I am setting this up again, so it will be there for you in the night and the morning.
Greetings all, how are you doing, keeping cool, I trust.
I thought I would put this nice picture here since it is so cool and beautiful.
Chocolate Ink sent this great pic to me, so take a stroll down to the beach here:
I posted a pic today of me, well here is a better one that my son took today…and I made sure to smile!
Have a great night/day everyone, and I will see you about 8 am PDT.
Be sure to stop by and visit me at Village Blue
Anyone still up, anyone just getting up..
New cafe is open here, so come on over and enjoy the view.
Nice to have a face to go with the charming hostess image we all have!
Maybe we can get some of the guys to post pictures today….hmmm…come on guys…pictures!
Yes I second that Sally, come on men, post some pics. I can only think of two men who have so far posted pics.
I guess men just aren’t as brave as women, right Sally, what do you think?
So until then….I’ll be hanging out in the foggy SF hills…
great shot of Georgie’s Portal ; )
The “Team” Entrance
NeoCon Spirit
Hell to the Chief
“Dayum Laura, beans again”
“We’ll show them how to BBQ Texas Oil Style”
Their Mantra
Your Retirement Fund (Trust Me)
Photo Essay of the New Iran Plan
The dogs got the idea that a walk was on the agenda this evening, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to share the blooming agave at a neighbor’s house.
Those things are awesome. I tried to tie the dogs to the mailbox so they could be in the picture too, but Bo’s never been tied up and freaked (major guilt for dog traumatizing). So I had to take their picture while holding on to their leashes.
Kerouac is the little wiener dog. My daughter named her that cuz she found her abandoned “on the road.”
Well, just a minor one, anyway. I think I’m going hiking down around the Cumberland Gap for a couple days next weekend. It’ll be good for me to get away and have some time to reflect.
I’ll be sure to snap some photos while I’m there, hopefully they’re as good as this one that I stole from someone else’s page:

So I spent to day at Boy Scout Camp…
I am a Den leader for my son’s pack and I volunteered to help with this weeks day camp. It was a lot of fun but awfully noisy.
I know… You may ask “why am I active in this orginisation that discriminates in so many ways?”
These boys are the future of the nation. I am trying to take a pro-active stance on influencing these boys in a way that they otherwise might never experience.
If you give the children of today a well balanced view of right and wrong, most of them will figure it out on their own and do the right thing.
How else will these kids ever meet a real Liberal? lol And I don’t mean the Democratic party “moderate right wing” kind.
Real change comes from within. Be active in your community, especially when kids are involved, and hopefully you will leave a lasting impression on them.
Now where is the beer in here? I guess I’d like a Rolling Rocks, please?
Hello Connecticut Man from an Eagle Scout of almost ten years. I learned my deep respect for the environment and fellow humans from my years in scouts. Wouldn’t trade it for anything. Paz.
You’re absolutely right about helping to influence kids. Especially in this day-care/babysitter society we’ve created where the parents aren’t necessarily as influential as what’s on the teevee.
It’s a great thing you’re doing…just try not to get struck by lightning š
Here’s your beer!
No. “33” let me count the ways I love thee ; )
(burp) LOL
My grandson made Eagle scout about 3 years ago and I think it’s a fine organization and kudos to you for being involved.
My daughter did cub scouting for a few years and what a lot of work and I fregquently got drafted into helping.
My nephew is awesome. An Eagle Scout himself, he leads a troop in his Washington Heights neighborhood. To keep the boys involved through their teen years, they go on a trek each summer – the Appalachian Trail, Utah, Canada, and other neat places. He says many of the boys in his troop had not only never been out of NYC – they’d never even been downtown before joining his troop.
But of course the kids and their parents have NO money, and when the scouts came out with their anti-gay policy, they lost some vital funding for their treks. He and his troop were on The News Hour and it was great to hear those boys explaining how ridiculous and wrong they thought discrimination is.
They were able to find replacement funding, and the boys work all year raising money too. And they have to stay in school and stay out of trouble in order to be able to go. But my nephew’s bigger problem is finding enough adults to go along to meet Boy Scout guidelines – none of his boys have fathers around. He’s shanghai’d every adult male he knows at one time or another – including childhood friends he hasn’t seen in years.
Needless to say, he’s appalled by the Boy Scouts’ discriminatory policies, but staying involved in scouting makes such a profound, positive difference in these boys’ lives that there’s no way he’s going to stop doing it. So hats off to you and to my nephew and to all the adults who reach out to kids.
