Hi, everyone, I am starting this diary early tonight so it will be there for you folks in the morning. Today I thought we could gather in the shade of these palms.
I wish everyone a good day today. Refreshments will be served on the patio, if it gets too hot please take a dip in the pool.
Well it might be a bit tiny, I think there is a larger pool down this path!
Please be sure to stop by the Booman store and purchase your T shirts and mugs.
I would also invite you to hop over to Village Blue a non political interactive site with lots of interesting diaries, comments and some really beautiful pictures.
Have a great night/morning everyone and I will see you around 8 am PDT.
Isn’t this patio lovely.
Guess I’m ready to face the music…. sounds like Boomtown Rats… “I don’t like Mondays”… Wonder what Sir Bob Geldof is up to this morning?
everyone. Another week, more hot weather.
Good morning Diane. Forgive me if I keep you busy in the kitchen while I have these two wonderful men all to myself. Could you whip me up a cool fruit smoothie?
These are for you. I’d much prefer to dwell on you than the headlines….
That is interesting. Also it led me to her daughter Sunshine’s blog Days of My Life which she describes as Talk about daily life of a teenage girl in Iraq, and days of suffer and success. I plan to show it to the kids at my daughter’s middle school. Sunshine writes in “Normal Day”:
My grandfather ran inside. We all sat in the aisle because there aren’t any windows.
My brother was sick he had a high fever; we couldn’t take him to the doctor because the streets & bridges were closed.
When our neighbor was at his way home the shooting began, the policemen in the checkpoint shot toward his car, he jumped out of his car into a slime benison, he had some bruises.
the next day, while I was giving my neighbor the English lessons, we heard a heavy shooting again, it was behind our house. We stayed down until the fight end. But did any one tell us what was going on? No, that is not our business
And check out her daughter’s blog, too
Good morning all. Like Booman said, more hot weather this week, though I’m sure it’s worse in Philly than here on Long Island. At least we get a little relief off the water. One more month and it will start cooling down.
I got my daughters back early this morning. They had been in Maryland with my in laws, something they do every summer. This year was tough though. They were gone more than a month and I don’t like being apart from them so long. Anyway, they’re home now and the world doesn’t seem so far off it’s axis anymore.
Have a great day everyone,
Great to hear your daughters are back with you, how old are they btw…I bet you are happy at that…
Try to keep cool today there on Long Island, I will hold you in my thoughts today, that you keep cool, and I extend that thought out to all, may you keep cool..
Ok, here’s a question for all, in your town, who does NOT have a great hot dog stand?
I mean a hot dog that is all beef, no fillers, jumbo sized, steamed in beer,
home made sauce, (not out of a can) sauce made with real tomato sauce, lean ground chuck, all the grease drained off, pure tomato puree’, a lil’ onion added to it, and secret spices, that’ll make you lick your lips want’n more.
The buns made fresh at a local bakery, LARGE sized buns, which are also steamed in beer, for that fresh moist warm bun.
Slaw that is made from scratch, fresh cabbage, etc.
And all the toppings one would like, mustard, katsup, relish, and even fresh sour kraut, for those inclined, shredded cheese, if you like?
Now it takes two hands to handle one of these, (they’re whoppers) not one you put in one hand and use the other to place into your mouth. This bad boy takes two hands to hold, and then get it all over your face work’n on it. ; )
served with good chips, not greasey ones, and a ice cold soda/water. $5
Who does not have such a place in their town?
If you did, would you go there to get your dogs????
(my preference is chili, cheese, and slaw, with a dash of spicy mustard)
What’s your pref ????
We spent the weekend in Mendocino County with fun cousins. No hot dogs this time
Saturday night
Scharfenberger dark chocolate and Prager ‘Aria’ White Port
Droste dark chocolate and Parducci Tawny Port…vintage 1949!
Ghiradelli dark chocolate…just because we like it!
Sunday Morning
Brunch at the Chateau Souverain vineyards…smoked salmon salad and Mimosas.
So…no hot dogs but here’s some chocolate to get us through Monday…

