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Good Morning everyone, welcome to the Froggy Bottom Cafe. Come on in and make yourself comfortable, coffee and pastries are ready. |
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After you have had some refreshments, perhaps you would like to go and visit my new Site Village Blue. It is only a few days old and it’s birth has been very hard on me,some things still to be done, things to work out, but it is up and running, please visit and register. There is a handy link back to booman right at the top left of the front page. |
So everyone, have a great day!!!
Sorry I am late getting this diary up, but finally here goes.
This is the speciality of the cafe today:
Have a good day everyone and hugs all around!!!!!!
70 deg. here in socal.
Well I did that pic. to far over and now look, I am guilty….
I can delete it and you can repost it if you would like.
Why don’t you just remove the pic…thanks…you can edit, right…thanks
I can’t edit a comment. It’s either delete or leave it.
Just leave it, it looks fine now…thanks boo…
also, I’m a soy sauce addict. π
Been up early today doing some writing — a teacher I knew and loved died recently; I saw the obituary in yesterday’s paper.
I’ve posted the story here at Booman, and also at Village Blue and My Left Wing. Sometimes we have to recognize those that made a difference in our lives, and to honor them; I think the Republicans lose touch with the past, and that’s why they’re screwing things up.
Time for breakfast, then get the spouse moving…we have afternoon doctor’s appointments today, and maybe he’ll get his BP medications adjusted so he can get back to work eventually! (Please, please, please…!)
Talk to you later…
Good morning Diane – whew – I just got the A/C turned on, time for a refreshing sit-down after dragging back from the riverbank with my laundry.
What exactly is that stuff you’ve put out for us? I’m guessing sushi. Well, I don’t know… oh what the hell – I’ll try anything! Now don’t embarrass me by saying it’s cake.
Okay if I put my feet up?
Here are some links to learn more about sushi and its wonderful benefits to our health.
sushi guide
Healthy diet
Morning diane. What an undertaking to start your own site. I’ve had trouble getting back in..keeps rejecting my password, I get new one than that doesn’t work. Had same problem at Eurotrib to start with. I’ll try again later today. Didn’t want you to think I’d not been back..been trying. Done all the dumping of cookies,etc.
Other than that I’m just sitting here mainlining coffee and trying to wake up.
Hi chocolate, I can change your password and send to you and then you can enter it and then change to what you want, Ok. Yes it is an undertaking and the stress is overwhelming when something goes wrong.
Now I understand what our dear booman must go through.
My job for today is to really eat and rest and make no changes on the site that will bolix things up. Is that really a word..bolix…
and I have seen it like you spelled it, bollix or bollux, or bolleaux (cajon). Love your site and thank you for the invite.
Dam straight there is and my grandmother in particular used to use it a lot. I suspect it’s a bit of an old fashioned word and as you know from my language diane …you can guess what word I most usually use instead.
According to Merriam-Webster:
It can be spelled with one or two l’s. It’s evidently from the French word “bollocks” or “ballocks”, which means “testicle”.
Not sure how it started getting used to mean “throw into disorder”, unless there’s something tangled-looking about the interior structure of a testicle …?
Is that sushi? Looks great. I’ll definitely have a few bites with my rye nonwheat crackers. Then I’ll check out Village Blue before packing up some arts goodies for shipping to customers.
We didn’t reach the 80F’s yesterday, but we’re expected to get well into them today. The Sound sky is clear blue, and there’s no ground fog or mist pockets anywhere in sight. The nearly snowless Olympic mountains appear close on the horizon. This is our version of a heat wave, which gets serious inside our house with its two story under-insulated sun-facing front wall.
But it can be very humane here even in the peak of summer. Here’s your morning misty cooling-off scene:
An August morning at Rosario Beach Park and underwater marine park (at right among rocks), on Fidalgo island, part of the Deception Pass parks that are the most visited in Washington State.
Deception Pass Bridge. All my life that bridge has been scary to me. It’s big and beautiful but it has a dark side, too.
Still to this day, some of my unsettled dreams are of me trying to drive across. Usually with loved ones in the car…
But oh how cool it looks. π
A few years ago we were in a line of stopped traffic near the bridge, so I walked up to see what the trouble was. I saw a deputy with his arms around a woman on the outside of the fence. She couldn’t have been 50 feet away. I saw her eyes. If I recall correctly, they were in the process of bringing her back over after a long talk, when she bolted. But if not that case, it’s happened in others.
The line between here and gone is sometimes incredibly fine.
