Hi and welcome to the Froggy Bottom Cafe, which tonight features some lovely pictures from Olivia, member of this site.
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Reminder, the Welcome Wagon is always parked here so if you are new or shy sign |
in here and “tell us about you” and what brought you to this site.
Have fun and enjoy the cafe.
Hi all, a new cafe is now open, please unrec. the previous diaries.
How is everyone tonight/today?
It’s been a few days since I was able to spend some time in the FBC, but I’m here tonight. Pull up a stool and join me for a drink or two!
I’ll start off with a Bell’s Oberon. What are you all drinking tonight?
Hi, nice to see you as the first visitor in the cafe.
WE had a lively game of pool last night, maybe we will play again tonight.
I am afraid it is self serve again tonight as the help has the night off I fear, the ones with all the pics of drinks that is.
Who know, maybe some will show up as the evening gets going.
Gee what better way for a bloggie to spend the night.
Well, I may be able to help tend the bar for a while š Can I get you anything, Diane?
I’m sure more will show up as the night goes on. It may be late over here in the Eastern time zone, but the night is young for our west coasters!
Hi guys! It’s been a few days since last for mee too.
Pretty busy lately – but finally going on vacation tomorrow.
How exciting for you to be going on a vacation and you are going to Norway, right.
Tell us about it again.
And have a great vacation.
Great to see you here tonight.
Where ya going on vacation?
Are the asklets going along?
Hi diane and ejmw,
Yes, to Norway. The asklets left two weeks ago for summer school and report that they are having a blast.
curly and I will make a west coast trip for a few days (fjords + Bergen) then back to the Oslo-area to get the kids, only to go to the family summer cabin on the south coast.
I remembered reading about them heading off somewhere, but I couldn’t recall where and for how long.
That sounds fantastic. You’re reminding me how much I need a vacation š
Hope you don’t have to wait too long for one!
Have fun in the Cafe. Bedtime for me. Have to get up early! G’night.
Hi all! Is that a photo of Bolton at the top?
Naaah. If it were Bolton, the bird would be dead and the flowers would be wilting š
Good evening and good night. It is after ten and my pillow is gently calling me. Hope eveyone had a fine day. It was hot and humid here and even though it sort of spit rain once or twice it wasn’t enough and the watering continued. The corn is so thirsty it has pulled it’s leaves in as tight as it can. They say relief is on it’s way next week. I know other states are far worse off than us and I am sorry. Enjoy the company.
This guy just brought the beer!
Umm, he looks qualified.
an Irish Mist, please, before I meander over to the “Beam Me Up, Scotty” tribute to James Doohan. I loved that guy.
Scotty: I can give you warp factor 2, captain, not a bit more.
Kirk: Oh come on, Scotty.
Scotty: Allright, warp factor 3.
Kirk: Good man.
You can take the whole bottle. $DEITY bless you, and may you have great fortune on your travels.
Thank you, friends… he really was a lovely person..
And Uruha (I always thought it was Uruhu) was no slouch…. have just been reading up about an episode where she and Scotty got romantically entangled, then untangled…. hmmm….
lovely woman… strong and smart…. hmmm….
Well, you made my evening, suskind. Thanks
Suskind, thanks for all the great cafes you’ve done back to back. You have really put in lots of time and work. We’re lucky you dropped in! (Yvonne is a stroke of genius.)
when are you and Cabin Girl and Brother Feldspar going back to work???
Yvonne is not an asset… believe me, she’s been a nuisance, but Lisette was there today, and she is very pleasant and capable… in fact she took care of everything while I got 8 hours sleep today…
anyways, i prefer to go to someone else’s cafe, then fret over my own… are people happy, are they amused, are they kept entertained… do they have enough to eat and drink????
though it is fun…. but I haven’t worked for 4 days…. been working with another writer… he’s doing marvelous work and I’m lying fallow ruminating about my disastrous love life and the state the world is in…..
must go back to my workoholic phase….
to say night all. Looks like the moon’s nearing full and there’s a big old bullfrog close by that is ribbeting up a storm. Nice music to fall asleep by…..if it wasn’t so blasted hot that I haven’t opened the windows in a month! So I guess the only music for me tonight is the AC humming away as usual.
Anyway, Mr. Nature is in San Francisco this week and I have been enjoying stretching out to all four corners of the bed while he’s gone. Such simple pleasures.
Party on, my friends, the night is young for some of you.
from the Left Coast…
Well, the expected happened; spouse’s blood pressure hasn’t gone down enough for DMV clearance, so he’s off work for a bit. Not officially on disability yet though; he’s using up some of his sick time (last count at 500 hours or so). We’re heading back to Urgent Care to see if they can alter his medication or if he’s going to have to wait till we see our personal care physician (PCP) on Tuesday.