I’ll be thinking of moonlight and candles on the deck, high in the Mendocino hill, overlooking California vineyards….by starlight and moonlight!
you are quite the romantic….KUDOS
Ah, I remember the hot dog stands well. I recall some passable street vendors in Columbus OH whenever I would get downtown.
We don’t do beef any more, and in honor of Oprah Winfree, there’s absolutely no reason for this whatsoever. Nope. None at all.
But I found some lamb saugages in a local deli shop yesterday. Tomorrow night the place will smell like a Scottish import shop. “Gie’s a haggis!”
yeppers, Columbus did have some great dogs at one time, pretty hard to find these days, but still a couple of places left.
I was ruined for great hot dogs after my six months stay in Manhattan. I have yet to find anything, anywhere to compare with a hotdog from certain vendors on the streets of NYC.
Then, after I became more health conscious, I just don’t eat them any more. . .once in a while I think about how great one of those 1964 NYC dogs might be, smothered in Kraut and mustard. . .but not enough to look for anything like that around here.
Thanks for tickling the memory though.
Dear Infidel, your appetite for the sensual pleasures is charming but quite overwhelming. Please consider this quote from Plutarch while you rhapsodize over your hot dog:
But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh,
we deprive a soul of the sun and light, and that proportion of life and time
it had been born into the world to enjoy.
Would that you were within driving distance of Sarasota, we would happily serve you a delicious lentil/walnut burger with a killer slaw and homemade fries for dinner tonight.
I understand your position, and respect it.
A hot veggie felafel…. and a salad with feta and black olives…. and those sun dried tomatoes with mozarella and fresh basil…. and more…. another hotter veggie felafel…. with real cayenne pepper, and gazpacho soup…. and Mondavi rose wine…..
Geez, that’s the first I’ve eaten in days…. hmmm…. food is a good thing…..
I do enjoy a good felafel, it’s hard to find one that has not been cut in food cost, and serve the imitation stuff…
nutt’n like the sun-dried tomatoes…yummmm
My gawd! No more falafels! I can’t take it! I had one again last night! Two falafel sandwichs in one day?? I am out of control and must be stopped! 🙂
Good morning Everyone!
I had breakfast already, but I’m going to sit in the shade over here, drinking coffee and reading “Harry Potter”. There’s plenty of room if someone else wants to join me at this table.
Morning everyone, I see you have made your self comfortable here and I am opening up this little patio over on the side for the overflow crowd.

I hope you are all well and happy and not too hot. It’s only 66 and overcast here in socal, but it will get hot this afternoon.
Did I miss anything, breaking news, anything..
BTW it’s self serve at the cafe today, so help yourself, the virtual cafe’s kitchen and bar are wide open..
Mornin’ all. We got better sun relief than the partly cloudy skies we were promised. The Pineapple Express that’s been dumping northernized Hawaiian air on Vancouver Island for some days has pushed down toward Seatlle with mist and rain. Visibility’s barely half a mile laterally just now, maybe 200 feet upwards. I see hilltops cut off again.
I’ll just sit here inside the drip line and sip my tea for a while.
Lovely palms, Diane. Some actually grow in a few places coastal Scotland, due to the gulf stream, where our acquaintences call them “pams.” I’ve also seen some medium sized “palm” trees here and there around Puget Sound.
are behind the green window blinds so I can always look to my left and see them. They are mostly pigmy date palms that we have taken from jobs (tree service business here)planted in these giant boxes (48″) to try to keep alive till someone buys them. One of my jobs is to keep them alive.

