.
Other than that, I’m not doing much else today; not really in the mood to clean, and I want to wait to put away laundry till the spouse is home to help (half of it’s his anyway).
Hope everyone’s having a great day!
and good afternoon to my fellow westerners and … oh heck, just plain hi everyone.
Man Eegee’s excellent diary yesterday about promoting the Trib spurred me to look into the archives for something or other, and I ended up spending hours reading ancient historical texts from the spring and some I’d overlooked from earlier in the summer. I read wonderful diaries by people with monikers I recognize, and others that have already dropped off the site apparently.
All the eloquent diaries and comments that I read really gave me a new understanding of the community here. One that stands out in my mind was Kansas’s diary about the age factor in the pie debates. Another was a diary about educating gifted children. And just a couple of weeks ago, Supersoling’s request for advice in raising his daughters brought forth some of the most heartfelt beautiful and terrible testimony about family life that I have read in a blog. These diaries helped me put words to my own experiences in a way that is very helpful and healing.
I came away with a new appreciation of just how unusual this community is. Besides the political and current events stuff, which I read but rarely comment on because it leaves me pretty much speechless so much of the time, the support and accepting-ness you all have created under Boo’s fabulous management is a real gift. Thanks everyone!
Drinks all around, barkeep!
here, dear, drinks all around
Hi, what a wonderful tribute to this site, thanks Lil for those words.
I second’ Diane, thx for that great tribute as well as all your contributions
That is sweet — I do very little.
I forgot to salute people’s brains, too! They’re used so well here.
Suskind, do you want to close this diary down and go to the new one, reminder to unrec. this diary…
it’ll take a few minutes to get the other one organized….
I already have another diary up suskind..