Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Committee investigates leaking of classified information:
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — The U.S. Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) and the U.S. House Government Reform Committee Minority will conduct a joint hearing at 10:00 AM, Friday, July 22, in Room 138 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, to examine the national security implications of disclosing the identity of a covert intelligence officer. The hearing will be co-chaired by Senate DPC Chairman Byron Dorgan (D-ND), and U.S. Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Committee.
The panel of witnesses will include former intelligence officers and analysts who will discuss the impact of such disclosures, based on decades of experience and service to our country on intelligence and national security matters
“President Bush’s former Health and Human Services Secretary, Tommy Thompson, onetime Governor of Wisconsin, is getting an RFID implant. Why is he volunteering for the Mark of the Beast?” writes David Pescovitz. “Promotional reasons! Thompson is on the board of Applied Digital, owner of RFID vendor VeriChip…”
Thompson said people will eventually get beyond any queasy feelings about having a chip implanted.
‘It will prevent babies from being picked up by the wrong people in a maternity ward and make sure people in nursing homes don’t walk away,’ Thompson said.
So far, about 7,000 chips for people have been sold, with about 2,000 implanted worldwide.
(Boing Boing)
Evan Derkacz is a New York-based writer and contributor to AlterNet.
I knew when they implanted a chip in my cat that it was only a matter of time. How long before the Patriot Act will incorporate a law that says all American Citizens MUST be chipped? Will this be the new national ID? Scarey. How would we even know if the hospital put a chip in our kids or not? May start seeing alot more midwife/home births imho, if this ever happens.
As I see it, they can put these things in someone who is not knowing (such as prisoners and so forth and then let them go and keep track of them and perhaps find OBL…..:o)
Then again, they can keep track of all the ones who are against this kind of reasoning….:o)
I can see the tinfoil hatters coming out an done of them is moi…:o) but it does stand to reason that this will get headway if our government has any say in it.
“It will prevent babies from being picked up by the wrong people in a maternity ward and make sure people in nursing homes don’t walk away,’ Thompson said.”
Does it come with some kind of built-in alarm system or invisible fence?
The fact that a pet has a microchip doesn’t prevent it from being nabbed or from running away. I’d say that goes double for Jr. or Grampa.
Not to mention we’ve had the science for easy identification for decades. Finger and foot prints!
It would probably have to be connected to some sort of GPS system in that case…and would have to be deactivated when the baby left the hospital.
I was watching “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” (guilty pleasure, as if I need an excuse to get weepy) and they actually demonstrated such a device to be used with an autistic child who tended to get out and wander in the middle of the night. The system notifies the local police department who puts out a “be on the lookout” call for the kid, and also set off an alarm in the house (a flashing alarm in this case, because the parents are deaf). Although in this case, the plan was to sew the tracking device in the kid’s pajamas, since nighttime was the only problem time.
I have to admit that here’s where the rabid fundies might come in handy; a system like this would bear too close a resemblence to the “mark of the Beast” referenced in Revelation to make it past them unchallenged…
I read that they were trying to sell Reagan on this shit once in a meeting and he got mad and said “Great idea, why don’t we just tatoo a number on everybody’s arm then?” That outweighs a lot of the stuff I despised him for.
I will to the last breath I breathe, work to thwart, hinder, harass, intimidate, ostracize and scream at the top of my voice this administration is corrupt.
I will fight to bring to light for anyone who cares to become enlightened that the Christian right is out to circumvent our Constitution and impliment theocratic rule in our country.
Hell it will take more than this to exhaust me. I drove 108 miles one way to work for 2 1/2 years, to support my family.
Lets keep up the good fight and take our country back from those who have no respect for individual freedoms.
You know, the more I find out about things, the more exhausted I become. It really does take a lot out of one to keep up!
I feel like a sledge hammer has hit me smack dab in the center of my skull with all this information…:o)
Can you imagine the rest of the citizens out there that is not as informed as we are??!!! I would guess they are turning everything off in a NY second.
