the Loved One
the “reality based-community”
mobile phones
the Loved One
plane travel
modern times
the Loved One
Irish Mist
Henry Miller
Human Rights First
Congressman John Conyers
Joseph Margulies
Amnesty International
Bob Woodward
The United Nations
The International Criminal Court
Goodness in People
Abstract Expressionism
I should have stolen all the images when I was there…. now how will I find the “Other Dada”…. and which dada are you???? oh god, who is anyone??? I’m so unsettled since the FBC made the Front Page, I don’t know what dark corner to go hide in….
Jesus, see what happens when a pub becomes too popular????
I went through history by site and looked in all of them…. then I went to google and did sf, dada, photography, blogspot…. and i can’t find this genius…. spent a few hours so far….
the photographs are enhanced by computer… and there are some flower studies…. and there’s one of church & front street…. i will try again…. and the person’s name is dadaman or mandada or something like that….
thinking it was you, i thought i’d be able to find it easily again….. but the site is linked by someone from this community, which is how i found it in the first place….
I believe you wrote me already, correct? Drop me a line at the website address, I’ll send you a replacement. It must have been lost my the monkeys at USPS.
I’ve been trying to get myself motivated to go up to Vancouver Island and look around for a place to buy – maybe a little land with a trailer on it – not on the coast or near Victoria, because that would be too pricey, I think. I started thinking about it when I got worried about the draft. I, and a number of my friends, have kids that would be vulnerable if that happens.
I got some good feedback from Canucks around here about that, and I don’t know if it will be necessary or will work, or if we could afford it (a group of us pooling our resources on this), but I’d like to go look around anyway. If nothing else, it would be nice to have a not-so-damned-hot place to go spend a few weeks in the summer for me and my Texan friends.
Anyway, I’ve told a friend in Portland, OR that I’ll be coming to see her around Aug 19 when she gets back from a trip to Europe to visit her family, but I’ll need to go do my trip up to Canada first.
Any chance of making a stop to say hi to some of you Northwesterners and BC folks while I’m in the vicinity? I’m not looking for a place to crash or anything, just meet for lunch or buy you a drink or something. I’ve gotten together with some folks here in Austin that I met online and it’s been so much fun. Feeling a little blue about wandering around by myself so far away from home – no one else can get away just now – and it would cheer me up immensely if I could look forward to meeting one or two of you guys that I already like so much (that would be all of you) from getting to know you here in the frog pond.
Anyway, if you’re willin’ – let me know at the email address below.
Hmmm . . . more hours in the day? Someone to come help me paint my kitchen?
I started this kitchen painting THREE YEARS ago! Got sick of it and just quit so I’ve been living with a half-painted kitchen ever since. Now I’m trying to get it finished. But painting cabinets – ugh! And the stuff that was in them is scattered all around in the way. Please tell me that I’m not the only one who lives with half-finished home improvements for long periods.
Oh you meant a drink. Well, I generally drink iced tea (national drink of Texas – along with Shiner Bock) but how about a beer since it’s Saturday night? I usually drink something Mexican when I go out.
Yep, Corona’ll do nicely. My usual choice. I have no idea whether it’s “OK.” I am a total philistine when it comes to beer. Wet, cold, tastes like beer – OK by me.
Now to find a place to set it down on the cluttered counter while I go paint. . . .
I’ve spent many hours daydreaming at that site. I really want to check out Gold River. It’s right next to Strathcona Provincial Park. Here’s some info about Gold River. And here’s some about Strathcona Park. And here’s a photo gallery of the park.
Doesn’t it look like heaven? If the land-buying thing doesn’t work out, it looks like I can have a nice vacation hiking around the park. Though I’ll have to pack my long johns. Gooserock’s Florida mom shivers in the WA islands. This is farther north and in the mountains! (Where did I put my down parka?)
First, we scored some really good Alaskan spotted prawns this morning, which we had with a couple raw Nanaimo Bay oysters for brunch. Here’s a bowl cooked and cold for your munching pleasure.
It seems about time we heard this widely-played Irish hornpipe, inspired by Thomas Paine’s essay. The Rights of Man here in abc folk music notation in my dimly-remembered approximation from box player Paddy O’Brien.