So this is how I look when I am blogging and I hope others will post their own pics..
My son took the pic Sat. in a pretty dark room with his cell phone camera so it is fuzzy and I wish I had fixed my hair first. After I saw my hair in the pic, I cut it yesterday, so imagine me with shorter hair that is fixed nice..lol
you obviously were’nt reading anything funny…LOL…next time, face the camera and SMILE ; )
(only joking here) glad to see ya !
well I wasn’t smiling then, but I am now, at your words. No He took me by surprise after we tried to take a good pic with me looking at the camera and they didn’t come out good at all, so I said OK that’s enough, gotta get back to the internet, and then he snapped it…
How are you today Infidel, gaterboy and Captain.
About those hot dogs, we have no stands here anywhere in orange county that I know of that sell hot dogs. We only have ‘der weiner’, what we have are carts that sell watermelon and cantelope with hot sauce if you want it, and assorted mexican foods…etc.
Sides, I don’t like hot dogs, never did, even as a kid..
Today, I’m finer than a frog’s hair split 4 ways ; )
and those surprise shots, well, they can be just what your look’n for….or to kill for…LMAO
don’t like hot dogs…..the nerve ; ) LMAO
BTW please note the old fashioned (not flat screen) moniter, hint to my kids for Christmas……and the plumeria blossems in a bowl in the foreground, wafting their fragrance over me as I write this now.
I’m expecting some Very Important Company…. but I’ll break the seal on the Pernod just in case it might not be all that I expect it to be…. hmmm….
Yes, I’ll just try a nip while I wait… hmmm…. wonder if he’ll show…. hmmm….. yes, that’s most salutary…. Salud, friends!
here’s hoping your company of importance is as good as the Pernod…..(clink) “Cheers”
Does anyone have a recipe for Peach Schnapps… I’m thinking of setting up a distillery in my spare time.
don’t know about the Peach, but I do indulge in the Peppermint, along with a good ice cold beer ; )
I do love a good “Spaten”
Her name is: Super Reflux Still…. isn’t she lovely?
The curves on this baby should be marked “Dangerous At Any Speed“
OMG…if you ever divorce her…send her my way ; )
a thing of beauty, for sure
This girl SWINGS, lemme tell you. All she requires is a periodic sterilization, which suits me down to the ground…..
Now, why don’t you flirt with the Loved One, while I go and attempt (again) to get off the ground with SallyCat… hmmmm????
hmmmmm, well there is a bright side to this situation, at least I’ll get booze outta this one ; )
Yes, I am flyfishing, and no, spiders were not the bait… and yes, I am a veggie and did not actually catch anything… and yes again, this is the first real pic of me on the web… you should all feel honored. 🙂
Kudos to you for posting pic of you…I do feel honored and I love seeing what you look like, something like I imagined you.

That is a nice cool scene for this cafe today, we need more cool scenes and pics of ourselves, come on folks, post pics of YOU!!!
Thanks Diane!
This little spot is about 30 mins north of Toronto in Caledon… we love our nature up here in Canuckistan! 🙂
What is just out of the scene is the cooler of Corona…
great spot, nutt’n like gett’n away…does the body good ; )
great pic,
Wanted to pop in quick to let infidelpig, suskind, and supersoling (who I see have all been to the Cafe today) know how much I appreciated their diaries and comments last week.
Thank you for contributing in such a personal way. Your words and experiences touch us and they make Booman Tribune a much richer place.
thank you, for spending time with us.
During my reddish blond phase…spring of this year I think…
naaahhh…it’s a great pic…be proud
Infidel, I think she meant, ‘oh my Picture, ok here goes’,,,not is this pic okay!

Well I got a chuckle out of that!
Hows the barbecue today, btw..
LMAO….I know what she meant, but I meant what I meant….; )
aaaaahhhh hell…ya know what I mean..
hoping not to BBQ today, need a break from the grill…gonna hit the store here soon, and do something cool this eve.
yesterday was all day with the grill’n, smok’n, and prep work…gator takes time…but worth it ; )
two platters full yesterday…that son of mine eats for 4 people..geeeesh
Wow another brave one, so glad to finally see you Sally Cat, I pictured you as blond only lighter blond.
I feel like I am just meeting you!!Hi!
mostly to hide the gray!
L’Oreal is one of my best friends!
LOL…I use the skin on my head to hide my grey…balding ; ) it does a great job…you can’t even see the grey (where it used to be ; )
I recognize that look….early 2001
I’m so flattered by the attentions of you and suskind…but I’m taken by Mr.Cat….
Do you dance???
dance???…hell ya…I do a helluva mean alligator ; )
Please extend my compliments to Mr. Cat. He seems to appreciate what a good thing he’s got…..
And you saved a little blood-spilling in the FBC, so you’re really the Woman Of The Hour around here….
Besides, I could have got myself Barred, Banned and Purged… and that’s best left to the “Site That Shall Not Be Named.”
I suppose I’ll have to go buy Infidel a drink…. foolish to let one beautiful woman come between us… hmmm….
Agreed…but let’s not give up completely on the duel…liquid of choice in the squirt guns…could be fun ; ) LMAO
He’s wining and dining her already…. jesus, can’t we institute a “NO PHOTO’S OF WHAT YOU REALLY LOOK LIKE POLICY around this place????
By the way, this is what I most look like:
except it’s when I was younger, and I have to wear glasses all the time now… well, almost all the time.
Agreed my friend…ahhh, that Oui is a smooth one, alas..we shall drink.. Proast ; )
…oh my – be still my heart!
So – lets see a more recent picture…older men are so nice!
We’ll get a big dance floor for the cafe…and dance the night away…lots of dance partners for all…
Champagne is very nice – one of my weaknesses. I also love a really nice single malt scotch…

