Sunglasses and suncream for dogs
The £4.99 ($8) goggles are sold in England, the dog loving nation, and allegedly offer 100 per cent UV protection while the £2.99 ($5) sunblock protects delicate areas such as the nose and ears.
This summer manufacturer Pets At Home is also selling beef-flavoured ice lollies at £1.99 and a £5.99 water-cooling bowl.
From, via The Sun and Ananova.
A headline today that doesn’t fry my ass and piss me off. What a relief!
Ha! Let’s go get us an “ice lollie,” Tracy, and NOT talk politics!
Glasses of foofy drinks can cool ya down, too 🙂
One born every minute… I don’t think they even have enough sun in England for this!
Cute dog, though.
It doesnt have to be bright sunshine to get sun damage: I have known a couple of white cats (here in england) get skin cancer on the ears where their fur is thin. Owners of any animals with thin covering are wise to put sunblock on them ( I had a smallholding a long time ago, and had to put sunblock on my pig 🙂 ). As for the goggles, dogs can get very similar eye conditions to humans and some dogs find bright sunlight difficult.
Interesting… I wasn’t (really) aware of that! I guess lighter colored animals (cats, dogs, dunno what else) have some of the same sun issues as some lighter colored people, or albinos.
Me, I find bright sunlight difficult as well, and always wear sunglasses when out doors (in the sun). Had headaches for ages when I was a kid, before I finally figured out the reason.
LOL sunblock on a pig… who knew?
and you won’t believe that they put our kids out for recess every day without time to put on sunblock and no sunglasses.
Our old eye doctor wanted both kids to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes.
Last year, my daughter suffered heatstroke TWICE at school.
Puppies make me smile. So do “ice lollies”. How quaint. 😉
Diary from last night about Americans, the British, and Guns here. A couple of members with more familiarity with police in Britain compared to the U.S. have offered some insightful comments:
My daughter sent me that link to the doggie photo and story. And she just sent me this:
just saw this at Wonkette:
The military says it was an “administrative error”. The most interesting thing is, however, that they are not identical – if it was just some clerk accidentally pulling the same quote for two incidents, wouldn’t they match perfectly?
What is this BULLSHIT that Roberts is trying to pull off?
How dumb. That kind of basic dishonesty does not bode well.
Like a gangster saying he has no “specific recollection” of tying the guy to a slot machine and pushing him off the back of a boat.
The Federalist Society is so freaking wonderful that he has to deny he belongs… Susan, this is not making me any cooler. (pant pant)
I’m sorry.
Here you go:
(Holy smokes … try searching for “ice lolly” in Google images. Wow.)
Very interesting. Certainly a novel approach to staying cool.
It’s only been a week and already the cracks are starting to show……once they start saying they ‘don’t recollect or can’t remember’ it’s downhill. Especially as it wasn’t that long ago..I think the public hates to hear that phrase-I don’t remember as an excuse. At least I’m certainly hoping that’s the case.
My best friend has been searching in vain for doggie earplugs for her Dalmation. I’m going to check out your source, Susan.
Surely you are kidding? Right?
That has got to be the funniest fucking pic I have ever seen!
If it’s modesty you are about- you can see my ‘kittyina bag ‘avatar at Myword
The 60’s hoaxter who once promoted SINA, the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals–the movement to put clothing on animals.
Surprisingly few people recognized the hoax despite the fake society’s contradictory name.
“Abel poses as a golf expert and teaches Westinghouse executives how to employ various ballet positions to (supposedly) improve their game.” Photo excerpt from the Abel site.
I’m afraid the society’s name probably does apply–as worded–to the Bush Administration.
From the World’s Greatest Hoaxer site.
During the Watergate investigation, Abel sent out an actor posing as Deep Throat and fooled the Washington Post into running an announcement about it.
Seems as though we’re long past due for some new Alan Abels, Smothers Brothers and Laugh-In ‘s.
Oh man, what a great post. I can’t stop smiling. I just love Abel’s campaign platform, but I’d put the truth serum in the White House and the lie detector in the Senate. I always watched the Smothers Brothers and was fanatical about Laugh-In. How many catch phrases did they start? Would I love to see Bush and Cheney in a “sock it to me” segment? You can bet your sweet bippie!