T: Rights of Man, The
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: hornpipe
K: Emin
|:GA|BcAB GABG|EFGA B2ef|gfed BcdB|cBAG A2GA|
BcAB GABG|EFGA B2ag|eged|BABd|e2 E2 E2:|
:ga|babg efga|beed egfe|d2dc d2fg|afdf a2gf|
egBe gfga|bgaf g2ag|eged BABd|e2 E2 E2:|
Six Feet Under is great … if you aren’t watching it currently, I can’t talk to you about what happened last week. THERE WAS NO PREVIEW! Can’t wait until 6PM tonight.
Can’t stay too long, though – we’re supposed to leave tomorrow for a week in the Berkshires – Tanglewood, MassMoCA, Williamstown Theater festival, etc.
A rare cultured vacation ;^)
I haven’t packed a thing, let alone put together a list of Do’s/Don’ts for the kids (19 and 21 – should I be worried?)
Well ‘Please do’ and pour a glass for me. How ya doing Infidel, are you going to tell us more about your comment the other day.
How’s things with the gaters, everything Ok…
We worry about you, you know and several have asked about you…
Herewith, for your pleasure and amusement, I present a poem in five stanzas, from your sig lines:
We are strong when we stand
with another soul.
When we stand
with one another,
we cannot be broken.
Support the site
and visit our store.
I bought too much.
I know. But I do not approve.
And I am not resigned.
You know the sound of thunder.
Can you imagine that sound if I ask you to?
Ma’am, listen to the thunder.
If you seek peace and fulfilment
rather than wealth and power
you must take up the reins
of government
or else you will be ruled
by tyrants.
Ron Suskind is a great writer.
I am not him,
nor am I one of them.
Don’t be cattle.
To thine own self be true.
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
Put me in coach
But I DO approve of supporting the site! I think I’ll have to go order a T-shirt. I already have too many coffee cups.
We have a local group called “Austin Kos.” Here’s some pictures of us. I’m the one in the blue shirt with my hands on my hips. Next to me is lookinforward, and next to him is othniel – who is now field director for the Barbara Radnovsky campaign for Senator (go Barbara! Defeat the evil “whatever you say Dr. Frist” KayBee. And way to go othniel!). Directly below me is roses. Sandia Blanca is next to me in the top pic. I think we’ve all posted here – at least comments if not diaries – at BooTrib, and adastra too, who took the pictures.
We’re “Austin Kos” because we met online at dKos back in February? I think – anyway before there was a BooTrib. Since I’ve been hanging out here, I’m always the one at our meetings jumping up and going, “And BooTrib!” Next meeting, I’ll have to wear a froggy shirt.
I have that t-shirt (actually 2 of them!). I’d say they’re pretty normal as far as sizing (at least the size L ones), with the exception that they are a little bit longer than my other t-shirts.
I haven’t washed them yet either though, so take that with a grain of salt (and a shot of whiskey!) 🙂
I’m leaving for the night (I’m getting sleepy). Could the last person out lock up and put the key under the pot in the front?
The bar is still open, and so is the kitchen. And it’s all free tonight, so you don’t have to worry about making a deposit at the bank. There’s no cash in the register today.
Thanks everyone for a really wonderful Saturday at the Froggy Bottom!
Good evening, may I please have an Irish Mist, with just a few ice cubes…. in your own good time, katiebird.
Hi, here it is!
here, I brought you this:
bird of paradise
Suskind, I love Bird of Paradise! Thank you so much!!!
My mom used to grow them in the atrium of our house. And I miss that so much.
Thank you. Thank you!
It’s getting rough out there.
Have you given up on the ice?
what have I given up on:
the Loved One
the “reality based-community”
mobile phones
the Loved One
plane travel
modern times
the Loved One
Oh, Suskind — I’m so sorry . . . .
But, giving up ice? (takes the glass away)
Irish Mist
Henry Miller
Human Rights First
Congressman John Conyers
Joseph Margulies
Amnesty International
Bob Woodward
The United Nations
The International Criminal Court
Goodness in People
Abstract Expressionism
Oh, this is a much better list! And now I’m really off to bed — now that I don’t have to worry quite so much about suskind.
Coping well I see…wuz up pig?…make a bit of room here at the bar, place’s crowded tonight…guess it’s the “headlinin’, FP crowd…who’da thunk.
