Today’s happy hour was inspired by the weather on the East Coast this week, and my Key West plans for later this year…
Our afternoon starts with …
Fruit (I use grapes (halved), peaches (sliced), and strawberries (sliced)
3 shots peach schnapps
3 shots brandy
3 shots orange liqueur (Cointreau, Grand Marnier, or similar)
1/8 to 1/4 c. sugar (to taste)
1 bottle Sauvignon Blanc
1 can ginger ale
Mix together peach schnapps, brandy, orange liqueur, and sugar. Add fruit to liqueur mixture and soak for about an hour in refrigerator.
Add wine and ginger ale. Enjoy!
And while we’re working on a Latin theme, how about a nice refreshing-but-spicy entree?:
Look for cooked, peeled shrimp at the seafood counter; or quickly thaw frozen cooked, peeled shrimp in a colander under cold running water. Marinate shrimp in a nonreactive bowl, such as one that is glass or ceramic; an aluminum or copper bowl will react with the citrus juice to give the shrimp a metallic taste.
3 limes
1 cup chopped seeded tomato
1 cup diced peeled avocado (about 1 avocado)
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 pound cooked peeled medium shrimp
12 (6-inch) corn tortillas
Finely grate rind from limes to measure 1 tablespoon; juice limes to measure 1/4 cup. Place rind and juice in a large bowl. Add tomato and remaining ingredients except tortillas; toss well to combine. Cover and chill for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Heat tortillas according to package directions. Spoon about 1/2 cup shrimp mixture down center of each tortilla; fold in half. Serve immediately.
And by the way, I have Mambo Sinuendo
by Ry Cooder and Manuel Galban playing in the background today. Just seems to add to the ambience and flavor of the café today!
So, what’s new with you? Any big plans for the weekend?
Feel free to recommend, and as Sven says, may the 4’s be with you!
In honor of the awesome Warren Haynes being in town this weekend:
When you can’t find the light,
That got you through the cloudy days,
When the stars ain’t shinin’ bright,
You feel like you’ve lost you’re way,
When those candle lights of home,
Burn so very far away,
Well you got to let your soul shine,
Just like my daddy used to say.
He used to say soulshine,
It’s better than sunshine,
It’s better than moonshine,
Damn sure better than rain.
Hey now people don’t mind,
We all get this way sometime,
Got to let your soul shine, shine till the break of day.
I grew up thinkin’ that I had it made,
Gonna make it on my own.
Life can take the strongest man,
Make him feel so alone.
Now and then I feel a cold wind,
Blowin’ through my achin’ bones,
I think back to what my daddy said,
He said “Boy, in the darkness before the dawn:”
Let your soul shine,
It’s better than sunshine,
It’s better than moonshine,
Damn sure better than rain.
Yeah now people don’t mind,
We all get this way sometimes,
Gotta let your soul shine, shine till the break of day.
Sometimes a man can feel this emptiness,
Like a woman has robbed him of his very soul.
A woman too, God knows, she can feel like this.
And when your world seems cold, you got to let your spirit take control.
Let your soul shine,
It’s better than sunshine,
It’s better than moonshine,
Damn sure better than rain.
Lord now people don’t mind,
We all get this way sometimes,
Gotta let your soul shine, shine till the break of day.
Oh, it’s better than sunshine,
It’s better than moonshine,
Damn sure better than rain.
Yeah now people don’t mind,
We all get this way sometimes,
Gotta let your soul shine, shine till the break of day.
EXCELLENT TUNE…..Hooooo Laawwd, now dat’s music…yowwsir… ; )
Warren is even playing an acoustic set at the local music festival this weekend, since he’s in town with the rest of the ABB….
</end starry-eyed musical adoration>
an acoustic session… that is gonna be good…have mercy, lucky lucky you ; )
Friday?? But, but I need at least two more days in this week!
That wasn’t the question for Man Eegee. This is it: Do you have your Boo mugs yet?? Mine haven’t arrived. My coffee weeps.
Thanks for the diary and recipes, CC! And a most happy Friday (Friday!?) to you, too.
Er, that would be “CG.”
