A director is remaking the 1976 classic horror film, “The Omen,” to be called “Omen 666, ” Hmmm … it’s 30 years later. Can you imagine a famous adult American who might have been the child anti-Christ in the original?
P.S. Here’s Karl Rove’s July 18 letter to Judith Miller.
Every movie listed at IMDb has a “memorable quotes” section. Here are a couple quotes from The Omen’s Memorable Quotes:
these perjury leaks are the Prosecutor’s office prepping the public opinion for a trial, or possibly a pressuring technique to try to flip some people?
Now that’s some P-alliteration! 🙂
Darn I thought it was Cheney. Chenian. 🙂
Always freaked me out they used the same orchestral for hockey game playoff tense moments as was in the soundtrack of The Omen. YIKES!!!!
Outstanding SusanHu! Thanks!
Cheney is
Mrs. Blaylock.
Which I guess makes Lynne the big Mastiff.
I think the reality of today’s events are very scary, esp. with these psychopaths in charge.
Talking about Rove and his chumminess with Miller, these 2 phone numbers are supposed to be his, just in case anyone wants to ask him anything. I never got through on them, and perhaps they’re changed by now, but, it can’t hurt to have them handy, just in case.
(202) 456-2369
(202) 456-2020
What do we know about the shooting in London today?
I didn’t listen much to MSM today … did they shoot an innocent man? Why did they shoot him when they had him pinned down?
When did the police in London start carrying guns? I thought London was one of the last, great civilized places where the cops managed by skill and communication, not firepower.
Oh yeah … I’d forgotten that. Great question.
What about Paris?
Don’t know about Paris. Perhaps when people get out of line the gendarmarie can bop ’em with a baguette.
European Tribbers would know. Oui? Ask? Jerome?
Gotta love MSM snark
What do the think they’re doing?!? Couldn’t they just let him go to a cartoon retirement home… or better yet, stick him back into a cornerstone/time capsule for future generations…
Godspeed, Michigan… but you’re never truly gone while you stay in MY heart…
’tis a sad day indeed. I feel compelled to don a top hat and dance a jig in honor of his distingued presence in my life.