Update [2005-7-21 15:8:58 by susanhu]: Tune in via the ‘net to KUOW (Seattle NPR) to hear Slate‘s Day to Day, noon-1PM PDT. The #1 story is about what it means to be “undercover.”
Update [2005-7-21 14:9:44 by susanhu]: HOWARD DEAN is on now TALKING ABOVE ROVE> Update [2005-7-21 13:22:23 by susanhu]: HE’s ON NOW. Our friend Larry C. Johnson, the former CIA/State Dept. analyst and blogmaster for No Quarter, is on with Al and Katherine today, Air America, 9am-noon PDT. I’m not sure at what point he’ll be on. (Background: See Coffee Cup’s diary yesterday on the letter signed by Johnson and 10 other CIA agents, and sent to members of Congress.)
Larry on now!!!!! just said it is an act TREASON!!!
When the archived version is up, i’d be willing to transcribe it.
That would be great. I feel strongly that we need to help keep larry and his gang in the spotlight. I emailed Olberman a couple of days ago to suggest how important it was to get him on for an interview. Wouldn’t that be sweet?
That’s great!
ALSO: For a substantial fee, I will tape tonight’s Al Franken Show on Sundance where .. while you won’t be able to see LJ in person (because he was calling in from the Center for American Progress studios*), they’ll probably show a headshot of him.
*Why do they have studios? Was he taping something else there?
Oh, I just remembered. There’s a head shot of him at his company site — Berg something. But it’s utterly huge and takes forever to open, and then it’s sideways.
Aloha! Just checkin’ in to tell you that Jim VandeHei, the WaPo reporter who Boo quoted today is on Hardball … and he’s really cute. Young. I’d say 35 at most. Maybe too young? :):)
Lie being spread that she was just a desk jockey.
SHe is a NOC
If she had been caught while working overseas she could have been executed. That Karl Rove outed her is astonishing to me.
He’s a registered Republican but “we have no one with HONOR in the Republican party.’ … e.g., a Howard Baker.
You have to be careful about telling the truth in Washington, that can get you in trouble. In the republican party now there is no honor.
Bush needs to say, I don’t care if you broke a law, you are out of here. All of these statements are from Larry.
Very good … glad you typed that line …
Go LArry, Go LArry, Go Larry!!! God I love this man!!! Is he married? LOL commercial break here. More to come
I found a photo of him when he was on PBS’s Frontline … be back in a few … must go find it again. Looks alright to me. Don’t know about his marital status? Shall we go to his blog and ask him?! :):)
You first…lol!
Yeah, right.
“How could somebody who claims to be so smart be so stupid?” — “Hacks like that … I have a group of my colleagues who’d like to get them in a room and show them what assault is.”
ON VICTORIA TOENSING — the biggest all-time bitch of them all (that’s me saying that) —
“These kind of stupid comments by people like her has led me and my colleagues to write letters to people in Congress.”
Here’s his photo.
HE RECOMMENDS “Not a good day to die” — book by Sean Nailer (phonetic spelling) … how we LOST IN AFGHANISTAN
“I was married to a HOT BLONDE, so I stayed away from her [Valerie].”
This is the book he mentioned about how we BLEW catching Bin Laden and winning in Afghanistan … Here’s the Amazon info and link:
Not a Good Day to Die : The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda
by Sean Naylor
“IT was a raw, biting wind that swept down from the Hindu Kush in the first weeks of 2002, and the militiamen guarding the Ariana.
Wii have to pick up that book. Thanks for letting us know he was on today. I never turn the radio on in the office but I sure am glad I did today.
Hey Susan maybe an update that he is on now?
Fulton Armstrong at the CIA — Bolton tried to get him fired– a good friend of Larry’s.
Al’s asking if it’s possible that Bolton was one of the sources? (HELL YES!)
“If I were Patrick Fitzgerald, I’d investigate bolton … he had CIA guy on his staff … at the END OF THE DAY, SOMEBODY in the CIA gave her full name (words to that effect)….”
How is this linked to the intelligence problems Bush has? This is not an isolated incident. He’s linking Bolton now…yeeeee haaaaah! They are after CIA agents that won’t play ball. Fitzgereld should look at Bolton.
Larry Johnson is a true patriot and hero and has more courage in his fingernail than Bush could ever dream of having. I love this guy. Hey sorry Susan. He said he is married to a hot blond…oh well.
Sorry Susan? I thought you were the one hot for him!
Of course, that was then .. way back in the 1970s or early 1980s, when they were training for the CIA. He might have become available in the intervening years 
Checked out the picture…not my type…looks too conservative for this rebel…lol! All your girlfriend!
I will email him and ask tonight. I have email address at home not here at work.
I want to know if he has talked to Fitz?
Oohhhhh … good Q.
Write to him. You can do that, can’t you.
After the election of Paul Hackett on August 2nd, I am going to change my signature to…
So NO to treason, vote the democratic ticket.
I listened through to noon .. TV news is all London and Al Qaeda pontificators.
Tom Oliphant was on. I love hearing his kindly and elegant speech.
Al told him that when he sees Karl Rove, to say two words to him: Gordian Knot.
Tom Oliphant replied that when he sees Rove, he’s going to tell him, “Keep your chins up.”