The other night reading ghostdancer’s diary, I was overcome with rage, not anger, pure out and out rage such as I have not known in many years.
It was not at the diary, it was about the treatment of the Native American Human Beings and the general American Public, in relation to current and past events against human rights.
It brought back a memory, of a time 33 years ago when I took my brother’s body home for burial on his reservation in Wisconsin. He was a Menominee Indian, and we had served together in the Marine Corps, and in every sense of the word, we were Brothers. Not by the same parents, but both our bloods flowed through each other’s veins, from transfussion’s after combat injuries, and spiritual bonds. We had shared everything, food, shelter, crying, laughing, life, soul spirits, and death.
When I arrived in their hometown, I was greeted by the elders of the tribe, and his sister, and they made me a part of the family. I stayed on the reservation with his grandfather, grandmother, and a uncle.
I only had my uniform with me, for the luggage was lost during the flight, so his sister offered to take me to town to buy some clothing. We traveled into the little town and she pointed me towards the clothing store as we passed it walking down the street. We were busy talking about our brother, and his life, and before we knew it, we had entered the store when she stopped abruptly and whirled out the door. Just then I noticed a man approaching at a very fast pace from across the store with his arm extended and a finger pointing towards the door. I turned to see her standing back on the street with a look of terror on her face, and I asked, “what is wrong” She replied, “we are not allowed in the white man’s store”
I then turned to the man approaching and he was saying in an elevated voice, “you KNOW better”.
At that time I went totally black inside. I mean I did not know where I was, nor what I was doing, all I remember was them pulling me off that man, and another for I was truly going to kill them, make no mistake about it.
I had just returned from 4 years in the jungles, with my brother always at my side, and now with his greiving sister at my side, and they, (the Menominee and all Native Americans,the only true Americans) were not allowed to go to a public store? In my mind, we had been fighting and dieing, for what we truly beleived in, Rights, Freedom, Democracy, not just ours, but for our country and the Peoples Republic of South Vietnam. It was a very Idealistic time. I was devastated at this action by the white people in that town, and in later years, all of our counrty, for we are all, Americans
They hustled me back to the reservation, and tucked me away in a log cabin, where I remained until the funeral, and then the flight back to base. Nothing was ever said about the incident in town, but when I got back to the reservation, there was a group of the elders that stayed with me, and we talked for two days, and then the third day, I was honored with a ceremony accepting me into their clan. “Wolf Clan” I remained on the reservation for a little over a week, and found true respect for the Human Beings.
So the other night reading ghostdancer’s diary, it hit me again, that black rage, like so many years ago, and I had to STOP. I knew if I let that overcome me again, it would do harm, to me. For at that time I remembered what an old friend of many years, a great Choctaw medicine man had taught me about my heritage, (Cherokee) and my spirit guides. I went back to my Ancestor’s folk lore, and here is part of what keeps me going:
Cherokee Lore
An old Indian Grandfather said
to his grandson who came to him
with anger at a friend who had
done him an injustice……..
Let me tell you a story. I too,
at times, have felt a great
hate for those that have taken
so much, with no sorrow for what
they do. But hate wears you
down, and does not hurt your enemy.
It is like taking poison and
wishing your enemy would die.
I have struggled with these
feelings many times.
He continued……
It is as if there are two
wolves inside me;
One is good and does no harm.
He lives in harmony with all
round him and does not take
offense when no offense was
intended. He will only fight
when it is right to do so,
and in the right way. He saves
all his energy for the right
But the other wolf, ahhh!
He is full of anger.
The littlest thing will set
him into a fit of temper. He
fights everyone, all the time,
for no reason.
He cannot think because his
anger and hate are so great.
It is helpless anger, for his
anger will change nothing.
Sometimes it is hard to live
with these two wolves inside
me, for both of them try to
dominate my spirit.
The boy looked intently into
his Grandfather’s eyes and asked…
Which one wins, Grandfather?
The Grandfather smiled and
quietly said……
The one I feed.
Now, some of your may know why my comment was short, and strange, but I could not feed the wrong wolf, anymore.
I have seen many diaries, and comments about the effect current events are having on so many, their family, and loved ones, and it is a time to bond, and not a time to disband, for all of us who know what is truly right, and what is wrong.
So let us feed the good wolf, and stay the true path for our people. For at the end of the journey, there will be light.
Mitakuye Oyasin
Wado Ghostdancer
with tears streaming down my face but wow! That really punched me in the gut. Out-fucking-standing!