Personally I’m too skiddish to walk across that bridge but I have no trouble driving over it. It’s incredibly beautiful in different ways under different weather conditions, from clear to partly cloudy, snowy, rain and misty. It’s always got tourists walking along it during the summer half of the year.
it changes. It’s never the same. Which sometimes makes it appear to have a life of it’s own. That it could “change” while I’m on the bridge.
When I was a 2yr old we were driving back late, don’t recall why. Just me and my mom. Two cars were blocking the way. One was banged up and a bit over the edge. A nurse on her way to work was killed. We were of the few on the scene before any cops/ambulances.
I remember waking up in the backseat and not knowing why my mom was crying. Looking out and being on the span after midnight.
But it’s still a beautiful bridge. The fields and fields of tulips that await you once you made it across and on your way to Bellingham or Anacortes.
Gooserock!!! Absolutely breathtaking, thank you for that moment of piece in an otherwise day of ranting for me. Thanks very much.
it also could have been a moment of PEACE. . .instead of a piece of a moment or whatever that was. . .
I hate computers today. . . .
Can I say, Woohoo!

Good afternoon, all, no lunch for me today, but a nice cool iced coffee would be very much appreciated. It’s on full-broil outside, but it appears that the heat will finally break by the end of the week (to the mid-80s).
and my brain was scrambled by the heat. It’s ridiculous outside.
I read the headlines and I’m taking the rest of the day off. Everything seems to be reduced to PR these days and I’m not stomaching it well today. The heat index was 105 here yesterday. I was indoors for most of the day but just felt sapped, husband came home very sapped and grouchy too even though he is well air conditioned indoors also. We replaced some of our windows over the weekend. They were double paned and all fogged over. My husband and I did it together to save money and it turned out great! Very happy with what a little elbow grease saved us. Really missing my Uncle again yesterday too. Such a complicated grieving process for me with Vietnam and Iraq and now one dearly loved who took his own life depressed over war and dead children. Did the windows and they looked great and we could afford it but hey……YOUR UNCLE IS DEAD! Everyday is still a day from hell for my Aunt. Starting over after 37 years! I call her and ask her if the day sucked or super sucked and we laugh as she decides how much it sucked. Hate losing someone I love so much and the sun has the audacity to keep rising and setting and everything just keeps on living and my husband’s best friend and one of my best friends Michael in Iraq does not write, email, or phone. It has been so long without any word from him. He is a true believer, believes in Bush….before he left my Uncle and my husband and Michael all had a soldiers night out where they played darts viciously and drank beer. All three men very competitive about games but love each other so much. Michael doesn’t know the Uncle Michael is dead. I’m sure he is up to his armpits in enough shit right now, plenty of time to tell him when he gets home. It is never good though when you don’t hear from the Michael we still have, it means he is hiding stuff (probably his feelings) from us. Mike and my husband are the best of best friends and they disagreed on many things about Iraq but love is the most important component of who they are to each other. Longing to hear something from Michael soon even if it is PR bullshit, I don’t care, I just want to hear his voice.
Sometimes there are no answers only more questions…
Sometimes we just want to scream…
We are here for you – sending cool breeze thoughts with the hugs this morning. Prayers for your Aunt, for Michael, for you and your husband….
you are one of the people that make me really dislike this doohickey called the internet.
I wish wish wish I could just roll on over to your place, plant our asses down in a shady place and drink rum and laugh till the neighbors and kids think we’ve gone insane.
We could sit back and watch our kids and finally feel that things will be okay with them.
And everyone else from BooMan can come over and we could have a water balloon fight and then have a big bbq potluck style.
But.. all I can do now is type some misspelled worsd on a frame to you. ACK. (((Tracy))))
I’ll bring the balloons… ; ) and a keg of beer, and a bucket of wine cooler, and a grill, and a water hose, and a sprinkler, and a bag of…… nevermind..
now the real hard question: Charcoal or Gas?
We do the charcoal around here. Cause I kinda dig those grilling Olympics. You know… where you douse the entire Weber with white fuel, stand back and toss a match at it… shit… it blew out… light another match (oh to have a Roman Candle) and then RUN!!! and hope the dog isn’t in your way. I’ve leaped over hurdles such as deck chairs while trying to get the fire ready.
It’s a sickness of mine π But.. the plus side is now Mr. Damnit INSISTS he is the one to light the grill.
One time we had neighbors from 4 streets away call us to see because they thought our deck was on fire…
ahem… too much info. π
I’ll bring Passion Mango Orange Daiquiries, stuffed jalapenos (they’re wicked hot) and my famous stuffed mushrooms with bacon and chilies. And I won’t light the barbie π
well Janet now you are going to have to do something on this subject in Village Blue…you or Infidel, or Dada, under home catagory…parties and food i think, please one of you????
when all my kindling is wet, it’s snowing outside and I can’t get the woodstove to light… π
The kids are now making up stuff about my attempts to light the stove. It’s urban legend status nowadays π
Earth Mother’s own wood, oak, or hickory, and a lil’ pecan tossed in for extra flavor….
