Crossposted at my new community blog, My Left Wing
Dear Future Democratic President,
I will give your campaign money, time and sweat. I will “go to the mat” for you every day. I will do everything I can do to help you win the Presidency of the United States of America.
I hope to admire you deeply and see your Presidency restore dignity, honour and honesty to the office you will hold – and to the words “liberal” and “Democrat.”
Make no mistake, however, if you believe me one of the solid Democratic “base” that will be satisfied merely by the ascension of a Democrat to the Presidency.
The joy I experienced in helping Bill Clinton win the office turned to despair and disgust by the end of his second term — and not because of the Lewinsky affair, either. In his eight years in office, here are just a few of the things Bill Clinton did that broke my heart:
• signed a bill outlawing gay marriages and took out ads in Christian radio stations touting his opposition to any form of legal same-sex couplings.
• kicked ten million out of the total fourteen million recipients off welfare.
• promised states “bonus funds” to reduce the welfare rolls further, and made it easier to get these funds by not requiring the states to help the ex-welfare recipients find jobs.
• introduced a plan to bar any assistance to teenaged parents if they dropped out of school or left their parents’s homes.
• despite calls from republican governors like George Ryan of Illinois to support a moratorium on capital punishment, he rejected all efforts to slow down the number of executions even after it was revealed that there were dozens of innocent people on death row.
• supported laws that put people behind bars for life after committing three crimes — even if those crimes were shoplifting or not paying for a pizza.
• signed orders prohibiting any form of health care to poor people who were in the U.S. illegally.
• supported a ban on late term abortions and promised to sign the first bill that crossed his desk with an exemption only if the life of the mother were endangered.
• signed an order prohibiting any U.S. funds going to any country to be used in helping women secure abortions.
• signed a one year gag order that prohibited using any federal funds in foreign countries where birth control agencies mentioned abortion as an option to pregnant women.
• refused to sign the International Land Mine Ban Treaty already signed by 137 nations — but not Iraq, Libya, North Korea or the United States.
• became the first President since Richard Nixon not to force auto makers to improve their mileage per gallon, which would have saved millions of barrels of oil each day.
(I am well aware that President Clinton faced a vicious and relentless opposition party. Still, I would rather have seen him do the right thing in his first term and lose in his second than what he eventually did.)
Future Democratic President, you can do better. I urge you, seize this opportunity to right the wrongs of your predecessors. Act boldly, reform this nation. Act as if you only have one term in which to establish your legacy. Forget spending four years tip-toeing through the world, fearful of losing the re-election bid. Let those chips fall where they may.
In short, Democratic President, be who your supporters want you to be, an American President who would be beloved of the world, would s/he only stand up and do the right thing.
• Force Israel to grant Palestine the lands and autonomy they need to be the nation of Palestine. Without our money, Israel is nothing; so why on earth should we not use the power that money gives us to force these recalcitrant children to stop killing each other?
• Be merciless with the budget. Cut the fat, redistribute the funds to the areas where they are most needed: education, healthcare, welfare, law enforcement, libraries, a higher minimum wage incentive, human rights enforcement.
For the love of God, the $200 Billion spent on the Iraq war would pay the salaries of almost half a million teachers (if they all made $45K a year, which is significantly more than they make now). Be forceful, be brave, be bold: strong-arm the Congress until they relent. There is no room for “pork barrel politics” in a moral society. Cut the waste. Cut it all.
• It should go without saying, but reverse the discriminatory policies of Clinton and Bush against abortion.
• Find a way to reduce (or, better still, eliminate) our dependence on foreign oil. Encourage, through tax incentives and penalties, the expansion of the hybrid auto industry. Reduce emissions. Require the auto industry to improve the mileage per gallon in their non-hybrid vehicles. If necessary, set a deadline forcing the auto industry to turn to all hybrid vehicles by a certain year.
• End this gay marriage controversy and the Democratic Party’s equivocating about it once and for all: declare “civil unions” the law of the land, and equally accessible by all. Retire the word “marriage” from the legal lexicon and graciously offer full rights to the word to non-secular organisations. Be clear: the separation of church and state will be the better for eliminating the ambiguity in terms shared by secular and religious factions.
• Use your office to push forward the elimination of the so-called “three strikes” laws and minimum sentencing. Restore authority and discretion to the judges.
• Call for the death penalty to be abolished. We are one of 59 nations who retain the death penalty for ordinary crimes. With few exceptions, the nations that have abolished capital punishment or discontinued its use are secular democracies. They include every nation in Europe except Belarus, and every country in Latin America except Cuba and Guatemala. Among the other death penalty abolitionists are Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and the Republic of South Africa. Newly democratic Russia has suspended executions, and pledged to abolish the death penalty.
Those who retain the death penalty fall into four slots.
• The first is the entire Islamic world, with the exception of Turkey, which has a secular democracy, and the former Soviet Republics of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.
• The second is India, the world’s second most populous country, whose government is in the hands of Hindu fundamentalists.
• The third is what remains of the “communist” world: China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba.
• The fourth is a grab bag of authoritarian governments, including Guatemala, Belarus, Burma and Zimbabwe.
What these four have in common is one or more of the following: religious fundamentalism, authoritarian regime or despotism. Clearly the latter two have little relevance to the United States.
But the distribution of the death penalty inside the United States clearly points to the influence of religious fundamentalism, in this case of the Christian variety.