I’ll have a Lager if you please katie…
ah yer really good. i went to look at some of your work, and spent a long time there. one of church&front? street… it’s just beautiful….
i lived on haight street for a while, then duboce street…. i lived on sacramento street too….. then i lived in berkeley for a while….
but the point is that the one of church&? street is just
WTF?…mrthinks you’ve gone over the edge laddie…I ain’t got a clue what that comment’s about…but I’m happy you like my work..:{)
are you the sf based photo artist dada?
I should have stolen all the images when I was there…. now how will I find the “Other Dada”…. and which dada are you???? oh god, who is anyone??? I’m so unsettled since the FBC made the Front Page, I don’t know what dark corner to go hide in….
Jesus, see what happens when a pub becomes too popular????
FWIW, try looking in your browser “history”. Unless you clear it, the links should still be there. If you do find it, copy it here…I’d like to see it.
I went through history by site and looked in all of them…. then I went to google and did sf, dada, photography, blogspot…. and i can’t find this genius…. spent a few hours so far….
the photographs are enhanced by computer… and there are some flower studies…. and there’s one of church & front street…. i will try again…. and the person’s name is dadaman or mandada or something like that….
thinking it was you, i thought i’d be able to find it easily again….. but the site is linked by someone from this community, which is how i found it in the first place….
oh shit…. will have to try again.
(pulling up the stool beside Suskind)
I’ll have Tequila, no ice, no lime,
Think I’ll tuck in for a while as well.
some fine Canadian whiskey, please. No rush.
Is this OK?
Thank you, katiebird. I think I’ll settle in for a rare apperance here–a real treat for me. Thanks!
just got back from seeing the Wedding Crashers. A truly mindless diversion…
Now she tells me Bill Maher’s stand-up routine is going to airing on HBO in 15 minutes.
worth the price of admission?
but I hadn’t seen a movie in a theater in a year, so I didn’t mind a one time indulgence.
I forgot to turn off my cell phone and Cicero called me during the previews to tell me he got his coffee mugs and that they are kick ass.
Why is it getting so much attention? It’s even got a front page story at Salon.
I thought they came out really well. And you really need to get out more, Boo.
I am so jealous of Cicero…my mug STILL isn’t here yet…(sniff)
They really are nice, I even paid money for them (I’m cheap).
Anyway, I’d bought one for myself and the better half, but the kids immediately impounded them. So I’m buying two more 🙂
I have a feeling my kids are going to steal mine too…guess we’ll have to get more! :^)
I believe you wrote me already, correct? Drop me a line at the website address, I’ll send you a replacement. It must have been lost my the monkeys at USPS.
I was hoping to have my mug for patio blogging this weekend, but mine hasn’t come yet either. I was a late order, though — so it’s my own fault.
instead, the 2005 Crash. I think you would have liked it.
A directoral debut.
on Bill’s show — just set up to DVR it at 10pm (since the spouse and I intend to be good tonight and be night-night girl and boy by that hour).
Kayaks, shovels, buckets, boogie boards, lacrosse sticks…Now I’m having myself a glass of wine to celebrate the long drive to the beach tomorrow!
And Katiebird’s a front-pager now! 😉 (raises glass)
And had to take a deep breath before I realized that I couldn’t have done that myself!
What kind of wine do you like?
That’s pretty funny, that your first response would be along the lines of “Ack! what have I done?”
As for the wine, I’m rather fond of reds…and I love the labels from Toasted Head:
Have another glass —
I’ve been trying to get myself motivated to go up to Vancouver Island and look around for a place to buy – maybe a little land with a trailer on it – not on the coast or near Victoria, because that would be too pricey, I think. I started thinking about it when I got worried about the draft. I, and a number of my friends, have kids that would be vulnerable if that happens.
I got some good feedback from Canucks around here about that, and I don’t know if it will be necessary or will work, or if we could afford it (a group of us pooling our resources on this), but I’d like to go look around anyway. If nothing else, it would be nice to have a not-so-damned-hot place to go spend a few weeks in the summer for me and my Texan friends.
Anyway, I’ve told a friend in Portland, OR that I’ll be coming to see her around Aug 19 when she gets back from a trip to Europe to visit her family, but I’ll need to go do my trip up to Canada first.
