Not that kind of jiggelo, silly!
This kind of jiggelo!

(Think of it as a semi-solid variation on a tequila sunrise!)
Bottom Layer
1 (3 oz.) package raspberry gelatin
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup berry vodka
Top Layer
1 (3 oz.) package lemon gelatin
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup citron vodka
Middle Layer
1 cup tequila
Makes 40 Jiggelos
Prepare Bottom Layer
Place the gelatin in a heat resistant-bowl. Bring the water to a boil. Pour the water over the gelatin, stirring until dissolved. Add the berry vodka, mixing well. Fill 40 disposable 1-oz. cups half full. Chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then proceed with the top layer.
Prepare Top Layer
Follow directions for Bottom Layer substituting lemon gelatin for raspberry gelatin and citron vodka for berry vodka. Let the mixture chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Prepare Middle Layer and Final Assembly
Remove half-full Jiggelos and the top layer mixture from the refrigerator. Pour 1 teaspoon tequila over the bottom layer in each cup. Slowly fill the cups with the top layer mixture. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t go over all of the techniques for imbibing jiggelos, as well as their nonverbal implications!
Note: Tighty whities.
The Implement Rimmer: Insert an implement, such as a toothpick, pretzel stick, or table knife between the jiggelo and the cup. Move the implement around the side of the gelatin, separating it from the container. Squeeeze the bottom of the cup and slurp the jiggelo into your mouth.
Note: Method of the fastidious and accommodating.
The Squeezer: Squeeze the bottom of the jiggelo container, forcing the contents to break up and mound outward, thus enabling sucking and slurping into the mouth.
Note: Technique of the self-conscious and tentative.
The Finger Rimmer: Same as the Implement Rimmer except using an extended finger.
Note: Those who lick or suck their finger after rimming are hotties.
The Tongue Rimmer: Same as above, but use your extended tongue rather than a finger.
Note: Tongue Rimmers are the last to be voted off the island.
The Ripper: If container permits, rip it away from the shot, eviscerating the container and bare-handedly devouring the jiggelo.
Note: Seduction is note in Ripper’s vocabulary; immediate gratification is.
And for those of you who weren’t around in April, here’s a blast from the past:
One of my favorite Booman diaries from this spring.
So pull up a chair, take the poll, and may the 4s be with you!
If you act, as you think,
The missing link,
-The Police
Synchronicity II:
Another suburban family morning
Grandmother screaming at the wall
We have to shout above the din of our Rice Crispies
We can’t hear anything at all
Mother chants her litany of boredom and frustration
But we know all her suicides are fake
Daddy only stares into the distance
There’s only so much more that he can take
Many miles away
Something crawls from the slime
At the bottom of a dark Scottish lake
Another industrial ugly morning
The factory belches filth into the sky
He walks unhindered through the picket lines today
He doesn’t think to wonder why
The secretaries pout and preen like
cheap tarts in a red light street
But all he ever thinks to do is watch
And every single meeting with his so-called superior
Is a humiliating kick in the crotch
Many miles away
Something crawls to the surface
Of a dark Scottish loch
Another working day has ended
Only the rush hour hell to face
Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes
Contestants in a suicidal race
Daddy grips the wheel and stares alone into the distance
He knows that something somewhere has to break
He sees the family home now looming in the headlights
The pain upstairs that makes his eyeballs ache
Many miles away
There’s a shadow on the door
Of a cottage on the shore
Of a dark Scottish lake
Many miles away, many miles away
This is my favorite Police song; I mean, don’t you love a song that combines the Loch Ness Monster and the phrase “kick in the crotch”?
Have a great day, everyone! 🙂
Hope you have a great day too, Cali!
yes. because Sting was totally awful, once he set out alone. I LOVE the Police. Like I love the Buzzcocks and Gang of Four.
Why did you have to crawl up your own arse, Sting, WHY?!?!
gelatin-based libations?! arrrrgh!!
we’ve been imbibing martinis Chez Xray (and leftover Persian food and roasted root veggies, yum!)
but still — enjoy the beach. I can’t leave NYC for weeks, because of shipping to the printers. bah.
Hey there’s no option for us non-jiggelos. Is that because I’m possibly the only one? I can’t explain it – I love booze and I love jello and yet together not so much love.
I wish I had the fixings for mojitos this weekend, but I’m too lazy to go get them so I’ll have to live with pina coladas. Somehow I shall endure.
I can’t edit the poll! How about I tell everybody who doesn’t do jiggelos to use a comment to tell us what their favorite concoctions are?
Mmm. Love mojitos…
may i have an Irish Mist please? Iwill go close the pub now, so everone can unrecommend please?
for your response yesterday…the 20 minutes free-writing is an excellent idea, but I may have to wait to put it into practice till we return to normalcy (or reasonable facsimile thereof) around these parts. sigh I miss my peaceful mornings… sigh
Eez zat you Hren-ee? Let’s hide from zat seely Eengleeshman who sinks he can speak our language.
