Good Sunday morning, Tribunes! The Café is now open for business, the coffee (regular and unleaded) is piping hot, the kitchen stands ready, the papers are crisp, and as soon as I clean the milk-frothing-attachment thingy on the whizz-bang espresso/cappuccino machine, all systems will be go. So c’mon in, set a spell, relax, and enjoy a fine Sunday morning at the Café.<boilerplate>
As always, please bear in mind our simple policies: keep images under 400 pixels in width, and forebear from adding them deep in a thread; recommend or hotlist this Café diary at your discretion; keep arms in car while ride is in motion. The Café Crew is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers, and interested parties are asked to email the current host.
Your humble host for today will, alas, be offering only spotty appearances during today’s edition of the Café. Some items may be self-serve, but by now most here should be familiar with where things are.
Hi, Bro!
Thingyies are SO hard to clean, esp. on whiz-bangs.
Coffee’s on me this morning because I’m lucky enough to be drinking it out of my very own BooMan coffee cup (see Store button up top to order your own!) and because I promised Man Eegee it would be.
Happy day, everybody, and
Boottoms up!
You got yours already? I am SO jealous!
Mine better come soon…(off to stalk the mailman again)
I think hunting regulations prohibit the stalking of letter carriers on a Sunday!
unless they’re carrying voting documents in Florida ; )
I so sympathize. I must have glared at my mailman harder than you did last week. But, p.s., I hate to break this to you, but it’s Sunday.
And what’s wrong with getting a head start and lying in wait until Monday? :^)
Must have mug, NOW….
LMAO …. patience, persistance, and perserverance….works every time ~@^@~
Aren’t we to expect photographic proof of the mug’s safe arrival? At the very least, I think a BooMan mug filled with wonderful, wonderful java would make a great Café logo….
I wish. No digital camera or know-how. Maybe when my giant sunflowers finally blossom I will be motivated to step it up a bit. (A few of them are now taller than I am, and I’m 5’4″.)

Hi everyone, The cafe looks very nice today and the food looks simply scrumptious.
The weather her in socal is now 68 deg. at 8:30 and shaping up to be a very hot day and I am sure more of my plants will bite the dust today.
I hope everyone will take a chance to hop over to my new interactive blog Village Blue (the antidote to political overload) and see what I have been up to lately.
There is a very convenient link back to this site. Make sure you register for an account and leave a comment or two.
Grand Opening will be tomorrow, I think…and then I hope to be able to spend some more time here on this site. Hey it was tough building the village, but I had some helpful carpenters that pitched in, just lately I had the landscaper in to provide some lovely looks to the site.
Good morning, everyone! Mmmm, that coffee in the Booman cup looks especially good.
I remember reading a scientific study showing that beverages served in containers with progressive- or left-leaning logos taste better. Coffee placed in a Rush L mug, on the other hand, turned to sludge. It was a very odd phenomenon; I’ll see if I can track down that reference somewhere…. 😛
It’s well past coffee time in these parts. We’re moving into beer territory (or, as we’ve started drinking around here, the completely fabulous Gin Gin Mule — gin, ginger infusion, lime juice, simple syrup, muddled mint. So early in the day, I usually have mine without that second “gin.”)
Also, we prepared homemade chicken vindaloo last night and left it marinating in the fridge overnight. There’ll be gustatory delights chez Xray tonight!
A good Sunday, lazy, morning to you all. Dragging around in a stupor. Oh please let it be true it will be cooler next week. Spend last evening at the fair with grandchildren. They had a splendid time and we won’t discuss the cost. It was packed and about 94 degrees at nine PM. Wet Wipes were our friends.
I’m blogging out here on the patio
While mister katiebird works on our daughter’s car. It’s 95° here (but mister katiebird says it’s much cooler under the car, where he is).
Anyway, posting this photo is a bit of an experiment. In the glare of the patio, I can hardly see it. So I’ve done no editing — except to make it smaller. I took the photo, linked the camera to the laptop, moved the photo to the desktop, uploaded it to photobucket and (finally) linked to it from here.
Maybe next weekend, I’ll have my booman coffee cup in the photo!
well goldarn it – I have the same set up, down to the umbrella, ‘Cept mines a powerbook and I drink tea mostly in even the hottest of weathers.
Our grill is made out of bricks in primitive Finnish style 😉
I’ve moved into the house – that temperature finally broke me. I still have spots in front of my eyes!
I’m off to my niece’s 7th birthday party — I shall be back later this evening (Eastern). Don’t trash the place in my absence!
Image shack seems to be loading very slowly just now. So if you can see it:
A fresh view of a corner of Puget sound. It’s 57F and a lazy-hazy morning. We’re hoping to keep it under 75 today.
“When you walk in a cone, keep your head up high….”

