(Cross posted at Kos)

Here is an interesting timeline in the mistake ridden political machine.  Frank Rich points out the Hubris – quite literally the Greek term for tragic arrogance- of the Bush Administration that felt even one of their own agents in the field was fair game.

I personally believe that this is the turning point, and the issue that will not disappear.

That memo may have been the genesis of an orchestrated assault on the Wilsons. That the administration was then cocky enough and enraged enough to go after its presumed enemies so systematically can be found in a similar, now forgotten attack that was hatched on July 15, the day after the publication of Mr. Novak’s column portraying Mr. Wilson as a girlie man dependent on his wife for employment.

On that evening’s broadcast of ABC’s “World News Tonight,” American soldiers in Falluja spoke angrily of how their tour of duty had been extended yet again, only a week after Donald Rumsfeld told them they were going home. Soon the Drudge Report announced that ABC’s correspondent, Jeffrey Kofman, was gay. .


Matt Drudge told Lloyd Grove of The Washington Post at the time that “someone from the White House communications shop” had given him that information

Mr. McClellan denied White House involvement with any Kofman revelation, a denial now worth as much as his denials of White House involvement with the trashing of the Wilsons. Identifying someone as gay isn’t a crime in any event, but the “outing” of Mr. Kofman (who turned out to be openly gay) almost simultaneously with the outing of Ms. Plame points to a pervasive culture of revenge in the White House and offers a clue as to who might be driving it. As Joshua Green reported in detail in The Atlantic Monthly last year, a recurring feature of Mr. Rove’s political campaigns throughout his career has been the questioning of an “opponent’s sexual orientation.”

This issue will not disappear