Not yet, wolverine writer mentioned delivery via USPS so possibly today or tomorrow? It will be my luck that they will arrive whilst I’m at work. My chai weeps alongside your coffee.
I haven’t gotten mine yet either…I’m starting to stalk the UPS truck every time it comes into my neighborhood!
Happy Friday (yes, it’s really here already!)
Cabin – I presume your white wine sangria recipe is for a party of twenty or more 🙂
Otherwise the Cabin will be rockin’ all day….
Well, you never how many will be showing up here at the cafe on a Friday afternoon/evening….
What’s new on your side of the pond?
First the Atlantic, and then the Baltic…
Nice garden party yesterday, with performances, in the idyllic Old Rectory that used to be my home. My daughters were enjoying champagne with strawberries and eying up the older boys.
Oldest daughter is off to France on Sunday for three weeks living with a family. I slipped her a big euro note in an envelope in the sunlit garden and suddenly thought I was in some kind of Mafia movie.
I shall take the younger one to London in just over a week, and ride the Tube in solidarity with my former compatriots.
Finally found the boxed Tati set today – and will probably watch ‘Mon Oncle’ later on.
Oh no, eying up the boys…how old are they?
Sounds like you have some nice plans for the rest of the summer!
I have my last Deadwood series DVD to watch this weekend…I’ll have to savor it!
Deadwood? Where do you rank it in the history of television?
I am addicted to Deadwood, and I have you and Susan and the jsmdlawyers to thank for turning me on to it!
I don’t watch much tv (about 1 show a week, plus the weather in the morning). Now, I realize that I might have to get cable so I can watch the next season of Deadwood. How else will I be able to deal with those pre-Deadwood/Deadwood open threads?
Do you think it’s the grittiest series they’ve ever done?.
is the best series done in American history. I think the original Star Trek and Mission:Impossible are high up. The Sopranos is one of the best shows ever. But for an hourly drama, I put Deadwood at the top of my list.
I’m also a big fan of The Wire. The Wire is almost as gritty as Deadwood. My only complaint with The Wire is that I didn’t think their Hamsterdam storyline was very realistc last season. But it did make a powerful point about our drug laws.
We just got all the West Wing episodes – I’m hooked!
That’s another good sho. Don’t you just love being able to watch multiple episodes in a row?
Ah, 13 and 15…my best friend’s daughter and stepdaughter are 13 and 14…the parents are just beginning to see how, uhm, challenging the next few years are going to be. :^)
I’m sure I’ll be feeling that way before too long as well…or at least the mother/son version of it!
yes it is sinful, but it is hard to stop watching 😉
I’m just fine with my daughters – I think I am more of a libertarian than they! We have a lot of fun together…they think I’m cool (mostly)
Drown my sorrows. One of my fave people is leaving the magazine. Pleh.
You feel lucky to have people you actually enjoy working with, and then they leave. Did you work together for a long time?
I work as a consultant now, but most of the folks I work with I’ve known for 8 or 9 years now, and we keep working together, no matter how many times the building and the name of the companies change. It would be hard to get used to new people!
thanks for the love. We’ve worked together for about a year, but I have enjoyed every minute of it.
She’s got a sweet gig lined up, but it means I’m going to have to learn to deal with another person — and when you’re under crazy deadlines, that’s usually a horrible process.
A gin and tonic for me…. I sense a vitamin deficiency in the C region…. hmmm
and a dos Equis for the infidelpig, when he shows up
Have you the daily paper kicking around? I see the world has gone mad while I slept (again)
A civilized choice as usual.
Last night someone turned me onto the Nag Hammadi Library (google it) and I now understand what a Gnostic is.
I think I’ll have T-shirt made with ‘GTh’ emblazoned…
The book of Thomas, and the Book of Sophia…. oh here’s to all the forbidden books.. The Alexandria Quartet… the poems of Cafavy…. the Caballah !!!!!
and forbidden drinks, for that matter
Long, long ago, some two thousand years or so, there lived a rich man
with a good and beautiful wife. They loved each other dearly, but
sorrowed much that they had no children. So greatly did they desire to
have one, that the wife prayed for it day and night, but still they
remained childless.