Oh, infidelpig! I’m going to save this and read it and read it and read it. What a good man you are, pig. Thanks so much for this diary.
Usually. I wake up and they are just gone. There is one, however, that I remember one part of very clearly, and can bring up the image to this day, even though I had it years ago.
It was a very busy dream, that much I remember about the rest… lots going on, people everywhere, some I recognized, some I felt I knew even though I had never met them. But towards the end of the dream, I laid down on a sort of pallet covered with soft blankets and went to sleep (in the dream). I was awakened by a soft growling, and when I sat up there were two wolves sitting next to each other, in front of my pallet. One was very calm and peaceful… gentle, and just looking at me. The other was snarling and snapping and growling and just not in a very good mood at all.
I wasn’t afraid of them, even though I am terrified of dogs (ones I don’t know)… I just looked at them for a time, and they at me, and then I woke up (for real). I told a friend about the dream later, and (after raising an eyebrow) he told me the story of the two wolves… that was the first I’d heard of it. Caused me to do a bit of soul searching, that’s for sure.
Thank you for this diary, infidelpig. Wonderfully, powerfully written, and a powerful story. Brought tears to my eyes and memories to my mind.
you were looking at your soul, for we must see ourselves, to know ourself, before we can know others.
on this magnificent diary. I spent several hours in prayer and meditation. I thank you my brother for the wonderful insights that you bring to our world.
and it is full circle of the spirit within us all, that brings the light.
Wado Ghostdancer
Exceptional diary, story, and lesson. Nár lagaí Dia do lámh.
I am so moved by this that I need to respond, but for right now there are no words to do it justice. So I’ll just say thank you!!!
My dear Infidel – Thanks for a much-needed and beautifully written diary. Please keep up the storytelling.
2 wolves; colorado
Robert Ghost Wolf has written and spoken of similar things. [ see wolf tracks ]
Peace Brother
I will need to pray before I can respond IP, thank you,
Wado my brother
let the spirits speak for us all…. Mitakuye Oyasin
Thank you Infidelpig, and Ghostdancersway for inspiring this moving and inspiring piece.
We are all human beings and deserving of respect, love and equality… let us also not forget the wolves, and all other creatures who share this wonderful planet with us & rely on our guardianship of the earth… we are all one.
Namaste … thank you for sharing your time, heart, and soul.
Thanks Infidel, for being you.
thanks for this piece you have written…
Thanks to Ghostdancers.
Thanks for this site…
the spirits walk among us, quietly guiding, gently nurturing, and keeping us as one.
thank you diane… for you, we are blessed.
I hope you will put this diary on Village Blue as well, I am going to put a lot of attention to ‘Native Americans, all aspects, on the site and this will be a very excellent contribution.
Peace! Love! Hope! to all!!!
it would be an honor….thank you.
. . . hate wears you
down, and does not hurt your enemy.
This is so hard, so hard to learn. When we see injustice, when we see those who have no compassion, who do great harm to the innocent in their lust for their own power, or comforts, or greed, it is human nature to want to punish them. We feel blind anger and hatred, and see our anger and hatred as their punishment for the evil they do. They deserve our hatred, our blind rage.
But those who have no compassion are untouched by our hatred. Though deserving of punishment, they are not punished by our hatred. They are as oblivious to it as they are to the grief of those they so casually harm. They do not hear the crying of the innocents, why do we think they will hear our righteous outrage?
It is like taking poison and
wishing your enemy would die.
But if my enemy is untouched by my hatred, I am not. It eats me up inside, it darkens my own soul. It is so hard, so hard to let go of that hatred. Thank you, infidel pig, for reminding me again to strive to learn the way of the good wolf.
He will only fight
when it is right to do so,
and in the right way. He saves
all his energy for the right
are the ones we learn of ourselves, and often the most abused.
thank you for your comment….. peace
sometimes I think the enemy is aware of the rage, the hatred, and — savors it.
Haven’t you ever been in a fierce argument where the person you were arguing with got angrier and angrier and more and more incapacitated, while you stayed cool? Felt kind of … good … didn’t it? Like victory?
I think that the Bush gang knows perfectly well how their newest outrage will infuriate “those liberals.” (See: forthcoming Bolton recess appointment.) They know, and are confident that we won’t be able to do anything about it. It may not be a primary objective, but I’m sure it’s a delicious fringe benefit for them.
Just an addendum to your thoughtful and beautifully-written post.
Master Sun
Use anger to throw them into disarray.
Cao Cao:
Wait for them to become decadent and lazy.
