If I didn’t have to spend all my time blogging, I’d begin work on a spy thriller screenplay. The bulk of the movie would take place in a three week window in July 2003. I’d have flashbacks to 2000, when shadowy ex-operatives began forging the Niger documents. To late 2001, when those documents were leaked to the Italian intelligence services. To early 2002 when Wilson was despatched to Niger to investigate. To October 2002, when Tenet told Hadley to take the claims out of the Cincinnati speech. To January 2003, when he told Hadley to take the claims out of the State of the Union speech.
Maybe I would weave a love story out of Joe and Valerie’s courtship into the bargain. But stuff like this, are what great spy novels/movies are made of:
Novak told the person that Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA as a specialist in weapons of mass destruction and had arranged her husband’s trip to Niger, Wilson said. Unknown to Novak, the person was a friend of Wilson and reported the conversation to him…WP: 7/27/05
Yes, I can see it all coming together in my mind’s eye. Looking back, I can see where it all began to go wrong for the Bush administration:
White House finger-pointing in turn prompted the CIA’s allies to fire back by offering evidence that ran counter to official White House explanations of events and by helping to reveal a chronology of events that forced the White House to change its story.
The latest turn came Tuesday, when deputy national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley and White House communications director Dan Bartlett revealed the existence of two previously unknown memos showing that Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet had repeatedly urged the administration last October to remove a similar claim that Iraq had tried to buy uranium in Africa.
WP: 7/24/03
It wasn’t long before the White House realized the errors of their ways:
Oh, but so much more was going on behind the scenes. Condi Rice publicly blamed the CIA for the sixteen words even though Tenet had repeatedly warned her deputy, Hadley, off making those claims. Then they asked Tenet to shut up and take the blame. On the very same morning that Tenet gave his mea culpa, Karl Rove was on the phone to Matt Cooper blowing the cover (once again) of Valerie Wilson.
But even earlier, Novak had her name. And Novak called the CIA for confirmation:
Harlow said that after Novak’s call, he checked Plame’s status and confirmed that she was an undercover operative. He said he called Novak back to repeat that the story Novak had related to him was wrong and that Plame’s name should not be used. But he did not tell Novak directly that she was undercover because that was classified.
My oh my. Novak’s ‘two senior administration officials’ sure must have been convincing for Novak to ignore the warning and advice of the CIA’s spokeman. This screenplay just keeps getting more exciting.
Is it any wonder the CIA is on the warpath? They repeatedly warned the National Security Council and the Vice-President’s office that the Niger story was bogus and not to include it in speeches. When their advice was ignored, Tenet was blamed and forced to take responibility for the error.
Then his spokesman’s warnings to Novak were ignored and one of his agents was uncovered. Now, if I only knew how this movie ends.
Great idea! I’ll buy two tickets to the theatre and a DVD, please.
Does anyone remember the line in George Tenet’s resignation speech where he said something like “Our best kept secret is that we are very very good at what we do.”? [I have looked for a transcript of the speech but can’t find one.] I think that this line was more than just a pat on the back to the agency as he walked out the door. I interpreted the statement to be his stealthy way of intimating that “WE WERE RIGHT ABOUT THAT NUCLEAR STUFF, BUT I TOOK THE FALL.” It’s just my intuition plus the expression in his voice and face as he delivered the line, but it might make a nice scene in the movie to show Tenet’s thinking behind that line in his speech.
Need a cinematographer?
and a director, and a producer, etc.
We also need a cast.
Who plays Novak? Abe Vigoda?
If only Truman Capote were still alive, or better yet – Peter Lorre!
Wow. How about we just edit him in. Let’s see what’s available, shall we?
“I hope you’re more impressed with me, now?”
“I heard that rumor too.”
The Maltese Falcon:
“I certainly wish you would have invented a more reasonable story. I felt distinctly like an idiot repeating it.”
On the other hand Rick Moranis is still alive, but perhaps he should play Rove.
Save Peter Lorre for Rove, the slippery sneak.
I can maybe find you a producer with development financing in London.
But first you need an outline. The historical facts (as you’ve sketched out) are not enough. A good movie depends on a) the audience identifying with, or being sympathetic to, a principle character – AND caring about what happens to them. b) some kind of moral dilemma which forms an axis for the dramatic arcs.
But I have an interesting suggestion – one that has been in my mind for some time. With all the writing skills here, and the common basis of fact and supposition that you have set out in your latest and earlier diaries, it could be possible to work on a script as a group.
The initials stages (gathering interested parties etc) could be conducted here openly . though the writing process itself would need to be in private. Too many thieving Hollywood types about!
Well, I would like to be cast as Valerie but I will nedd hair extentions and a facelift first…lol!
Well, we never saw her under cover.
Maybe she pretended to be her own receptionist, vulnerable to blandishments from oddball energy consultants intent on getting files.
Too bad Sidney Greenstreet isn’t available, he would be perfectly cast as Rove in the movie. And the merchandising! Valerie Plame action figures, anyone?
With Orson Wells, reprising Harry Lime in The Third Man, as Dick Cheney.
a spin off movie could be made from Tom Englehardt’s tale of the CIA in Milan where they hunted down and captured a suspected terrorist and renditioned him to Egypt on a Lear jet.
See The Spies Who Came in from the Hot Tub
I personally would like to see it happen!!!!!!!!! go booman go booman…go and get it done and I will be the first one to view it. I agree with each of the above…