Update [2005-7-21 15:8:58 by susanhu]: Tune in via the ‘net to KUOW (Seattle NPR) to hear Slate‘s Day to Day, noon-1PM PDT. The #1 story is about what it means to be “undercover.”

Update [2005-7-21 14:9:44 by susanhu]: HOWARD DEAN is on now TALKING ABOVE ROVE> Update [2005-7-21 13:22:23 by susanhu]: HE’s ON NOW. Our friend Larry C. Johnson, the former CIA/State Dept. analyst and blogmaster for No Quarter, is on with Al and Katherine today, Air America, 9am-noon PDT. I’m not sure at what point he’ll be on. (Background: See Coffee Cup’s diary yesterday on the letter signed by Johnson and 10 other CIA agents, and sent to members of Congress.)