After I read Infidelpig’s dairy of his return from Vietnam and the injustice that he saw in that small Wisconsin town, toward the Native American peoples, I did indeed need to pray to Great Spirit. It brought up some very painful memories that I had witnessed growing up in Michigan. That races of people were unable to enter a store, restaurant or public restroom because of their skin color or culture, was a reprehensible act of ignorance and racism. That Jim Crow laws were alive and well in the Upper Midwest and West, only geared to the Native populations, not unlike the African Americans that lived in the South. I don’t look Indian so this prejudice was not perpetuated upon me, yet I was abused for being an Indian from my own family.
My father and most of his family never accepted me, my mother or my brothers and sister. We were outcasts, something not mentioned, only one of my fathers sisters ever recognized that we even existed. As I grew up, I strived to hide my other self; I worked hard to destroy that which was inside me. I watched others of my race try to do the same things. When you are repeatedly told that you are not worth spit, because you are an Indian, that you have no value because you are of a race of people who were defeated. You have no power, no land, and no right to anything because we stripped you of your humanity. It can and does send a powerful message. I hear so many things coming from the right, as they strive to vilify and demonize those of us who are left of Ronald Reagan. I do mean that in all sincerity. The right is indeed feeding the wolf of hate, discontent and anger.
I hope that Infidelpig’s “The Two Wolves Within”, will help all of us in our cause. To bring forth the best that we have to offer in this struggle to regain our country from the Worshippers of power and money. We must continue to feed the wolf of patience, principle, ethics and tolerance in order to achieve our goal of eliminating the corruption and moral degradation that has permeated our country’s government. I offer to you these guiding principles as a means to an end, a way to achieve a balance and harmony within the life you lead today. I have strived to make these the guiding path of my spiritual well being. They have brought me from the depths of hell as a homeless heroin addict, to a life that truly has meaning. I have a life that gives me all that I could ever hope for and more.
“Spiritual matters are difficult to explain because you
must live with them in order to fully understand them.”Thomas Yellowtail, CROW
“”””””””””””””””””””””””More below the fold””””””””””””””””””””””””””””
I have read many comments about the moral decay and dissonance that is the message being promoted by the religious right and the current administration. My favorite is this, I often wonder why their heads don’t explode with the dissonance that is occurring by their actions and their stated pious words. Personally I don’t believe there is any dissonance for these people, their words are a smoke screen, a cover, so they can do the wickedness that dwells within their hearts. I hope that those individual’s who have in the past supported these wicked/evil people, will soon wake up to the tremendous harm that they have helped perpetuate upon the people of the US and the world. I hope that the moderates in the Republican Party, those people for whom the constitution and the liberties that are granted to us as a people will take back their party and work with liberal/progressives to repair the damage caused by this horrendous administration.
Striving to live within a framework of spiritual principles is never easy, yet it’s rewards are immeasurable. As a human being, I recognize my infallibility, my desire to achieve everything the fastest and easiest way possible and when I do that, I usually end up making a mess of my life. I have found that when I walk the walk of my spiritual principles, I rarely find myself in any type of quandary or moral dilemma. Life is never easy, nor does it have to be difficult, we as human beings have the ability to make choices that will determine whether or not we will have dissonance inside our heads. I choose today to eliminate as much conflict from my life as possible. My choices on how to live my life are brought forth by my openness to the spirit world that surrounds me in my daily life.
I have chosen not to feed the wolf of anger and hatred. I choose to feed the wolf of honesty, integrity, ethics, love and freedom. We all have to make choices daily, many of them will have profound impacts on our lives in small ways and others can impact us for decades. I know there are many who will read this and state, well I don’t believe in God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Great Spirit or any other so called Higher Power. I offer you this, living by spiritual principles does not equate to acknowledging there is a Higher Power, it only says that you understand and accept that personal responsibility for ones actions, thoughts and processes, gains you a higher level of spiritual development. I have met many spiritually developed individuals who are acknowledged agnostics/atheists. They live their lives with an understanding of how they impact others and how others will impact them. They offer kindness, honor, acceptance, joy, love and hope where there was none before. Being Spiritual is not equated to how often you attend church, pray, how much money you have, where you live or what you possess. These measurements hold little meaning in the grander scheme of life. Spiritual living for me follows this basic understanding of my life and my role in the world in which I live.
