Cross-posted at My Left Wing and Daily Kos
Essentially the point of the bloggesphere is to improve the world. Most places have their own goals, their own mission, and work with others who are willing to help.. whether its exposing the calculated lies of the Bush administration or helping raise money for progressive candidates, these are all important avenues and as most people here would agree these acts can be viewed as helping other people or at the least preventing harm.
Well I don’t have anything insightful for you today, sorry! I just wanted to remind people that:
Under normal circumstances, every two seconds someone in America will need a blood transfusion. Blood transfusions are used for trauma victims – due to accidents and burns – heart surgery, organ transplants, women with complications during childbirth, newborns and premature babies, and patients receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or other diseases, such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia. (source)
The American Red Cross has a website which can help you find a place to donate blood if you are interested and/or able.
When I was 18 my dad was very ill (he died a few months later). One weekend he went through 16 units of blood–all replenished by “friends”. I didn’t know them, most were friends of friends, or a member of Rotary. All contributed so that we could have a few more weeks with my dad.
In thanks I give blood every opportunity I get. Since we have no local blood bank, I have to wait for a blood drive to come to my area, but every 8-12 weeks I can get in to give. Every time I do I think that somewhere there’s an 18 year old girl praying for her dad/mom/boyfriend/sibling or other loved one and that I can do something to help.
Just do it.
Eat and drink (especially drink) heartily and take an aspirin before going in. You’ll fill up the bag in under five minutes. And if you’re a tough stick, ask for an expert. They will accommodate you.
Giving blood is (probably) good for your blood pressure (less blood, less pressure).
Also, if they have a promotional contest going, be sure to fill out the form! I won season tickets for our local baseball team from the blood bank this year!