Here’s a completely frivolous thread for your consideration. Absolutely no seriousness allowed.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Check this out…
that was really cool!
I saw it but I refuse to believe it. Cause otherwise I’d be freaking out.
Get your gitmo shirts. answer to bush’s no child left ‘behind’.
ok -my computer ahem skills are being challenged here and that link isn’t what I intended..supposed to be a school bus with kids mooning you from all the bus windows..yeah it really loses something when I have to write this out doesn’t it.
It does lose a little somethng. But at least you tried.
Have a great weekend everyone
I’m off to visit cool relatives, drink a lovely Prager Aria – white port, and gnosh on exquisite chocolates…
I laughed so hard I cried, having experienced the real-life versions of everything above wth one or all of my 3 “fur children”.
Just sent that to a new puppy daddy. HAHAHA- He asked where I got it– I said- ‘It’s common knowledge!’
at all times. Very cute Sally.
Clicky my comment from the current Froggie Cafe.
Frivolous–fun–and energy independent.
Good idea.
In the days before widespread use of gasoline engines, the people who fished and lobstered off the coast of Maine frequently sailed in Friendship sloops, which look a lot like Clearwater (built in South Bristol, Maine), but are about 35 feet long rather than 106. They can be managed (singlehanded) by one person, and they’ll sail in almost no wind.
But they carry a lot of canvas, and in a blow you need to step quickly to reef it down to manageable amounts.
A 35-foot Friendship could easily carry 10 passengers for a short trip.
OHH Yeah the friendship sloop- a beautiful vessel.
Saw my first one in Maine when I was 15,gorgeous long -hulled ,efficient design.
I fell in love right then and there.
Never forgot it- my uncle would point out another one– “There’s your boat!”
Here are some more to set your heart a-fluttering:
Bridges Point 24
Haven 12-1/2
That’s Joel White in the larger picture of the Haven, designer of both of these boats and son of E.B. White, author of Charlotte’s Web.
It was the gaff-rig that caught my heart.
One of many replica of Slocum’s vessel, probably a mid 1800’s east coast oyster boat when he was given it as a derelict, rebuilt with higher topsides and was the first to single-hand around the world.
A fantastic self-steering ocean-going work boat that’s been built and circumnavigated by novices. I believe Igdrasil was the first to repeat the circumnavigation, around 1937. Slocum around 1900 had one passage of 23 days spending only 3 hours at the helm, and replica owners substantiate this performance.
It might be heavy, undercanvassed and slow steering for Puget Sound. Although there’s one called “Thane” sailing from B.C. so maybe not.
Yep those work boats carried a lot of canvas to get thru the summer lulls. In fall & winter they’d leave entire sails ashore and carry cut down rigs because people had a living to earn with them in the real world.
Looks like our Nina– a Flicka built by Pacific Seacraft not a gaff and not fast but…..she was sooo forgiving
Flicka article
Those are definitely characteristics shared with the Spray types. It looks like a pretty boat.
Without all those newfangled thingies like stoves and heads-but in a 20 foot boat it was remarkable- well thanks Bruce!
Our Nina was a safe,heavy, take you around the world little baby yacht- you can see the design similarities.
There are a few- a very few oyster boats working still in the Chesapeake-open ,of course, with no deckhouse.Damn I knew there would be some boat people,eventually, we all ‘surface’.
A flicka,which is 20 ft long-with a 4 ft bowsprit, can carry one hell of a lot of sail area.Full keel and six foot headroom,look her up on ‘The world’s Best Boats’.Unfortunately,we sold her. 🙁
Ah, the waters of Puget Sound.
When I was living in Kent/Renton – back when the Kent valley had actual dairy farms – some of ‘The Gang’ would take the ferry up the BC coast to Juneau during the summer. At that time you could get an actual sleeping berth/cabin. Lots of fun and you could stay over at any of the stops, when ferry-life paled, and then hop on another boat when ‘ere it stopped.
Of course that was when Port Townsend was an actual fishing village with actual drunken Scandinavian fisherpeople falling off the docks and into the Sound when ‘upon the aquavit they hath gazed.’
Do the ferries still ply the Sound? Do uptight arseholes still infest Vashon Island? Has Mercer Island turned into one big freeway off-ramp? Are they ever going to finish that #$%! mono-rail? It’s only been jabbered about since 1965!
Though that big marina where the Lady Washington was hauled out certain has some commercial boats of many types docked or stored or being worked on.
It’s also the only boatyard I ever saw with a Kucinich for President banner!
Ferries yes, and now that Washington’s de-taxing itself, the passengers pay almost the full cost. Don’t know about local & arseholes; we’re new (5 yrs) out here and I’m in the house almost 24/7 developing a home craft business.
Monorail? It’s in trouble again. Latest idea was something like an 11 billion dollar finance project, and with it they’d get a free 2 billion dollar monorail system.
Given that it’s not going to move large amounts of traffic, and given that it’s going to cost as much as a lunar exploration program, I think my sailing ferry idea is a much better way to spend the money.
Frankly for $11 gigs I think we could probably build 100,000 sailing ships, and that would pull some traffic off the roads.
Someone should enter the monorail project in today’s Booman fiction contest.
to the taquito, it’s been a memorable 65 years.
are you in San Diego. Is El Indio still open at India and Grape, I left about 5 years ago and I believe it still was open then. I remember about 20 yrs ago, I used to clean the El Indio resturant after it closed, worked for a janitorial service that had their contract. Damn fine food.
