There is so much we don’t know about the government and the military. But some things are slowly being exposed.
Let me start with this article:
Thursday, August 15, 2002
Earlier this month, the widely respected magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology printed an article stating that “an attack on Iraq is expected to see the first use of high-power microwave weapons…”
The New York Post, citing unnamed U.S. military officials, reported yesterday that a preliminary Iraq battle plan “outlined for President Bush last week calls for the most extensive use of electronic and psychological warfare in history — including secret new electromagnetic pulse weapons to disable Saddam (Hussein)’s entire command and control structure.”
That was written in 2002. This morning 07-25-05 I found this on buzzflash news:
Details of US microwave-weapon tests revealed
VOLUNTEERS taking part in tests of the Pentagon’s “less-lethal” microwave weapon were banned from wearing glasses or contact lenses due to safety fears. The precautions raise concerns about how safe the Active Denial System (ADS) weapon would be if used in real crowd-control situations.
The ADS fires a 95-gigahertz microwave beam, which is supposed to heat skin and to cause pain but no physical damage (New Scientist, 27 October 2001, p 26). Little information about its effects has been released, but details of tests in 2003 and 2004 were revealed after Edward Hammond, director of the US Sunshine Project – an organisation campaigning against the use of biological and non-lethal weapons – requested them under the Freedom of Information Act.
The tests were carried out at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Two experiments tested pain tolerance levels, while in a third, a “limited military utility assessment”, volunteers played the part of rioters or intruders and the ADS was used to drive them away.
But Neil Davison, co-ordinator of the non-lethal weapons research project at the University of Bradford in the UK, says controlling the amount of radiation received may not be that simple. “How do you ensure that the dose doesn’t cross the threshold for permanent damage?” he asks. “What happens if someone in a crowd is unable, for whatever reason, to move away from the beam? Does the weapon cut out to prevent overexposure?”
During the experiments, people playing rioters put up their hands when hit and were given a 15-second cooling-down period before being targeted again. One person suffered a burn in a previous test when the beam was accidentally used on the wrong power setting.
One can only speculate if any non-lethal weapons are being used on the populace at this time. My instincts know that something is controlling and maintaining the dumbing down, desensitizing and maybe even dehumanizing us.
For the interested here are some interesting links.
The Sunshine Project
The Dawn of the E-Bomb
MSNBC News Article
This SHIT has been around and experimented with for a long time.
Thirdly, despite the report’s title. Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR. it opens with a chapter describing the use of torture on Catholic prisoners in British jails in Northern Ireland. The inclusion of this chapter at all, and its position at the front of the report….
…clearly is intended to suggest that it is permissible for the United States to torture its own citizens because these methods are being used by our very civilized cousins in Britain, and not only barbarians in the Soviet Union.
Fourthly, the report states that, ‘The purpose of mind altering techniques is to create
one or more of several different possible states in the conscious or unconscious area of the
brain. The ultimate goal of controlled offensive behavior might well be the total submission
of one’s will to some outside force.”
After discussing some of the possible states short of complete submission which may
be the goal of Soviet research in behavior control, the author states, “Since the desired end product of this type of research is some change in the human mind, only the non-lethal
aspects are discussed in this report. It should be remembered, however, that some techniques have lethal thresholds.”
In the current round of American behavior control experiments, no allowance is made for lethal thresholds. The use of involuntary human subjects provided by the Central Intelligence Agency precludes the necessity for researchers to consider lethal thresholds and legal consequences.
Snippet link
Lastly, I would like to cite another Defense Intelligence Agency report also prepared
by the US Army. It is titled. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves
and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries It was published by the Defense
Intelligence Agency in March, 1976.
The importance of this report rests not on its content, much of which seems to
remains classified, but in its acknowledgement of a shift in focus, in less than four years
from a wide range of behavior control interests to just one, electromagnetic radiation.
The date of this report is also significant; it was published just as George Herbert Walker Bush became Director of Central Intelligence. Experiments on involuntary human
subjects were rapidly authorized by the new Director, but outside of the United States
because of the wrath of Congress at that time.
I should mention in this context, that the Central Intelligence Agency now has at its
disposal the most evil, the most cunning torture devised by any government in all of
human history. It is truly satanic in its moral and ethical implications. It is a torture
which is commensurate with the degeneracy of a nation which is prepared and well on its
way to polluting all life on earth into extinction.
The torture I am writing of I can only descibe as thought deprivation. It is used in
conjunction with sensory deprivation but it is in fact sensory deprivation times 10^(10).
Open minds and awareness may be our only protection from something that may be occurring now on us and is occurring on the Iraqis.
All I am suggesting is to think of the ramifications if this stuff is ‘for real’. And if you don’t believe it go to the DARPA- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency website and use their search engine with key words like microwave, non-lethal weapons etc. Read for yourself what is in the works and what has been completed.
Yes, and the chips of some mobile phones (phones NOT designed in Scandinavia) enable a little facility whereby they can be silently switched on to be used as a microphone for remote surveillance.