Well, my first vote was for Pat Paulsen-damm- I had to write it in, too.
I received an email from Boxer this morning(and don’t know how to link it)concerning Roberts. She’s basically stating she has many reservations and her biggest worry is the fact that people like Dobson etc seem to be endorsing him. She asks what do they know that we don’t. Also worrying to her and what I had just read this morning is that ‘Operation Rescue’ has endorsed Roberts also…I think that’s even more scary than Dobson.
Finally a Senator who gets it…now if she would just get some air time.
Here’s more from daughter Darcy:
The title of that post explains what it is about:
great idea about those stupid plastic charity bracelets everyone wears
Yes, keep the pussies away from Bush, but let the dogs do what they will.
This photo from a peace rally last fall makes me happy…and that keeps me cool.
I guess the “pussies” were over in the FBC and I responded in the wrong place. Didn’t want you guys to think I was perverted or anything. Bwahahahaha!
(((Second Nature))) thanks for the wonderful laugh.
And you’re right… laughter does keep me cool. Cool headed that is.
Sometimes I feel “bad” for being in the socials or trying to make other’s laguh when all this death, destructiona and Bush BS is going on… but you’re right… it keeps balanced so I can continue with all that other stuff. Thanks 🙂
With apologies to Ian Fleming.
Ah, pussies with radar. You found my response even though it is misposted. I am so impressed!
does a good job making a diary out of this, I’ll promote it to the front-page.
Rovegate is looking more and more like something that’s going to bite the prez in the ass. What did he know and when did he know it….it’s going to come out. He’s either a complete idiot and didn’t know anything at the time, or he lied and conspired to out Plame and smear her husband.
Course it probably will never “rise” to the significance of lying about a blow job, but still…
my t-shirt and coffee mug in the mail. Very cool. I’m already wearing the shirt!!
I loved it. I guess Bruce Weber is a famous photographer. I’ve never heard of him. But his connections — and his obviously dedicated research into film archives — make this just a WONDERFUL movie.
The filmmaker intersperses a lot of documentary footage — including footage of soldiers in Vietnam with their companion dogs.
This comment at IMDb is on the mark:
As the NYT review notes, it jumps all over — but it all kind of works:
Q: How many telemarketers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Wouldn’t a more relevant question be “How many pounds of cocaine has Bush snorted?”
– – – –
A doctor, a lawyer, and an accountant all die and go to heaven on the same day. When they get to the Pearly Gates, they are greeted by St. Peter. St. Peter says, “Scott McClellan is a lying sack of shit and I’d tell him so myself if he weren’t going straight to hell when he dies.”
– – – –
Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?
A: I’m not sure, but if the answer is “A cure for Parkinson’s disease,” then Bush will try to stop scientists from breeding them. Because he likes it when people get Parkinson’s.
– – – –
This guy walks into a bar carrying a small poodle in one hand and a bowling ball in the other. The guy says, “I’d like a glass of milk for me and a whiskey for my poodle.” The bartender says, “Yeah? Well, I’d like an impartial and independent judiciary, but try telling that to Bush, Frist, and the rest of the GOP!”
– – – –
Q: What do you get when you cross a giraffe and a monkey?
A: I’m sorry, I can’t think about that right now because I’m too busy wondering why Congress hasn’t launched an official investigation into Bush lying to the American public about WMDs and leading us into a war under false pretenses. Tell you what–as soon as I solve that little riddle, I’ll get to work on your little genetic experiment.
– – – –
Q: How many eggs does it take to make a good omelet?
A: Three. By the way, Tom DeLay is a hypocrite of the highest order.
– – – –
Did you hear that Bill Clinton hired a new intern? It turns out that his old intern had to go home and spend time with her family after her brother was killed in Iraq.
– – – –
Q: How many golf players does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: The answer may be locked away in the minutes of Cheney’s secret energy meetings. However, conventional wisdom says that the meetings were probably about finding a Cabinet-level position for a pre-scandal Ken Lay or about doing business with the Taliban.
– – – –
Who’s there?
Under the Patriot Act, we don’t have to tell you that.
Toto dog cooling it in the clover. Thank DOG we’re not in Ohio any more!