There is so much we don’t know about the government and the military. But some things are slowly being exposed.

Let me start with this article:

Super-secret microwave weapons may be used in Iraq

Thursday, August 15, 2002


Earlier this month, the widely respected magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology printed an article stating that “an attack on Iraq is expected to see the first use of high-power microwave weapons…”

The New York Post, citing unnamed U.S. military officials, reported yesterday that a preliminary Iraq battle plan “outlined for President Bush last week calls for the most extensive use of electronic and psychological warfare in history — including secret new electromagnetic pulse weapons to disable Saddam (Hussein)’s entire command and control structure.”

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That was written in 2002. This morning 07-25-05 I found this on buzzflash news:

Details of US microwave-weapon tests revealed

VOLUNTEERS taking part in tests of the Pentagon’s “less-lethal” microwave weapon were banned from wearing glasses or contact lenses due to safety fears. The precautions raise concerns about how safe the Active Denial System (ADS) weapon would be if used in real crowd-control situations.

The ADS fires a 95-gigahertz microwave beam, which is supposed to heat skin and to cause pain but no physical damage (New Scientist, 27 October 2001, p 26). Little information about its effects has been released, but details of tests in 2003 and 2004 were revealed after Edward Hammond, director of the US Sunshine Project – an organisation campaigning against the use of biological and non-lethal weapons – requested them under the Freedom of Information Act.

The tests were carried out at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Two experiments tested pain tolerance levels, while in a third, a “limited military utility assessment”, volunteers played the part of rioters or intruders and the ADS was used to drive them away.
But Neil Davison, co-ordinator of the non-lethal weapons research project at the University of Bradford in the UK, says controlling the amount of radiation received may not be that simple. “How do you ensure that the dose doesn’t cross the threshold for permanent damage?” he asks. “What happens if someone in a crowd is unable, for whatever reason, to move away from the beam? Does the weapon cut out to prevent overexposure?”

During the experiments, people playing rioters put up their hands when hit and were given a 15-second cooling-down period before being targeted again. One person suffered a burn in a previous test when the beam was accidentally used on the wrong power setting.

One can only speculate if any non-lethal weapons are being used on the populace at this time. My instincts know that something is controlling and maintaining the dumbing down, desensitizing and maybe even dehumanizing us.

For the interested here are some interesting links.
The Sunshine Project
The Dawn of the E-Bomb
MSNBC News Article

This SHIT has been around and experimented with for a long time.

Thirdly, despite the report’s title. Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR. it opens with a chapter describing the use of torture on Catholic prisoners in British jails in Northern Ireland.  The inclusion of this chapter at all, and its position at the front of the report….
…clearly is intended to suggest that it is permissible for the United States to torture its own citizens because these methods are being used by our very civilized cousins in Britain, and not only barbarians in the Soviet Union.

     Fourthly, the report states that, ‘The purpose of mind altering techniques is to create
one or more of several different possible states in the conscious or unconscious area of the
brain. The ultimate goal of controlled offensive behavior might well be the total submission
of one’s will to some outside force.”

     After discussing some of the possible states short of complete submission which may
be the goal of Soviet research in behavior control, the author states, “Since the desired end product of this type of research is some change in the human mind, only the non-lethal
aspects are discussed in this report.  It should be remembered, however, that some techniques have lethal thresholds.”

       In the current round of American behavior control experiments, no allowance is made for lethal thresholds. The use of involuntary human subjects provided by the Central Intelligence Agency precludes the necessity for researchers to consider lethal thresholds and legal consequences.
Snippet link

Lastly, I would like to cite another Defense Intelligence Agency report also prepared
 by the US Army.  It is titled. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves
 and Microwaves)  Eurasian Communist Countries  It was published by the Defense
 Intelligence Agency in March, 1976.

The importance of this report rests not on its content, much of which seems to
 remains classified, but in its acknowledgement of a shift in focus, in less than four years
 from a wide range of behavior control interests to just one, electromagnetic radiation.  

       The date of this report is also significant; it was published just as George Herbert Walker Bush became Director of Central Intelligence.  Experiments on involuntary human
 subjects were rapidly authorized by the new Director, but outside of the United States
 because of the wrath of Congress at that time.

I should mention in this context, that the Central Intelligence Agency now has at its
disposal the most evil, the most cunning torture devised by any government in all of
human history.  It is truly satanic in its moral and ethical implications.  It is a torture
which is commensurate with the degeneracy of a nation which is prepared and well on its
way to polluting all life on earth into extinction.

     The torture I am writing of I can only descibe as thought deprivation.  It is used in
conjunction with sensory deprivation but it is in fact sensory deprivation times 10^(10).

Full text link

Open minds and awareness may be our only protection from something that may be occurring now on us and is occurring on the Iraqis.