What’s going on in your part of the world?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well Bush says there is no global warming but Romania is suffering its worst flooding in more than 100 years and its coming during summertime, which is normally the “dry” season.
So obviously there’s no global climate change going on whatsoever…
My 4 year old son is having a party at his Kindergarten. He is in a group of 7 children and 4 of them will be leaving next year to go to school. It is very sad to see them go. Wula and Lukas were very special and played with Alex a lot. I hope the new kids are just as friendly. I’m getting ready to go and join the party.
Been hot and humid as hell..thank God for apt. A/C
Mayoral elections coming up…Democrats always win so the primary is really the election
Former police chief (who is white) seems to be front-runner. But city is very liberal and has high minority population…the current mayor who has been here ? terms is black and very popular.
Fast ferry to Toronto is back up and running but will it succeed? It’s faster and cheaper to drive. Only time will tell.
Wry Twinger reporting, Booman Tribune News Service
none other than Don Imus just replayed Bush mangling Rehnquist’s name…as in: Judge Roberts clerked for Chief Justice Whenquist. Imus commented “Well, it was past his bedtime, he was up after 9PM.”
As for up here, we are gearing up to fight the bigots who have areferendum on the Nov ballot that would in essence make it legal to discriminate against gays. So, we’re raising $ getting a volunteer powered call center going with the intent of hammering the bigots into the ground. Morons. Ministers, Republicans and Moms with Kids will be the spokespeople (since the so called Christian Right is leading the bigots)…And So it goes…oh, but hey, summer is great and we’re having The Great Democracy and Lobster Bake on Aug. 20..come on up..www.hancockdems.org
My neighbor just moved to Georgia for officer training…. I’m taking care of some of his stuff, and will stay in touch with him and his family while he’s gone.
I just hope he gets to come back here and resume his career. If he goes to Iraq, I’m gonna … I don’t know.
The county assessor shot herself in the temple in her backyard on Sunday morning at 1:40 AM.
FROM ABC’s Note:
“Note how quickly Roberts’ wife’s membership in Feminists for Life made the rounds of the blogosphere. “
Being watched closely for years by CDC, European experts and World Organizations.
The human to human form can launch a world epidemic similar to the Spanish flu of 1917 … or worse.
Three people have died of suspected avian influenza in Indonesia, health authorities said yesterday.
If confirmed, they would be the first human fatalities in the country from the H5N1 bird flu virus, which experts fear could cause millions of deaths worldwide if it mutates into a form that can be easily transmitted between people.
The victims, a 38-year-old man from a suburb of Jakarta and his two daughters aged nine and one, died within 10 days of each other.
Americans deserve to know the truth about the circumstances under which our troops were sent to war. Was intelligence “fixed” to justify the invasion of Iraq? Was the identity of a CIA operative compromised to distract attention from evidence that Iraq’s nuclear ambition was deliberately overstated? These questions must be asked and answered.
Where: The Grand Lake Theatre
3200 Grand Ave.
Oakland, CA 94610
When: Saturday, July 23, 2005
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Who: Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Panelists: Daniel Elsberg, Author and Lecturer
Steve Cobble, After Downing Street
Bill Mitchell, Gold Star Families for Peace
Iraq Veterans against the War
For more information, you may contact Miguel Bustos at 510-763-0370 or LeeTownHall@mail.house.gov.
And we’re supposed to contact C-SPAN and tell them to air it!
any Northern Californian interested in attending it. I received the info and thought some folks might want to attend.