I was watching Hardball tonight and Chris Matthews said that the Democratic Party doesn’t stand for anything, and that he doesn’t know the Democratic Party’s position on any issues.
Then he praised the GOP for its moral clarity. So, why don’t y’all leave a message for Tweety Bird here, and I’ll forward it on to him tomorrow.
I don’t know why he bothers to have a Republican Rep on his show…he seems to take their side and it always turns out being two against one. I had to turn the channel. I hardly watch Hardball anymore. He is becoming Hannity lite. He has become a tool for the Republican party..I guess he is involved with the Plame thing, at least we know Rove called him pimping the Plame/Wilson story. He probably knows where bodies are buried, so they have him by the balls..he does what they command. Chalk off another member of the Leftwing media.
I don’t think anything I could say would get his attention, other than: “hey, what’s that white powder in that envelope on your desk man?” ; )
I don’t think anything I could say would get his attention, other than: “hey, what’s that white powder in that envelope on your desk man?” ; )
that’s twice today, this has happened…double post..geeesh…must be a glich somewhere.
Unless it was that white powder . . . ๐
Dear Tweety,
There are many reasons that you don’t know what the Democrats stand for. Mostly, you don’t want to know because our goals are boring. Our politics is the politics of zero. Zero advantage. Zero preference. Zero prejudice. Equality in treatment, rights, and opportunity. It isn’t nearly as newsworthy or controversial as the Republican politics of inequality, where you can assign rights to a person based on objective qualities such as sex, race, and religion.
Do you look up at the sky on a clear day and assume that there is no moisture in the air? No. The water vapor and the air combine to be homogenous in the atmosphere. Just because there are no visible clouds doesn’t mean that the water isn’t there; it is merely that it is one and the same with the air. This is why you cannot see our goals, or our agenda. We dream of clear skies, but you can’t look away from the Republican thunderclouds, as they roll over the land with their defined stratifications, raining hatred down on the lesser people below.
I’m sure you’ll counter my words with accusations of idealism, but what you don’t see, and won’t admit, is that those thunderclouds are there because the Republicans created them. We strive for the natural state of things. The Republicans can’t keep this storm going forever.
I know that when I fall asleep tonight, I’ll dream of that bright sunny day that will rise after weathering the tempest. How about you?
Just because there are no visible clouds doesn’t mean that the water isn’t there; it is merely that it is one and the same with the air.
I like this way of putting it. So much of what we stand for isn’t particularly dramatic or new, but that doesn’t make it unimportant. Keeping Social Security the way it is, so that our senior citizens can retire at a reasonable age in comfort doesn’t count as an idea because we are already doing it. Not torturing people apparently doesn’t count as a value. Preventing terrorist attacks is invisible.
The things Republicans are doing are big and obvious and dramatic, and it doesn’t seem to matter to some – like Tweety – that they are also stupid, evil, and counter productive.
Child Rape?
Imprisonment without access to lawyers, family, trial or any formal charges?
Revealing state secrets?
Outing undercover CIA agents?
Lying to Congress?
Lying to Congress again?
Lying to Congress on a regular basis?
Breaking Congressional rules in order to have their way?
Ignoring The Constitution of the United States of America on a regular basis?
Lying to the American People?
Lying to the World?
… and that’s just off the top of my head without looking at any records or something.
Wanna get warmed up on this one?
…their morals are clear.
I use tidy bowl with bleach and my toilet is clear too.
that made me laugh, on an otherwise grim day
Did I mention lying?
And Deception?
How about deceit?
I suppose it slipped my mind to mention that their moral clarity teaches them how to actively, regularly, nay… continuely… deceive the American people?
Did I mention that?
How about the lying part? I didn’t forget to mention that whenever their morally clear lips are moving it is pretty morally clear that to see that they are lying?
Did I mention that part?
Did I forget to mention that part where they pay media people to spread propoganda for them?
The part where they remove any vestige of science from scientific reports?
Is their moral clarity showing when they hire hacks like Armstrong, Gannon, Miller (anyone looked at her financial records?), and Matthews to lie for them?
Propoganda? Did I mention the part where we can’t believe any media people because we don’t know if they are on the White House Moral Goering Clarity payroll?
It’s ok. They’ll be gone soon…..
