Cross posted at Penndit.
Give ’em the Scott McClellan treatment.
I did a very similar post a few weeks ago, but with some of the latest revelations, it’s a good time to contact your representative now.
There are many crooked Republicans including six who were recently targeted by DCCC with print ads in local papers. There are also several Republicans who were close to being defeated in 2004. Some, like Chris Shays, like to play the “I’m a moderate card.” They get by because constituents think they’re good people.
Get Republicans on the record about what they think of Rove-gate…
Get Republicans on the record about what they think of Rove-gate. Many Republicans are avoiding the Rove issue like the plague. Make some phone calls. Be courteous and firm with the staffers and don’t be afraid to press for straight answers. We’ve got the GOP talking points debunked, and keep them handy in case they try to spin you. If you get someone stonewalling, make sure to write an LTE or call the local news media to get them to get the Republicans on the record. You’d have to check the legalities (Paging DKos lawyers!), but consider taping the conversation. It may help get the local news media to cover the story, or it could be a really humorous conversation featured at Crooks & Liars. The Senator Crap-o one was hilarious.
Many congressional GOoPers are in hiding. I say we all ought to try and smoke `em out. They were hired by their constituents to do a job. They’ve got to answer to their many bosses.
Some questions to ask:
- What do you think of Rove’s involvement with blowing the cover of a covert CIA agent?
- Do you think Bush should fire <s>Turd Blossom</s> Rove?
- Do you consider what Rove did tantamount to treason? Is he a traitor?
- Did Rove essentially give aid and comfort to the enemy by leaking the name of a covert CIA agent?
- Do you think that blowing the cover of a covert CIA agent has hurt national security?
- Do you think that Rove’s security clearances should be revoked? (If they stonewall or bullshit here, try “Shouldn’t it be revoked just in case?”)
- Why did the Bush White House flip-flop on Rove’s involvement?
- Will the Republicans in Congress be holding Congressional hearings and go hard after the Bush White House as they did the Clinton White House over a blowjob?
- Throw a lot of “The American people deserve to know if the Bush White House deliberately put a CIA operative’s life in jeopardy in order to bolster their case to go to war in Iraq” type stuff in there… not that I’d have to suggest it.
Talking Points Debunked Or What To Use <s>If</s> When They Bullshit You:
- Point by Point Rebuttal of RNC Talking Points, by FleetAdmiralJ
- The big lie about Valerie Plame, by Larry Johnson.
- CIA Leak Quotes Flip flop.
- Alan Colmes exposes GOP talking point lie
- Rove’s Lawyer Lies to Bloomberg news
- TDS on Rove
- Counter Karl-Talking Points, by cskendrick
Plame Roundups at Penndit:
- Plame Roundup for 7/17/05
- Plame Roundup for 7/18/05
- Plame Roundup 7/19/05
- Plame Roundup 7/20/05
- Plame Roundup 7/21/05
Representative Contact Information Found At These Websites:
If you can’t get a straight answer, at least try to make the person answering the phone <s>crap in his/her pants</s> squirm.
Report below on what was said.
If you can’t get a straight answer, go to your local media. Search Newslink.
If your local media hasn’t been reporting on traitor-gate or whatever we’re calling this (turd-blossom-gate?), or has been unfairly slanting this in favor of the Republicans, I’ve got another action item for you: Critical Mass: Has Rove/Plame reached critical mass?
Oh, yeah, for every phone call you make or email you send, consider giving the DNC some donations.
- Buy a Democracy Bond
- Donate to the DNC
- Donate to the Democratic Governors Association
- Donate to the DSCC
- Donate to DCCC.
- Be a Monthly Donor to DCCC
- Donate to College Democrats
P.S. Contact Lieberman’s office to see if he’ll hold a similar press conference on this issue…like the one during the Lewinsky scandal. Afterall, he is the ranking Democrat on the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.
P.P.S. Want to play Democratic spokesperson? Click here or join the discussion at MLW.
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