July 22, 2005
SCOOP: John Bolton Was Regular Source for Judith Miller WMD and National Security Reporting
TWN has just learned from a highly placed source — and in the right place to know — that John Bolton was a regular source for Judith Miller’s New York Times WMD and national security reports.
The source did not have any knowledge on whether Bolton was one of Miller’s sources on the Valerie Plame story she was preparing, but argues that he was a regular source otherwise.
It’s all “thickening.”
— Steve Clemons
Posted by steve at July 22, 2005 03:45 PM
Yes it is all thickening!!!!!!!! I had a hunch that Bolton was involved in this. If he didn’t Bush would have made him a recess appointment during the 4th of July recess.
I suspect that there is more than meets the eye here.
What do you think?
We’re dyin’ here! 🙂
i think this is it:
thanks raincat. I posted and went to bed.
Do you follow Steve Clemons’ posts?
here’s another little morsel for you:
Susan, I read the washington note on occassion. I go to Talking points memo and then to clemons afterwards. I find they go hand in hand.
Susan, this man is a netorious liar and he will screw anything he touches. I hope that bush just tries to make him a recess appointment and let the fur fly then!!!!!!!!!!!! :o) Talk about holy hell to pay!!!!!!!! It would just make things worse for the WH IMHO.
and the gang knew it too. There was no way in HELL they were going to let Bush slip him into the UN. Knowing this investigation has been going on almost 2 years, knowing the committte was requesting the intercepts..knowing the intercepts were out there…How fucking arrogent of Bush to think he could award Bolton (who will soon be behind bars with Judy) a raise. What nerve. This man is in need of Impeachment. Cheney is 100% involved in this cover up too. Just like dominos..they are all going down. Great diary.
I have a feeling you are “right on” on this one. I hope they can this dude once and for all!
intuition is sometimes our best ally ; )
great work, dilligent, Kudos & Recommended
geeesh,,,it’s way to damned early, and I need spellcheck…. ALLIE
Look folks, what we are dealing with is all portions of our government that is complicit in this going to war the way we did. I blame them all. Now when it comes to this matter, I say it involved State, Executive, Congress and Intelligence. I want to think better of our government, but this administration that we have is so corrupt, we can not trust anyone connected to them at all. Someone said the other day in a comment that you are judged by the company you keep, made me really stop and think about things and they were right. NO matter how innocent you might have been, just by being in this crowd of ppl, make you suspect of almost anything.
The things and facts that accompany these ppl are criminal…right from the get go and they are not coming at any conclusions or solutions for anything. They, in fact, make things worse. I can not think of one thing they have improved!
When it came to Bolton, and I listened to the conformation hearings, he looked like a guilty person then and I did some researching on him and he is not a person of good quality to be doing the job he had done, let alone, recommending for a higher position.
His stories were not jiving during the hearings and they do not jive now. He worked for the WMD- nonproliferation division, he was sent to spy for Cheney, he is a neocon, he had the avenue/opportunity/reason to do such a thing.
His connection with Judith Miller is a new thing for me to learn, but stands to reason.
I simply do not trust him or anyone connected to him. I listened to what Mr. Ford said about him and it clicked an stuck to my brain. I think C. Powell, had his hands full serving at the pleasure of the president, and he really liked to state this in the press. I cringed each and every time he said things like that.
There is one thing I detest, that is a liar! I loose all respect for a person(s) upon finding out lies were their middle name and the rest is history.
You don’t need more than woman’s intuition to know that John Bolton and the bush boys are up to no good. We ALL knew it here. They think that putting on a show of respectability can earn them some respect. They think that if they conceal the photo record that they make of the torture, murder and rape that amuses them so – we will never know.
What was always obvious to us loonies on the left is now become obvious and completely undeniable to all.