Ever expanding goverment with absolutely nothing to show for it
Ever increasing mass of debt (see above)
Ever increasing trade deficits
Ever decreasing National Security
Ever decreasing environmental quality
Unrestricted corporate corruption, restricted civil rights
Unrestricted government corruption, more restricted civil rights
Sadly… they won’t be gone soon. This cancer was allowed to fester and grow long enough in this nation that I suspect it is our lifetimes work to subdue it so that our children will be able to build on the American dream that was given to us to protect. We protect, they get to build.
Alot of that may change with Hackett. I’m “cautiously optimistic” about ’06 regime change in Congress.
I guess my point is that even if we beat them now or in ’06 or ’08… we’ll have to beat them again in ’10 and ’12… and in local elections in the years inbetween. Just because we beat them back doesn’t mean they will go away. They won’t. They’ve had to long to grow and fester. Even if Rove is jailed there are his children… the interns and assistants that he has brought up in his bloodthirsty and despicable style of politics that will be around and running various people’s elections for the next couple decades at least.
It is a dire situation.
We cannot let up for even a minute or think that removing them from office means we’ve won the war.
It is our lifetime’s work I’m afraid.
…we’ll have to beat them again in ’10 and ’12..
Comes with the territory. That said, if we win in ’08 the new administration will initiate deep regime change:
I guess the “Faithful” could pray to keep their jobs. But 1 Jan ’09 they’ll probably be packing their desks down.
Tweety obviously shares these strong morals. Lying sociopaths are his heros. Why anyone bothers watching him I’ll never know. I saw him deliver a graduation message a few years ago and he was equally unimpressive live as he is on tv. I myself have better things to do with my time. Moral clarity, my ass.
Matthews isn’t worth our breath. He is just plain ignorant and uninformed. It never ceases to amaze me how many errors he makes or lets his guests get away with, and his panels are consistently stacked toward the right. It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t pretend to be a liberal Democrat. What a crock!
He pretends to be a journalist, as well.
A journalist
according to this on-line source.
Matthews, as I recall, is some kind of political PR hack. He doesn’t “find the sources” for his reports, and he certainly is not reporting in “the most objective and unbiased way.”
He merely offers a platform, using the people’s airwaves, for carefully selected political figures to spout their talking points. He offers no context, analysis, follow-up questioning, or critical assessment.
The democratic party is for personal freedom, it always has been.This is not LICENCE –it is freedom– one of the things the Repukes stole from us.
comment over on Jerome’s diary today:
Finding from the 9/11 Commission, pg 376:
From the 9/11 commission, but it must have been a Democrat who wrote that part. Certainly doesn’t sound like Republican values.
(BTW, Jerome’s diary highly recommended.)
Dear Mr. Cashews,
I am writing to compliment you on your latest broadcast. It is wonderful in this day and time to see someone such as yourself step forward and tell the truth to the world. I must say that you are right on the mark for pointing out the Republican’s Mortal Depravity!
Keep up the hard work.
Emily Litella
The Democratic Party I know is concerned with creating and maintaining a society where people are free from hunger and have a roof over their heads.
They want every child that is born to have some prenatal care. They want all citizens to have an opportunity to get an education of good enough quality to merit higher education, and for higher education to be available to all citizens.
They want to protect ethnic and racial minorities, homosexuals, and women from workplace and housing prejudice.
They want all citizens to have access to quality health care.
They want to protect low-wage workers from exploitation, and make sure all working people can afford to raise a family.
They want to protect the environment from toxins and pollutants.
And to pay for it, we would like to see a progressive tax code.
Most Democrats would also like to see us scale back our military basing in over 100 countries around the world, and invest in a leaner, better trained, and more soldier oriented armed forces.
what the Democratic Party stands for… have him start with…
and then …
particularly this.
And share most of the rest of the Republicans’ moral clarity.
“It’s ours–now scram.”
Basically, conservatism is a narrow ideology whereas there are various views that can fit within a “Liberal” stance. What does liberal mean? Being opposed to dogma, authoritarian arguments, right? So liberal thought is inclusive.
Which is not to say that we don’t share many of the same view points.. values.
So I think his comments are not genuine. Clearly, most folks know that the majority of Democrats support multi-lateral, diplomatic international relations policy, equal opportunity, strong education, civil rights, etc.
One issue that I don’t hear enough is that of recognition. I generally think people like it when other people agree with them. Often times people will end their sentences asking others to acknowledge that what they are saying makes sense, RIGHT? It’s a way of feeling accepted or defined negatively.. not “crazy”, know whattum sayin’?