I won’t go into a friends daughters birthday party years ago, but I was the “High Light” of the night….still have some scars…LMAO
only way to fly…there’s mesquite, if you’re so inclined, but my favorites are the “fruit woods”, ie: apple, pear, cherry. My bro had to take out a couple of apple and pear trees a couple years back and had the trimmers “shred” a bunch of it with their chipper. I brought a 5 gal bucket of each home for da bbq. Let the coals get ready, spread’em out and toss in a handfull of chips about 5-10 minutes before you start cooking and my,my, it’s good. Smells nice too.
ps:Something’s goofy w/ comments box, have to start @halfway down before it registers…site’s real sloooooooowwwww too.
pps: pig, you’d been proud at lunch today man…took it to ’em.
“All you big guys line up, all you little ones, bunch up…I’m here to kick some ass and take the names of the survivors”…Ha!
fruit woods, yessir indeedy, that makes some great flavor’n…but you wanna stay away from the cherry…not good
LMAO..would’ve loved to been a fly on the wall at that meeting..KUDOS man..don’t let’m get ya down..their pay’n for your expertise, not their own incompetence, otherwise, they would’nt need a consultant ; )
clue me on the problem w/ cherry…I’ve never used it…the apple and pear are great tho.
yeah, they are indeed incompetent asshats…you know they’re fucked when you show up and it’s a table for six…ended up 3 on 1…they lost…I’m smoke…pay the tab suckka…gotta say I enjoyed the hell out of it, it’s been brewing since may…BWAHAHAHAHA!
certain wild cherry can be toxic especially when green, dried works ok, but I would’nt use it for seasoning, to tart.
Kudos on the lunch man….I love it when the pogues have to pay ; )
WTF u doin’ up at this ungodly hour…I thought u wuz an ol’ man? :{)
I am an ol’ fart…one of those nights when I just can’t sleep…those happen, so I’m up, coffee on, and answering replies.
either your in the western time zones, and up late…or your a night tonight as well ; )
night owl….that is..LOL
mtn time zone, always been a nighthawk, always been …sometimes it’s worse than others..it’s cool tho…gettin’ by’s my stock-in trade…ha!
In honor of cooking out and of today’s Shuttle Launch.
Does anyone here remember the site at Purdue, in the early days of the Web, by the engineer who did
They set up a cooker with the lit charcoal and some steaks on the grill. They used a big ladle that must have held a quart or more of LOX, with a lo-o-o-ong handle. There was a series of quickly-shot scenes, portraying just about what you’d imagine.
The people in charge have requested this web site be removed.
There’s a Dave Berry column about it published in 1995. I was a techie working in a large university office, and when I found the site and saw the first image I shut down business momentarily laughing so hard.
I’m not finding any photos in my cursory googling. Gee I wonder why.
LMAO…that would damned sure make for an interesting grilling….from a distance ; )
my very own homemade fluffy style philly cream cheese cake and because you are all so special, I will make four of them.
I love cream cheese frosting… so I’m anxious to hear what cream cheese CAKE is π
It’ll go great with my peppers and mushrooms. They’re stuffed with bacon, cream cheese, onions, garlic and chilies.
and I have not made it for a very long time. I will dig up the recipe and post it for you.
your peppers sound scrumptious, lots of garlic I hope, my wife and I could not cook if there was ever a garlic shortage.
1 lb jalapeno peppers (cut in half and seeded)
several slices bacon (diced)
4 oz cream cheese (softened)
1/2 cup cheddar cheese (grated)
1/2 cup Monterey jack cheese (grated)
1 tsp cayene pepper
1 tsp chili powder
1 tbsp minced/chopped garlic
1 dash Mongolian Fire Oil
1 small onion (diced)
bread crumbs
(if you don’t have chili, cayene and mongolian fire oil – try hot chili oil by Dynasty – can be bought at safeways, most brand stores) which is what I’ve been using now instead.
Heat oven to 400°.
Cook bacon, toss in onion during final minute. Set aside. (I also add garlic in too)
Combine rest of ingredients except peppers. Mix in bacon and onions. Place healthy amounts in each pepper half. Roll top of stuffed pepper in bread crumbs. Place on cookie sheet lined with foil.
