The Bush-Cheney Years 2001-2005
Ahmad Shah Massoud killed two days before OBL launches attacks of 9/11.
Making the case for a War on Terror and the Iraq Invasion with full occupation and securing oil resources in its aftermath. The United States war propaganda focuses on just a few topics, however it is a continuous thread that is used, abused and repeated.
● NY and DC attacks of 9/11 attached to antrax powder envelops sent to VIPs, lays foundation to include danger of WMD and chemical warfare by terrorists. The antrax originated in a US military lab.
● UK – Tony Blair – and ricin alarm in January 2003 – during visit of George Bush to London. July 2005 it’s the London attacks and Al Qaeda terror.
More to follow below the fold »»
● pre-war link to Al Qaeda, Saddan Hussein, Ansar Al Salaam, ricin factory in Iraq – Kurdish territory in no-fly zone.
● post-war link to foreign insurgency and image building to put a face on evil and the enemy.
● Iraq war blowback and collateral damage.
● home grown terror see false accusation on lawyer Brandon Mayfield and fingerprint found in Madrid bombing attack – Aznar.
● forgeries with assistence from Italian secret service – Berlusconi – on the danger of Saddam Hussein and possession of nuclear arms.
● complicity of Dick Cheney and John Bolton
The decision to go into Iraq was pre-determined before the 9/11 attacks on America, and went ahead through exploitation of fear and not withstanding universal protests.
Failed leadership of Tony Blair and George Bush requires an Orange revolt and regime change.
I try to keep some sanity in the insanity of war.
Please do read the links placed as reference, in this horrendous start of a new 21st century, where HOPE must be our mainstay.
Build community spirit starting at home, and naturally here @ BooMan’s Place.
The American attacks in 2001 were with anthrax, I believe.
As I was writing diary, I had impression there was a link I was not getting right. As I was working on some environmental comments for EuroTrib, the light switched on.
Thanks for your comment – diary has been updated with link to antrax analysis by FBI.
Excellent facts, and time line, now if we could only get the whole damned world to read it…so sad.
Thanks for all your work.