The Bush administration is undergoing a revolt from the inside. Or, perhaps, a revolt orchestrated by those that have recently left.
A State Department memo that has caught the attention of prosecutors describes a CIA officer’s role in sending her husband to Africa and disputes administration claims that Iraq was shopping for uranium, a retired department official said Tuesday.
Hmmm. Is this Powell? Armitage? Someone else?
The document was prepared in June 2003 at the direction of Carl W. Ford Jr., then head of the State Department’s bureau of intelligence and research, for Marc Grossman, the retired official said. Grossman was the Undersecretary of State who was in charge of the department while Secretary Colin Powell and his deputy, Richard Armitage, were traveling.
The same Carl W. Ford, Jr. that said this about John Bolton?
I have never seen anybody quite like Secretary Bolton. He doesn’t even come close. I don’t have a second and third or fourth in terms of the way that he abuses his power and authority with little people.
Whoever the State Department source is, they seem to have three goals. One, is to stick a knife in Karl Rove’s ribs. Two, is to highlight that the State Department never believed the bullshit about Nigerien uranium. And three: to knock down this idea that Plame’s role in Wilson’s selection has any relevance.
The former State Department official stressed the memo focused on Wilson’s trip and the State Department intelligence bureau’s disagreement with the White House’s claim about Iraq trying to get nuclear material. He said the fact that the CIA officer and Wilson were husband and wife was largely an incidental reference.
The Bush administration seems to have made some powerful enemies. And it isn’t making their life any easier now. These enemies are lining up to shoot down the White House spin.
Because these folks believe that our national security is more important than political gamesmanship.
Or these people realize the depth of evil that is subverting our Constitution. They understand where they want to take the country. They understand that there is a methodical, long planned coup d’etat underway and it has to be stopped. But I’m not an alarmist ;O)
Whatever the reason let’s hope it’s contagious.
I wish the retired department official would come forward openly and say these things.
Probably good they are using the Fitzgerald investigation rather than getting into “he said/he said” with these masters of slime.
Liberals View on Right-wing
“Tancredo is THE DEFINITION of wingnut. The man is over the top, wacked out, fucking crazy. His big problem is with Immigration, read Mexicans, and this blowfish thinks he wants to run for POTUS.
The asshat is from Colorado Springs, home of Mr. Dobson and his merry band of rapturites; went back on his “pledge” to only serve 2 terms when he was initially elected; and the sheeple down there just keep sending his sorry ass back to DC…save your breath, he’s not worthy of your angst.
Peace “
Discussing Sen. Richard J. Durbin’s (D-IL) recent controversial remarks and Newsweek’s retraction of a story about the abuse of Qurans by U.S. military personnel … Hal Lindsey’s view on Liberals …
In a curious way, guys like Durbin and the anti-Americans at Newsweek have done us a favor. They’ve left little doubt that the leftist agenda is not just real, it is downright dangerous. It was somewhat of a wakeup call to the rest of us that some of our worst enemies are to be found among our own people.
Wing-nuts are present in leading roles throughout the world: Saudi Arabia, Israel, US, UK, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Algeria and African continent. The moderate countries either lack power or have power not written in their constitution or international policy. History teaches us size is not a limit for an empire, power and abuse – The Netherlands in the Golden Age and its colonial period, ended in 1948 with independence for Indonesia.
A Nation Divided, I can’t recall it’s been this bad during my lifetime – Thanks George and Dick and all those representatives chosen to Congress that have let down We The People!
About wolves, Tony Blair is truly a wolf in sheep’s clothes, I’m very disappointed about man’s judgement and morals.
At yesterday’s press conference,
Tony Blair: “Al Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks under President Clinton, not under President Bush.”
Joint Declaration of an ‘Enduring
Relationship’ between Afghanistan
and the UK
Have you seen this Bloomberg article yet? It cites several un-named sources giving proof that Bush used the announcement as a distraction from Rovitt.
Which is all the more reason not to feed into the distraction and to continue to turn up the heat.