To know something we must become one with it. We cannot know what a flower smells like until we actually smell it. Close your eyes and experience the fragrance.
The Elders say there are two worlds, the Seen World and the Unseen World. To experience the Seen World we need to physically pick the flower and smell it. To experience the Unseen World we need to know about principles, laws and values; and no matter what our mind or our physical senses tell us, we must decide and act on these principles.
If someone does wrong to us, we must pray for that person or persons to have peace, happiness and joy in their life. We must not get even or retaliate in any way. Only by doing this can we understand spiritual matters.
Great Spirit, give me your power whenever my weakness shows so I can live by spiritual decisions
I know that I have not always followed my beliefs, values and principles when I speak of the current administration. I have used demeaning language, showed contempt, showered upon them verbally abusive language and have displayed disgust and hatred for them. After reading InfidelPig’s essay, I have affirmed my willingness to change my attitude toward those whom, I believe are seeking to destroy my country. I have lived for more than 50 years, more than half of that time I lived in spiritual dissonance. I have found for myself a path that brings harmony to my spirit and provides me with the tools to be the best human being I am capable of being today. I don’t know how well I will be do in this change of attitude, but my heart is willing and my spirit brothers have shown me that demeaning those that I have conflict with is not going to help me facilitate change in this world.
I sought help for my spirit; I created a medicine wheel, smudged and prayed. I opened my heart and mind to all the spirits that surround me and listened, quietly meditating and hearing those that came before me. I am of the coyote clan, the little trickster, but also the helper of the Human beings. I know that my ancestors lived in a spiritual world that was very much like what we are experiencing today. I feel that I have been shown a way to help, a way to facilitate change, a way to bring others into a path that very well may cause an upheaval with in our country.
I hope that you will pass this code on to your friends. Lets show those that would defile us, defame us, try to force us into their pattern of attacks, that we are above them. We are the best, greatest hope that America will one day soon, really become the greatest country in the history of the world. Not because we have the largest and best military in the world. We shall be known as the greatest, because we honored our commitments to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all the peoples and spirits of this world.
I realize that I have posted this ethics code before, yet I also recognize that something of value, never really becomes boring or repetitive. I offer these to you, as a gift, a treasure that will help you create a life that is beyond measure in its joys and happiness. I pray that each of you finds your spirit guide that you will know your life still has unlimited possibilities for growth, understanding, joy, happiness, love, honor and integrity. I have been given the most precious gift I could ever imagine, the privilege of raising two children, whom I pray that I will instill within them all of the wonders of life and glory of living it within a spiritual framework. If they look upon me one day and say to, that the most important thing I taught them was to rely upon their spirit to guide them, I have done the best I could as their parent.
…From “Inter-Tribal Times” Oct 1994
- Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things the Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will benefit others (everyone).
- Respect. Respect means “To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or something with deference or courtesy”. Showing respect is a basic law of life.
a. Treat every person from the tiniest child to the oldest elder with respect at all times.
b. Special respect should be given to Elders, Parents, Teachers, and Community Leaders.
c. No person should be made to feel “put down” by you; avoid hurting other hearts, as you would avoid a deadly poison.
d. Touch nothing that belongs to someone else (especially Sacred Objects) without permission, or an understanding between you.
e. Respect the privacy of every person, never intrude on a person’s quiet moment or personal space.
f. Never walk between people that are conversing.
g. Never interrupt people who are conversing.
h. Speak in a soft voice, especially when you are in the presence of Elders, strangers or others to whom special respect is due.
i. Do not speak unless invited to do so at gatherings where Elders are present (except to ask what is expected of you, should you be in doubt).
j. Never speak about others in a negative way, whether they are present or not.
k. Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your mother. Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world. Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her.
l. Show deep respect for the beliefs and religion of others.
m. Listen with courtesy to what others say, even if you feel that what they are saying is worthless. Listen with your heart.
n. Respect the wisdom of the people in council. Once you give an idea to a council meeting it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the people. Respect demands that you listen intently to the ideas of others in council and that you do not insist that your idea prevail. Indeed you should freely support the ideas of others if they are true and good, even if those ideas are quite different from the ones you have contributed. The clash of ideas brings forth the Spark of Truth.