In front of the house there was a court, in which grew a juniper-tree.
One winter’s day the wife stood under the tree to peel some apples,
and as she was peeling them, she cut her finger, and the blood fell on
the snow. ‘Ah,’ sighed the woman heavily, ‘if I had but a child, as
red as blood and as white as snow,’ and as she spoke the words, her
heart grew light within her, and it seemed to her that her wish was
granted, and she returned to the house feeling glad and comforted. A
month passed, and the snow had all disappeared; then another month
went by, and all the earth was green. So the months followed one
another, and first the trees budded in the woods, and soon the green
branches grew thickly intertwined, and then the blossoms began to
fall. Once again the wife stood under the juniper-tree, and it was so
full of sweet scent that her heart leaped for joy, and she was so
overcome with her happiness, that she fell on her knees. Presently the
fruit became round and firm, and she was glad and at peace; but when
they were fully ripe she picked the berries and ate eagerly of them,
and then she grew sad and ill. A little while later she called her
husband, and said to him, weeping. ‘If I die, bury me under the
juniper-tree.’ Then she felt comforted and happy again, and before
another month had passed she had a little child, and when she saw that
it was as white as snow and as red as blood, her joy was so great that
she died.
In the beginning, there was light
Let there be (Coors) Light
Bud “Light”….please….
Coors has been anti-union and anti-women since the beginning of time….
I’ll send Coors back to the bar if someone at my table orders it…pick your beer…just not Coors
[end of rant/]
But I’ll buy you a Bud light…. and an Irish Mist for me, please, barwoman.
Here’s to forbidden books!
Spy In The House of Love
By Anais Nin
Who do I relate to in this quartet? When in love, with Anais Nin… but when I’ve come to my senses….
The One And Only Henry Miller
Henry Valentine Miller
Total Man by Stan Gooch
Not so much banned, as out of print 😉
Hear, hear for forbidden books and brews.
Of course, you can still get Chartreuse w/o the opium kicker. Many years ago, I used to have a standing Friday night date with my first husband. We would meet at a bar that was our favorite and I often arrived before he did. For a while, I was quite hooked on starting the evening by sipping delicately on a tiny glass of Chartreuse.
One evening, a fellow thought he’d make a move on me by laughing at my “wussy ‘ittle drinkie-poo.” I promptly bought him one and he arrogantly downed the glass with macho aplomb. Choking, coughing, eyes watering, he gasped, “Holy shit, lady! How do you drink that stuff?” The bartender answered for me, “Properly, with reverence and respect.”
I think that’s the way we should approach forbidden books as well. I can understand the books of Thomas and Sophia and certainly put Caballah/Kaballah/Qabala in that category. But, please tell me when and how Durrell’s epic “Alexandria Quartet” got that designation? Gawd, I loved those books; read the series thru a least three times.
And while I’m on the subject of great fiction that only intellectuals read, has anyone else here read Anthony Powell’s “Dances to the Music of Time” — all nine volumes — or “King Jesus” by Robert Graves — or are there any Dorothy Dunnett fans lurking here?
The Alexandria Quartet
Were four books on the “Forbidden Bookshelf” This shelf was just 18 inches from the floor, and had all my mother’s college texts and novels and philosophy and humanistic literature. It was verboten when I was a child of 11. And the first one I stole away with was Plato’s “Republic” Imagine. I was home from hospital and in bed for a week or two and went to bed with one of the Forbidden Books. It was the best book I ever read, of course. And, in my child’s mind I still practiced “magical thinking” so in the midst of one of Socrates’ arguments, I would interject my two cents. Literally, I would write my idea on a little scrap of paper and put it between the pages, and go to sleep, believing that in the morning my argument would have been entered into the discussion, and I would see my words on the printed page and Socrates’ answer to me. The topic was: what is justice?
It was another year or so before I was able to sneak away the Alexandria Quartet, book by book. What was forbidden was sex and sexuality and the Caballah.
I have not changed one jot from those years. Not one jot. I still love books, am still sneaking them away, am still completely absorbed in book-world, and still practicing “magical thinking.” The only difference is that I write more and more and more, and, playing the percentages, I get published now and again.