Tonight we must go move ze picture of ze fallen madonna wiss ze beeg boobies.
Here’s your painting, gooserock
and here’s the drink of the day.
It’s called a
Fuck Me Pink
1.5 oz. vodka
1.5 oz. triple sec
Dash grenadine
Dash Agnostura Bitters
Swish Around Violently
Pour over crushed Ice
Order your second before you’re finished your first.
When the glass is empty, put your mobile phone down on the bar. Pour the remaining crushed ice over the mobile phone, then smash violently with the bottom of your empty glass. Ask barperson politely for a pair of scissors. Remove all credit cards from your person, cut them into bits. Find whatever traces there might be from previous purges of photos, notes or numbers from the Loved One. Shred them, put them in an ashtray, douse them with rum, and set alight.
By this time your second Fuck Me Pink should have arrived. Apologize for the mess, and ask barwoman for her phone number. Continue asking every female you meet for their phone number. Try to put all these phone numbers to memory. That way you just might be able to boggle your own mind enough to forget the Loved One’s mobile phone number. Try to remember every unpleasant habit and physical imperfection of the Loved One. Invent some.
At this point you have a choice… either idealize all women, or demonize them….. or go neutral…. go asexual. Get neutered…… get religion…. get to work …. or get drunk…. If you have any friends left by this point in your derangement, they’re probably as nuts as you are. Ask them how they manage…. try that.Don’t do what Pee Wee Herman did. And don’t get married.
Order another Fuck Me Pink.
How is everyone on this TGIF day.
I don’t drink much except water, tea and coke so I can’t contribute to the recipes.
I want to invite everyone to hop on over to Village Blue and see some of the latest ‘non political’ diaries, very interesting..
Hope everyone stays cool today, it looks like another hot one here.
Just when I think I might want a 2nd drink, it’s suddenly 12 hours into the future, and people are telling embarassing stories about me. <sigh>.
But there’s a different time machine I find much more appealing: the original green transportation.
Since it’s Friday and vacation season, once again I repeat my call for the construction of a fleet of 100 sailing ferry vessels for Puget Sound, with backup biodiesel engines.
The Sound is one of the prime locations in the world for such a project, having countless ports of call within serviceable travel distances, moderate breezes but passenger-friendly calm water. There are several existing organizations that already have the expertise to map out the project. It’d create an entire permanent regional industry of lower-middle to middle class blue collar work in construction, maintenance and operation, it’d draw tourists from around the globe, and it would offer countless opportunities for school- to corporate-level team-building experience.
And of course, it would be one of the world’s premier energy independence projects.
The Lady Washington in dry dock at Port Townsend being outfit for a motion picture role.
Peet Seeger’s sloop Clearwater on the Hudson River.
So tell me again about this great monorail thingie.
Well then, how about a 5-fruit slushy?
3/4 cup sliced ripe banana
1/2 cup chopped peeled ripe mango
2 cups whole strawberries
3/4 cup pineapple juice, chilled
1/2 cup orange juice, chilled
1/2 cup ice cubes
Place banana and mango into freezer; freeze until firm (about 1 hour). Remove from freezer; let stand 10 minutes. Combine strawberries and juices in a blender; process until smooth. With blender on, add banana, mango, and ice cubes, 1 at a time; process until smooth. Serve immediately.
Yield: 4 servings (serving size: 1 cup)
I love your Puget sailing ferry idea! How far are you from Port Townsend, bTW? (I have a friend with a boat there…)
Cabin Girl, how would you like to copy and paste these drink recipes to my site in the ‘Party and drinks’ diary, that I think you did.
I think it would be great to get all these wonderful recipes in one place for easy referral…
That’s a great idea. I’ll start dropping them in bit by bit!
I need to go do some more packing for the beach, but I’ll get over there a little later.
That’s what I like. An organized person working hard not to lose information. And using their talents in regards to alcohol. You are my idol for the day. 😀
In the mountain time zone, but I think a Spicy Hot V8 would do the trick, over lots of ice, thanks. . .
I’m a little sad after reading MAJeff’s Diary (front paged) today. . .won’t last too long, but it is there for the moment. Not like I didn’t know about the topic before reading it, just so distasteful to see a major network give it such prominence.
So put on some happy music and let’s GET FROGGY
Good to be in such good company today.
Well, we’re happy to see you here, Shirl! Maybe you’ll have a fruit slushy after you finish your V8?
I find myself avoiding the TV for the most part…every time I see it (usually while I’m on the treadmill at the gym), I keep thinking-whta is this? Hate TV? Seems like that’s what they promote…
I got back from lunch today, and what was waiting at my desk for me but a package containing my BooTrib mug and t-shirts!
If that isn’t cause for celebration, I don’t know what is.
double dog dare you to comment yesterday, but is worth repeating.