- Once a council has decided something in unity, respect demands that no one speak secretly against what has been decided. If the council has made an error, that error will become apparent to everyone in its own time.
- Be truthful at all times, and under all conditions.
- Always treat your guests with honor and consideration. Give of your best food, your best blankets, the best part of your house, and your best service to your guests.
- The hurt of one is the hurt of all; the honor of one is the honor of all.
- Receive strangers and outsiders with a loving heart and as members of the human family.
- All the races and tribes in the world are like the different colored flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the Creator they must all be respected.
- To serve others, to be of some use to family, community, nation, and the world is one of the main purposes for which human beings have been created. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks. True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.
- Observe moderation and balance in all things.
- Know those things that lead to your well being, and those things that lead to your destruction.
- Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms, in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise Elders and friends.
Hey Ghostdancer: I’ve been hanging out here all morning chatting with friends ’till I suddenly thought ‘where’s the Ghostdancer today?’ I was just starting a search when this diary caught my eye. Oh I see, you’ve been working. I’m usually just playing around but I love to read your Native American diaries. They are beautiful – thanks much.
Hi ghost. I grew up in Wisconsin(LaCrosse) and I’ve thought over the years that I never saw anyone but white people even with all the various Indian tribes around….now I know why.
I am very glad to see you bringing up the fact that agnostics/atheists can be very spiritual and described that much better than I could. I haven’t quite made up my mind but I have to say I come down heavily on the atheist side. Being spiritual has nothing to do with religion or anyone’s God but how a person communes with themselves and relates to the world in a manner that hopefully uplifts everyone. So trite but true that the children are our future yet what message do they take from grown-ups and politicians when there is no universal health care for children, parents with no or low paying jobs so children are literally starving to death in this country, to way to many so called religious groups advocating beating children to ‘teach’ them respect, to the unholy mess that is the whole juvenile system that does nothing to help children…children I think are realizing they are not a priority in this country no matter what people or politicians say. Instead of respecting children it seems that this culture treats them more as little people to be dominated and kept under control with no respect accorded them from the very start.
I am glad you reposted these Principles. Rereading and thinking again on these principles are what makes them come alive and more able to put them into practice.
By the way I had asked Infidel pig how to pronounce ‘Mitakuye Ayasin’ and he suggested you would be better person to ask for correct pronunciation.
‘Mitakuye Ayasin’
Meeta quya Oayasen
Mee ta qui ya Oa ya sen
I have to tell you that like other languages with dialects, it is pronounced differently in many different tribes.
I sure hope it helps. As we are all related (Mitakuye Ayasin)
And for this po’ ignaunt white boy… what does it mean?
We are all related… ?
I’ve been meaning to mention your sig line as it always makes me laugh..although it’s not really funny. And every time I read it I try a different inflection on the last part..I guess I’m easily amused.
The spiritual principles are strongest when we live them and not when we speak them. I have often re-read your original postings of the principles from earlier diaries.
As a Pagan woman I found my spiritual path – although it is sometimes difficult in this country. Many times the desire within is to do one thing and strike out in anger or bitterness is strong. To walk and talk quietly within my beliefs keeps me at peace. To listen to the stories and beliefs of others here helps reinforce to goodness I believe exists within us.
The principles you have shared are common within us…thank you for sharing them again.
Blessed be…
bineg married to a witch, we have had our share of bigotry. We work hard to show our children how to live our lives within a spiritual frame work of honesty, trust, acceptance and love. I live in a very conservative christian community and we have gotten our share of stares concerning our bumper stickers and of course I am pretty outspoken.
‘Mitakuye Ayasin’ We are all related.
Touch nothing that belongs to someone else
I was watching the History Channel, a special on Little Big Horn – The Untold Story. A turn of the century historian went to Montana and began interviewing people who had been at Little Big Horn, as observers and warriors. Very different story than the one that history recorded. The historian even wrote to the President (I believe it was Teddy R), who told him it was best to keep that story to himself.
Anyway, the part that really stayed with me was a quote from Sitting Bull. After the battle, men and women took things from the dead soldiers, against Sitting Bull’s wishes and warning. I wish I remember the quote, it was so fitting. Something like, “One who sets his heart on the white man’s things will be destroyed by them.” Anyone know the exact quote?