Capital punishment has been abolished in 11 states, covering the Northeast and upper Midwest, plus Alaska, Hawaii, West Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico — all places where the religious right wing is weak. In two more states — Illinois and Maryland — it has been suspended.
In the remaining 37 states, the death penalty is still in effect. But nowhere is enthusiasm greater than in the southern Bible Belt, the crescent extending from Virginia to Florida to Texas to Missouri, and in Mormon Utah. Almost nine out of 10 executions occur in that region.
Underlying religious fundamentalism in all its forms is a sense of holy righteousness. There is a struggle underway between forces of “good” and “evil,” with the Almighty — whether called God or Allah — on the side of the righteous. Those tainted as evil are dehumanized, making it easier to forfeit their right to life.
That seemed to be the atmosphere in Texas in 2002, where authorities executed Mexican citizen Javier Suarez Medina without informing him of his right under the Vienna Convention to seek legal support from his government.
So bring us into the 21st century, Democratic President, and into the fold of civilized nations the world throughout. Abolish the death penalty.
Somalia is the only other country refusing to sign it.
We are one of 8 countries that execute juveniles (16 and up, here) — the others are China, Congo, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In May 2002, Texas executed Napoleon Beazly, an African American who was a minor at the time he committed his crime. Beazly was the 10th child offender to be executed in the United States since 1995.
During the same period, only seven child offenders were executed by all other countries combined: three in Iran, two in Pakistan, one in Nigeria, and one in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
There is more, so much more, that I ask of you, Future Democratic President… but this will do, for a start.
Maryscott O’Connor,
Fairy Blogmother of My Left Wing…
One Pissed Off Liberal Democrat
can’t she???
A-frigging-men, Maryscott. A-frigging-men.
thought he did an awesome job. Compare his 8 years to the last 5 and then tell me how you feel about him. Don’t compare him to some mythical left-wing President, this is America for crying out loud!
Yes, that is America. Land of FDR, Teddy, JFK, Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, and a long tradition of liberalism. You should bloody well be demanding a candidate – and President – that does things right. That’s how the right wingers got Bush, after all.
Doesn’t mean I don’t criticise him where I think he went wrong.
If the Democrats can’t win elections, Then you are talking to a phantom. All of your complaints about Clinton are exactly what Democrats deserved. They failed beginning sometime during the Reagan period. Your complaints about Bill Clinton assume the Democrats elected him. They didn’t. He was elected in spite of being a Democrat.
In 1992 Bill was elected through a combination of his own political genius and the interference of an intelligent, non-political man with enough of his own personal resources to run a presidential campaign – Ross Perot. Perot threw the election to Bill Clinton. You didn’t elect Bill Clinton President. The Democrats didn’t elect Bill Clinton President. Bill Clinton positioned himself to be elected President and then got very lucky.
Clinton didn’t lose Congress in 1994, either. The Democrats were complacent and corrupt, and the conservative Republicans were lean, hungry and well-organized. The Democrats lost Congress in 1994, and have not yet become fully aware that they are NO LONGER THE DOMINANT PARTY. Thus we still have Biden and Lieberman playing games as individuals as though what they do matters.
It wasn’t Clinton who lost Health Care in 1993. It was the Democrats. After that, he did the best he could working with the majority in Congress. Those were Republicans and Democrats like Zell Miller. You don’t like triangulation? Only a political genius of the level of Clinton or Rove could have made that work. Clinton was winning against the majority. He was a DLC person and needed the DLC to make it work. So you don’t like the things Bill won or signed? Tough. You didn’t elect him and you didn’t elect anyone to support him.
The Democrats didn’t reelect Clinton in 1996, either. He know how to use the incumbency. Just as Rove and Bush did in 2004.
I don’t like a lot of the things he did or signed, either. If there were enough Democrats left to have passed Health Care reform, those things wouldn’t have happened. If we get a Democratic President in 2008 it won’t be because the Democrats elect him. It will be because the Republicans can’t govern and are too obvious about their political graft.
Right now our only hope for a Democratic President is for the Republicans to be so incompetent they will elect a Democrat. The only real question is if the Republicans can sink that low.
If you want all those things you asked for, then we need to build a party and a movement that will give them to us. Because right now the Republicans are sufficiently well organized that they could elect a ham sandwich as President. (Bush probably got fewer votes than a well-spiced and properly presented ham sandwich would have, but he still got in.)
You are trying to personify the problem on the President, but the real problem is that the Party is what needs to be built and organized.
New leaders are needed in the Democratic party today and courageous stands on the issues and problems facing the 109th session of Congress.
Don’t let the priciples of the Democrats be pulled across the Congressional aisle to the right-wing comfort zone of presumed short term electoral gains. Speak out, debate and fight to return freedom, civil rights and peaceful coexistence with our neighbors, to our own United States of America.
Fight evil in the world where it exists, and that is not solely about countries sitting on top of an oil well.
For the love of God, the $200 Billion spent on the Iraq war would pay the salaries of almost half a million teachers (if they all made $45K a year, which is significantly less than they make now)
I wish this were true but sadly I think $45K a year is significantly more than they make now 🙁
Actually according to the AFT that’s about average. Oregon and Boston report similar national averages.(Boston link worked from Google but does not seem to work here.)
Ooops — damn.
voted against the “60 New Death Penalties.”
It wasn’t Wellstone.
The package included execution for offences as trivial as growing pot.
Don’t forget passing environmental laws so that we’ll be able to continue living!
of course. :
ACK!!!! A competent Right Winger. No thanks…
Otherwise, good stuff. 🙂