It’s Thursday already “downunder” – where, appropriately, the dogs sleep upside-down.
I think I mentioned that Pyrs are also known as “mat dogs” for their tendancy to sleep in front of doors – even ones that don’t seem to allow for their great size.
The thing about dogs is that they express what they feel
so completely. They make me keep in touch with what I
really feel.
I have a really cute picture of my dog which I want to grace you with. I poked around a little and can’t figure out how to post it. Is there a FAQ on how to do this? I need to post it on the web first, and then link to it, correct? Is my daughter’s free Yahoo site OK?
Thanks for any pointers.
You need to find a host for your photo; i.e. or, which are both free, but you do have to become a member. I use photobucket, so that’s the one I’m most familiar with. Once you have copied your photo onto photobucket, you can edit it for size, and then copy the center tag line. Then type <img src= paste your photo code, and a closing bracket. Be sure to preview to check that it worked, also for image size. If, for some reason, the picture is oversized, you can change your beginning command to <img width=”400″ src — happy posting!
Check out the dogs riding the bus to doggie daycamp — this is the top Yahoo story at the moment!
Oh Good God, that is just way tooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much….
Our little newly-one-eyed guy is coming along like a champ now. Mommy keeps the cone off whenever we’re around to prevent scratching. She had the vet send the eye off to a center that’s researching the disease.
Meanwhile, tail-wags, and demands for tummy rubs and treats, have resumed.
I once had a one-eyed dog (details fuzzy, but he came home with a raccoon tail in his mouth and missing an eye) and lived with a roommate with a one-eyed cat (mama cat who had lost hers to a fight with a tomcat that was after her kittens).
People would come to visit and notice the dog . . . then notice the cat . . . and look at us really funny . . . .
The reincarnation of Sandra Bullock, Miss Congeniality.
Having been on a six day blog-free (blog-absent?) (non-blog?) flump, due to pressing deadlines, my tolerance as a cat owner is edging perilously close to breaking out. You have been warned.
As cute as all these canine and other species are, my cats are demanding equal time. Now, if I only knew how to post pictures. .. .and had time before next Thursday’s deadline to learn.
Drat! Can’t. Too many serious things happening. Too many felines in need of attention, not to mention spousal unit.