I thought it was very fitting since we are still in native lands destroying ancient cultures, hoping that those we do not kill will set their hearts on the white man’s things.
Conference on the American Natives
<Click photo to enlarge>
Custer and the Battle of Little Big Horn By Derek Batten
Sitting Bull ◊ Tatanka-Iyotanka 1831-1890
Little Big Horn and excellent links
Alas, I couldn’t find the quote!
Chief Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) ● Hunkpapa Sioux (1831-1890)
… spiritual life… is that of our inner lives. Our inner selves. The one that no one else knows or possibly can truly know no matter how hard we try to convey ourselves in words. Words do not suffice. Our spiritual self is the one that we are alone with, the one we are answerable to, the only one that is always with us throughout life.
Development of a spiritual life is development of the internal self. Development of our spirit. Whether that encompasses a higher power, a god, or whatever… is dependent on what the individual finds within their own spirit. It is different for each of us… even those of us that profess the same religion. It’s interpretation and it’s understanding is still different for each of us.
“If someone does wrong to us, we must pray for that person or persons to have peace, happiness and joy in their life.”
That when I have a resentment against some person that I should pray that that person receive everything I wish for myself.
“I know that I have not always followed my beliefs, values and principles…. “
Who amongst us ever perfect in living this life?
“… when I speak of the current administration. I have used demeaning language, showed contempt, showered upon them verbally abusive language and have displayed disgust and hatred for them. After reading InfidelPig’s essay, I have affirmed my willingness to change my attitude toward those whom, I believe are seeking to destroy my country.”
Hmmm… the abusive, demeaning stuff is us not living up to our own principles and standards and it is right that we correct our own behavior in this regard. Hatred is self-destructive and not healthy for us. It is best that when hatred occurs within us, we search within to find the conflict within ourselves and solve it before moving forward with anything else.
I am not a particularly confrontational person myself. However, Zen is very confrontational in nature. Zen Masters of old were known to whack their students with a stick when they were being particularly dense. They had no problem calling out bullshit when they saw it.
Calling this administration and the neo-theo-whatevers on their behavior is not problematic. It is right and proper. For ourselves though it is the nature of how we do that, making sure that it is in accord with our inner beliefs that is key… and is often tromped on in the heat of the moment.
“Do not be discouraged. No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.”
Come the 31st of August, 2005, this old Indian/Welshman will have accomplished 18 years of clean and sober time.
7 more years and I will have equaled the amount of time I spent trying to commit suicide on the installment plan with drugs and alcohol.
Thank you Andrew for that reminder.
August is as good a month as any. 🙂
Makes me grateful for the founders of the two major 12 step programs. Without AA there probably never would have been NA and without both of these, my chances of finding my spiritual path to recovery would have been nil.
Three… don’t forget Al-Anon
Has worked so well for me “one day at a time”
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
“help me facilitate change in this world.”
The only thing we ever truly have the power to change…
… is ourselves.
Someone once said… “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
These two:
… are incredibly strong pieces of wisdom. The danger with the first one of course, is what we see today with a clearly misguided administration and the result being the deaths of many. In a community where everyone is playing by or expected to play by the same set of spiritual principles this is wisdom at its best. In a divided community like our nation where there are those that are deluded into living a life of evil purpose… it is often necessary to take drastic action to stop the error of leaders. In a spiritual community where decisions are made in council, by elders that are elders because of their exhibited wisdom and spiritual nature this is not a problem. In a community such as our national one where leaders become leaders by a game of deception and greed… the same rules are rendered inoperative.
I voted that I’m open to spiritual principles, even though I’m at peace with my beliefs right now, because there’s always more to learn; different words speaking the same truths.
Thank you for your diaries on this subject and for the perspective you bring to the site. We are blessed by your presence and sharing.
Ghostdancers way,
I am struggling with my path right now, and struggling to keep the bad wolf at bay. I will be honest. There is much in the world that makes me want to lash out. There is so much injustice and crimes being committed against inocents. I believe that there comes a time when all that is left is violent resistance. Are we not to protect ourselves? Are we not to protect the helpless and innocent? If George Bush’s surrogates came for my son, I would resist them till my heart stopped beating. It is my fear that we are all heading for a struggle in this country that may turn violent. We may not be left any choice.
decide when is the time for us to stand and fight with violence. Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph, each of them strived to achieve balance within their own frameworks of spiritual well being. Well they were pushed beyond their own human limits, it became time to fight and defend what little was left.
