Good Sunday morning (or afternoon, as it may be where you are) to everyone! Ooh, I’ll try to keep those exclamation marks in check; after last night’s front-page extravanaganza there must be sore heads aplenty today. Our service will be on tip-toes today, and we’ve brought in those industrial-sized coffee pots one normally sees at church socials. So c’mon in, and ease what weariness you may have, wherever you may have it.
In astronomical news, the Beeb reported yesterday the confirmation of a tenth (10th!) planet in our solar system. This is the fourth or fifth “tenth planet” announcement I can remember, but never mind that…. The newly-found member of our little celestial family is way, way out there — Pluto is a near-neighbor in comparison — and orbits on a highly-inclined plane to the rest of us. Well, we’ll get them sorted right quick, or it’s back to the Oort Clound with ’em.
is for “Planet X”…in honor of the great
All is quiet in the Scribe household; spouse is still asleep, but need to get him (and me) moving soon. Plans for the day include shopping for shoes and jeans (for him) and new luggage for our trip.
Have a good day, everyone…
Poifect! Darn, I kinda wish now I could edit poll options.
It’ll probably be icy white, so let’s call that “Blanc” in honor of my all-time favorite musician, looney-toons voice impressionist Mel Blanc.
“Bon vwoy-AHJ, ship du steam!” — Mel Blanc as Pepee le Pew, spoof of Charles Boyer.
(And there’s just no way to spell his imitation of Jack Benny’s car!)
I understand that his headstone reads “That’s all, folks.”
I usually go for coffee and orange juice, caffeine and Vitamin C. My Irish friends swear by Sulfadene (sp?) but in my experience that cure is worse than the disease. My stepmother, a retired research chemist, recommends V8 or other vegetable juice. There are those, however, who swear by a concoction known as The Hair of the Dog That Bit Ya.
What other remedies for this common affliction are in use among BooTribbers?
Mine is usually just good old Tylenol (or generic alternative), lots of water (to stay hydrated), and sleep (mainly to spare the spouse my crankiness).
I hadn’t really had a hangover in ages, till the weekend of my niece’s wedding — my sister sprang for an open bar, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who over-indulged. Memo to self: never, ever, ever combine rum and cokes, champagne, and wine ever again…
Tylenol (and generics) + alcohol = liver damage, in some cases rather quickly.
Best remedy I ever found, way back in my college days, was to drink as much water as comfortable, plus 2 aspirins, before going to bed. Yes you’ll need to get up in the night but that too is of some help.
If you forget, whenever you wake up even if during then night, get the water and aspirin.
Both parts – tylenol is bad stuff and for use only in situations when for one reason or another there is no alternative.
And the aspirin before bedtime and lots of water, too. Someone told me this when I was a freshman in college – doing the inevitable over drinking coming-of-age thing – and it really did help, when I remembered to do it.
I’d add, lots of OJ the next morning too.
It’s so Rovian.
Concerned woman whose face overfills the handheld camera screen, reminding us that her doctor “said” aspirin could be causing damage we don’t even know about.
<tears hair> OMG. </tears hair>
I have a fear of Tylenol. I always have, and then one of my nephews took an overdose and almost died. It didn’t take much, either.
“west, and we-wax-ation” oh..and just a lil’ bit of fur from the dog that bit ya ; ) (everything in moderation)
If only we’d done things in moderation to begin with, we wouldn’t need the hangover helpers. Oh, when will we ever learn?
but,,,but,,,I refuse to grow up…”completely” ; )
valid point brother…LOL
So that’s where “fuddy-duddy” came from. (Snort)
<grumble grumble> You young whippersnappers!
(on good days, for you Reid skeptics):
“Be veh-eh-ehwwy quiet! I’m hunting We-PUB-wicans!”
LMAO….good one…
I had also envisioned Bush’s face tacked on to Elmer Fudd, (since both are pretty stupid) and say: “be vewy, vewy qwuiet, I’m wook’n for wiberals” (with his gun, and cowboy hat, of course…and Karl carrying the game bag….Yiiikees…could come true…NO>>NOO>>>>NOO
Morning, Bro! Hi,guys!
If you don’t read anything else on the web today, please please please do read the diary our own cafe denizen has up: Two Wolves
It’s incredibly powerful and moving.
Thanks for the link — sometimes one gets submerged in hosting & doesn’t see some of the outstanding diaries posted simultaneously. I heartily second KS’s recommendation, everyone.
I am humbled at your comments, for it is for, the good of all, not I.
Peace be with you and yours always.
Sore head edition is right… I unfortunately haven’t made it to sleep yet… too much dancing till dawn… long, fun, story… yawn
You’re such a tease!
You know it babe!
Gotta keep myself amused somehow 🙂
(I’ll tell ya all about it below in response to infidel…)
more input….Johnny 5 needs more input…need to know….LMAO
fine, you guys asked for it… 🙂
Started off at the Reverb in Toronto at a rock and roll concert where my friend played bass… had a few pints (I’m thinking it was at least more than 4… but it gets kinda fuzzy from here…) then met up with another friend at midnight to head down to the Guvernment for an all night dance party… me being me, I headed for the hip hop room where I shook my booty and got down with my homies until dawn… 😉 stopped for falafels at 7am (why, who knows… seriously, falafels for breakfast?? what the hell were we thinking…) before heading home, made some coffee and VOILA! Here I am!
aaahhh…Johnie 5 is ALIVE…LOL
I remember days/nights like such, thank goodness I’m over that now….well..almost…erm..not quite..Ok..I LOVE IT….LMAO
glad you made it back to the frog pond in one peice, and safe….. peace
Here’s a soothing morning/midday marine view for you all.

