Florida’s Bill Nelson can’t play nice this time.

I don’t think Florida’s Senator Bill Nelson is really prepared for how they will be going after him in his 2006 run.   He has been pretty much moderate in his votes,  with a 52% approval rating among Republicans and only 47% among Democrats.   I don’t think he is aware of how the playing field has changed so quickly.  

The attacks are more vicious than ever, and he may have to get out of his play nice mode in order to win.    I am not sure he will be able to do that.   The GOP will never let Katherine Harris run against him, and the rumbles are already starting for her to step down.   Whoever they run against him will appeal to more Republicans than Nelson does……so he is NOT going to win by going right.  He just is not.   He needs to be prepared to stand up and fight and say who he is.  

The latest which is just overboard in its outrageousness is this:

SNIP.”But even Nelson was caught off guard when told a Republican group was questioning whether he would be easy on sexual predators simply because he appeared with Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in historically black Eatonville.

After the appearance, the National Republican Senatorial Committee posted items on its Web site asking “Nelson Campaigns With Obama — Does He Agree With Obama’s Record Of Lenience On Sexual Predators?” and “Does Nelson Agree With Obama’s Refusal To Support Commonsense Measures To Keep Children Safe?” The site then listed votes Obama made as a state senator on issues like sex offenders, pornography and adult businesses near schools.”

Nelson Takes Early Blows

Nelson’s response to this interview was an off-guard one, and I am sure he was shocked completely at being attacked for appearing with Obama.   He needs to be prepared for stuff like that coming at him here.   His answer shows he was misreading and underestimating them:

“Anybody who would suggest that one senator should not appear with another because that senator is African-American, then those comments themselves are un-American,” Nelson said.”

That was not the gist of the attack,  and he was off-guard.  

Many of us have a feeling because of some under the radar things that have happened that perhaps the state party now might be inclined to not extend the welcome mat to controversial party leaders.   I think that is a mistake.    Nelson does not have a choice except to fight back as hard as he can, and to let anyone who wants to help him come here.  

I may be reading it wrong, but I don’t think so.  

Go for it, Nelson.  Don’t let them intimidate.   They are not going to play nice this time at all.

Author: floridagal

Teacher who retired because of Jeb's destructive attitude toward schools.