Li Quan:
When the military leadership is often angered, its strategy is easily thrown into confusion, for its nature is unstable.
Du Mu:
When their military leadership is obstreperous, you should irritate them to make them angry – then they will become impetuous and ignore their original strategy.
Mei Yaochen:
If they are quick-tempered, then stir them up and excite them so that they go into battle carelessly.
Zhang Yu:
If they are violent and easily angered, then use embaressment to enrage them, so that their morale is upset – then they will proceed carelessly, without formulating a plan.
– The Art of War – Sun Tzu – Translated by Thomas Cleary and including commentaries by 11 subsequent interpreters
Even the best weapon
is an unhappy tool,
hateful to living things.
So the follower of the Way
stays away from it.
Weapons are unhappy tools,
not chosen by thoughtful people,
to be used only when there is no choice,
and with a calm, still mind,
without enjoyment.
To enjoy using weapons
is to enjoy killing people,
and to enjoy killing people
is to lose your share in the common good.
It is right that the murder of many people
be mourned and lamented.
It is right that a victor in war
be received with funeral ceremonies.
-Tao Te Ching #31 – Ursula K. LeGuin’s rendition
IP’s of Human Being descent,
And waxes upon his torment.
He exposes his rage,
With a tale, very sage,
Leaving both of my wolves quite content.
Very moving, dude… kudos and recs from me this time…
when I was a teenager, I got a brief opportunity to talk to my grandfather out in South Dakota. I’d only met him once or twice … we lived far away, and he was a rootless man.
He had fought in the South Pacific. He’d been a good football player in High School, and had joined up to see the world, to fight facism. He mentioned that he’d been badly wounded and was sent home, but that wasn’t what he dwelt on. He told me how he returned to a broken marriage because of his time away, and to the signs on the white stores that all said “No Dogs or Indians Allowed.” He told me about his life as he drank and cried and nursed the wounds from so long ago, and it was the signs that he kept coming back to. “No Dogs or Indians Allowed.” It broke his heart, and it broke him.
I learned last fall that the whites in South Dakota working on Thunes campaign were using that old idea to stir up anti-Indian sentiment, and I thought of my grandfather, dead the following summer, and it broke my heart anew.
it is a shame you never had more time with your grandfather, my sympathies.
for many veterans of Native heritage, they were never honored for their acts of courage and utmost bravery.
this hatred, and bigotry has taken such a surmountable toll on so many, it cannot be imagined.
thank you for sharing with us today.
peace be with you, and let your heart rejoice, for you have kept his spirit alive, in your most treasured place, your heart and soul.
I would like to see a link to this diary posted permanently somewhere in the front-page margin of this and other community blogs. Perhaps with the words, “Before you rage…”
I think we all know how difficult it is not to get caught up in feeding the angry wolf more and more. Heck, it even feels good — at least at first. Soon one loses the ability even to envision doing anything else. And yes, how just reading (never mind commenting on) progressive community blogs, despite everyone’s good intentions, can contribute massively to this. (I’m not talking about pie wars and the like — rather, about the way in which sharing our common rage can just make it build.)
Me, I sometimes find these days that my angry wolf has been fed so much that he or she just passes out, over-satiated. That, of course, is not a very satisfactory, or long-lasting, solution.
Many thanks for this diary, which I will bookmark and use as a way of MAKING myself pause. I know I will need it.
thank you, and please feel free to use it as you wish, it is a gift from the ancestors, for the future generations.
we must keep these things in mind, for a battle that we are most certainly going to fight, these are dark times, so we must let the light in.
peace be with you.
handed down to the new generation in practise, lessons and telling the tales of ancestors. It’s determined by circumstances of rivalry, friendship, war and peace. Feeding the wolf, a beautiful tale infidelpig, thank you for the lesson.
May all find peace within oneself.
Don’t Take The Poison Offered Daily
by Bush and his treacherous cabinet members.
Fascism feeds the beast of terror by establishing a supremacy organization, where the party members are given power of task to tread on other human beings: foreigners, minorities, handicapped, mentally retarded and the destitute.
This always leads to loss of civil rights, captivity, prisoners, torture, murder and concentration camps.
Beautifully written…from ones soul.
Wolf…Teacher, Pathfinder, Moon-Dog of my soul. Howling, Singing, Teaching how to Know.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Moving and amazing. Much wisdom in Cherokee folklore.
Our culture is starving for stories like this. We desparately need more like this to be passed on to the larger culture.
Where to begin.