Just around the corner
Perhaps spend some time near the beachfront …

Just to get away, before the these two …
<Click pic to enlarge>
A view at the end of the day
Challenge is issued

The ride to get there….
Yes I am in the front – on the right side of the picture
and a place we’ll be safe. I doubt they will catch up! They … well at least one after their duel.
<Click photo to enlarge>
You’re attractive in the extreme…. can I offer you a shot of Pernod? Or what are you having?
(Back off, Infidel, I saw her second)
(super-gluing a peice of gator hide to the post behind Suskind, and the other end to his britches, then steps in front of him)
ahem….scuz me missy…this one has another waiting at home…and she’s a real still ; )
Get away from her, you gator hunter… now you’ve forced me to reveal my true nature…. vile and bestial… she’ll never talk to me now…..
oh shit, back to my Mechanical Bride.
The Bride Stripped Bare… etc. by Marcel DuChamp
mmmmm, Yup..that would be me (raising hand) and BTW…that mechanical thing is pretty HHHOOOOOOTTTTTT ; )
Calm down here, you are gettin all riled up, has Infidel been feeding you all gater meat…and jack Daniels..

Suskind appreciate your invite –
How about a Special BLiar’s Shot – make it a double. Thanks
I was just about to challenge Infidel Pig to a duel over the attentions of SallyCat…
Here, to start with, a shark bite:
and now, a nice shot of Pernod:
Now, pardon me for just a moment, I must see if I’m making any progress at all with one Chat de Sallie….hmmm….
(tieing his shoestrings together while he pours the pernod…waiting for his first step ; )
Sir…I accept your challenge, super soakers filled with wine, at mmmmmmmm, let’s say 3 paces ; )
Here, I bought this for you last week before the hot dame entered my imagination:
You are absolutely too kind sir…let us share a toast, mon ami.
I suppose we’ll have to toast the good fortune of Mr. Cat.
And one for Oui, a man for all seasons…
tis that time, and I must get some errands done. It has been fun, as always, take care, and peace be with you.
see you later ; )
A rainy, view of a Puget Sound campsite from a ferry window on a day much like this morning started out. I’m wearing two sweatshirts and will keep our in-wall electric heaters running till shortly after lunch. Tomorrow I guess it’s back to the fans, shorts and sunscreen.
Finally wrestled the computer away from the spouse; I’ll be very glad to get my quiet mornings back!
Slow day so far; been unpacking our purchases from yesterday — clothes, shoes, and luggage (mostly for our trip). At least I’ve been unpacking my stuff; the spouse has to tackle his stuff soon.
Well, time to get back to work…hope everyone has a great day…
Scribe — is this for the Tut train trip? Or for another trip? Exciting!
For the SoCal trip — and we got our Tut tickets in the mail today! 🙂 We made our train reservations on Friday; the Amtrak agent was really cool. We were originally going to take the San Joaquin through the valley, then bus it from Bakersfield, but he recommended we take the bus from San Jose to San Luis Obispo, where we can connect to the Pacific Surfliner. A little less bus, and much more scenic. 🙂
Definitely getting excited about the trip, now that it’s this month!
Along the Santa Barbara County coast where the highway goes inland is one of the best parts of the train route. Now you’re making me want to take a train ride! I hope I can squeeze one in this fall, when I visit my mom in SoCal.
Or, hey, it’s morning somewhere. Spent most of the day dealing with what’s turned into the faculty search from hell – but that’s hopefully just about to be a closed chapter.
Anyhoo…I posted a couple cd reviews on my blog:
Doriella Du Fontaine – by Lightnin’ Rod w/Jimi Hendrix and Buddy Miles – a bit of very early rap.
Maulawi Nururdin’s album, Maulawi – a slice of early 1970s Chicago-area jazz that slipped through the cracks. Notable because it also offers something of a prelude to hip-hop on its opening track.
Peace out!