There was another tech-weapon prototyped that sprayed an instant drying immobilising foam on protestors. It may have been discontinued. May. They discovered, not surprisingly, that people would open their mouths in astonishment at this spray heading towards them. They almost choked to death as the foam solidified in their mouths and noses.
Another EM Pulse weapon (real, not the movie fiction of eg Ocean’s 11) disables all chips within a few hundred yards, including the electronics of vehicles. It was discovered that it had to be mounted in a truck built before such electronics were standardly installed. Otherwise you were ‘hoist by your own petard’
Well, I’m glad I have a thick skull, sufficiently thick enough to block microwaves and electromagnetic pulses. There’s rarely any electrical activity in my brain anyway :OP
Seriously, I’ve read about the testing of these weapons too. What I read suggested a primary use for crowd control, and use against demonstrators. Nice. I definetily wouldn’t put much stock in any claims they make that it is non-lethal. I don’t believe anything that comes from the government anymore, and in fact, am inclined to believe the opposite of what they say. I don’t doubt that these weapons exist and that they are being covertly tested on the population in situations where they can keep it covert. Welcome to the future.
Aack Rosee – Just when you think you can face the horror of their “real world” you get a peek at their version of a ‘kinder and gentler’ way. I can’t look, I’m trying to concentrate on stopping torture today. I agree about the CIA, but then I want to be rid of the military and the police. Why are we so foolish as to turn these agencies loose, knowing the kinds of people they attract.
Now why would they need such advanced weapons for crowd control? Could it be that they are thinking of massive unprecedented demonstrations in this country when they finally make the plunge into totalitarianism? We’ve all talked about that final struggle, when it comes, if it comes. Why do you suppose the budget for the military is so incredible massive? How many black programs are there where the weapons being devoloped are to be used against the US population?
My hope is that those programs are being run by people just as incompetent and corrupt as the rest of the Bush government. My other hope is that Treasongate will explode in their faces and preempt all their dirty little plans. They are not as all powerful or all knowing as they give themselves credit for. Bush and his inner circle are drunk with power and we all know how cogent drunks are.
Great diary, Rosee.
“My instincts know that something is controlling and maintaining the dumbing down, desensitizing and maybe even dehumanizing us.”
Some years ago I remember reading that 80% of the women in Utah are on Prozac. I wonder how wide-spread this use is in other states and if the rest of us may be getting it, um, second-hand.,11381,1278793,00.html
So, if some of the populus appears to be sleep-walking thru life, well, they might actually be unknowingly drugged.
I watched a documentary about chemtrails this weekend- some of the ‘thought’s about it was also for population control – which of course led me to think about all the people who are infertile etc., and then I thought maybe the BIG continuing push against abortion by politicians who might know more than we do about such possible things..we gotta keep every embryo that manages to sneak through if we are being sprayed to not populate.. (my head hurts LOL)
Chemtrails are the massive white emissions from jets that don’t dissipate-they just keep spreading out-there’s lots on the internet about these.
The sales figures in the Seventies for Valium, Quaaludes and other drugs that produce eventual catatonia, meant that over 60% of the US population were continually under sedation
to the report, “the choice administration route, whether application to drinking water, topical administration to the skin, an aerosol spray inhalation route, or a drug filled rubber bullet, among others, will depend on the environment.” The environments identified are specific military and civil situations, including “hungry refugees that are excited over the distribution of food”, “a prison setting”, an “agitated population” and “hostage situations”. At times, the report veers very close to defining dissent as a psychological disorder.
“Our review has confirmed the relevance and high potential impact of calmatives… Whether used alone or as an adjuvant… pharmacological agents can effectively act on central nervous system tissues and produce a less anxious, less aggressive, more tranquil-like behavior…”
“We identified several drug classes (e.g. benzodiazepines, alpha-2-adrenoreceptor agonists) and individual drugs (diazepam, dexmeditomidine) as appropriate for immediate consideration.”
“Often, an unwanted side-effect… will terminate the development of a promising new pharmaceutical compound. However, in the variety of situations in which non-lethal techniques are used, there may be less need to be concerned with unattractive side-effects… Perhaps, the ideal calmative has already been synthesized and is awaiting renewed interest from its manufacturer.”
Found at this link Link Need to scroll down that page.
there was several posts around the blogosphere on this last week as well. here is my attempt at summing them up. will be adding this post to the collection. lots of back history, hope it helps add fuel to this story:
I’ll bookmark that link- thanks!
just another vet,
Thank you.
I just have to say that I am so grateful there’s a site like this one where a tinfoil diary can make it onto the rec list. What that says to me is that the people here are largely unconcerned with what other people think of us and are not afraid to take our inquiry out to the limits of curiosity.
Now back to Rosee’s topic. I don’t want to highjack this into a discussion of sites.
