I ruminate periodically on what the Democrats (because there really are only two viable parties in the US)need.  My latest brainstorm is that we need to be on the lookout for another Barbara Jordon.  
As I was looking for quotes to support this idea, I came upon her speech at the 1992 Democratic Convention.  She begins by expressing gratitude for being asked to speak again saying
“At this time; at this place; at this event sixteen years ago – I presented a keynote address. I thank you for the return engagement and with modesty would remind you that we won the presidency in November, 1976. Why not 1992?”

I probably don’t need to remind you that the Democrats won that election.

She went on to say, “We are not strangers to change. We calmed the national unrest in the wake of the Watergate abuses and we, The Democratic Party, can seize this moment. We know what needs to be done and how to do it. We have been the instrument of change in policies which impact education, human rights, civil rights, economic and social opportunity and the environment. These are policies firmly imbedded in the soul of our party. We will do nothing to erode our essence. However, some things need to change. The Democratic Party is alive and well.”

This speech is worth reading in its entirety so I will provide the link:  http://gos.sbc.edu/j/jordan2.html                                                                             In her speech calling for the impeachment of Richard Nixon are these words: “My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total.”

So, my conclusion is that the need is for a very powerful orator who will dare to speak truth to power (that she was a hugely intelligent black woman is not to be belittled).  Please keep your eyes and ears open.