We’re just back from tentative morning doggie walk for our salmon brunch. Doggie is still early in recovery so we could only get a few dozen yards along the beach. But it’s a start.
Here in the Heart of America it’s 96°!
There are certain things we miss about it, especially out on the Great Lakes, but the August-October hay fever was brutal on us both, and neither of us do well inland in the high heat.
It still seems odd to walk down a street out here in the summer sun, not seeking the shade of trees, seeing roofless porches and hearing window fans but no air conditioners. That’s a sound mix that disappeared inland generations ago.
I blame global swarming
July and August, if I have my timing right, is the period when we typically get very little rain. I’ve seen longer dry spells here in the Sound than I ever recall in Ohio.
That’s normal, if I’ve heard the meterologists correctly. One place we are seeing global swarming is in the light snowpack on the mountains.
We can have many low clouds all day covering the lee sides of mountains, or in the morning where ocean air gets bottled up in channels and bays. Right now the Olympics are completely hidden but the entire sky a few degrees above the horizon is clear. It’s just past 4PM as I write, and we’ve just broken the 70F barrier.
I’ll only be popping in and out today, as I have been doing mortal battle with the dragon of the lake since dawn this morning.
I was setting having my coffee, and reading online when I glanced out the window of the motor home to see a huge head…eyes locked on Ol’ Yellar (the pup) and was only about 5 feet away. The pup likes to lay down by the lake after I get up in the mornings, and lays on the high ground at night. He must have felt that since dad (me) was up that it was safe…Hoooo Laaawwwd, in one split second it would have been over.
I stepped out the door, and fired a shot off the nose of the gator, in which it exploded in the water with a giant reversing swirl and splased water up on the pup….the pup wet himself, and then came running. LMAO
Since I have been stalking the beast in the canoe, with weapons at hand. It will be a long day/night till I get that critter outta here. Since it’s in the 10-12′ range, it’s pretty persistant, and twice has returned to watch the dog…that sucker has “dog” on it’s brain menu today, so it’s gonna be touch and go….but I WILL WIN ; )
Right now the sucker is sleep’n up in the saw grass, and I’m cool’n off in the AC in the motor home, with the pup in sight, and eye on the water.
Take care all, and have a great Sunday, and maybe, we’ll have “Dragon” appetizers for late night snack ; )
IP – you have a somewhat more exotic sunday than mine, though we did visit an outdoor ‘humppa’ festival in the village today. Humppa is a kind of old fashioned tango much beloved by older Finns.
A ‘gator loose on that lot could have been surreal.
a gator, a humppa dance, and a wet dog…LMAO..that would be surreal ; )
The gator is sleep’n, the dog is sleep’n, I’m cooling off now, and getty ready to fire up the grill. It’s gonna be chicken, unless the gator wakes, and gets stupid ; )
But then again, what could you expect out of a lizard that weighs 1,000lbs, the size of a canoe, and has a brain the size of a peanut??? hmmmm, almost sounds like the executive branch of US …
You’re one of a kind infidel. Lol. Since it looks like gator is gonna be on the menu shortly, I’m gonna need some directions to the swamp. It’s been a while since I had gator, but I remember how good it was when I had it at a bar in Florida that served all kinds of, shall we say, alternative cuisine. Just let me know what kind of beer and side fixins I shoud bring. I’m gassing up the van right now ;O)
Yeppers, it is good, depending on how you prepare it, I personally like smoking, but fried, if sliced thin, rolled in flour/yellow corn meal, with Soul Seasoning, and served with garlic/butter with a splash of lemon juice and zest ; ) mmmmmmm mmmmmmm
BTW..alternative cuisine is the full menu heah ; )
Speaking of gators, have you ever noticed how all those housing developments in Forida have the kids playground right next to the ponds ands lakes? We used to call it the “swim-up snack bar”…
How’s Sunny?
LOL..yeps, that would be a snack bar for the gators..
Sunny found a home with a little girl that just won’t let her down, they’re two of a kind ; )
Time for some

Catch ya later, gotta go clean up
LMAO…works for me dada, except the tail, now that’s for smok’n/fry’n …and I’m think’n of a great jacket outta the mid section….(look’n down) seems me an dat gattoh are about the same size…LOL
For those whose brains have been addled by the heat, may I just point out that Ductape has returned.
Fantastic,….glad to hear the good news, beats the hell out of the BAD news ; )
Now dat Mr Armstrong, he enjoyed an exotic cheroot every day of his life…
are there any papers left without rips, tears and jam stains?
…. oh bother, i’m just up when all you lot has wandered off to your brunches and baseball games and things…. hmmm….
opened our Sunday papers here yet…I’ll pass you the front section; I’ve got dibs on Sports, and the spouse is eyeing the funnies…
Mix in a little glue and you could have fun moulding some bowls for us.