Any chance of making a stop to say hi to some of you Northwesterners and BC folks while I’m in the vicinity? I’m not looking for a place to crash or anything, just meet for lunch or buy you a drink or something. I’ve gotten together with some folks here in Austin that I met online and it’s been so much fun. Feeling a little blue about wandering around by myself so far away from home – no one else can get away just now – and it would cheer me up immensely if I could look forward to meeting one or two of you guys that I already like so much (that would be all of you) from getting to know you here in the frog pond.
Anyway, if you’re willin’ – let me know at the email address below.
Sure, Janet — We’re glad to see you. I don’t live in the Northwest, so I can’t help with that.
But, Can I get you something?
Hmmm . . . more hours in the day? Someone to come help me paint my kitchen?
I started this kitchen painting THREE YEARS ago! Got sick of it and just quit so I’ve been living with a half-painted kitchen ever since. Now I’m trying to get it finished. But painting cabinets – ugh! And the stuff that was in them is scattered all around in the way. Please tell me that I’m not the only one who lives with half-finished home improvements for long periods.
Oh you meant a drink. Well, I generally drink iced tea (national drink of Texas – along with Shiner Bock) but how about a beer since it’s Saturday night? I usually drink something Mexican when I go out.
I wish I could help with the kitchen, or the hours (that would be a trick!).
But, here’s the beer (is this OK? I’ve never had it.)
Yep, Corona’ll do nicely. My usual choice. I have no idea whether it’s “OK.” I am a total philistine when it comes to beer. Wet, cold, tastes like beer – OK by me.
Now to find a place to set it down on the cluttered counter while I go paint. . . .
Corona is my favorite….good choice…with lime, please.
We’ve got it (we have everything!)
Very nice…I’ll take the lime out of the glass and jam it into the bottle, thanks.
Nice place you got here. Any spare lampshades to wear…or shall I bring my own?
You might try looking here (if you haven’t already). Good hunting. 🙂
I’ve spent many hours daydreaming at that site. I really want to check out Gold River. It’s right next to Strathcona Provincial Park. Here’s some info about Gold River. And here’s some about Strathcona Park. And here’s a photo gallery of the park.
Doesn’t it look like heaven? If the land-buying thing doesn’t work out, it looks like I can have a nice vacation hiking around the park. Though I’ll have to pack my long johns. Gooserock’s Florida mom shivers in the WA islands. This is farther north and in the mountains! (Where did I put my down parka?)
Good to see you girl!! The Place looks Fabulous! So good you got it to the front page!! Salute`
How about a refreshing Vodka Collins? Sounds real good to me about right now.
Shirl, you probably thought I forgot you, but it took forever to track down a good vodka collins for you!
I finally found it!
First, we scored some really good Alaskan spotted prawns this morning, which we had with a couple raw Nanaimo Bay oysters for brunch. Here’s a bowl cooked and cold for your munching pleasure.
It seems about time we heard this widely-played Irish hornpipe, inspired by Thomas Paine’s essay. The Rights of Man here in abc folk music notation in my dimly-remembered approximation from box player Paddy O’Brien.
T: Rights of Man, The
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: hornpipe
K: Emin
|:GA|BcAB GABG|EFGA B2ef|gfed BcdB|cBAG A2GA|
BcAB GABG|EFGA B2ag|eged|BABd|e2 E2 E2:|
:ga|babg efga|beed egfe|d2dc d2fg|afdf a2gf|
egBe gfga|bgaf g2ag|eged BABd|e2 E2 E2:|
This is so nice, great food and music. Thanks!
I got a complaint about tooooo much noise! What’s going on in here?!
Officer, would you like to join the party? Maybe a beer?
Heh. I’m on the job. Burp. Oh alright, if you insist. Heh. Oh wow. What’s in that?!
South Park and Deadwood?!?
What great taste, huh! What are your favs?
South Park, yes!
6 Feet Under
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Deadwood (have only seen first season on DVD) is probably my favorite. Went to the site to get the episode summaries on season 2 episodes.
We don’t get HBO, so I’ve watched their stuff only as released on DVD.
Six Feet Under is great … if you aren’t watching it currently, I can’t talk to you about what happened last week. THERE WAS NO PREVIEW! Can’t wait until 6PM tonight.
Hope that’s OK?
Can’t stay too long, though – we’re supposed to leave tomorrow for a week in the Berkshires – Tanglewood, MassMoCA, Williamstown Theater festival, etc.