It’s real. I used the tin foil in my title because many don’t want to hear or believe that such ‘weapons’ exist. They don’t want to think about the government working on such things. The reality is that our government has been working on such ‘tin-foil’ ideas for decades.
My question is how separate is our government from the Military?
I understand. I know it’s real. And I think you’re wise to use the term in the way you do.
Then I thank you very much. I often diary with tongue in cheek and heavy cynicism and only a few wise souls really get me. You get me!! And I appreciate your comment!
the ADS system to Saudi Arabia and Egypt for their riot control? If you aim the fucking thing at my son who has metal rods in his back and can’t remove the metal from himself to avoid “hot spots” will he cook from the inside out. What a bunch of fucking mother fuckers who make me so fucking sick I can’t even speak right now and barely fucking type!
While we’re on the topic of tin foil…how many of you are going to be among the first to be round up?
Here is the MLW-MSO discussion on the same:
Get up to the camps near you now, before they’re on full staffing, and scout the escape routes.
Ben…bad news
You’re on a list, one called the BMT-2000.
Better yet apply for a job so we can get us out of them. Unless they outsource these positions.
funny your post is five years from now!
Really. It is like a bad B-movie. You don’t want to watch but…
Maybe they will be the new debtors prisons.
and then was quietly pushed into retirement.
His “fear” of martial law being instituted in the US following another terrorist attack is getting closer to being actualized.
I’ve been re-thinking gun control,as well, ever since he made this comment (slip) on Nov 20, 2003.
Great…Bushco has succeeded in pushing China & Russia into a military cooperation pact and in turning me into the militia.
As an aside, I campaigned door to door for the slightly lesser of two evils (Kerry) last Fall and Summer in West Virginia. There are a couple of towns there where our military would have to use napalm and lots of it (Fallujah-style) to subdue. Wild-West type shit. In those towns, there were 5 guns (many displayed) for every yellow ribbon…and there were so many yellow ribbons, I had to wear sunglasses.
The Franks Martial Law Link Here…
There’s a run on ammo on the periphery of DC (“Gun-free zone”). And, to spare you the wisecracks…it’s an unseasonable run.
The nearest of the Camps to me is Fort McCoy in Central Wisconsin. A major holding facility for German POWs in WW II, it saw action again with the Marielista Cubans in the late ’70s.
In 1993, all the housing was rehabbed, painted, etc. (I had friends working for the contractors.) McCoy escaped the latest round of base closings.
OK, bro start to tunnel under it, so that we may be able to eventually tunnel out…
My dad told me over a year ago, “Baby, if that bastard gets reelected, you’re liable to end up in a concentration camp.” He had a half-smile on his face, but it didn’t reach all the way up to his eyes.
Go to this link LINK and click on these headings and read these documents!
Antipersonnel Chemical Immobilizers: Synthetic Opiods
US Army Edgewood Research, Development & Engineering Center (MD)
April 1994
Antipersonnel Calmative Agents
US Army Edgewood Research, Development & Engineering Center (MD)
April 1994
Demonstration of Chemical Immobilizers
US Army Edgewood Research, Development & Engineering Center (MD)
Mean CALMATIVE…typo- damn old fingers.
repel the microwave beams shot from this weapon… so we’re all fine.
please! Here is another application gone sadly, yet predictably awry.
The cute Sony robot dogs have been adapted for many positive uses, as seen at this site:
However, the military (of course) has seen another application for this robotic man’s best nuts-and-bolts friend. A way to get small cameras, bombs, and chemicals closer to the enemy without human involvement.
Packs of war mongering programmed lethal dogs anyone?
These “non-lethal” weapons are made for CROWD CONTROL. . not combat. . .you see any demonstrations in Iraq lately?
Where do you suppose our government might want to use such weapons to control crowds of demonstrators? Could it possibly be the crowds of demonstrators in the US that will be clamoring to get their government back? I don’t know. . .just speculation, but what crowds would they be thinking to control? And as more and more Iraq War vets come home and more and more Truth comes out don’t we suppose there might be some mighty strong calls to demonstrate against this criminal government of ours?
Just saying. . . . . .
great shot across the bow rosee ; )
Kudos & Recommended
and I didn’t read the article. But I want to THANK YOU for presentin it like this — in the diary title — to totally avoid the flame wars. You rock!
…and you, my friend, get a virtual zero rating…
they used to say MK-ULTRA was a crazy conspiracy theory, too, until:
Anyone who’s screwed around with microwaves knows that microwave exposure will cause your tinfoil hat to arc dangerously and probably set you on fire!
I’m frying, I’m frying, oh what a world!!
I’m commenting just on the “nonlethal” microwave weapons intended for crowd control, as I only skimmed the rest.
I think you always have to be careful, as we have seen with “tasers”, lest police assume “nonlethal” to mean “harmless” and thus get too trigger-happy with these weapons.
On the other hand, I actually feel a lot more comfortable if police have these kinds of options for crowd control instead of just having to decide whether to use regular old lethal firearms, a la Kent State.