Bush protected a traitor for 2 years…if this rings on all of the hills and mountain tops…we will be able to soundly defeat any wingnutjobs he proposes for SCOTUS.
Ah but was Scotus a distraction away from Rove or Rove a distraction away from Scotus nominee? Have at it!
As reported by Murray Waas in The American Prospect
Waas got it wrong on Grossman actually writing the memo. He probably requested it on Powell’s behalf.
I agree. Wasn’t he number three in the State Department, after Powell and Armitage? Unlikely that he would be writing memos.
Your link above to the AP-story has an image in it of Rove and Novak.
Click on it and you’ll get the full picture caption:
(my bold)
Can this be right? Did Rove speculate that there would be an investigation this much in advance?
How can we verify the date of the picture? Yes, Novak’s (and Evans’) column started 15 May 1963 – but could the pic be from another event?
Crooks and Liars has the pic, and the assertion that Rove wore the button at that event. But with photo shop who knows?
It’s hard to believe that he would wear such a button.
Well, meanwhile – I was at DK and the pic/story is frontpaged. One of the comments may have the correct explanation. Here is part of the quote w/link to the full comment thread:
I remember that Kinsley comment. Very funny.
That does explain the buttons. It’s just ironic in retrospect.
I think it some reference to something Novak is known to say about reporting — something about either being a source or a target. But anyway, I don’t think it relates to the current scandal — just and odd irony/coincidence.
What bugs me is how all these guys are pals. How the fuck can we trust any “journalists” in Washington who are drinking buddies with the people they are supposed to be objective about.
. . . “Good.”
Because it’s a military truism that it’s a lot easier to bring something down by taking it apart from the inside than it is to attack it from the outside. Consider the Trojan Horse, for instance, and Franco’s statement about expecting victory because he had four columns marching on the city and a fifth column inside it.
That’s one reason why I think that sooner or later, when the house of cards that is this administration begins to come apart, it will come apart fast. It will start cracking from within, and there will be plenty of people on the inside who will not go down without taking a few others with them.
Bush came to power in 2000 by the tained margin of a handful of votes, having run a campaign posing as a moderate Republican. His first cabinet had members to mollify moderates in his party, like Powell.
By the time he was “re-elected” as a war president no longer pretending to be moderate, but a fundamentalist/rabid right conservative, he didn’t need moderates anymore, as his appointments since then demonstrate.
However some of those moderates, plus career diplomats and other professionals within important agencies, had access to information and were in the loop for much of the first term. They are in position to reveal a lot now.
I mention this as a kind of warning—this may be the last chance to derail Bush and the Rabid Right takeover of the U.S. government. If they are not brought down now and can keep power, they won’t have so many dissidents within government to expose them again.
So, what the memo doesn’t say it that Valerie Wilson is undercover. She’s CIA — but not undercover. Novak says in his July 14, 2003 article that Valerie Plame is an “Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction”.
So how would Novak know these specific details?
Not only that, the memo was marked as “sensitive” according to the WSJ yesterday:
“The paragraph in the memo discussing Ms. Wilson’s involvement in her husband’s trip is marked at the beginning with a letter designation in brackets to indicate the information shouldn’t be shared, according to the person familiar with the memo. Such a designation would indicate to a reader that the information was sensitive. The memo, though, doesn’t specifically describe Ms. Wilson as an undercover agent, the person familiar with the memo said.”
Okay, so
A. Novak has potentially more information about Plame than what is revealed in this memo, and
B. The memo is classified, so no one is supposed to be sharing the inforamtion anyway.
Although the memo is still classified, the characterization of it from this unnamed source underplays the information about Plame. You have to wonder if Novak may have gotten more information from the leakers than is revealed in this memo — and that suggests that Wilson was being targeted before the State Department memo. At the very least, classified information about a CIA undercover agent was leaked reporters.
Interesting to note that Bolton and Libby are both Cheney proteges. Libby has already been named as one of Cooper’s sources.
Was Libby on that plane trip?