Bake for 40 minutes. Leftovers can be frozen and reheated
Now.. this is NOT exactly my recipe. It keeps changing each time I make them. I make three sheets at a time which is about 4# of peppers, I use 2 pkgs of cream cheese and a pound of peppered bacon.
tell ya what….
Next time I will make just two sheets of peppers and write down exactly what I do and email you the recipe. π It’s a very forgiving recipes though – you can add here take there… good base to dive in if you like hot food.
I haven’t got the mushroom recipes down right as I sometimes end up with too much mixture or not enough. When I do, I’ll post it. My recipes aren’t ever exact… like my families.. my is like my painting style – LOL Very chaotic but forgiving.
I would love the cake recipe – thank you!
I will find that recipe and get it to you as soon as possible.
You will enjoy this cheese cake, it is light and fluffy and mouthwatering.
I’ll have it after that bag of……nevermind.. ; ) LMAO
Diane – I haven’t had a chance yet to let you know that I saw the Gnome on the Café page the other day. Thanks for including a piece of my garden!
It’s been a rough week weather wise for many. It’s been so hot here. My parents haven’t had rain in so long their entire lawn is dead – brown and in some cases black. (They live in the country with a lot of acres and a well, so watering is definitely out of the question.) My SIL said that the rain came down so hard the other day in a town near her, that residents were riding in boats on the road! I hope that everyone is okay in their neck of the woods.
And a couple of new garden picks that I took last week.
These lilies just came out and are very large – size of small dinner plates.
My own personal bean stalk – climbing skyward.
Have a good day everyone.
Howdy! Can I sit with you?
Those two kitties remind me of two rescue cats we had for a while. They were brothers and best buddies. They would wait like pups for the special bus that stopped at our driveway for Wes. They were cool cats..
this reminded me of one of their games. “I’ll come nuzzle and pat at you while you’re on a higher object, making you think I’m being nice THEN I’ll THWAP you and knock yer furry butt off said object so I can sit in your place and lick myself while you wonder what hit you”
It’s quite a lengthy name for a game… π
Good afternoon everyone. Just hanging out with the kids and Queen Isabelle, drinking cold things and waiting for the delivery guys to bring my new sleigh bed. Yay! I’m 45 and have never had a real bed before…just a mattress and box springs on the floor. There are dozens of hummingbirds buzzing around the backyard and sipping at the nectar feeders I have hanging. I swear I saw one of them sweating…
could I have a coffee Jamieson, please?
Her is your jaminson, sorry to be so late with this, have been very busy.
href=’http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNfox000′ target=’_blank’>
sorry about the code but this is the only way I could figure to post this..
Changed my mind…
You found the bar area, good…well you are the bartender, right, I hope you will go on duty soon, as I am having a tough time keeping up today, what with “real life”
http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNfox000‘ target=’_blank’>
Say any techies know how to do this without having the code show….please let me know..
Cool weather and good chance of rain in Boulder today…Yeah!
Been way too hot…how hot you ask? Melting hot I say:

Gotta run to a lunch meeting so an asshat client can fire me in a public place…oh how I love being self-unemployed. <snark>
Screw his lunch up, and fire him first, that always pisses the client off, “uhh, scuze me, but I really don’t want to represent you, your such a dick” make’m choke on the appetizer ; ) then leave, and let them get the bill…
I did that once with a client, he just sat there with a deer in the headlight stare…and NO, I did’nt help with the choking either…LMAO
Dada, great photo. At first I thought it was two towels π
Let us know how it goes with the client. Crossing my fingers for ya.
OMG! It’s a dog! I thought it was a couple of sweaters to show that it’s cooler today, lol!
Congratulations to myself for the outstanding accomplishment of being born. It was hard work. Fifty-seven years ago. WTF!!
On the other hand, Mick Jaggar is 62 today. We share a birthday, and however old I am, he will always be five years older. Well, at least as we both manage to stay alive.
Congratulations on being born!
Eat some cake and ice cream, and be sure to make a good wish when you blow out those candles! Hope it comes true.
Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket)
I have been to the end of the earth.
I have been to the end of the waters.
I have been to the end of the sky.
I have been to the end of the mountains.
I have found none that are not my friends
Happy B Day, to you, and watch yourself with those older men young lady ; )
Best wishes, and many more B Day’s to come…
http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNfox000‘ target=’_blank’>
Happy Birthday Janet, I am trying to do this but can’t get it in without some of the code, but Happy, Happy Birthday, to you!!!!!!
I go off to paint kitchen cabinets (NOT a favorite chore – all those inside corners, ugh) – and come back and find all these lovely birthday wishes!
Y’all are great. I just love being part of this community.
Hipp-o Bird-y two ewes!