Thank you for your contributions to the youth of our world. It has no value set upon it, for it is worth more than money, or words can pay.
It is a great and unselfish gift you give.
Peace be with you.
I was a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Eagle Scout, Troop Master for many years. The rewards are imeasureable.
checkin’ in
Some late night reading material for yawl…a very interesting piece entitled:
Second Chance by David Murphy
great link there nightowl, thanks… ; )
peace brother
In the movie Local Hero, the visiting Russian sub captain reminds the Texas oil property buyer why the Scottish locals would sell out to him. The captain said “you can’t eat scenery.”
20 years after our Scots friends urged us to see the movie, we left central Ohio for Highland-esque Puget Sound because my wife, who’s a few years older, felt that there weren’t many years for her left to pursue a dream. I’d lost my tech support job and had set up a home craft business that gave us the mobility to relocate if only she found a job.
She then went through a series of layoffs, which leaves us on a very tight budget as we try to gear up my craft shop to be more productive and less of a mad artistic-scientist’s lab. Out of the blue we found a rental deal in a wealthier neighborhood than we had ever imagined for ourselves under the best conditions.
The setting can be breathtaking. I can see views comparable to the one above by glancing up from my manual labors. A few minutes’ ride away are beaches and seaside bluffs for our mid-afternoon dog walk breaks. And yet our income is less than many of the tradesmen are most of the neighborhood traffic, as these houses are mostly vacation homes, empty most of the year. We know we can’t stay so we’re beginning to scout out surroundings more appropriate to our destiny.
The blessing of living in a dreamland is simultaneously presents an unexpected drawback. Vacation spots always required a day or two of travel to reach, and since our past life was pre-cellphone, they were thoroughly cut off from work. In Ohio it may only have been a Kelly’s Island pier or a Hocking Hills cabin, but when we arrived we were free and relaxed to enjoy nature almost as children. But here as I walk the beach or glance up at snow-capped mountains, I’m immersed in the scheduling of orders and the ongoing surprises of the natural materials I work. And there’s always the fact that our incomes could fall off a cliff at any moment.
So now in my own life I understand those Scots fishermen who “can’t eat the scenery.” And it’s sad to say that in the 20 years since we first watched Ben working his Mallaig beach, we’ve all learned that when Texas energy is shopping, it’s not our comfortable retirement they’re offering.
I’m hoping to see them soon. Finally took a deep breath and made the reservations for my trip up there and I’m hoping to get to Vancouver Island via the ferry from Anacortes.
I know what you mean about living in vacationland though. I lived in a cabin on a lake between Snohomish and Monroe for six months back in the Pleistocene when I was a young thing. It was gorgeous, but I mostly admired it commuting back and forth from the post office in Bellevue where I was working six days a week. I never even made it out to the Olympic penninsula or up to the islands then – no time and no money.
I came back to Texas because I missed the sun too much. But I’m looking forward seeing those places this time.
Fingers crossed about the weather, but that trip is hands down the prettiest way to get from here to the Land of the Free. We take that trip once or twice a year just to do it. If you’re not taking an auto it’s simply a matter of walking on. If you are driving, you need a reservation, then you need to get in line around 6-6:30 AM or so. You probably know that you can make reservations on the WA state ferries site.
Ferry Dock Camera Site.
For the coming week, past the weekend, we’re doin’ our TX-CA version of all sunshine all the time. Plus, dawn breaks around 4-4:30 am, and twilight isn’t quite finished at 10:30.
I remember ye-e-e-e-e-ars ago in Alice B. Toklas times, everyone sitting around complaining that we were so-o-o-o tired of smiling. This spell of weather is my middle-aged version of that.
Ah, youth. All we want to do is eat, drink and stay up all night. As we get older, all we want is to poop and get some rest!
Thanks for the info. Especially about needing a reservation (I will have a car). I saw that you could make a reservation but wasn’t sure if one needed to. Is there any reason not to take the later ferry – the “local”? Other than that it takes longer – which is not a bad thing to me – I’ll be on vacation, and I love ferries.
Yep, I remember that aching cheek muscles feeling too. š Glad to hear the sunshine has you smiling non-stop. One thing I like about traveling to different latitudes is how different the sunlight is. Hope there’s some left in a couple of weeks. Maybe that’s a reason to take the earlier ferry, because morning light is so nifty. Or maybe the afternoon ferry gives a better chance of any sun at all?