I am not a spiritual giant, I don’t play one on TV. I am just a man, a human being who accepts that life is going to what life is and I have to learn, adapt and improvise as I walk through this life.
I too will fight anyone who tries to bring my son or daughter into harms way for their illegal and immoral war. I will strive to keep myself balanced and centered within me, so that when Bush and his war profiteering crony’s continue to wreak havoc upon our country and the world, I can remember that I am above them, I have no need to demonize or dehumanize them to prove that I am above them spiritually.
Each of us must accomplish whatever it is that is a part of our growth upon this planet. I don’t know why I survived my childhood, my teens, my young adulthood. It was not from lack of trying to die, doing everything I could to end my life in ways that would not appear that I was indeed attempting suicide.
Great Spirit has haunted my footsteps all my life, I can only hope that I achieve those things in my life that I have been placed here to accomplish.
I hope this helps in some small way supersoling.
There are always other choices. We must resist violence at every turn. We MUST!
I have waited for your response, and it is worth many waits.
I have said before that our paths from west to east shall meet, and we will walk that path together, for it is the path of the Rainbow Warrior, and I have heard the warrior call.(
I was told many years ago by a great Choctaw medicine man of this time, and I was to Watch, Listen, and Pray for my spirits to come out of the shadows, for the Spirit of Light would lead the way.
A wise man of the Eastern Band of Cherokee told me that my path would be set before me, and I was to choose, and to make my choice I was to listen for the Ghostdancers.
My Wolf Clan told me of the time, when I would join paths with the warriors to return the people to the true path of life.
Your spirit has touched many, and has brought light into my shadow path.
Many thanks for you and our ancestors for the awakening of the Spirit of Light.
This Spirit of Light, I share with you my brother,
Wado Ghostdancer
Mi`takee O`ya sin
-The Ghost Dance
It is the time of the Blue Star
Let the truths become clear to all
Wado, Wakan Tanka, Aho
I am White Wolf
Wado my brother
In this I find Dr. King’s expression of non-violence, and Mahatma Ghandi, on which Dr. King based so much of his political theories and action… The thing is, it worked. And nothing else did, or ever has.
My mother taught us “One God, Many Phonebooths”
But I don’t live in a world today where a black Baptist minister can base his Christian ethic and political strategy on a Hindu lawyer…. I don’t know what world I live in today… So I identify very much with what you have to say about the ‘seen’ and the ‘unseen’ worlds.
For years I read a book called “Ishi, In Two Worlds” do you know it? He was the last of the Yahi tribe…. It is a great book.
So yes, thank you very much for this diary, and for all you contribute to this community.
If I could understand and express my belief system, I would be a more centered person altogether. But I don’t think it’s in my nature… as I recall when I was around six years old and first heard the music of Beethoven.. “Mama,” I said, “I have Beethoven feelings inside me.” I still do. Only now I love this person who has feelings like that, where for 30 years the project seemed to be remove the feelings from the person, or remove the person from the feelings….. well, of course that project failed.
At any rate, your diary has caused me to question what kind of member of the tribe I am…. and they are very good guidelines…. I will give it some effort and some more thought….. thank you.
lived on one of the UC campus’s, I can not remember if it was berkley or davis, for many years. Here is what he asked just before he left.
A naked starved Indian was found in a barn in rural California, and they called the authorities. The thing was the language he was speaking was so strange they had to call in an expert from the Museum of Natural History.
The Yahi tribe had been tracked for years and years…. till all the old people died out, and then the fit people and then there was just one… Ishi had been the last child of the tribe. For years they survived on the run, making secret raids on trappers and miners camps…. their life on the run…. and they were spotted so rarely…. one could think of them as an endangered species that the naturalists were trying to track…..
But this fella from the Musuem of Natural History when he was called in recognized a few words of a “dead” language from an “extinct” tribe. And that’s how Ishi was saved… from jail and the poor house…. And that’s how Ishi came to live in the Museum of Natural History, Berkeley. And the project was that Ishi would teach them EVERYTHING he knew about EVERYTHING. And you can see what an important project this was… everything there was to know about the Yahi was in the memory and experience of one man.