This administration likes doing this sort of thing to keep things confusing to everyone and about everything.
too funny Susan. I am not one to collect things except for information, then I tend to loose it. ;o) Damn I need a memory
However, my house is collecting lots of dust while I sit here talking away and researching things. Oh well, that is they way it goes….I just want to catch up with the rest of you all that are lots smarter than I am and then I can understand things better….”wink wink”
I had a similar thought this morning in the grocery store. Wandering along the brightly colored aisles with all the happy smiling faces of children and cute cartoons in the advertisements, I thought, why can’t I just live in this make believe world of primary colors instead of being preoccupied with thoughts of what poisons the foods contain, and what workers were exploited to make the foods and what corporate manipulations we being used to get rid of the small family businesses ….
And, I mean, everything! Swizzle stick newletters! Thanks for my big laugh of the day.
Now, me, I collect really important stuff like small stones. Everywhere I’ve gone in the world I’ve picked up a pebble or two. And the freaky thing is I can go thru the bowl and tell you exactly where every one of them came from… Look, you all already know I’m weird, dontcha?
Well, my two-year-old grandson is possibly weirder than me. He went thru the bowl of stones, deliberately and reverantly, taking each one out, examining it and lining them up across the floor. I was watching very carefully, mainly because I was worried he’d eat one. Finally, he came across a small, flat green one and kissed it! He held it up to his cheek in a mini-hug then held it out to me and insisted I kiss it, too.
“Alright,” my son chuckled, “What magickal place did that one come from?”
“Merlin’s Cave,” I answered, “Below Tintagel.”
My son was there the day I collected it so he examined it carefully. “Oh no,” he sighed, “You weren’t kidding. Now I’ve got goose-bumps.”
exhausted or energized by it… I’ll choose Energized as it’s alot more productive.
They will not find me lying down waiting for the next wave of Rovian tanks to roll over me. Never, not when i have a vote, a blog or an extra hour to volunteer.
I suspect all of us here are exhausted from the last 5 years of bushco…and no doubt may be starting to suffer from mild forms of I’m not kidding. The only thing keeping me going at times is to imagine the next presidential election and having someone strong who can try and get the country back on track. God forbid if another republican happens to get elected..that is really a nightmare of mine. Here’s a IPS news story from around the 14th of July concerning a reporter going to Camp Lima in Iraq. Not a long article but rather telling as the reporter was actually traveling in Iraq. The one hour trip took almost 5 hours due to long convoy’s and American troops or their hummers having to hog the roads. One of the Majors at this camp still believes we are going to find there’s an enlightened view, eh. Also talking about bringing democracy and freedom to the Iraqi’s but the kicker in the last sentence this reporter writes that going out of camp he sees signs for the latrines-which say ‘Iraqi’s Only’ and ‘American troops only-no Iraqi’ that’s a nice touch for bringing american style democracy to the Iraqi’s isn’t it. The Major says this is only due to ‘cultural differences’..? Can someone enlighten me how exactly American’s pee different from other humans?
I suppose possible but not likely or I think the wording would have been the other way around? Iraqi’s only-no Americans..etc? No matter you look at it it sucks as far as I’m concerned.
because we’re not willing to face facts and find real visions to rally around. Always hoping for tepid “compromise” and “moderation” saps the spirit and dulls the mind.
For me the vision is either breaking up the US into compatible nations or going for a from-scratch, no-holds-barred Constitutional Convention. From where I stand everything else is just a few degrees off from more of the same. (Not that small goals and victories don’t matter — they’re crucial. But like our Chicago guy said, they have no magic to stir men’s minds.
Anti-war protesters had condemned the general’s visit to Dublin but a spokesman for the Department of Defence said the informal meeting would not now go ahead.
But anti-war protesters, who gathered at Defence Forces headquarters in Phoenix Park, said no representative of the Irish State should be meeting with a member of the US military.
“This suggests a very high level of collusion between the Irish State and the US military machine,” he said.
“With the news that troop numbers at Shannon have doubled it suggests that the Irish Government is increasing collusion with the US at a time when the US invasion of Iraq has never been more discredited.”
Hi Oui. Thanks for this info..I wonder if it will show up on the news here-ha…also the link to article on all the protesters around the world before Iraq invasion. Good to go back and see/remember just how massive the anti-war sentiment was around the world. Something that was barely, if at all, mentioned in our gung-ho news media lead up to the war. I’m saving that for future reference.
Being watched closely for years by CDC, European experts and World Organizations.
The human to human form can launch a world epidemic similar to the Spanish flu of 1918 … or worse.
Three people have died of suspected avian influenza in Indonesia, health authorities said yesterday.