Since there’s no new cafe yet,
It’s a lovely trip either way. Bring camera.
I don’t know that you need to make reservations but this is high vacation season we’re talking here. If I were doing it and taking a car, I’d make the res, and I’d be in line with my car an hour to 1 1/2 in advance. But we’re coming from well over 90 minutes away and dealing with unpredictable tourist traffic, so that’s part of our logic. People around the Sound seem to be well accustomed to sitting in line and hanging out. You’ll have your Air America and a darned good Seattle KUOW public radio for passive entertainment, plus the scenery around the ferry is very pleasant. You’re right at the water with a little beach you can poke around on.
By foot, half an hour to park in one of the lots and trek down would be enough margin.
Emailed it to my transit-crazy spouse. š
We hope to make a trip back up there sometime in the not-too-distant future, possibly early to mid-2006. Need to contact King Co. for a copy of the spouse’s birth certificate, then get myself to San Mateo County (just north of here) to get my own, so we can get passports in case we want to make a trip into Canada while we’re up there (we’ll probably be on transit most of the time — minimal rental cars for this couple!).
Hold the fort for us till we get there…and I’ll try to leave room in the luggage for some of your wares. š
nothing but envy from me man, Kudos for following your dream, and never let go ; )
peace be with you and yours always
Here’s where your trip begins, looking west through the San Juan Islands towards Vancouver Island which may be hidden behind the islands on the horizon here.
Well, back down to the craft shop, to figure out how to make that dream work, in order to make the vacationland dream work. What fun could life be if we only took on one impossible challenge?
I’ve not had much time to be here recently. Sorry.
I’ll be travelling 3.8 – 15.8 unconnected.
See ya!
keep in touch when you can, you’ll be missed.
keep the wind at your back, and the sun on your face.
are a gentleman.
I shall endeavour to keep out of trouble. Where I’m going the ‘gators take a different shape š
thank you…and beware of the “Shape-Shifters” ; )
peace be with you and yours always.
Hi Sven, I missed you, will miss you and will look forward to your return.
Have a good time whatever you are doing and come back to us asaP.
Think General McArthur….
I shall, Sven,,,hurry back…

Diane – you know how overwhelmed I am by all things cute š
This is such an intellectual and aesthetic roller coaster, from animated smilies to Swiss artists from the Fifties.
I sometimes wonder if I’m up to the task š
You are stubborn in your application of 4s
I am reminded of a pupil who asked a zen master what was the meaning of life. The zen master immediately hit the pupil on the head hard with an umbrella.
Lessons, not lessens…
if there are any early exit polling information coming in from OH2 yet.
the only thing I have seen was on the AP earlier from the Repubs, about their confidence that they would prevail…..go figure ; )
Hoping that this wall of corruption will start being torn down with the election of Hackett.
We certainly need to start electing honest and trustworthy people if we are going to take our country back from those who want to destroy it.
Agreed, and I hope they try to manipulate this one…it would truly be the straw that beaks the back ; )
cna I please have a coffee Jameson and a look at the “Good News Gazette,” “Human Beams,” and “Heroic Stories”?
they should be hidden there under “The Daily Atrocity” “Lies My Government Sold Me” and “Give Up, You’ll Never Change Anything”
LMAO..good analogy ; )
I’ll have some Bailey’s with my coffee.
Hi Infidel and suskind, gee you guys should be working here, can I hire you for the cafe.
You know since Zander left, came back and apparently left again, the cafe has been running on slo mo…
In any case help yourselves to refreshing beverages, like water and tea….lol
Well, I can be had, but NOT cheap…and I am not easy, well, sometimes..erm…let me think about that one…I’ll get back to you…I’ll call you in the morning…. ; )
Gee willikers I cannot wait for the call, lol…
BTW did you see the start of the series I am writing on my “ancestors”, on the FP of my site..
Hope you and others will hop on over and take a look.
I will be over and check it out…thanks for the heads up.
Coffee and cognac for me…no Pravda today, thank you..:{)
The coffee looks a little funny…. but then again, so do you.
so it’s said:
sans beard…sorta :{)
I just can’t put my fingers on it…. hmmm…. have you ever been to San Francisco???
It’s Vaslev Nijinsky
Now you’re just being obtuse for the hell of it….
