[From the diaries by susanhu.] I knew something was gnawing away at my brain today. All the sudden attention to the Democrats for Life agenda, and the legislation they are offering this summer just was not sitting right. I was not sure why.

One reason was the way the Catholics and Baptists in our area knocked an openly gay candidate out of the primary waters here. The candidate who was endorsed by the Democrats for Life was totally incapable of running a campaign.  However he was more pro-life than our very conservative GOP congressman.

SO I did a little research. Finally I came up with this.

Florida Democrats Unable to Endorse Kerry

Florida Democrats for Life of America, Inc. (Florida DFLA), an affiliate of Democrats for Life of America, Inc., would like to offer our “Top Ten” reasons why we cannot endorse John Kerry for President of the United States.

  1. Florida DFLA is committed to advancing the right to life in the Democratic Party. John Kerry is not. Proof: John Kerry is the first presidential candidate ever to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund which boasts that “John Kerry’s support for a woman’s right to choose has never wavered.”

  2. Florida DFLA is committed to advocating for pro-life legislation and government policies. John Kerry is not. Proof: John Kerry says he personally believes life begins at conception, but an “article of faith” should not translate into public policy.

  1. Florida DFLA is committed to preserving the dignity of the human person. John Kerry is not. Proof: John Kerry has promised to reverse regulations that prevent the National Institutes of Health from funding research on “cell-nucleus-transfer techniques” (in other words, human cloning for the purposes of biomedical research).
  2. Florida DFLA is committed to promoting public awareness of all issues surrounding fetal tissue research. John Kerry is not. Proof: John Kerry voted against the ban on fetal tissue research from abortions and the disclosure of fetal tissue research from abortions.
  3. Florida DFLA is committed to reducing the number of abortions by ensuring that parents have the right to know when a minor child is seeking an abortion. John Kerry is not. Proof: John Kerry has voted at least three times against requiring parental notification.
  4. Florida DFLA is committed to promoting positive assistance to developing third world nations which helps to lift families out of their poverty. John Kerry is not. Proof: John Kerry has promised to reverse the Mexico City Policy as his first Executive Order. This action will provide organizations with taxpayer money to promote abortion, birth control, and forced sterilization in nations where America wishes to “control” population growth.
  5. Florida DFLA is committed to supporting the appointment of judges who will interpret the Constitution without first having to submit to the Roe v. Wade litmus test. John Kerry is not. Proof: John Kerry stated he would only support nominees who pledge to uphold Roe v. Wade.”

There are more of this reasons given, and they just make me livid.  

But this is the most outrageous of all, and I say kudos to John Kerry and shame on Florida Democrats for Life.  Talk about one issue? Tell me these folks are really Democrats!

Here you go, and I can’t wait to see folks come out of the woodwork to excuse this.  

“Florida DFLA is committed to identifying and promoting Democratic candidates and electing officials who support the right to life. Because of his past voting record and public pronouncements regarding, but not limited to, all the above issues, John Kerry has disqualified himself from receiving our endorsement. Florida Democrats for Life of America, Inc., can only remain true to its convictions by urging Floridians to vote “ABK” – Anybody But Kerry!”

I had forgotten this until they starting pressuring Howard Dean.  This is inexcusable.  This group helped give us the worst president ever. Shame on them.

Can you see what I wrote!!?? This group who wants to get the control of the party’s agenda…..said ABK. Anybody but Kerry.

Am I mad?  You bet.