I have been absent from this site for most of a week because on last Monday night, My Father, John, who lived with my family, died in his bed. I was not here. I only came later when they were trying, in vain, to get his heart beating again. I walked up to my house in a dream state, feeling myself outside of the chaos and tears that was happening around me. There were paramedics and volunteer firemen all around. Some were in my garage with their hands in their pockets, smiling and joking with each other about I don’t know what. I imagine they have been to many homes where hearts have stopped beating and it is probably a routine to them. What they forgot though, was that it was MY father’s heart that wasn’t beating anymore, and they didn’t see me standing there alone, a little frightened boy in a man’s body. As I watched them smiling and joking, I felt a rage rise within me that I can’t fully describe. The other wolf that you talk about.
I went to the hospital already knowing in my heart that the man who will always be bigger and stronger than me, had passed on to some other world. A world that I can’t reach. I was allowed to see him one last time, alone, because my dear wife could not do it. It was too hard for her. I understand. I held my father, and kissed him on his head. I told him that I loved him. I told him I was sorry that I was not there when he needed me. I am his first son. I was not there.
Now I am the oldest man in my family. My brothers, I have three, and my Mother, are all in Florida. They are all coming, but not here to my house because for different reasons, most will stay somewhere else. My Mother has not called to see how my children are. She has not called to offer help with all that has to be done to clean up all the last vestiges of my father’s life. They are all consumed in their grief and assume, apparently, that I will handle everything. Well of course I will. I am the oldest son, and it has always been my “job” to be the responsible one. My Mother hates my wife. One brother hates my wife. They won’t call here, let alone stay here. They don’t want to meet the “other wolf” in me, but right now, he wants to meet them. I am trying not to feed him right now, but he is hungry and I won’t be able to ignore him much longer.
Infidelpig, your diary touched me very deeply and has caused me to reconnect to you all again. Your diary has reminded me that I have a family beyond my own flawed, hurtful, and selfish family. There is a family here that won’t judge me. This is a safe place for me to talk about the other bad wolf inside of me without hurting anyone. I am thankful for that.
My father’s grandmother was a Cherokee woman from Oklahoma, and her blood flowed in his veins, and so, flows in mine. I will endeavor to honor my ancestors by taking a higher path. I will finish the job that must be finished by burying my father with the dignity and honor that his life deserved. I will allow my Mother and brothers to grieve in peace. I will forgive them, for now, their ignorance and mean spiritedness.
Thank you Infidel
Thank you Ghostdancers Way
Thank you Shirl
Thank you all for being here.
We all have choices, and they are but our own, and you, have made the best.
Go in peace, and keep the sun upon your soul.
You would make any father proud.
You were, of course, “there” for and with your father in all the ways that really mattered. I am sure that he went on to his next jouney knowing this. I send you, your wife and your children all of the comfort and support that is possible across this page.
My heart goes out to you for your loss, Supersoling. From your writings I know you are a man who loves his family and strives to do his very best for them. Blessings on you.

Crying loud on the plains, waiting to hear the howl of a partner lost.
I feel the pain and emotions that has filled your heart. You describe yourself as that “little frightened boy” that cared for his father, could not control these circumstances of the last moments of a strong heart that refused to beat.
Your father has been so fortunate, and your family in return have shared your love with him these last years. That is to be proud of as a son, to have shared that love.
A quake has shaken your foundation of certainties, the daily advice your father could share will be transformed through your own character and personality as the years have passed and that “insecure” boy has been a man for so long. You will experience as the weeks pass, that those lessons of your father will be present and continue a life long. You will miss your dad terribly, but will also realize you and your family have shared his joys and sorrows.
Now I am the oldest man in my family.
No, that responsibility has been on your shoulders longer than you realize today. I figure all your younger brothers are independent and mature men living in Florida? It is important to be strong, but also to open yourself to your loved ones, show the emotions that come so naturally. Your family has been your partner and your own children. Let them share their feelings with you through creative participation in the process of death, mourning, burial and memorial.
Not sharing grief is selfish, as your family members have the right to participate in this natural process. A sudden death is an event no one is prepared for, keep open a channel of communication with your mother and three brothers. Offer them a chance to do a task, although you expect a negative reply, it’s better to have offered them a choice to make and avoid their reproach afterwards.
Dedicate your time for your own family, as in time your brothers will have alienated and build their own future and family.
I believe you and your dad have been equally fortunate and grateful to have shared so many years!
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your dad and family.
Be completely empty.
Be perfectly serene.
The ten thousand things arise together;
in their arising is their return.