Thank you sjct, you are having an excellent influence on me.
My mother never drank alcohol (apart from a dry sherry before dinner) – but at Christmas we always had to get a bottle of Green Chartreuse in. It’s the only time she ever got the least part surreal.
The books which turned me on at a tender age were:
Tarot of the Bohemians – Papus (hey, a Synarchist!)
The Upanishads
Ripley’s Believe it or Not (1936 Edition)
Great Expectations – Dickens
These days I get all my inspiration from such amazingly insightful non-fiction books as ‘Genome’ by Matt Ridley or David Crystal’s ‘Encyclopaedia of Language’
We have a few papers here; take your pick!
Now, where is that bartender?
good good – keep buying our paper pls….
Nokia in slight trouble, so we need the money
thanky for the Dos Equis, and since it’s Friday afternoon, I’ll a double Quervo 1800 Gold, chilled, strained, and make it NFL (No Frick’n Lime) ; )
A gift pack…. so you can take it where you go… and thanks for your sound advice last night infidel…
are you any relation to Fidel?
Suskind, I hereby appoint you official deliverer of the drinks!
Now we just need another pitcher of sangria…
He’s my second cousin, on my third cousins wife’s 1st cousin’s side ; )
(there were’nt many people on the island then ; )
Here is my recommendation for some musica, my father-in-law, who is deceased, was a wonderful Musician by the name of Geri Galian. If any of you listened to Retro Cocktail hour on July 16th, you heard one of his songs last week, it is called Mescolanza.
If you run his name on a Google search there are plenty of links and if you are interested in Latin music, he has at least 2 gold records. One of which hangs in my living room, thanks to his darling daughter, my wife.
This is a man who played Love is a Many Splendored Thing, with one hand, because another pianist told him it could not be done.
A veteran fighter pilot in the European theater of WWII, I am grateful and proud of the wonderful family I married into and the gracious welcome I was given as a part of this family.
Mescolanza is very popular in South West Miami, I have friends there and visit several times a year, always a great time, and love the music, food, spirit of the people.
Kudos to the father in law, and I beleive the family is just as lucky to have a member such as you.
thanks Infidel, I am indeed blessed and walk in grace each day that I am given.
And here’s a link to the Retro Cocktail Hour for anyone who wants to listen!
Thanks for sharing that with us, GDW! (And I second the thought that your family is lucky all around!)
thank you cabin girl for the link and the kindness.
Geri Galian was on the July 2 show.
Fall concert series catalog arrived yesterday….it now has water spots all over it. I have to make a decision by Sunday on shows to see.
Visualize…small theatre…seating of 1,000…
Pick only one…tickets are $150 per person…for center section seats
Crosby Stills & Nash OR Moody Blues OR Earth Wind & Fire
I’m already going to see Emmy Lou Harris and Joan Baez – so the hubby says only one other show…whimpers a lot
I vote for CS&N. MB second. EW&F never did much for me.
Lucky you! I’d love to see Emmy Lou Harris, though I almost love her various duets more than her solos.
Emmylou is one of my heroes! The last time I saw her, she was touring with Linda Ronstadt, which was pretty cool. And of course, half of Spyboy was in their band…
CSN would be my pick too. EWF is my second choice.
I vote CS&N as well. The Moody Blues are great live, but it’s so sad to see the hunky one, old what’s-his-name with the long blonde hair looking so old. If you’re in a small venue you can see him up close and that’s just too scary. Better that you go on believing he’s still 28 years old.
I’ve seen a few in concert in the ’90s and wish I’d left the memories intact. Saw my first MB concert in 1972…egads that was a long time ago…the peripheral highs in those days was pretty cool….
I’m leaning towards CS&N….
Thanks for the votes, it helped reassure me I wasn’t too over the top.
No contest ….CS&N enjoy
but I have to tell you that in a small venue, under 2000, the best group I have ever seen is hands down, the Cowboy Junkies. 2 1/2 hours of intimate pleasure in music. Saw them at the California Theater in San Diego, I don’t even know if it is still there any longer. I saw them in the early 90’s, powerful and moving is all I can say.
very true, I have seen them twice live, and have their albums, inspiring to say the least, and the female vocalist has a soulfully haunting voice, incredible.
both times in a small old converted theatre with only 375 people, and I was lucky enough to be up front, it was outstanding.
truly can open one’s soul and the musicians that are a part of this group, surely help her make that possible.
absolutely, all the muscians in the group are highly renowned in their field. what a great combination of musical souls they have formed.