Kline was fine for a Switzer, but your semiology in this case, somehow attempting to make a huge non sequitur leap from Russia via a ballet dancer to the Zen calligraphy that was a symptom of the Beats fascination with the Floating World elsewhere, makes me think of the phrase ‘ No-one likes smart alec’ and I know – I have been there…
Don’t go encouraging me in my flippancy with your 4s!
I need your dedicated warriorness to keep me on the straight and narrow š
brings me great joy, thanks for being who you are on this wonderful invention called a blog. Take care of yourself on your trip and do try to let us know how you are doing when you can in your travels.
Wado Sven
I shall do my best.
I’m taking my youngest daughter to London to stay with my dear sister (who set me on the path I am on today) and my long lost sister over from Australia, now visiting UK, who represents the cheese, in the chalk and cheese analogy of sisters.
She has found religion in her later years, which, combined with her sheepdog talents for rustling any group to follow her will, should prove entertaining for my brother-in-law and I, who have always practised a double act of hysterical nihilistic gnosticism.
We take no prisoners, my BIL and I. We are also chalk and cheese, but together on a mission, we are Samurai of the Truth. I’m looking forward to it, actually.
I gave him a cognac and he gave me Steiglitz, I gave him Georgia O’Keefe, and he gave me Putin, so I gave him Nijinsky, and you gave me flak.
I don’t understand why HE gave me PUTIN ????!!!!!!
What is this Putin???? Why is this Putin?????
dada was being obtuse, I was being artistic. What is this Putin????
There’s a Patrick Campbell (master of the small amusement) putin, which is a small wager to enter a game, or, in golf/croquet, the regulated return of the ball to the playing area.
This is different entirely from the Put ON.
Heavens No my good man, it’s feeding me ; )
Well I am up and ready to go this morning, how are you all doing.

You know this place is self serve don’t you, the help seems to be on vacation and I simply can’t serve everyone. ,<smiling> so help yourself to the food and drinks.
I have set up this little patio area, please enjoy.
is that the rest of the world doesn’t take one at the same time. Towards the end of a vacation, I always start experiencing this underlying dread of what I’m going to find when I get back to work. This time it took me an entire day just to work my way through emails and phone calls. Feh.
Got to run and get in the shower — the spouse just got out. We’re fasting this morning, since he’s getting bloodwork done (we’ll see who’s got the better cholesterol levels!), then going out to breakfast and coming back here to start working on our new lease and get some work done around here. Decided that one day this week (either tomorrow or Friday), we’re going to take a solo play day; I love the guy, but I need some alone time!
Hope everyone has a safe day…
Redneck Astrology Chart
Dec. 22 – Jan. 20 — Tough on the outside but tender on the inside. … Okras have tremendous influence. An older Okra can look back over his life and see the seeds of his influence everywhere.
You can do something good each day if you try.
Jan. 21 – Feb. 19 — Come from humble backgrounds. A Chitlin, however, will make something of himself if he is motivated and has lots of seasoning.
In dealing with Chitlins, be careful. They may surprise you; they can erupt like Mt. Vesuvius. Chitlins are best with Catfish and Okra.
Boll Weevil
Feb. 20 – March 20 — Have an overwhelming curiosity. You’re unsatisfied with the surface of things, and you feel the need to bore deep into the interior of everything.
Needless to say, you are very intense and driven, as if you had some inner hunger. You love to stay busy and tend to work too much. Nobody in their right mind is going to marry you, so don’t worry about it.
Moon Pie
March 21 – April 20 — The type that spends a lot of time on the front porch. A cinch to recognize the physical appearance of Moon Pies. Big and round are the key words here.
You should marry anybody who you can get remotely interested in the idea. It’s not going to be easy. You always have a big smile and are happy. This might be the year to think about aerobics. Maybe not.
April 21 – May 21 — When confronted with life’s difficulties, possums have a marked tendency to withdraw and develop a don’t-bother-me-about-it attitude. Sometimes you become so withdrawn, people actually think you’re dead. This strategy probably is not psychologically healthy, but it seems to work for you.
You are a rare breed; most folks love to watch you work and play. You are a night person and mind your own business.
May 22 – June 21 — A water sign. If you work in an office, you’re hanging around the water cooler. Crawfish prefer the beach to the mountains, the pool to the golf course, and the bathtub to the living room.
You tend not to be particularly attractive physically, but you have very good heads.
June 22 – July 23 — Have a genius for communication. You love to get in the melting pot of life and share your essence with the essence of those around you. Collards make good social workers, psychologists and baseball managers.