Now they flower,
and flowering
sink homeward,
returning to the root.
The return to the root
is peace.
Peace: to accept what must be,
to know what endures.
In that knowledge is wisdom.
Without it, ruin, disorder.
To know what endures
is to be openhearted,
following the Tao,
the way that endures forever.
The body comes to its ending,
but there is nothing to fear.
-Tao Te Ching #16 – Ursula K. LeGuin’s rendition
The one we feed.
Indeed. Abu Ghraib lies within each of us. Make no mistake. So does Dachou… and Mahatma Ghandi.
Which dog within you do you feed? Do each of us take the time to see the beam within our own eye? Narrow is the path and difficult the first step… in lies within and takes persistance and sometimes brutal self-honesty to find it and take that first step and properly approach the wolf we wish to have grow strong within us.
I had not read your post before posting my diary today. Nor Ghostdancers. I’ll have to go find it now. Guess it is a day for reflection.
Your diary is a good complement to this one, Andrew. And vice versa, of course. Today does seem to be a day for reflection here. It feels as if we are taking a moment to go within, but doing it together, which is an amazing kind of thing. Maybe we are looking for our center of strength and our bonds with one another, in order to face some things that we know intuitively are coming.
Ghostdancers post regarding the Indian Schools and European Americans attempts at destroying Native American culture?
I found the diary and posted a brief note there. I’ve done a little reading on that particular piece of history and am shamed by my ancestors behavior. We European Americans, particularly English Americans, have had some seriously low points in our history as world conquerors… that period is one of the absolute lowest in my estimation. The wholesale, purposeful destruction of entire cultures and people is despicable. I am grateful that we were not wholely successful in the effort.
yes, that one in particular set off the memories. don’t know why, maybe it was just all the things combined that day, week, months, years.
As I said, it was nothing in particular with the diary, it was just man’s inhumaity to man, and it connected to that time. For while I was there, many things were happening with their tribe. The government had been battling them, and trying to steal the remainder of their lands, what a surprise huh?
Also that day I had received news of the loss of another dear friend, another Native American, and a friend of over 30yrs, but I knew, I had to take time to think, and listen to my elders, and ancestors, and of all the wise men we have studied in our lives.
I was so angry (once again on what has happened to Native Americans and their history, culture, and theft of their identities) regarding ghosts diary on the Indian schools that I couldn’t bring myself to post anything constructive on it. Feeding the wrong wolf that day. I’m not sure if I’ve linked these 15 pictures before. They are 15 NA pictures/prayers.
Hello IP. The wisdom that shines through in so much of NA stories for me is always soothing and gentle reminder of what is important in how we should live our lives. (so at odds with much of the christian bible and it stories of violence and ruling others).
The hideousness of racism when I read about it or have experienced it myself(from dating outside my race as I’ve stupidly been told)always makes a bit of blackness descend upon me and my stomach churn.
Like of all ghosts diaries I will be saving yours today also to remind me on those days which wolf to feed.
By the way IP, how do you pronounce ‘Mitakuye Oyasin’?
it is of the Lakota Sioux and other western tribes language, and I beleive ghostdancer would be the best one to describe this.
I am sure my tongue would not be fitting for anothers.
if you do a google on the words Mitakuye Oyasin it will lead you to many links, I’m sure you will enjoy ; )
peace my friend
Thanks for the link tip….and I will surely do that.
This is such an important diary. I want to keep these words with me, to remember when tempted to give in to hate and despair. Thank you, infidelpig.
We all seek a meaning, a code by which to live.
From everything that Ghostdancer has posted, and now IP – and there are others – it seems to me that the historical Native American culture and wisdom, worked out over thousands of years of natural freedom, has much to commend it.
I don’t mean the present day results of 200 odd years of oppression, cultural imposition and duplicity. I don’t mean a culture reduced to fighting for ownership of land that it thought belonged to no-one. Or a desperate scramble for the riches of gambling forced by survival.
I mean the ancient wisdom of living in stewardship with nature, the spiritualization of all things living and inanimate, the kindness to unthreatening strangers, the knowledge of the forests and the plains, the pride, the tribe, the ways of decision.
Forget politics. If you want a platform for life, there is another way.
This way is noble, but not savage. It is communion of the highest kind – with the world in which we live and everything in it.
Sorry Pastor, I read all your stuff, but as you said today (or yesterday), look for the global meaning behind the parables, not the literal meaning.
And indeed the global and general meaning behind all religions is roughly similar. Including the various pantheistic beliefs such as the Native American.