I have been creating a landscape to display a couple of Lemax “Spooky Town” collectibles. It will be the next workshop I offer at Michael’s. I love doing this stuff. I guess I’m going to have to get some kind of on-line image host — any recommendations?
And then, I’ll have to learn how to post images. That will be the hard part; I can’t seem to get my old brain to absorb this kind of info anymore…
Weekend plans…running errands with the hubby…then resting with the wine in the shade. So a nice Chardonnay from our friendly bartenders would be nice.
That is the world’s absolute cutest kitty pic ever!
What great timing. We are having some folks over this weekend and I was planning a Mexican meal. This Sangria will go very nicely!
Eating the “fruit salad” at the end is the best part, IMO. Enjoy!
LOL..I remember quite a few years ago, while I was recouperating from a bad accident, setting in the Gulf of Mexico, with a 5gal Igloo water jug filled with just such a mix on my birthday.
I was still learning to walk all over again, and still on walker/canes, so I was swimming a great deal to get the strength back in my legs, and let me tell you, if not for the 5gal Jug of booze, I would have drowned that second day. ; ) (it kept me afloat) LMAO
(of course, you must first empty most of the liquid before it becomes a viable floatation device, but in retrospect, that’s what allmost drowned me, removing the booze…..into me)
don’t mix fruit and alcohol…never again
I have a story which I won’t tell which involves watermelon soaked in alcohol, a late night speed boat ride, and an early morning bike ride to the docks with a rag and bucket of water…
ROTFLMAO….I can concour with you there…I still have that shirt in the closet, and quite sure it still has the stains….. ; ) (as a reminder to NEVER do THAT again)
I’m curious, did you have to clean up after yourself???? Ewww…and how did you ride the bike in that condition?
We used to do the everclear fruit punch thing for big parties (a LOOONNNGGGG time ago), and eat the fruit salad part for breakfast the next day…
How did I ride my bike in that condition? Another lesson learned…after having imbibed WAY too much during the night there’s only one way to not feel sick the next morning…and I took care of that on the boat ride back to the docks…
hee, hee, or any kind of sugar. It seems to amplify the effects. But …
since I am never one to take good advice, here’s a fruity recipe for ya’. Beg your pardon if I’ve posted this before, but it’s my current fave and I can’t stop mentioning it.
Orange Drop
in a shaker with ice mix:
1 part orange flavored Vodka
1 part orange Liquer, Citronge is recommended
a dash of orange flower water
top off with as much orange juice as you like.
Rub a bit of something sticky, like lime juice, round the rim of a martini glass and coat with sugar.
Pour drink into glass and enjoy.
Sweet and simple — oh and really, if you don’t have the orange flower water, get some — it’s what makes it taste like one of those drinks you get on vacation but never seem to be able to make at home.
That sounds really good, and I have the vodka already! Can I get orange flower water in the spice aisle at the grocery store, or is it hard to find?
Perhaps in honor of the use of Spanish in the diary header here, one of the “top” stories on Yahoo! News (as of 2:30pm EDT) comes with the link “Tequila’s popularity surges as image changes”.
Since I’m not really a tequila drinker, I must admit that before reading this piece, I was unaware that, like champagne, only those producers in a certain geographic region can legitimately call their product “tequila”. Anything else is theoretically conterfeit.
Froggy Bottom’s Up, everyone!
My tequila should always have “Agave Azul” it’s the best.
A morning misty view of Dugalla Bay on Whidbey Island, from two years ago, looking north towards Fidalgo Island in the distance. The Sound has been Pugetting again this morning, presently overcast at 59F, but they’re warning us about
by supper time.