As far as your personal life goes, if you are a Collard, stay away from Crawfish. It just won’t work, so save yourself a lot of heartache.
July 24 – Aug. 23 — Traditionalists in matters of the heart, although one’s whiskers may cause problems for loved ones. Catfish are never easy people to understand. You run fast. You work and play hard.
Even though you prefer the muddy bottoms to the clear surface of life, you are liked by most. Above all else, Catfish should stay away from Moon Pies.
Aug. 24 – Sept. 23 — Your highest aim is to be with others like yourself. You like to huddle together with a big crowd of other Grits. You love to travel, so maybe you should think about joining a club.
Where do you like to go? Anywhere they have cheese, gravy, bacon, butter or eggs — and a good time. If you can go somewhere where they have all these things, that would serve you well. You are pure in heart.
Boiled Peanuts
Sept. 24 – Oct. 23 — Have a passionate desire to help your fellow man. Unfortunately, those who know you best — your friends and loved ones — may find that your personality is much too salty, and their criticism will affect you deeply because you are really much softer than you appear.
You should go right ahead and marry anybody you want to because in a certain way, yours is a charmed life. On the road of life, you can be sure that people will always pull over and stop for you.
Butter Bean
Oct. 24 – Nov. 22 — Always invite a Butter Bean to a party because Butter Beans get along well with everybody.
You, as a Butter Bean, should be proud. You’ve grown on the vine of life, and you feel at home no matter what the setting. You can sit next to anybody. However, you, also, shouldn’t have anything to do with Moon Pies.
Nov. 23 – Dec. 21 — You have a tendency to develop a tough exterior, but you are actually quite gentle and kind inside. A good evening for you? Old friends, a fire, some roots, fruit, worms and insects. You are a throwback. You’re not concerned with today’s fashions and trends. You’re not concerned with anything about today. You’re almost prehistoric in your interests and behavior patterns.
You probably want to marry another Armadillo, but a Possum is another somewhat mating possibility. Not every molehill has to be a mountain.
Legal disclaimer: Astrology is not an exact science.The chart is intended for its entertainment value only (inset your own joke here) and is not endorsed by Dr. Phil or Dr. Ruth.
dayum, they forgot my sign: “Skunk”
cause I’m a real “stinker” (and not in the nasal scents either ; )
just ask my ex’s ….LMAO
Very interesting chart but I am much disappointed at the “possum” for my birth date, and the description thereof. lol
Possums, my nemesis in my garden here;, that does not make them attractive for representing my birth time in any shape or form.
So what critter would you be, my fine friend Infidel..
by not reading above comment, makes you red in the face ; )
it is not terminal, but will cause slight discomfort when looking in mirror
Hmmmm….prehistoric in my thinking…..hmmmm….time to make lemonade
Pre-history cultures were pagan and earth based…okay…prehistoric it is!
Burning Water aka Militarytracy painted like a heathen and got very hungry last night. Burning Water’s 16 year old daughter Running Water aka Cajun Shrimp Pasta lover went to the drive in with “friends”. Burning Water ate Running Water’s Cajun Shrimp Pasta that was in the fridge from Red Lobster. Burning Water told Running Water that while the boys were out that mom and daughter would come up with a really great Cajun shrimp pasta recipe to make at home and thereby create a dream world existence for Running Water until the next movie shows up in town. Burning Water has no recipe though and has eaten Running Water’s reserves. Burning Water desires to avoid anger and threats and seeks a really good Cajun shrimp pasta recipe. Running Water likes something that I would call cajun shrimp alfredo, anybody have a recipe to save my butt with this afternoon?
looks really good to me, think I will print it out and try it myself.
Cajun Shrimp
Cajun Shrimp
This is it!!! God I love you!! Even my daughter is laughing because she just emerged from her bedroom to eat her pasta and I had to fess up. She doesn’t believe that militant democrats exchange recipes! MUCHO LOVE!!!
Here’s a shrimp receipe that has a very cajun flavor…it’s also good served w/ fettucine w/ sauteed mushrooms and fresh ground parmesan …there are also some variations that are stove top and involve green chili and garlic enchilada sauces, but I don’t have them written down anywhere…Bon appetite!
Sorta, Kinda, Cajun Shrimp
Cajun Shrimp
In yer dreams…HA!