So, I’ve got him around for a few extra days; we’ll see if we’ll actually get anything done during that time, and if I can keep what’s left of my sanity (I do love the guy, but I’m used to my peaceful weekday mornings…).
Wow! I got here before everybody left (but I can’t stay because it’s bedtime)! A little warm today, in the 80’s, but cooled off already. We began dance practice for our Obon festival last night. They are easy circle folk dances even people with 2 left feet (like me) can do. The festival’s in three weeks and is both a lot of work and a lot of fun. Temple tours, martial arts exhibitions, delicious food, silent auction, etc.
Now it’s past bedtime-sweet dreams, all!
When I eventually hit the hay tonight, I hope to dream of something as nice as your Obon festival.
Good night!
Where are you located? There’s a Buddhist temple down the street from the in-laws, and I know their Obon festival is coming up in the near future; we hope to make it one of the days this year.
I remember walking down there (my house was just a half-block down the street) with my mom; I loved playing the games (they had one where you tried to bounce a ping-pong ball in a goldfish bowl; if you were successful, you got to keep the goldfish), and my mom liked the bingo (I usually got at least one huge stuffed animal out of it!). The teriyaki chicken was good too…
G’even’n folks, hope everyone is doing well, and while I’m at it, may I have a cold beer, and a shot of Pepermint Schnapp’s ? puulleeeaaseee mayum ; )
Oh, Captain, I am so glad you are here.
It doesn’t seem to lively in here tonight, perhaps you can help.
well now, let’s see,,,hmmmm, how bout a table dance ; )
WEll, that is not really my cup of tea, but I am sure others here will appreciate that. I just can’t picture you as table dancing, btw.
Perhaps your alter ego, ‘gator boy’ might, but surely not the captain.
So are you getting a lot of rain there…..then others are not getting enough like upthread. It’s going to be a long hot summer, I fear.
LMAO…er..I was’nt reffering to me doing the table dance…. ; )
Heaven forbid “gator boy” get on a table and dance, that would be sump’n else…
Yeppers, we’re gett’n rain every afternoon, it’s gets stink’n hot early then in the afternoon boom, it’s like liv’n in Nawlin’s ….except there’s no bourbon street, or blues for that fact..only blue jeans and country music round here…dayum I need a break from it…
I am having a major lazy moment. I have been going to the gym every evening and can’t seem to get off this couch. Help!
if you don’t either hit the gym, or finish up your much anticipated diary on immigration, I will be very disappointed.
hehehe, yessir! I have so many muddled thoughts on the Kyl bill…the more I read about it, the more I am disgusted. Thx for the kick in the pants buddy, hehe
I can definitely understand why something written by Jon Kyl would continually and increasingly disgust you, though.
Well, good night all. It’s time for this midwesterner to hit the sack. See you all on the ‘morrow.
sleep well, and I’m not too far behind ya….peace
have a good one, I’ll have something up for you to read in the morning š
Hi manny, just rest, you probably need it. Are you using a laptop. If so you are lucky, wish I had one, then I could use it whereever I happen to go.
How are you doing anyway manny, you seem to be very busy with diaries and work and exercise, do you take time for fun…
I love my laptop, probably too much for my own good. It’s very convenient tho. I’m doing okay, I enjoyed a restful weekend of Harry Potter reading, Willy Wonka watching, and TGIFridays eating.
Hey Man, good to see ya this even’n, and yeppers those lappy’s do make a dif, for sure, very convenient for mobility.
TGI’s does the job pretty good, and the best part is, you don’t have to clean the dishes or the kitchen ; )
Even better, my roommate is a server/bartender there. As for company though, I prefer the FBC. (obviously)
I understand, and you can get beefed up drinks, and all the “mistakes” you can stand…LOL…good deal
Okay folks, it’s late here, and it’s been a long and trying day, so for now, I’m going to toss this ol’ butt into the bed, and we’ll start this again in the morn’n with some fresh coffee, and possibly a shot of bailey’s.. ; )
N’nite all, and peace be with you always.
y con tu espiritu amigo.
by ManEegee to post some pictures…
I’m really going to miss all this when I go back to Arizona:
View from Point Defiance Park (Tacoma, WA)

Mt. Rainier

So there Mannneeee! š
you better watch out or you may become a regular around here š
Looks like I have the place to myself in the wee hours.
Greetings and hugs to all, just passing through the record of the evening made me feel I had been here all along with you.
Just a cool quiet place to sit a bit as I watch the moon. . .then off to sleep.