I don’t know who the hell these people are but..-

  • My Party upholds the sanctity of Roe v.Wade.
  • My Party does not “cash in” on an illegal war.
  • My Party believes in protecting labor rights ie it does not sell out it union base by voting for CAFTA or overturning overtime pay etc. etc.
  • My party protects the voting rights of all citizens
  • My party protects the civil rights of all Americans
  • My party protect the environment
  • My party supports excellence in public education
  • My party believes what will make this country stronger is jobs and healthcare.
  • My party does not sell its soul to any and every corporate “john” that pays for its vote, even if it is against the wishes of the base.

“Take back the party” … yeah… if there were a party to take back… the Democratic Party is dead and pod people inhabit its shell.

Now, my so-called party calls all of these values EXTREME left-wing radical “single issues” that are the reasons why Democrats are not winning… My party no longer exist they have been taken over by a bunch of Republican wingnut assholes.

The same people advocating “take back the party” will be the same people telling everyone to STFU and vote for Casey and any other shitty so-called Republicrat that the GOPers (YES, REAL REPUBLICAN MASKING AS DEMOCRATS) in our party puts up.

Fool me once shame on you… fool me twice shame on me…

We went through all before. The DLC/NDN would rather burn the party to the ground than hand over any power or move one inch on their agenda. They have already co-opted parts the blogosphere and some blogs have more political operatives blogging than regular people.

Boo outlined the jist of the future of the Democratic Party yesterday:

We cannot unite around trade policy, or gay marriage, or the unilateral withdrawal from Iraq, or opposition to the Patriot Act, or universal health care, or even, it appears, the absolute sanctity of Roe. But what we can unite around is our opposition to the kleptocracy and corruption running rampant in the highest reaches of the Republican Party. We can unite around clean and open government.

Gee… thanks. We can fight for “clean and open government” just as long as we don’t use it for those “icky” special issues like  trade policy, or gay marriage, or the unilateral withdrawal from Iraq, or opposition to the Patriot Act, or universal health care, or even, it appears, the absolute sanctity of Roe.

Boy now, that is worth fighting and taking back the party.

I think Andy Stern and the union split up is right… it is better save the healthy parts and cut it away from the disease ridden sections before the entire body dies. To even talk anymore about “taking back the party” is absurd and a waste of time when Democrats just last night aided Tom DeLay in delivering CAFTA to Bush.

For me, if the Democrats capitulate on Roe that will be the line drawn in the sand… there will be no returning to this party.

Divorce although traumatic can be healthier than staying together. Many marriages have broken up after several years being together because the couple have taken decidely different paths. Mature people realize that it is better EVEN FOR THE CHILDREN to part their ways than to live in an unhealthy unproductive environment.

Yes it would be a minority party… but… even when the Democratic party has a chance to win in it’s minority status… ie Roe, CAFTA they would rather roll over and play dead.

This doesn’t mean that there can not be cooperation some where down the line. However, if there is a split I would assume it would be the Labor/Democrats who survive and the DLC/NDN Democrats (“Centrist” is a misnomer, they are far right.) who would be absorbed into the GOP as they have more affinity with the GOP than they do the Democratic Party.