I can hear the arteries snapping shut clear out here…:{)
angel hair pasta….cook like you should, until it sticks to the ceiling, (gotta scrape mine off one day)
Five Brothers Alfredo/Garlic sauce in a jar at the local Winn Dixie, season to taste
2lbs peeled, veined shrimp, boil with Zataran’s seasonig
1lb imitation crab meat (white fish) sauteed in iron skillet with garlic cloves, butter, Emeril’s cajun seasoninng
drain, mix, set a bottle of “Hotter than Hell” sauce on the table for those who can’t hurt themselves enough
serve with 4 pitchers of ICE WATER…and plenty of toasted garlic bread
then toss all of them out of the house except yourself, and let them fart in the garage with the dog ; )
bone` petite` (or as they say around the swamp, dayum let’s eat ; )
as for me and I believe all of us, you and your family are in our prayers, thoughts and best wishes, that all will be well for you.
Glad I was able to find that one recipe. Great Spirit does indeed work in small and mysterious ways.
try this one:
Shrimp Diablo
I prefer it w/ spaghettini vs rice…tasty! Hint: if you really want it hot DON’T seed the peppers…whew!
Susanhu has a great diary on the FP “Stakeout at the “CIA Leak” Grand Jury”
Please go and read and make a comment, this is good for Booman as the story is linked to raw story and creating that great web thing..besides it is a great catch from Susan..
Also I wish to remind all to post links to their diaries here and a blurb about them, or any other links you want to let us know about.
That was one of the original purposes of this FBC so lets use it!!!!
Love and hugs to all, i am not on my browser that allows me to use emoticons, so imagine a big luscious bowl of roses for you all who read these words…
And here is an invitation to go to Village Blue to read my diary “Playing with Plastic and Fire“part I, that I just posted.
It took me many years to write this story, so I am hoping you will go there to read it..
Thanks if you do!
Got back from the laundromat (hopefully our W/D will be delivered soon) to find the below reminder that there are people in society that just shouldn’t be allowed.. in society.
Trying to catch the cat who timeshares the underbelly of imy front porch part of the week. Some sick fuck has tightly wrapped packing tape around it’s middle. (can tell a human did it because it has a fucking BOW on it) This county only has road scrapers and ticket writers so it’s a DIY. Going to call on the vet to see if they’ll loan me some pointers/humane trap. Any pointers that could be emailed (azul no spam at yahoo dot johnny-com-lately would be gladly welcomed. My daughter s crying her heart out. And my son totally flipped out. He’s okay now… but DAMN!
Several years ago I lost my Willow. Black Lab after she had puppies. They were six weeks old. Ten of them. Had to bring them inside because some sick asshat was poisoning animals around our place. Anti-Freeze and Snailbait in possibly meatballs. They tossed one obviously into our GATED yard. Willow had never barked or gotten’ out. SIX dogs were killed on our ONE street. The county did nothing. I held Willow as she “shaked and baked” they called it. 20 mins after the vet put her to sleep she still shook. So much so that I had to continue laying down on her.
Willow… she was a good girl and would allow the kids to sit on her while they ate peanut butter and jelly sammiches – without begging or stealing.
Obviously the same sick, twisted animal hater is still around.
WHO takes the time to wrap tape around a feral cat??? We drove home and saw her/him in my driveway. Tried to call it but it’s way too skittish. Big brown tabby type. Long haired. Have had water out for it.
Sorry for the morose post. But people who hurt animals are the same ones who will hurt kids one day ya know?
Anywas FOURS to you all. Wish I could hand them out individually. (((xxooxxoo))))
that would be azulism at yahoo (not just azul) sorry. Scattered brained today.
Man I’m so sorry about the cat thing. I wish that I could understand why anybody would want to spend their time and talents tormenting another living thing, but the “logic” has always eluded me. We are not cat people, we are dog people. A lesbian couple bought the house next door (in Alabama!) and they have seven outside cats and no dogs. We have an invisible fence, don’t tell me that diversity can’t be easily obtained. We have lesbians and breeders and seven cats and four German Shepherds and an invisible fence. Sometimes the cats torment the dogs and the dogs go ganging and try for a barking spree. I open the backdoor and holler out, “knock it off it’s just a cat!” The four look at other sheepishly and mope over to the patio for a group nap. I have never had a pet poisoned. I can’t even imagine the hell that is experiencing them dying in that manner. It’s bad enough when they die of old age!
If you would like to do a night(your day) diary now, please feel free to…
Anyone know, he listed for doing the diary today..
Does anyone miss the daily diary yet…??
What ever shall we do!!!
where oh where shall I bitch and laugh and confess at???