I ran into this story in my local paper (The Guymon Daily Tribune) today in the process of interviewing a job applicant, and thought I’d share it with the rest of you. Needless to say, inspiration can come in grand acts and small. I guess our applicant had seen this guy at the hotel where he was staying last night and learned his story from there. I guess the red-white-and-blue tie-dye t-shirt the guy was wearing were a give-away that he wasn’t quite a local (though, let’s keep in mind that I tend to wear a lot of tie-dye and I’m essentially a local at this point in time – but that’s another story for another time):

A peaceful walk: Californian crosses country in trek to end Iraq war

    Peace activists all over the country have found creative ways of showing their distrust of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. Mike Oren decided that he would show his protestation of Bush administration policies one step at a time.

More below the fold:


Also known as the Peace Walker Oren, 51, had decided to walk across the country to protest all war but particularly the war in Iraq.

    Oren’s walk lead him to Guymon where he is going to take a break before returning to his walk.

    Oren got inspired to partake on his walk when he heard a story on CNN about a man in Florida who doused himself with gasoline and burned himself alive because he had learned that his son had died in Iraq.

    “That outraged me. I quit my job and went out to San Bernadino, Calif. after that,” said Oren.

    Oren’s destination is New York City. He expects to end his journey on Nov. 15. His journey started in September of 2004.

    He left San Bernadino and followed Route 66 up to Tucumcari, N.M. It was there he decided to follow Highway 54 north and east. He will follow 54 up to Springfield, Ill.

    Since he has been walking Oren says he has lost 70 pounds, but he feels his trials have been worth it.

    “I have seen the real America so far,” said Oren.

    Oren’s walk has completely been publicly funded. He buys food and motel rooms to stay at based on donations from people he has met.

    He gets about 15 to 20 dollars per day. When he can’t stay in a motel he sleeps at local homeless shelters until he gets back on his feet and walking again.

    Every once in a while though he has gotten lucky though and a motel would give him a complimentary night in a room to support his cause. People have also donated food to his cause.

    “I never take more than I need,” said Oren.

    He walks in all kinds of whether.

    Hot and dry or cold and rainy he continues his quest for peace in the Middle East and to change the world one step at a time.

    The Peace Walker’s web site is www.thepeacewalkerquest.blogspot.com.