And the central meaning of all religions is “The quest for human dignity” Simple really.
The problems arise with the ‘advertising’ that churches have undertaken for thousands of years to say that only ‘their way’ is the path to dignity. There’s the unprovable ‘pay now, benefit later’ scam, among many others.
The Bible, The quran, every good book has been edited and commented upon to suit the ages, and the politics of power at the time.
There is no such thing as The Word. The Word is as ephemeral as the wind, however powerful. But there is such a thing as Dignity.
And dignity is internal. You know if you have it or not, and what you can do to make yourself more dignified. Dignity is a flame ready to be lit within people. It is a flame that can also be extinguished by greed.
OK so I’m a gnostic 😉
The mypocrisy of my country that says it’s fighting for freedom all the while denying others their own freedom. Then and now.
I am so honored to “know” so many of you via these diaries.
Infidel, you are amazing. thank you for letting us read something so straight from your heart and soul.
Thank you.
You are a writer of magnificent depth.
I have the two wolves in me and the good one is starving- thanks for this heartfelt reminder.
A friend of mine has a version of that story as his signature line. It’s long for a sig, but I don’t mind.
You know, this morning if I had known your story was here, I might have dispensed with today’s Sunday Griot altogether except for a hyperlink that said “Go read Infidelpig’s diary.”
Family isn’t what you were born into, family is where they know all about you and they accept you anyway. Sounds like you got yourself one heck of a family there, IP.
Thank you, but I would not want to miss your Sunday Griot’s for anything, keep up your wonderful talented work my friend.
It’s part of my Sunday regime ; )
This is one of the finest diaries I have ever read. Thank you, fine person.
I’m new to this and don’t understand how to rate diaries and comments. This a four-star – how do I register my opinion?
Hello Peg C – btw welcome, I enjoy reading your diary contributions.
The diary can be recommended by clicking on the recommend button in a dialog box at the right upperside of column when you have opened the diary.
The individual comments can be rated with a “4” for excellent, as you have done for this comment. This info is located at your own user page.
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Also check out a Newbie Guide that I worked on awhile ago. (Ignore the diary title, Captain Boo has a wicked sense of humor)
But the other wolf, ahhh!
He is full of anger.
The littlest thing will set
him into a fit of temper. He
fights everyone, all the time,
for no reason.
He cannot think because his
anger and hate are so great.
It is helpless anger, for his
anger will change nothing.
Sometimes it is hard to live
with these two wolves inside
me, for both of them try to
dominate my spirit.
That’s the fundamental weakness in our society. Too many people — both on the left and the right — try to feed the second wolf, the wolf of anger and hate.
This reminds me of the “Bad News Bears;” the Bears were so appealing despite the fact that they didn’t win all their games because they fed the first wolf, while the Yankees, the defending league champion, fed the second.
Thanks Oui..that was a incredible link to so many more sites also.
great link, thanks so much.
I have the two wolves within.
The black rage wolf seems to stoke the fire, and is black with soot…. the wild brother with animal smells and raving red hair…. and I couldn’t live without him.
And I am a good dog, a running dog, a writing dog…. writing and writing and writing…. and I feel free, even though I am bound by my obligation to be a human being and part of the whole human family… which includes the men who are wolves to other men.
And there is grief, a river of grief that runs through me…. and I could not do without that river either…..
I am a dirty dog, too. A cursing stinking growling humping dog….. and I could not do without this dog either.
I couldn’t do without any aspect of myself… but the PROCESS is the alchemy of turning rage into another day’s fight for justice, another day’s effort to end the suffering of the innocents…..
It is love for my human family that keeps me human. And forgiveness is the number one rule of my life… that has to start with self-forgiveness…. and that’s my biggest number one job today and every day.
thank you. KUDOS
who can complain? not even me…. and you know i am always complaining, or pretending to….. not even the Loved One compares to my brothers.
today is a good day. and guess what’s playing?
Boyz II Men: “The End of the Road”
hmm…. gotta go… there’s a bottle of Pernod opened at the Cafe, if you’re interested…. hmmm….
Late to reading this…
The tears fall for a lost brother
The rage flares against the injustices and hatred
Let us all be brothers and sisters together.
Blessed be infidelpig and brother…
Thank you so much for the kind words, and the beautiful art.
What a wonderful contribution.
I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself
Lone Man (Isna-la-wica) Teton Sioux
tis true that we must be in pairs, one balancing the other.
you my brother, it came back undeliverable. email at please
This story touched my heart so deeply-I am not good at emotion– but thank you so much.