If confirmed, they would be the first human fatalities in the country from the H5N1 bird flu virus, which experts fear could cause millions of deaths worldwide if it mutates into a form that can be easily transmitted between people.
The victims, a 38-year-old man from a suburb of Jakarta and his two daughters aged nine and one, died within 10 days of each other.
What do you do when you’re on a mailing list with a bunch of fucking heads-up-their-asses assholes who are CONSUMED — not just consumed — obsessed with battering Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.?
And that this list is NOT the GOP state list.
It’s the Democracy for Washington mailing list — an arm of the national Democracy for America (former Dean group).
What do you do?
When the list TOUTS constantly the Green/Democrat/Green/flavor-of-the-week guy who says he’s going to run against Cantwell in the primary?
And you try to reason with the people. That was last week.
Yesterday, you read this at Daily Kos and the Seattle papers:
Mike McGavick, after announcing his resignation as CEO of Safeco
Insurance yesterday, confirmed he is forming an exploratory committee
for the 2006 Senate race against Maria Cantwell. He is a Republican
Can you guess how much FUCKING PERSONAL WEALTH this McGavick has?
Can you guess how FUCKING HARD we’re going to have to fight to keep Cantwell in the U.S. Senate in 2006?
But does yesterday’s new deter the assholes on DFW? No…. Here’s a sampling:
[This is from the loser Green/Democrat/Green candidate:
Does Maria Cantwell
really represent you?
She voted for
* the Iraq War, costing thousands of lives & billions of your tax dollars. Even after learning that the intelligence was cooked she still rationalizes this vote
* the PATRIOT Act, infringing on your rights
* NAFTA, causing millions of lost jobs
* CAFTA, will crush small family farms while concentrating more wealth for giant agricultural conglomerates. CAFTA could lead to the necessity of a physicians prescription for vitamins
* Condoleeza Rice’s confirmation, who lied to lead the nation into illegal war
* confirmation of John Negroponte (a war criminal) for Director of National Intelligence
* moving class-action lawsuits from state into federal courts, making restitution for corporate wrongdoing less likely for working families
karen b wrote:
> I was floored when she asked for a list of stuff Cantwell had done to displease us so she could forward it to D.C. I couldn’t cough up anything on the spot but said I’d do a bit of research and give her a short grocery list.
I’m going to quit the list. It just drives me nuts.
They can belly ache when we’ve got a Democratic majority in the Senate. Until then, I wish they’d keep their mouths shut. But, they won’t listen to me or anyone else.
Susan, might you want to sit them down and explain to them the facts of political life. I had to see thru this mess in order to get a democratic congress, even tho I do not care for some of the canidates. It is so very necessary to accept this in order to get us back in the drivers seat.
Damn it . I just wrote a rational note. I hate it when I do that.
The Green/Democrat/Green candidate wrote:
It just isn’t good enough to have our only “choice” be between 2 pro-war, anti labor, free trading, corporate elitists.
“Don’t think for a minute that they won’t use this wedge tactic and other Rove inspired events to do anything to win.”
In other words, be afraid. Be very very afraid
I replied:
You’re right. I agree.
Funny thing though, I was watching INN World Report on Free Speech TV this afternoon. And that far left broadcast featured Maria Cantwell’s leadership in the fight against Enron and towards keeping WA state and other states’ taxpayers from being stuck with a bill in the millions for Enron’s utility swindles.
I also recall Maria Cantwell’s stirring speech on the floor of the Senate in fervent opposition to Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General, and her focus — in that speech — on Gonzales’ role in the Enron swindles.
Here’s reality. You’re not going to get the nomination. Maria Cantwell. After having to waste a lot of time and money in a primary battle that the Republican candidate will not have to endure.
In November 2006, McGavick will come extremely close — and may likely defeat — Maria Cantwell, who will find it even tougher to match McGavick’s vast financial and business resources.
The Senate will lose one more Democratic vote. Possibly others.
In 2008, if by some miracle, we’re able to elect a Democratic president, that president will NOT have enough votes in the U.S. Senate to put through more liberal, pro-choice judges.
Now I know there’s a fondness for the theory that if things get really, really bad, the people will stand up and turn progressive. It’s a fantasy. And, in the meantime, my daughter’s generation will have to live through a Supreme Court that is almost all conservative.
