“Visitors in their bikinis leave their clothing in the cloakroom of the Leopold Museum in Vienna, on Friday, July 29, 2005.
“Dozens of arts patrons visited the museum wearing little or no clothing, lured by an offer of free admission if they came to the museum in the spirit of ‘The Naked Truth’, an exhibition of 1900s erotic artworks.” (AP Photo/Lilli Strauss)
Hey there everyone. Hope you are all having a good weekend so far. Quick question…Anyone experiencing problems getting the comments threads that are under diaries to display?
Where’s the beefcake? We ladies (and gay men) appreciate “art” too, you know! 🙂
Over at EuroTrib they have some actual naked people on display with their version of this story – one of each gender. As a heterosexual female, the guy doesn’t do anything for me. Go look and see what you think.
I can’t speak for the gay guys.
Agreed, Janet. I looked at the EuroTrib picture, thought both people in it looked rather silly. So do the bikini women in the picture here.
The only reason humans get away with going about in “bathing suits” is that we’ve all been conditioned not to laugh out loud, at them or us.
🙂 Well, I wouldn’t call the guy beefcake exactly, but more power to him!
I turned off the Crispads. They seemed to be slowing down the site dramatically.
over at Eurotrib? Dramatic slowdown over there now.
And they live in my town!
Read more here!
How fun! If they ever put up pictures anywhere, I hope you’ll link to them.
That guy’s house (with all the fairy doors and staircases) sounds really cool too. Well, as long as mice don’t think they were built just for them.
I’m thinking about heading downtown and taking some pictures myself! I’ve never noticed them before, but then I don’t go downtown often either…
Oh, please do! (when you get time, of course). I think it’s really unfair for them to print the story without pictures. UNLESS… it’s not a very late April Fool’s joke, is it?
I just got back from a fact-finding mission…my observations confirm the earlier intelligence!
I only found one of them though…I didn’t look too hard for the others.

And a closer-view:

That is so awesome 😀
Wow, how cool is that! LOL, that is so cute. And what a fun way of bringing people into the downtown area. Well, until the first fairy is actually sighted…
Thanks for getting the pictures!
I’m really starting to hate that term “reality based community”. It used to be fun, but now…
I agree. I prefer to call it the ‘unimaginative interpretation community’.
Bet you didn’t know there was a quiz involved. Here he is answering “How many beans makes 5?” That was a tough one–we should all be proud.
I’m guest hosting for Jlongs while she’s away this weekend– c’mon over and talk about what you’ve been reading lately!
Weekly Book Diary: Required Reading