Plans for the weekend? Mrs. Gooserock is getting over having flunked yet another seemingly great job interview. She’ll be turning her legendarily brilliant right hemisphere loose on my craft shop. I recall setting up my first metal lathe with the aid of a retired neighborhood machinist. We were checking the blueprints for some detail when my lady walked in and instantly pointed it out in what was to her the upside-down view with left and right reversed on the part as it lay. The machinist was duly impressed!
I’m really more of a Frankenstein (the doctor) than a Henry Ford, so my setup is much more of a lab than a production shop. Although my lady has never been a crafter or small business person either, I have great confidence in that right hemisphere of hers.
(Yes it’s a crazy marriage. She’s the mechanic; I wear the dress, and do most of the talking.)
Also we’re monitoring our newly one-eyed Toto as he continues to recover.
Look how proud he is of having defeated the Dreaded Conehead!
TotoBoy looks like he’s feeling pretty chipper!
Thanks for the heat relief pix…I can hardly imagine what it would be like to think of 80 degrees as hot…
OMG it is TOTO!
My Willow (RIP) a black lab (mother of my girl who is with us now, Shinobi) once had to be shaved due to flea allergies. Dogs do get embarrassed. She would hide when someone would come near the house.
Glad Toto is perking up 🙂
Dr. Frankenstein is better than… gasp… Dr. Frankenfurter 🙂
the official Toto breed. The same breed, if all-white, is called a West Highland Terrier or Westie. Every other color is the Cairn. We lost our first after 12 years, lucked into a 12 year old rescue Cairn to keep our #2 company without the energy of a puppy, and now #2 has the eye thing. We love the breed and we love the giggling we hear from so many kids when they see the pair of them.
My family had a short haired dachsund when I was a kid. She’d get embarassed by her wool winter coat thingie.
Cats are easy to embarass. All you have to do is look at them and hiss abruptly like an angry cat. They have to flinch–it’s in the Operating System. No matter how many times you do it, and no matter how hard they try to act cool, they still twitch just a little every time. It really annoys them!
Kids used to like those Jack Russels because of “Wishbone” I think. Now they know different. Two different neighbors both have Jack Russels and they always run away from their house… straigh to ours.
My daughter used to keep one in her room and try to hide the fact it was here LOL
Now they know JRT are very very high-maintenace and full of energy.
To them, our black lab isn’t a dog. She’s family. Reason they keep asking for a dog… one of those pugnosed types. ACKKKK
We need another animal like I need a (fill in the blank)
I can assure you – both my kids and MYSELF would be giggling and smiling at your pooch.
Have a wonderful Friday afternoon all, for it is time for me to go to the grocery store, and wonder how I can get so much money into a few small bags ; )
later tater’s…enjoy
Reminds me of my favorit line from the Simpsons:
“I want it all in one bag, and I don’t want it to be heavy.”
One of my co-workers had that framed and proudly displayed on her desk a few years ago.
(Thanks Omir!)
I just adore OMIR! 🙂
In a non-stalking fannish sort of way, of course.
Unless… he digs that 🙂
Ah yes, the blog hunks:
OMIR, Carnacki, ManEegee…who else should we add to the list? :^)
….and lots of others….
I won’t list them because I’d probably offend the ones I forgot to put on the list. ;^D
Definitely Booman-and we’ve seen his pic!
Oh, and Sven and Gooserock and Suskind and Brother Feldspar and Supersoling and Abbott and Egarwaen and…you’re right, there’s alot, and I’d be bound to miss a few!
I have been overlooked, I will have to change my affiliations and become a wingnut. I will have to burn my ACLU card, no longer can I be called a liberal/progressive, I did not make the hunk list at Booman Tribune.
I am doomed, I tell you I have no choice but to become a wingnut. Oh the agony.
Hey wait a minute. If I become a wingnut, that means I have to drink the koolaid. Whooooooooooooooooooaaa
no way I am I drinking the koolaid.
Ok, I get to keep my ACLU card anyways.
SallyCat was right…there are just too many of you great guys here! Can I make it up to you by putting you on the cover of the Blog Hunks calendar?
No, no, my dear. You don’t belong on a BlogHunks(TM) Calendar. You belong on a Great Enlightened Men Calendar. Altho, for all I know you’re probably a hunk, too.
