OK, this is my first diary, so I hope that I get all of this stuff right. My handle is “Cannabis” because I want to bring more attention to this plant and things that surround it. No, I don’t smoke it, but the War on (Some) Drugs has had a profound effect on me and I want to share it.
So, Marc Emery has been arrested at the behest of the American DEA. Here are a couple of the better stories on this:
America targets Emery
London Free Press
B.C. pot activist arrested in extradition bid
if you want to watch this story on TV:
here’s a good one
you will need Real Player
Of course there will be quite a lot at Marc’s
So, the real question in all of this is Canadian sovereignty. Do we really have any left, or is it just an illusion?
Is this related in any way to the discovery of the tunnel from BC into Washington state?
This guy is a millionaire from selling seeds over the internet, and stands accused of conspiracy to launder money?
He may make a good test case for reexaming the stupidity and insanity of our laws against Cannibas. But it sounds like he is in pretty blatant violation of several laws.
I don’t think that the tunnel is related. Here is a great Flash on this.
you should visit Philly. You can’t walk two city blocks without smelling marijuana wafting out the windows, or seeing people casually puffing on joints.
The police have better things to do than crack down on potheads.
several laws in the US maybe, not in Canada… which is the crux of the matter… he lives in Canada and operated his business under Cdn law… yeah, he broke US law by shipping the seeds his American customers ordered, but that’s a customs issue (just stop his packages from reaching the intended recipients in the US), not a freakin’ mandatory 10 year sentence in US jail.
My post from yesterday has a good Globe & Mail article on the issue as well.
I don’t know the details of Canadian law.
But his indictment on conspiracy to launder money sounds like it would be illegal in either country.
True, but the money laundering charge only applies if his business was illegal to begin with… therefore any profits he made and then tried to “make legal” could be construed as money laundering in the States. Keep in mind the Canadian gov’t is not charging him with anything… including money laundering.
diary on this subject this morning as well. I guess I should have done a search first.
this diary, not my own. I’ll get the hang of this.
CHEK TV in BC has a story Prince of Pot waits for US extradition in East Coast jail that has a quote from DEA head Karen Tandy in it:
The DEA web site has no press releases, nor is there anything on their home page.
Even DEA Watch is not having a discussion about the Emery bust. However, there are links to news stories.