Starting with a blown-up balloon, lay strips of soaked paper and then…
“stop being so fucking creative! you should enroll in typing school!” I was so appalled by this comment that I went to the Dean…. bad luck… the Art Professor had tenure (his name was not Ward Churchill” The young woman moved on in her life, and I enrolled in typing school…..
Now, is there an unspoilt and unsullied New York Times in the house, or do I actually have to shift my posterior off this club chair, and exit this perfect environment, out into the sunlight, around the corner to the news stand, where I have to be pleasant to someone who doesn’t know me, and fork over some money which I do not have, in order to bring back said New York Times, only to see it eviscerated of all by the Sports and Real Estate sections in the time it takes me to order an Irish Mist?????
.. then decorate with acrylic paints in primitive fashion.
Not only will the resulting bowls spruce up the Cafe, but you will discover that, in the therapy, you have forgotten all about the LO and the Muse will have returned. Sadly though you may only be capable in future of writing coffee table books.
Remember to recap the paints, which should not be allowed to dry.
a coffee Jamieson, please. and don’t sit on the paint spot…. a vulgar shade of mauve !!!
I am trying to spruce myself up for a day’s flirtation with a person named Nanette… not anyone who you’d know, Sven, or if you do… pretend you don’t.
The L.O. has blended in with all the L.O.s of the past….. the “She Who Must Be Obeyed” has merged in with the ideal love object….. the one who is there when you need her, and disappears without a word when you don’t…..
got to go to work now….
Sadly though you may only be capable in future of writing coffee table books.
First laugh of morning!
I am charmed by the interplay among the three of you.
Just wanted to say. 🙂
I spent the entire day outdoors here in Indiana where the temperature reached ninety-nine degrees at 2:00 PM. My tenneagers, boy and girl battled it out with other kids in a tennis tournament and the entire family was out there cheering. The kids came out ahead in their tennis and their well being while the dad, that is me, is now a wreck from heat exhaustion. Tried to cool off after we got home but I am still not 100% OK. This weather is supposed to continue for quite sometime here relieved by the occassional thunderstorm.
I would give anything now for a little bit of a coller weather.That reminds me.I have to go to Phoenix next week, all week.When it rains, they say it pours.
Currently 81 degrees in the Silly Con Valley; it’s supposed to start cooling off a bit this week, but I’m skeptical…
Just got home a little while ago from church; the spouse and I were co-hosting hospitality today after the late service, in honor of my dad-in-law’s 75th birthday. Plus, it gave me a chance to try out New Toy #2 — my new digital camera!
Here’s a shot of the cake:
and one of the birthday boy:
I wanted to get one of him and the spouse together, but we were too dang busy, so it’ll have to wait for another time.
The spouse and I went out to lunch after our clean-up duties, then when we came home I changed into much more comfortable clothes. Now we’re just relaxing; will probably wait till tomorrow to get anything useful done.
Hope everyone’s having a great day! 🙂
Ductape is back, did I hear that,
Hi, Ductape, how are you doing, we sure missed you here.
What is going on, is everyone having fun outdoors today!
Hey folks, passing this on for diane101, her new site is having some technical problems right now, she is working on them as we speak,
So hang in there, and I’m sure she’ll have it corrected ASAP
I am happy to report the site is now fixed, thanks to media girl..whew, this is scary stuff running a site, I feel more than ever for the Booman….So please come on over and try again, and Suskind, you too….
i did go over, i filed, then i came back, where all i have to do is be myself, and not be a prick….. if goya is not welcome, there, then…. i just don’t know what to say. at least i can sit here and be in a wretched mood and flirt with a woman named Nanette… hmmm…. I wonder where Nanette is now…..
Suskind, I am so sorry for hurting your feelings, please forgive me…I left some flowers for you over there, I fear I was not very understanding to you and I do apologize. Words you usually do not hear a women say, “I was wrong”…
I like black and whites. Not just black and white kitties, but B&W art, photographs.
It’s very hot and writing has been like trudging through sludge and I am tired. But I just had a chocolate malt, the cure for many ills.
Sweet dreams oh princes and princesses of industry and sloth. May tomorrow be a brighter day than any you have ever allowed yourself even to imagine.
Spoof of Bush Wins Faux Faulkner Contest
Organizers of the Faux Faulkner competition are accusing Hemispheres, the United Airlines magazine that has sponsored the contest for six years, of playing politics by not putting Sam Apple’s “The Administration and the Fury” in its print edition — only on its Web site.
“One of the things they asked was that we didn’t have profanity or any obvious sexual content. We watch for that. But anything else, like a political subject, was funny, it was parody. … We felt that that shouldn’t be censored,” said Larry Wells, who organizes the contest with his wife, Dean Faulkner Wells, Faulkner’s niece.
The story portrays President Bush in the role of Benjy, the mentally challenged son — or, as Faulkner himself said, the “idiot” — in his 1929 novel about the wreckage of a Southern family.