I’m not in San Diego but just down the way on I-8 in Tucson. I’ve eat at El Indio and will have to agree with you on the great food. Paz, ME
The Exploding Cow
Curiousity killed the cat…satisfaction brought it back….
Of course I pushed the button! LOL
If only I could give you 4 million 4’s. I have been playing Wrath for the past twenty minutes, I am hooked! That is a GREAT stress reliever. I’m off to smite some more cows. 😛
Evil and fun. Thanks.
The Knights Who Say “Nee” demand a shrubbery!
One shrubbery to order:
In a bunch, in a bunch!
is not in this post.
“But we haven’t got any lupins!”
AH! But we do:
(And – I know, I know – it is receive, not ‘recieve.’ Darn it all.)
Just so happy right now. After spending the past couple of weeks dickering with the DMV and the Bank of where I bought my lease out(can’t afford no lawsuits…lol)I just returned after two and a half hours that actually turned out great. Long story short, originally the CA DMV said I owed “use tax” of $700. I ended up only paying $128.00. God, I am so flipping relieved this is finally all behind me. EVERONE>>>have a great weekend. If you stop in at the Cafe later drinks are on me!!!!!!
good for you alohaleezy!
Paul Hackett campaign, per Armando: If you’d like to volunteer, you should call the campaign (rather than e-mail them) at (513) 735-4310.
THIS WASN’T SERIOUS! It’s FUN to go to Ohio in the summer! It’s where all the jet setters and movie stars go! It’ll be SO wild you’ll have little time to help Paul, but try to squeeze in a bit of campaigning.
Y’all could make it more fun by making t-shirts for either way it turns out.
I went to Ohio and all I got was a Democrat elected to office.
I went to Ohio and all I got was the Repubs realizing this ain’t the same Democratic party – we fight!!
the big mid August Hay Fever season.
* buSH has joined #international_diplomacy
buSH: going to rush saddam wanna join.
JacCHrik: noway man not rdy yet wait
coaler: cant join need better gov rating.
buSH: right! You guys are allied with saDDam huh.
JacCHrik: buSH you noob wait we help later.
BuSH: FU I go now
* JacCHrik has left #international_diplomacy
buSH: LOL. We don’t need you cheese eating surrender monkeys! coal, you in? great blitzkrieg area
coaler: nine gov rating to low need to wait.
**coalerhas left #international_diplomacy
* saDDAm has joined #international_diplomacy
buSH: hey saDy, give us weapons, give us tribute or we invade
saDDam: we got nothing our techtree soks
buSH: ya right we saw you plaster your internal revolt
saDDam: big mistake hit wrong key. no money no tech
buSH: let us send units in to see, share your map with us
SaDDam: right do I Iook stupid, you see what I have then rush me
**SaDDAm left #international_diplomacy
* buSH has joined channel #unilateralism
bagDadBob: we winning buSH soks
buSH: look east, look west, look south, look in the middle your captial.
BagDadBob: WTF where they come from, cheat you haked the game, where you get that hak
**iraq has been eliminated
* bagDadBob has left the channel.
buSH: awesome we rule mission accomplished!
**buSH cheers
*buSH does a dance
*GENgarner has joined #occupation
**GENgarner has left #occupation
**pBremer has joinded #occupation
pBremer: cool I have palaces
** zarCOWI has joined #occupation
zarCOWI: we have bombs.
pBremer: us too
zarCOWI: we strap ours to women and childern
pBremer: WTF, sh** you crazy
** pBremer has disconnected
*pBremer has rejoined #occupation
pBremer: d* power need to get that fixed
**zarCOWI has developed IDE
*US units capture saDDAM
*saDDAM joins prison channel
* msm has joined #press
msm: look, I found bad pictures gross out. people being tortured I thought this game was rated for everyone need to report to hilliary and company
zarCOWI: buSH soks.
buSH: great now the rating police are going to shut the game down.
This is not frivolous– I would like to thank all the contributors here for all their thoughts,dreams, and painstaking research. It means so much to me and many others who don’t write, but just read and appreciate.
Ok it’s an oldie but it’s a classic. And sometimes you just have to be violent. 😀
Flash game of penguin batting practice
Janean Garofalo just said that she starts working on ‘West Wing” on Monday … she’ll be Jimmy Smits’ campaign adviser.
dammit Janet–i didn’t realize that was from Rocky Horror Pic Show-hub just clued me in- I forgot!
Is your hub’s name Brad?
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid… Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in
rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit
a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as
a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Caution sign in front of Sidney BC City Hall
actually it was a bottle of French rosé because my
daughter got her new school building, a real school
building for her art college.
Front view

Back view

of John Waters’ A Dirty Shame. It’s bloody hilarious. A couple of my favorite quotes:
Sylvia Stickles: You were arrested for nude drunken driving.
Ursula Udders: I wasn’t drunk mother; I was on pills.
Marge: What’s good about a morning with dildoes in it.
A neighbor: I live next to what they call the Bear House. Last night they were having sex outside. My children were home and asked me, “What’s that sound.” I ran out of the house, clapping loudly and yelling, “No blowjobs! No blowjobs!” They just laughed. One of them even growled at me.