From Whidbey Island, 80-mile-distant Mount Rainier looms faintly behind this scene with a few tiny bumps of Seattle skyline that’s twice as close, on horizon at right. A cargo ship is steaming up the Sound headed for the sea.
We’re in our annual California season here, as the weather broadcasts show us constant stream of Hawaiian clouds and rain pouring onto Vancouver Island to our north.
I don’t have a sore head, just a sore body and that is from too many hours blogging.
Greeting to all on this fine and beautiful morning.
My hope is that you are all well and happy!
Wonderful diary of Infidel, which reminds us………
Was it my imagination or was last night the drinken-est night at the cafe in a long time?
Maybe I shouldn’t have served free drinks all night long?
uhhhmm, well, with all the hangover remedies floating about…I would say….YEPS ; ) LMAO
(but I’ll say it softly ; )
The hostess with the mostest! Do I salute you now that you’ve gotten your promotion?
I wish we could be on the front page every evening, that was fun.
Officer on deck!
Yeah, I saw that one too — didn’t want to push my luck.
Then you probably saw the other one that I didn’t use??
Oh yeah. Very interesting results for that particular query!
So funny! Katie, that was cool last night and wasn’t the joint jumpin’? You were the perfect bartender. Kept you up late!
In honor of the powerful and passionate diaries by our brothers ghostdancer and infidelpig:
Peace Brothers
More ibuprofen please! And another cup of coffee. yeah I know they’re bad for my stomach and my liver. I missed the diary fest yesterday. I have to run over to the sidebar and see what’s cooking.
Got plenty of ibuprofen:

and some high-quality caffeine:

I think I’m going to have to hide under the counter now…. 😉
(and I mean that in the best of all senses)
Thank you Brother, I feel better already. Now please stop hiding under the counter. Caffeine and ibus… this is better living through chemistry at its highest.
I’m back from the sidebar with coffee in hand. Infidel Pig if you’re in the Cafe right now, I want to thank you for the two wolves diary. It may be the most important writing I’ve read in a long time. Hate goes hand in hand with despair. We must not give in to either. I guess this comment should have gone over there. Well anyway, bless you dear.
thank you, and blessings are best, where ever they are ; )
I’m going to try a photo link for the first time and given that I am a total loser in terms of tech knowledge, I’ll go ahead and apologize for disturbing folks.
Help!!! Can anyone tell me what I did wrong? This photo is just for fun – but I’d really like to learn how to do this.
Add a space between “img” and “src.” Everything else looks OK.
Try a space between img and src like this

well you got the idea!
img src=”“
Here goes again – and thanks for your patience and help!!
Add the angle brackets before & after the tag — almost there!
So I got the link – but not the picture. Is that due to the source?
Who knew a grown woman could be reduced to an idiot so easily!!
it’s not you… it’s the internets.
I hope I didn’t interrupt conversation here at the cafe with my befudlement about pictures. I just finally got enough nerve to try it.
I was trying to post a picture of my new (17 year old) neice. You see my brother, who is just a few months shy of 50 recently reconnected with and married a former high school girlfriend. Its quite a fun romantic tale. She has a 17 year old daughter who is a dancer. The three of them just went on a kayaking trip to the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior where my brother tooks some pictures of her “dancing on the water” at sunset. They are really stunning and I thought it would be fun to share them with my friends here at the cafe. Oh well, you’ll just have to use your imagination.
I’ll just add that this young woman is a brilliant new light in my life these days. How wonderful to have a lovely, talented and wise 17 year old to brighten up my days!!
Actually, that link you included a message or two upthread is a live link to the gallery. Very striking photographs!
We take a ferry tour every year through the Apostle Islands. Please try again to get the images linked. My whole family would love to see them.
<img src=”” width=””>
Just copy and paste this code into your comment, then copy and paste the URL and the width (≤ 400) between the two sets of quotes.
I’d really, really like to see them. We were just talking a few minutes ago about whether we could go up there this year or not.
I’m trying to find a way to try it out without too many more distractions – so if I “preview” my next attempt – will the picture show up?
Yes, preview displays your comment to you, but doesn’t post it.
One more try – just for you katiebird!!
Well, I give up on this one. Check out the link in one of my comments way up there when I first started trying and you can see the whole gallery. Thanks for all the help. I’ll get this someday!!
I just followed that link (thanks for pointing that out brother!).
The photos are beautiful! Were exactly were they taken?
They started on Madeline Island and kayaked to a base camp on Sand Island. If you go to the link and click on the “Chooky and the Dude” link above the picture you’ll see a whole gallery of their pictures from the trip – including base camp with a very friendly visiting deer and kayaking through the caves.
Oh, and I forgot – the pictures of “Dancing on the water” were taken at Sand Island.
I was a Lake Erie islands visitor for 40+ years till we moved to Puget Sound 5 years ago. The Sound is glorious in many ways, but the Great Lakes are bigger and they play a lot rougher with those monster continental thunderstorms. I’ll always have a soft spot for them.
Post more pictures any time. If you know the specific address of an individual picture, the < img src > code will work for it. It doesn’t work for web page addresses.
I meant to tell you — I followed your links I love the photographs. We’ve taken that Bayfield-Madeline Island Ferry dozens of time. Thank you very much for sharing them.