I got it, I received my Booman T shirt yesterday. Yeah man, going to wear it to a school board meeting, that should shake some things up.
They don’t particularly like this long haired earrings wearing, liberal talking Indian/welshman much anyway.
I like to ask the hard questions, who owned the land the new elementary school is going to be built upon. lo and behold, it seems the mother in law of the superintendent of schools owned that land.
and how about those no bid contracts that the son of one of the board members received for striping the parking lots at all the schools.
Now I wonder where they found their inspiration.
Anyway, I have my new Booman T shirt. lets frog march the bastards out and into jail.
how’s it look? I’m wearing my shirt again. I washed it.
It is marvelous, doing my best Billy Crystal impression. My wife asked me what does frog march mean, when I explained it to her, she said and you are going to wear that to commission meetings? I laughed and said yes and with a nice Impeach Bush button too.
She asked me if I was crazy, I said, you bet.
There are way to many entrenched Kool-aid drinkers in my community and now is the time to wake them up and shake them up.
Thanks Booman for giving me a place to call home for my political ravings.
We’ll need a picture from that commission meeting, LOL!
I will see what I can do, I have never heard that you can’t bring a camera to the meetings. City and county commission meetings and I don’t think the school board has any policy to prevent camera’s.
Give it a try-we’ll need it for the upcoming “Booman Mugs and Jugs” diary!
The lady Senators have a new website up for asking Judge Roberts questions. I just got a tip about it from Mikulski’s press secretary.
a diary here where we all post the questions we want Roberts to answer? Of course, we’ll submit them to the woman Senators too (why are there only 7 of them????), but this way everyone can read them all?
It is here.
Thanks…now to come up with a few good ones!
was to generate a list of questions to ask Santorum at one of his book signings…and follow-up with a detailed account of his response at one of the events. I’d do it, but I’ll be away while he’s here in our end of the state next week.
I will not say anything about the above “rimmer” techniques… nope. Not me. I won’t say a ‘ting. Uh uh. 🙂
I had to step outside and laugh my ass off when I read it. I have a truly evil and dirty mind perhaps.(((CabinGirl)))
Jello Shots! Hooray. I used to have some recipes for those around here.
you would appreciate this??? 🙂 I’m just hoping Booman doesn’t mind the rowdy Friday-before-vacation atmosphere in here today…
Speaking of which, would anyone like to guest host(ess) next Friday’s happy hour while I’m away?
The techniques for rimming… just CRACKS me up 🙂 (hehehe she said “crack” heh heh heheh heheheh.)
Sure, I’ll do next Fridays. Unless I get abducted by aliens who look like Hugh Jackman. Or I win the lottery and I’m busily building my dream Pirate Ship to live on… in the middle of a mango orchard near the Pacific. 🙂
Thanks! If you get abducted by Hugh Jackman, you’ll be excused from performing your duties as hostess, of course…
Kudos…in your honor:
From a great American Indian Photo Site
By Dada – Diz Knee Land
I just ran away from home
Now I’m going to dizz knee land
I just crashed my car again
Now I’m going to dizz knee land
I just robbed a grocery store
I’m going to dizz knee land
I just flipped off President George
I’m going to dizz knee land
and, just to boor the hell out of you the “dada” is in reference to “DaDa”- the nihilistic art movement in Europe in the early 20th century; based on irrationality…sometimes I’m overqualfied.
I’ve got other nick’s as well but best not go there…Ha!
Wonderful and thank you
the past couple of days getting ready to offer my next workshop at Michael’s. It’s called Haunted Hill Landscaping. Here’s the prototype I made:
Whadaya think? If you were a crafty type, would you want to learn how to make this kind of thing?
can anyone help me find that link from yesterday where Bushco flipped off the press.
made sure that I downloaded it
We have been busy buying a house, and getting ready to move.
So 😛 to all you slackers who aren’t moving this week.
It’s hot as hell and raining at the same time, and the former owners left the garbage for us to deal with. EEEWWWWW.
and the IRA cease fire. A really beautiful slow hornpipe appropriately titled “The Home Ruler,” in ABC folk music notation:
T:Home Ruler, The
C:Frank McCollum of Ballycastle
FE|D2FA D2FA|dfed B2dB|~A3B AFDF|(3GFE FD B,DA,B,|
D2FA D2FA|dfed B2dB|~A3B AF (3EFG|F2D2 D2:|
|:dB|Addc d2df|afbf afed|efed BAde|fded BdAB|
Addc d2df|afbf afed|efed BAdB|AFEF D2:|
Siochain agus Saoirse s’mBhaille Eireann
1 oz. Creme de Menthe (Green)
1 oz. Bailey’s Irish Cream (White)
1 oz. Southern Comfort (Orange)
Mixing Instruction
Pour into a Cordial Glass in order of green, white, gold, taking care not to mix the layers.
I love it when we have live music at the cafe!