It may be the shits to not get EVERYTHING you want. But, it’s far worse to get nothing you want.
But, hey. I’m not trying to convince you. You’ve got it all figured out, and you’re getting publicity out of this.
I’m just dumbstruck that more Democrats don’t stand up to you on this list.
in light of the current administration and last night’s announcement about the new supreme court justice, i thought i’d post these– disappearing bill of rights mugs. drink and slowly watch your right disappear. ahaha, if only it was a joke….[$12 at uncommon goods]
Hearing Set on Disclosure of Covert Officers’ Identities
This just in from Talk Left:
Committee investigates leaking of classified information:
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — The U.S. Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) and the U.S. House Government Reform Committee Minority will conduct a joint hearing at 10:00 AM, Friday, July 22, in Room 138 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, to examine the national security implications of disclosing the identity of a covert intelligence officer. The hearing will be co-chaired by Senate DPC Chairman Byron Dorgan (D-ND), and U.S. Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Committee.
The panel of witnesses will include former intelligence officers and analysts who will discuss the impact of such disclosures, based on decades of experience and service to our country on intelligence and national security matters
I don’t get c-span 3, and for the big stuff, it’s worth it for me to watch online.
I’ll volunteer to do a live diary while this is on. Why can’t they start some of these things at noon my time? Is that asking too much?? 🙂
Thompson said people will eventually get beyond any queasy feelings about having a chip implanted.
‘It will prevent babies from being picked up by the wrong people in a maternity ward and make sure people in nursing homes don’t walk away,’ Thompson said.
So far, about 7,000 chips for people have been sold, with about 2,000 implanted worldwide.
(Boing Boing)
Evan Derkacz is a New York-based writer and contributor to AlterNet.
I knew when they implanted a chip in my cat that it was only a matter of time. How long before the Patriot Act will incorporate a law that says all American Citizens MUST be chipped? Will this be the new national ID? Scarey. How would we even know if the hospital put a chip in our kids or not? May start seeing alot more midwife/home births imho, if this ever happens.
As I see it, they can put these things in someone who is not knowing (such as prisoners and so forth and then let them go and keep track of them and perhaps find OBL…..:o)
Then again, they can keep track of all the ones who are against this kind of reasoning….:o)
I can see the tinfoil hatters coming out an done of them is moi…:o) but it does stand to reason that this will get headway if our government has any say in it.
OB who?
And that illuminates the problem perfectly.
“It will prevent babies from being picked up by the wrong people in a maternity ward and make sure people in nursing homes don’t walk away,’ Thompson said.”
Does it come with some kind of built-in alarm system or invisible fence?
The fact that a pet has a microchip doesn’t prevent it from being nabbed or from running away. I’d say that goes double for Jr. or Grampa.
Not to mention we’ve had the science for easy identification for decades. Finger and foot prints!
It would probably have to be connected to some sort of GPS system in that case…and would have to be deactivated when the baby left the hospital.
I was watching “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” (guilty pleasure, as if I need an excuse to get weepy) and they actually demonstrated such a device to be used with an autistic child who tended to get out and wander in the middle of the night. The system notifies the local police department who puts out a “be on the lookout” call for the kid, and also set off an alarm in the house (a flashing alarm in this case, because the parents are deaf). Although in this case, the plan was to sew the tracking device in the kid’s pajamas, since nighttime was the only problem time.
I have to admit that here’s where the rabid fundies might come in handy; a system like this would bear too close a resemblence to the “mark of the Beast” referenced in Revelation to make it past them unchallenged…
Who’s going to fund all of the extra first responders? Hmm…
I read that they were trying to sell Reagan on this shit once in a meeting and he got mad and said “Great idea, why don’t we just tatoo a number on everybody’s arm then?” That outweighs a lot of the stuff I despised him for.
to fight.
I will to the last breath I breathe, work to thwart, hinder, harass, intimidate, ostracize and scream at the top of my voice this administration is corrupt.
I will fight to bring to light for anyone who cares to become enlightened that the Christian right is out to circumvent our Constitution and impliment theocratic rule in our country.
Hell it will take more than this to exhaust me. I drove 108 miles one way to work for 2 1/2 years, to support my family.
Lets keep up the good fight and take our country back from those who have no respect for individual freedoms.
You know, the more I find out about things, the more exhausted I become. It really does take a lot out of one to keep up!