A rare cultured vacation ;^)
I haven’t packed a thing, let alone put together a list of Do’s/Don’ts for the kids (19 and 21 – should I be worried?)
OK, off to vacation prepartion, then vacation! See y’all in a week or so.
Thanks for the hospitality, and here’s a $20 for the barkeep ;^)
I’m currently drinking a Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale. I saw it at the liquor store, and couldn’t resist…how could I, with a label like this?
Let me know when you want another, I’ve got plenty in stock —
I’m on my last one now! That will save me a trip back to the store!
I can’t believe you found it on such short notice. That’s amazing!
I thought I was screwed up when I clicked the link on my site and the FBC was in front of me…

Wow we made the Front Page…
Hi Diane! What can I get you?
Only Crystal Champagne will do for such an occasion as this…

These are for you for having the first FC diary to hit the FP!!!!!!!
I don’t have any Champagne, but I can drop an Alka Seltzer in a beer and get the effect ; ) ( I am in the woods here)
Well ‘Please do’ and pour a glass for me. How ya doing Infidel, are you going to tell us more about your comment the other day.
How’s things with the gaters, everything Ok…
We worry about you, you know and several have asked about you…
aahh yes, the comment, in time, and it will be soon.
as for the gators, well, they’re the best, on the grill
Thank you, Diane!
Can you believe we had this in stock?
Herewith, for your pleasure and amusement, I present a poem in five stanzas, from your sig lines:
We are strong when we stand
with another soul.
When we stand
with one another,
we cannot be broken.
Support the site
and visit our store.
I bought too much.
I know. But I do not approve.
And I am not resigned.
You know the sound of thunder.
Can you imagine that sound if I ask you to?
Ma’am, listen to the thunder.
If you seek peace and fulfilment
rather than wealth and power
you must take up the reins
of government
or else you will be ruled
by tyrants.
Ron Suskind is a great writer.
I am not him,
nor am I one of them.
Don’t be cattle.
To thine own self be true.
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
Put me in coach
And amazement!
What can I get you to celebrate?
a Manhattan, por favor.
This is so nice to see the cafe on the front page!
Here it is —
Ah, many thanks. The deadly drink for dangerous divas.
It’s always been my favorite cocktail. Even as a kid, I used to love the smell of them.
AWESOME! I especially like stanza 2.
But I DO approve of supporting the site! I think I’ll have to go order a T-shirt. I already have too many coffee cups.
We have a local group called “Austin Kos.” Here’s some pictures of us. I’m the one in the blue shirt with my hands on my hips. Next to me is lookinforward, and next to him is othniel – who is now field director for the Barbara Radnovsky campaign for Senator (go Barbara! Defeat the evil “whatever you say Dr. Frist” KayBee. And way to go othniel!). Directly below me is roses. Sandia Blanca is next to me in the top pic. I think we’ve all posted here – at least comments if not diaries – at BooTrib, and adastra too, who took the pictures.
We’re “Austin Kos” because we met online at dKos back in February? I think – anyway before there was a BooTrib. Since I’ve been hanging out here, I’m always the one at our meetings jumping up and going, “And BooTrib!” Next meeting, I’ll have to wear a froggy shirt.
Hmmm. I’m looking at this one.
I pretty much live in t-shirts from Target – men’s, and I buy small. But sometimes I need a medium in a men’s. Anyone know how these run?
I like that one too. Maybe next week…
Hi Janet,
I have that t-shirt (actually 2 of them!). I’d say they’re pretty normal as far as sizing (at least the size L ones), with the exception that they are a little bit longer than my other t-shirts.
I haven’t washed them yet either though, so take that with a grain of salt (and a shot of whiskey!) 🙂
A million faces of beauty, real people.
Have a look.
great site…
I’m leaving for the night (I’m getting sleepy). Could the last person out lock up and put the key under the pot in the front?
The bar is still open, and so is the kitchen. And it’s all free tonight, so you don’t have to worry about making a deposit at the bank. There’s no cash in the register today.
Thanks everyone for a really wonderful Saturday at the Froggy Bottom!
Brother F.’s got the new cafe here, but speak softly when entering — I think he overcelebrated something last night. 🙂
And take the poll! 🙂