If the fact that 225 People have more wealth than 3 billion poor people combined doesn’t open your eyes and make you question How can that be?..(pg.72)
If you are concerned that we seem to be devolving instead of evolving..
If the corruption side of the Bushco concerns you so should this:
Corruption comes in many forms, including corruption of the conscience, of the mind and of the will. It’s the last that is the most devastating.
Most corruption is not placed into the world by what people do, but by what they do not do. To do nothing is to do everything. Saying nothing is saying yes. No has to be spoken. (pg. 215)
When was the last time you read a dangerous book?
We need new thought, new group conscience, and a shift in energies.
This book really explains why the religions of the world have hurt more people than helped. Why the populace blindly follows and why the world is spiraling downward right now.
It also gives us the answer.
There is hope. Please buy and read What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsch.
Sorry Rosie got up cynical this morning and after linking to site still am. It was slick and vague. It didn’t even give the mans full name on the front page. I looked and found no credentials, is he a pastor, a scholar? The closest I could come to why he knows what God wants was he was given information in 1993. I am really tired of people who say they have an inside track with God, per the president.
He may have some good ideas but nothing enticed me to look further. It was telling me I could not get more information with out spending money. Jesus did not sell what he had to give. Eternal truths are free. I also am very put off by using the term “Fastrak” as if God was a corporation and we want to speed your “learning curve”.
My impression was this is a man who is going to use people who are desperate for some sort of answer or at least some good news to make himself money.
Totally agree with your sentiments this morning.
However, the answer to the statement “what God wants” cannot be found in a book titled “what God wants.”
Or any book for that matter.
God does not speak through publishers. I am pretty sure of that.
Not much else, though, where He is concerned.
Whatever god wants, I’m sure that it includes that people stop justifying all kinds of crap in his/her name.
Hmm, and you can find out more for only fifty bucks? Afraid this pagan will have to muddle along without.
Looks like you are not getting a warm reception, rosee. However, there are some out there that understand whatever Higher power they believe in does and will talk to humans, just like them. And when they are willing to open to it they can have their own conversations with “God”. NDW, the author is quite a story all by himself. He doesn’t want you to join anything, or buy anything, but he does offer his books at a reasonable price. The books are worth the read, and if you are an open minded person at all you might consider starting with Conversations With God, Book I. . .to get a foundation for where he is coming from. And if you have any interest at all you will find that Mr Walsch encourages you to have your own conversation with “God” or whatever Higher Power you might be willing to hold a concept of.
Don’t let it get you down rosee girl. . .Those who are open will listen.
This book fell in my lap as most of the important ones have over the years when I am searching for ‘answers’.
It does require an open mind and a shift in thinking. Fear of change, brain washing, being dumbed down and life as we’ve been living it for centuries might be wrong are hard things to grasp.
But if God wants nothing-which makes sense to me if god is god, most ‘religions’ will fall by the wayside. The fear of judgement day, hell, control of the weak etc., will fall by the wayside.
We have Free Will, have always had it but the ‘what ifs’ and clever preachers have convinced us that god is a big bad revengeful god if we act differently.
All the wars have basically been about religious disagreement about whos god is the better one.
We all know this. The only rule is the golden rule.
If this diary encourages just one person to read the book, it will be a start of the shift of consciousness energy.
It also convinced me and validated my worries that politics have become insane of late. Both sides. Now I’ll have to find another passion LOL!! But I am growing.
Sorry I sounded so nasty earlier-didn’t mean to. Your comments remind me of a book I read a long time back..by Sonia Johnson I think,the gist of it was that of course we aren’t put here to suffer-we’re put here to grow and to play. I’ll have to find that book again, it was a good read.
I have to watch my tongue when I’m confronted with any religious book that says it’s the Answer-my first reaction is negative-I’m a pagan used to being confronted with the Answer by fundamentalist relatives and I should stop, take a deep breath and then post. I agree that organized religion has done a lot of harm, or people in organized religion have certainly hidden behind it while doing harm.
We pagans and wiccans are a pretty harmless lot though, really, and we can hardly be called organized, lol.
Sorry, again.
Ask anyone.