The Space Station will be re-supplied,
As Discovery carries garbage earth-side
While they stow all the muck,
On this winged garbage truck.
If there’re flies, least they’ll all be freeze-dried!
(Four more after the fold, plus a bawdy, R-rated limerickal voyage into the White House bedroom!)
In attempts to both stifle and neaten,
Suppressing news about pigs to be eaten,
China revisits sars,
And revisionist scars,
Report flu and you just might be beaten.
In the Senate, Democrats will dig deeper,
On Judge Roberts, as the battle gets steeper,
They will seek to ligate
This Rehnquist legate,
And avoid seating a young freeper-sleeper.
Confirming the facts all along,
Hussain, held in Rome, says we’re wrong.
`Tis brilliant this strategy,
Of make believe tragedy,
And propaganda mouthpiece standing strong.
Seems HMO’s already abhor,
That documentary director, Mike Moore.
He’s not yet started “Sicko”,
They’ve already gone “Psycho”,
With an “iron shower curtain” décor.
“George, Hon, are you feeling frisky?
In the mood to get a little bit risky?
I know that it’s late,
At fifteen after eight…”
“Now, Lar, you know Karl said no whisky…”
“Oh George, that’s not what I meant!
You’re always thinking `bout just gettin’ bent…
I just want to make sexy,
With my USA Prexy…
Maybe make that bedspread start to tent…”
(Wink, wink, nod, nudge, nudge…)”Oh, I see!
But wait a minute… I’d better go pee…
Do `ya think `ya could do,
That thing with the shoes,
And the leash, where you’re steppin’ on me?”
“What ever you want, dear, that’s sordid…
But I really do like when I’M corded.
But just hurry it up…
While I put on make-up…
You can pretend you’re the pirate that’s boarded!”
“Lar, Honey, nothin’ seems to be flowin’…
Damn prostate, it just keeps on growin’…
Guess tonight if I’m foxy,
It’ll just be by proxy,
`Cause my groin doesn’t look like it’s showin’…”
“Dammit, George, why does this always happen?!?”
Your manhood is always just nappin’!
Who else do you fetter?
If I didn’t know better…
I’d say there’s a bimbo you’re tappin’…”
“Now, Lar, you know that’s just not true…
Many’s the night you left MY huevos blue…
You can’t say you don’t tease,
And then suddenly freeze,
When I try new taboos out with you…”
“Sorry, Georgie, I didn’t mean to allude,
And accuse you of something so lewd…
Won’t you come back to bed?”
“Think I’ll see Karl instead…”
“Well OK, Hon, but don’t forget that you’re nude…”
LMAO…you never cease to amaze me..K&R
So into the hall Georgie krept
To the bedroom where Karl Rove slept
He was there in a jiffy
Now sporting a stiffy
As fantasies in his head lept
Into the bedroom he stole
With a grin as he neared his goal
Up onto the bed
When Karl Rove said,
“Gannon is that you, you mole?”
Poor George his ego was bent
as K proceeded to vent
you ain’t my bitch now
go back to your cow
so back to Condi he went
Time for a shower…
Yeah, yeah…my 1st. attempt…yer in no danger here Bood…Ha!