As much as they tried to provide him with an environment that would most be like his own, they could not help but fail. He was a singular, private, and very dignified person…. and a humble person…
But there was a funny story about when they brought Ishi to the city and he first saw trams and fireworks. I wish everyone would read “Ishi In Two Worlds” It is a remarkable story.
Agreed – everyone should read this one…
We have read it several times in our household and are encouraging our grandchildren to listen to the stories and read other books.
to offer my “spirtuality” here … please understand that I don’t mean this in any way to disrespect other people’s beliefs. If your beliefs don’t impinge on my choices, and they bring you comfort and guidance, then I’m very happy, and a little jealous. I can’t settle on a given path, because I keep noticing the wildflowers just off to the side, and thus I wander … but sometimes I wish I had the comfort of a path.
I think the world just is. No hidden world behind the veil. No spirits impinging on our lives, not in any supernatural sense. There are mysteries we encounter, but only because we haven’t learned to see them, or describe them yet. Memories, echoes, heat signatures …
I took Tai Chi some time ago (and need to find a school so I can continue here where I live now). I’ll never forget the first time I hit a position right, and felt the chi flowing through my limbs … both peaceful and energizing, all at the same time. I never got the sense from my sifu that there was any magic about it though, rather that it is just another field that connects all to all. I had just momentarily tuned into a clear signal, like moving the antenna just right so that the station came in crisp and clear … only to slip away.
I’ve been in bad places where I’ve sensed what one could describe as an “evil” feeling. I can’t say what it was … perhaps our senses just work in ways that we haven’t found words for, but I’m not willing to give over to religion the explanation.
This is rambling, and so I’ll stop. Life just is. Good and Bad, defined by me and the contexts I live in and have grown up with. Order and Chaos, definitions dependent on my security and opportunities.
Life just is, and it’s both beautiful and terrible, and we all inhabit a temple, every day of our lives, because we get to experience it and tell it about how we see it. We live in it, and are it, and I just hate that we keep trying to box it up, tie ribbons around it and fence out parts we don’t understand.
Life just is.
including the comments.
I came here to read it Aug. 2 feeling so downhearted about politics. Now, I feel so much better. Thanks ghostdancer and others.
All my life I have felt closer to First Nations than my own culture. As an intelligent and poverty stricken person I experienced the universal prejudice against poor people. That prejudice made me feel a kinship with Native people. In a Quebec boarding school I hung around with them in spite of the nuns warning me against it. (?) Later when I worked for the Canadian government, I ended up working with native women. One ironic moment came when we were having coffee. (I always sat at the ‘native table.’) My friend Stella asked me to teach her to crochet. I have been in awe of native talent displayed in their artifacts, for years. “Me, teach you?” I laughed.
Later, Stella brought me 3 salmon, cleaned, dressed and wrapped in butcher paper. She helped me furnish my first apartment in Vancouver. Yes, native people help poor white people for no reason except the goodness of their hearts.
I miss you Stella.
you are, for you have witnessed and know, the Spirit of Light.
peace will always be with you.
Many thanks. Not so wonderful, but in a constant state of wonder at the beauty and the horror of our world.
Reading this diary was a beautiful moment.
peace to you.
Really needed this after all the crap. I had read and replied to the Children in Prisons… and feeling so lost and hopeless – didn’t even want to go out and get the laundry done. Didn’t want to sit on the deck later today and do some crafts with my daughter.
Now… I think I can. At least for today.
I’m still really mad and very sad and I’m afraid that while in public, the tears might flow… but I can’t just stop life, I can’t stop fighting this administrations.. I can’t quit loving.
(((GhostDancer & Infidel))))
I’ve been saving your diary to read until there was time to concentrate. I’m going to save it along with Infidelpig’s.
The Native American wisdom that several of you share so generously is one of the things that makes this site wonderful in ways that are unlike any other site I read. Thanks so much.
I really like your diaries, and can relate to being treated as though you were nothing. It gives a different perspective on things.
Well, at least we can’t claim to have the pathology of privilege. We know how the world works.