I feel like a sledge hammer has hit me smack dab in the center of my skull with all this information…:o)
Can you imagine the rest of the citizens out there that is not as informed as we are??!!! I would guess they are turning everything off in a NY second.
This administration likes doing this sort of thing to keep things confusing to everyone and about everything.
I’ve often wished I were someone whose — say — life was entirely absorbed by her swizzle stick collection.
My step-sister-in-law’s life is consumed with her swizzle stick collection. If you walk into her “study,” there are swizzle sticks everywhere.
And then there are the swizzle stick newsletters!
Yes, she’s connected with swizzle stick collectors across the world!
Except when she’s watching “All My Children.”
too funny Susan. I am not one to collect things except for information, then I tend to loose it. ;o) Damn I need a memory
However, my house is collecting lots of dust while I sit here talking away and researching things. Oh well, that is they way it goes….I just want to catch up with the rest of you all that are lots smarter than I am and then I can understand things better….”wink wink”
PS: I just wished I could keep my trigger finger off the diary button and not go hog wild with all that I find…;o)
Information comes and goes – dust is here to stay!
My friend’s very redneck brother-in-law collects spoons. That cracks me up, but I suppose they make Nascar and Confederate flag spoons too.
down my way at some gas stations one can really find such trash!!!!!!!! nauseating, isn’t it!!??
I’m in North Carolina.
Swizzle stick news letters! LOL!
I had a similar thought this morning in the grocery store. Wandering along the brightly colored aisles with all the happy smiling faces of children and cute cartoons in the advertisements, I thought, why can’t I just live in this make believe world of primary colors instead of being preoccupied with thoughts of what poisons the foods contain, and what workers were exploited to make the foods and what corporate manipulations we being used to get rid of the small family businesses ….
Oh Pillsbury dough boy, take me away!
And, I mean, everything! Swizzle stick newletters! Thanks for my big laugh of the day.
Now, me, I collect really important stuff like small stones. Everywhere I’ve gone in the world I’ve picked up a pebble or two. And the freaky thing is I can go thru the bowl and tell you exactly where every one of them came from… Look, you all already know I’m weird, dontcha?
Well, my two-year-old grandson is possibly weirder than me. He went thru the bowl of stones, deliberately and reverantly, taking each one out, examining it and lining them up across the floor. I was watching very carefully, mainly because I was worried he’d eat one. Finally, he came across a small, flat green one and kissed it! He held it up to his cheek in a mini-hug then held it out to me and insisted I kiss it, too.
“Alright,” my son chuckled, “What magickal place did that one come from?”
“Merlin’s Cave,” I answered, “Below Tintagel.”
My son was there the day I collected it so he examined it carefully. “Oh no,” he sighed, “You weren’t kidding. Now I’ve got goose-bumps.”
exhausted or energized by it… I’ll choose Energized as it’s alot more productive.
They will not find me lying down waiting for the next wave of Rovian tanks to roll over me. Never, not when i have a vote, a blog or an extra hour to volunteer.
I suspect all of us here are exhausted from the last 5 years of bushco…and no doubt may be starting to suffer from mild forms of I’m not kidding. The only thing keeping me going at times is to imagine the next presidential election and having someone strong who can try and get the country back on track. God forbid if another republican happens to get elected..that is really a nightmare of mine. Here’s a IPS news story from around the 14th of July concerning a reporter going to Camp Lima in Iraq. Not a long article but rather telling as the reporter was actually traveling in Iraq. The one hour trip took almost 5 hours due to long convoy’s and American troops or their hummers having to hog the roads. One of the Majors at this camp still believes we are going to find there’s an enlightened view, eh. Also talking about bringing democracy and freedom to the Iraqi’s but the kicker in the last sentence this reporter writes that going out of camp he sees signs for the latrines-which say ‘Iraqi’s Only’ and ‘American troops only-no Iraqi’ that’s a nice touch for bringing american style democracy to the Iraqi’s isn’t it. The Major says this is only due to ‘cultural differences’..? Can someone enlighten me how exactly American’s pee different from other humans?
Is it possible that it’s the Iraqi’s that don’t want to share a latrine with Americans?