Ah life is as it should be now. I have been immortalized on the front of a magazine and a calendar.
I am redeemed, no longer an anonymous liberal/progressive.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Watch out for the STAPLES!!! 🙂
Can I give you an 8 for this one?
I don’t think I want to be considered a “Boo hunk” so ghostdancers way can have mine… I’m off to study Tantric Buddhism….
There’s Kama Sutra Body Chocolates, too.
But you gotta keep it refridgerated and… not that I know… Okay, I do know. 🙂
all the men! But I’m not sure of the gender of many…
RubDMC – great daily diaries
and if I must … Sersan… he is such a sweetie! Someone I wish I could sit a cafe table and talk from morning untill the placed closed and do it all over again the next day.
The internet has made the big world into more of a backyard bunch. Which is how it should be. 🙂
Uh oh, I may have to rethink the posting of my picture with my new shirt and coffee mug…
Aw shucks, that was our sneaky way of getting pictures for the BlogHunks 2005 calendar…
Blog Hunks and the Women Who Love Them!
I love that movie and book.
My favorite Simpson’s line:
“just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand!”
That show is just full of great one-liners! How have they been able to keep it so fresh and cool for so long?
Here you are!
well it’s Friday and I’m gonna’ pretend I’m on a tropical isle and suck down some of my rum drinks.
As to the Latin theme.. my “real” nickname is “Azul” it’s Spanish for Blue.
No, I’m not the bad guy in “El Mariachi” 🙂
I was wondering when you were going to show up! We missed ya!
Has the weather cooled down out your way yet, Azul?
Yesterday it had cooled down a bit also. No rain like others had. By the time we settled in for a movie… YIKES… we had to turn the fan off as it was getting a bit nippily.
Today is a beeeyuuuutiful California day. Clear skies, nice breeze. Lizards running amuck in the lavendar rock garden.
All is well in our world.
Oh cripes.. we’re out of eskimo pies. OH HORRORS! 😀
really nice down here at the bay as well…
Good to see you posting DJ…missed your comments this morning.
Mornings can be a bear around here. During the summer it’s so hard to get on this gerbil box. 🙂
Yesterday I got a pretty good post in (Jaws) one. And today, GASP, I wrote a diary.
How does one do that “cross post” thingy? I posted a diary here and “there”. Feels naked without that “cross posted at”
We’ve got to get a Blanket-4’s option or I’m going to develop carpal tunnel for sure.
I was just thinking that. I’ve been giving fewer 4’s just to save my 4-arm. Hate that! Wanna cover the cafe in 4’s!
his name is Stu Piddy, and he has a new diary running… would you go over and welcome him to the FBC?? I’m not walking straight enough to get there…
Here, take my arm. No, sweetie, that’s Diane’s arm. Okay, now you’ve got it. . .we’ll just mosey on over to that bar stool over there and pour a leetle more coffee in with all that Bailey’s. . .
I went over and welcomed him and invited him over. That was an excellent diary he posted. Thanks for letting us know a newcomer needs welcoming.
… for trackpad hand? I really shouldn’t wait ’til the Café has 80+ comments before I carpet-four. Oh no, don’t trouble yourself — I’ll grab one of my favorite local microbrews (presumably made with gen-yoo-wine Potomac swamp water):

Just the thing for your typical DC summer. If some clever photoshopping Tribber wants to sneak in the missing “R” from that name, I’m sure the staff here would be very appreciative.
I would be so tempted to make that a Soggy Bottom….
Hello, how is everyone. I have been busy creating my new interactive blog site Village Blue, if you want to be an early bird to the site click here and register.
Don’t worry there is a big giant link back to Booman from there so you can get right back.
I have been really busy and have neglected this site the last few days, but I will be posting regularly in a few days.
Also I hope you all will take some of your non political diaries over there and post them, be sure to check catagories. See you over there and back here again…..
Man is it hot here today!!!!!!!!!! I had to get out in it to mow my grass… I do not know if I was in a constant hot flash or it was the heat!!!!!!!!!!! I just know how hot it is here and I want to move for the rest of the summer to Canada…….;o)
What a great and refreshing place this is tonight. Kudos to you all….