It seems like the DLC has orchestrated the “Kerry Campaign” for the Democratic Party. Remember Kerry was not going to change anything that Bush did… but just be nicer doing it.
- Kerry was going to be kinder in the fabricated “War of Terror”.
- Kerry was going to be more compassionate to anti-choicers
- Kerry was going to be nicer to the build up to the militaristic industrial complex
- Kerry was going to be more understanding to religious fanatics
- Kerry was going to be sweet to the corporatist and proclaimed that he was a “non-redistributionist” I guess that is code for less taxes…
In short Kerry was going to make the Democratic Party a more kinder gentler Republican party.
Kerry Lost to the worst president ever…
Now, instead of waiting for another opportunity Lieberman and his cronies have decided that the plan shall continue with out a Democratic president… and just make the party Republican anyways… so with just seven fellow thugs he staged a coup d’etat and has since been running the party without being elected…
….so is this what Democracy looks like????
i agree.
i think that this problem is bigger than the kerry campaign, however.
in no particular order:
democrats helped pass the bankruptcy bill
democrats voted for the war in iraq
democrats passed nafta
democrats cut welfare
democrats kept the military anti-gay
the list goes on and on, but in summary, the democrats will not give more than token support to women, gays, blacks, hispanics, arabs and muslims, organized labor, or the poor. I cannot think of one instance within the past 25 years where they have actually supported any of these groups. (I would LOVE to be corrected.)
the fact is, the democrats protect the corporate interests who fund them. these are largely the same corporate interests who fund the republicans, therefore there’s not much difference.
what i’m more interested in, however, is what do you think we can do about this?
Can the democratic party be brought under our control, or do we have to start over, and create new, more accountable organization?