Outsource the shit and it won’t stick? Was that part of the Bush/GOP plan all along?
The benefits for federal agencies include “plausible deniability” with respect to assassination and drug trafficking, as well as the ability to bypass the Military Code of Honor and the accords of the Geneva Convention, which hold “official” combatants to a different standard.
In other words, by privatizing “dirty tricks,” a federal agency cannot be held liable to the standards one would expect of, well, the US Government.
DynCorp seems to be the biggest and worse of these private military corporate companies- (DynCorp’s website seems to no longer exist)..
Dyncorp’s clients include the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Internal Revenue Service, Securities and Exchange Commission, FBI, CIA, and HUD — all government agencies notorious for rampant, unchecked and egregious fraud.
For example, the Pentagon cannot account for a mind-boggling $2.3 trillion. In fact, at Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s confirmation hearing in January 2001, Sen. Robert Byrd wondered aloud, “How can we seriously consider a $50 billion dollar increase in the Defense Department’s budget when the DoD’s own auditors cannot account for $2.3 trillion in transactions?”
DynCorp’s advert, posted on a US website and headed ‘Iraq mission’, stated that it was acting on behalf of the US Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. It was seeking ‘individuals with appropriate experience and expertise to participate in an international effort to re-establish police, justice and prison functions in post-conflict Iraq’.
The Contributions: $226,865 (72 percent to Republicans)
Total to President Bush: $7,500
Computer Sciences Corp. (acquired DynCorp March 7)
The Contributions: $276,975 (74 percent to Republicans)
Total to President Bush: $10,250
The Contract: The U.S. State Department awarded DynCorp, now a unit of Computer Sciences Corp., a multimillion-dollar contract April 18 to advise the Iraqi government on setting up effective law enforcement, judicial and correctional agencies. DynCorp will arrange for up to 1,000 U.S. civilian law enforcement experts to travel to Iraq to help locals “assess threats to public order” and mentor personnel at the municipal, provincial and national levels. The company will also provide any logistical or technical support necessary for this peacekeeping project. DynCorp estimates it could recoup up to $50 million for the first year of the contract.
The Companies: Founded in 1946, DynCorp has long provided U.S. government agencies–particularly the Defense Department–with logistical and training support. Computer Sciences Corp. acquired DynCorp in March of this year for $950 million. CSC is one of the country’s leading IT consulting firms and reported revenues of more than $11 billion in 2002.
Other links for those interested:
List of Private Corporate Military Companies
Dirty Tricks, Inc.:
The DynCorp-Government Connection
Maybe this is the reason we see so much smugness continually from this ‘illegal’-(I say illegal because of ALL the fraud issues coming to the forefront) administration. THEY know THEY didn’t DO IT per se.
If I recall correctly, many german business leaders were prosecuted for war crimes in 1946-7. The USA may have removed liability, but not the world court.
In SE Asia, and Central America, South America, the term Merc was used, been go’n on a long time, only now, it’s mega bucks for the private corps.