Have a great day!
Happy birthday, Janet!
For those without AC:
Miss Kitty says to stay INDOORS, drink lots of water. Water REhydrates you. Keep your blinds closed during the times the sun is on your window. Make sure your furry family members are cool and have lots of cool water, too.
For those with AC: Becareful when going from cool room to HOT outdoors. It can be a doozy.
But don’t worry… the thinktanks from ExxonMobil have spent 40 million dollars to prevent scientists from getting any coverage and by spreading lies that global warming is a liberal hoax. So it must be okay… the news, the whitehouse and the oil industry are our trusted agencies… kerflopping from all my sarcasm (How does Anne Coultier stomach her own writing? LOL)
in a bit — no choice; we have doctor’s appointments today.
Though the good part of the heat is that I haven’t had to cook; it’s been too damn hot. Not sure what we’re going to do for dinner tonight — we’re running out of ideas. Hmmm…haven’t had pizza for a few weeks…
Yeah, we’re running out of ideas, too π
Had burgers (avacado, tomato, peppercinis) and cantaloupe slices last night but I was stupid and cooked some bacon to put on them… BIG MISTAKE.
No clue what to make tonight. I’d be happy with cutting up some fruits.. but the pack of wolves I live with insist on “big food”
Reservations! π
stopping at Boston Market for healthy food; the spouse and I both got “the lecture”: eat healthier, exercise, and generally get our respective acts together. Then stopped at Borders and I stocked up on healthy cooking cookbooks; just filled a bag with all my old cookbooks (from the days when fat grams and sodium levels never came up in conversation), and will take them to church for the upcoming Book Sale.
At least I got back on the thyroid meds; that should help jumpstart the metabolism and clear up my recent bout of sluggishness and fatigue.
If I can lose 20 or so pounds before I go back in October, it may be enough to keep the doc off my case… π
Hello everyone – I missed y’all.
Soooo, what have I missed???? Can anyone fill me in in 500 words or less?
I can tell you one thing, go and visit my new blog site…please and I’ll see you over there…So good to have you back, wait till you see my site….
Diane! Congratulations.. the site looks great! I just signed up, but haven’t meandered around much – still trying to catch up with a million things.
welcome back, zander! Hope you had a great vacation (or whatever) – you were missed. Did you bring pics?
One thing I feel I really must mention, however… the day you left the NASA launch was scrubbed… and the day you come back, it takes off. Coincidence? I think not!
Scrubbed… oh, sure, that’s what they’ll tell you. I did, in fact, launch that day….

and took this pic somewhere along the way….
Welcome back! We missed you, too!
What picture??
Hey there! How’ve you been?
Maybe it’s been so long that I’ve forgotten how to post pictures… how about this one?
Out of several thousand… I took a couple of great ones….
Wow, that photo is truly awesome.
Nice to know we Yanks will have somewhere to take our “manifest destiny” when our own turf becomes completely unlivable…
Seriously, though: it’s fantastic to have you back, Z. I tried to be good while you were gone. π
Hmmm – I’ll be backtracking through your comments when I have the time…. if you’ve been a pain in the ass in my absence, you’ll be sure to hear about it. π
I think the furthest mountains may be yours anyway, but … you’d better duck, my first TV viewing upon returning home was a program about sovereignty in the north, unidentified submarines, and oil exploration… don’t get me started. <shaking head> I still have unpacking to do.
But I’d argue, in a much more straightforward, much less snarky/sarcastic/passive-aggressive way than I used to be. Just sticking up for my belief (shared by our dear host but not by the majority of BTers, it would appear) that we make a grave mistake as a party if we abandon pragmatism and dash to the left.
I’ll await your verdict, however. <grin>
Wow! That was a photo worth waiting for.
Hiya zander! Let’s see, Bush nominated a conservative to replace O’Conner to the SCOTUS (she was a “swing-vote”; the Rove issue has grown tremendously; Sens. Cornyn and Kyl introduced an abhorrent immigration bill; Bush still supports torture; and apparently the DLC pissed off the progressive wing of the party (again). Hope that helps! π Welcome back!!!
Thank you. I’ve only caught the edges of these stories – except for the immigration bill, which I’ve heard nothing at all about. I’m wondering how long it will take for me to get back up to speed…
Have you done a diary about the immigration bill that I should see? Border issues do really interest me a lot, though from a different angle.
I sure did, check out my diary, the entry is “The Republican Immigration Bill”. I’m working on a follow-up for tomorrow but have been away from the computer so wanted to catch up on reading first.
well hello young lady. and how are you doing? good to see you back.
where the womenkossacks went Our Word