I suppose possible but not likely or I think the wording would have been the other way around? Iraqi’s only-no Americans..etc? No matter you look at it it sucks as far as I’m concerned.
because we’re not willing to face facts and find real visions to rally around. Always hoping for tepid “compromise” and “moderation” saps the spirit and dulls the mind.
For me the vision is either breaking up the US into compatible nations or going for a from-scratch, no-holds-barred Constitutional Convention. From where I stand everything else is just a few degrees off from more of the same. (Not that small goals and victories don’t matter — they’re crucial. But like our Chicago guy said, they have no magic to stir men’s minds.
Tried collecting mind stir swivel sticks?
I hear ya. I read several stories today and each added to the others, to the others before that, and on and on…
right now, the house is debating amendment to not put a date for ending war….Really hot on the Dem. side, they are speaking out.
I just got home … is that what Henry Hyde (MAJOR ICK!) is talking about?
Defence Minister Willie O’Dea today cancelled plans for a meeting with United States Joint Chief of Staff General Richard Myers.
Irish Peace Activists
Anti-war protesters had condemned the general’s visit to Dublin but a spokesman for the Department of Defence said the informal meeting would not now go ahead.
But anti-war protesters, who gathered at Defence Forces headquarters in Phoenix Park, said no representative of the Irish State should be meeting with a member of the US military.
“This suggests a very high level of collusion between the Irish State and the US military machine,” he said.
“With the news that troop numbers at Shannon have doubled it suggests that the Irish Government is increasing collusion with the US at a time when the US invasion of Iraq has never been more discredited.”
“It is deeply concerning and it is an affront to Irish neutrality and shows a very high degree of contempt to the views of the majority of Irish people.”
I had forgotten about them being neutral. wow
Hi Oui. Thanks for this info..I wonder if it will show up on the news here-ha…also the link to article on all the protesters around the world before Iraq invasion. Good to go back and see/remember just how massive the anti-war sentiment was around the world. Something that was barely, if at all, mentioned in our gung-ho news media lead up to the war. I’m saving that for future reference.
Being watched closely for years by CDC, European experts and World Organizations.
The human to human form can launch a world epidemic similar to the Spanish flu of 1918 … or worse.
Three people have died of suspected avian influenza in Indonesia, health authorities said yesterday.
If confirmed, they would be the first human fatalities in the country from the H5N1 bird flu virus, which experts fear could cause millions of deaths worldwide if it mutates into a form that can be easily transmitted between people.
The victims, a 38-year-old man from a suburb of Jakarta and his two daughters aged nine and one, died within 10 days of each other.
May I be blunt?
Thank you.
What do you do when you’re on a mailing list with a bunch of fucking heads-up-their-asses assholes who are CONSUMED — not just consumed — obsessed with battering Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.?
And that this list is NOT the GOP state list.
It’s the Democracy for Washington mailing list — an arm of the national Democracy for America (former Dean group).
What do you do?
When the list TOUTS constantly the Green/Democrat/Green/flavor-of-the-week guy who says he’s going to run against Cantwell in the primary?
And you try to reason with the people. That was last week.
Yesterday, you read this at Daily Kos and the Seattle papers:
Can you guess how much FUCKING PERSONAL WEALTH this McGavick has?
Can you guess how FUCKING HARD we’re going to have to fight to keep Cantwell in the U.S. Senate in 2006?
But does yesterday’s new deter the assholes on DFW? No…. Here’s a sampling:
I’m going to quit the list. It just drives me nuts.
They can belly ache when we’ve got a Democratic majority in the Senate. Until then, I wish they’d keep their mouths shut. But, they won’t listen to me or anyone else.
Susan, might you want to sit them down and explain to them the facts of political life. I had to see thru this mess in order to get a democratic congress, even tho I do not care for some of the canidates. It is so very necessary to accept this in order to get us back in the drivers seat.
I’m over 100 miles + a ferry ride away from them. And they think they know everything about politics.
I’m afraid I was unconstructively ranting just now. Having tried, many times, to be constructive, and having failed.
Damn it . I just wrote a rational note. I hate it when I do that.
The Green/Democrat/Green candidate wrote:
I replied:
My daughter sent me this:
bye bye, bill of rights
in light of the current administration and last night’s announcement about the new supreme court justice, i thought i’d post these– disappearing bill of rights mugs. drink and slowly watch your right disappear. ahaha, if only it was a joke….[$12 at uncommon goods]