I, as many Americans, had the distinct pleasure of being scolded by Senator Reid. In case you missed it on C-SPAN or the news, he admonished people with opinions to, in essence, STFU and wait for the Senate confirmation hearings on Judge Roberts.

I don’t know. Does the good minority leader not seem to have everything bass ackwards? It almost seems like he’s much more concerned with pleasing the Republicans than pleasing the American people.
To be fair, it must be hard to maintain a grasp on reality when you live inside the Beltway. Delusions of self-importance and grandeur must come fairly easily for those hobnobbing with the rich and powerful lobbyists, chumming it up with People Who Matter.

Meanwhile, once again, the rest of us are told to shut up and “let the Senate conduct its business.” Funny. I thought we were the ones who hired them!

Oh, that’s right! Silly me! It’s the corporations who hired them. It’s the People Who Matter who have a say. The rest of us, well, we can wait for the crumbs when they don’t feel like selling us out on bankruptcy, Medicare prescriptions, the Patriot Acts … and now Judge Roberts, a political animal if we ever saw one.

So what gives? What happened to us? Are we so irrelevant, now that Diebold is tallying our votes, that we’re to be not only ignored but scolded?

I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t add up as democracy to me.