It’s been a busy day for The Whispering Campaign.
Within the past 24 hours we’ve added the following articles to our ever-increasing menu:
Meeting With Bush Was ‘Bizarre And Disgusting’ by Greg Szymanski
Arrested For Trying To Watch Vote-Counting Machine from Black Box Voting
‘Raging Grannies’ Arrested For Trying To Enlist from
Journalists Charged At Army Recruiting Center from The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Put Down That Law Suit, Pardner, and No One Gets Hurt by Greg Palast
We think these are important stories; sadly they will not be seen by folks who are only reading McPaper and watching Faux News. That’s where you come into the picture.
Our broadsheets are designed for easy printing [one click] and easy reading [large fonts]. They even contain instructions for their own replication. Please help us share some real news with our fellow citizens.
The Whispering Campaign
Visit. Print. Copy. Distribute. Repeat.
Knowledge Is Power! Pass It On!!
And if you live in the red states leave them near suburban public schools. We must focus on their youth, as the adults are a lost cause.
thank you for keeping these truths in the light ; )