I think this is an appeal of religion. It provides a framework for many people to share a value system and therefore have a sense of what is “normal”. If other people act within this code than it re-affirms to people that their actions just or good.
I believe this is an appeal of conservatism. It is based on a few principles, and this snowballs socially. One can adopt a moral system which one knows many other people share an identical system, and these other people will look favorably on them for adopting or practicing that moral code.
Thomas Edsall’s Chain Reaction is an excellent book if you haven’t read it.
Talks about the falling apart of the Democratic coalition and the rise of the Republican Party, and their ideology, which he argues that begining with Goldwater the Republicans have used race, taxes, and religion to convince lower class whites that the Republican Party is a party of meritocracy & justice, and not of special interest (hope I got the thesis correct, haven’t read it in a while).
Dear Mr. Mathews,
I want to thank you for making it so abundantley clear which side of your bread gets buttered. I do admire a person that is upfront and so obvious about where he stands and with whom on the issues. How much are they paying you to spew the propaganda that rolls off your tongue? Please do not ever call yourself a journalist. You have ignored a criminal war, lies and more lies, the Downing Street Memos, Rove outing a CIA covert operative just to name a few. How could you possibly know what the democrats stand for? You never bother to have them on your propaganda show. If you do on a rare occasion invite a democrat on you talk over them so why even bother.
You are pathetic.
Depends on the group of democrats he was talking about. Personally, I’m not sure what the democrats in Congress stand for either.
I know what I stand for: quality of life, privacy rights, respect the earth, preserve and restore the environment, diplomatic and peaceful solutions with our neighbors in other countries, economic justice.
What’s the matter? Too simple for ya? We’re all drowning in the physical and emotional wastes of our efforts: simple is exactly what we need.
Tweety won’t know he’s drowning though. Denial is not a river in Egypt yada…yada…yada…
I missed most of Matthews’ show tonight, but I was astonished to hear him remark, toward the end of the show, how many of his guests who are on to talk about the situation in Iraq tell him one thing off camera and then say the opposite on camera, doing the flag-waving, let’s be supportive of our president even if he’s lying thing.
The fact that he could say this without even a second thought, without recognizing that allowing such contradictory behavior to go unchallenged represents the absolute failure of his own journalistic integrity; this is a perfect example of why he’s become a meaningless bag of wind in the public discourse.
95% of the pundit class, the media mannequins on all these talking head shows, are like this. They’re all their own biggest fans, infatuated with themselves, their profundity and their millionaire incomes. Many of them probably think they’re performing a great and noble service, enlightening the masses and advancing the course of civilization with their wisdom.
But, like so many before them, it’s not the wisdom they believe they have, nor their money, nor their social status that intoxicates them the most. No! Power is their greatest intoxicant, and we all know that power corrupts. For the pundits, it’s made them hollow fools, a blight on their profession and inimical to the best interests of the country.
A few months ago Hunter wrote a diary at dkos talking about the fact that it is Democrat’s capacity for empathy that seperates us from Republicans. Here is a quote I saved from the diary:
“In short, we are at our best when we support, honor, and protect those who are not us.
We are most challenged, morally and ethically, when we defend the rights of those with whom we may share no common bonds.”
And of course, no one has summarized it all better than Roosavelt in his 1944 State of the Union.
“The test of our progress,” said Roosevelt, “is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”
Chris-say. Don’t ruffle your feathers gettin upset, man. You, um, forgot the lithium again, didn’t ya? Those rapacious capitalist foraging swine gotcha again, eh? You didn’t come up with that shit yourself, didja? How many times you goin’ around the ring on that one-trick-pony?
No, no dude, I ain’t sayin’ you’re stupid. But if you was to throw your brain up a pissant’s ass, it’d be like throwin’ a bb in a boxcar.
Dear Chris,
I’ve watched your show over the years and was disgusted to hear you repeat the White House talking points during tonight’s episode. As someone who claims to be a straight-shooter, a.k.a. Hardball player, you shouldn’t repeat lines like “up or down vote” or “I can’t find the Democratic position on anything”. It just proves my suspicions that you’re nothing but a Republican operative infiltrating our “independent” media.
How dare you sit up on your podium and pontificate on what the Democratic party does or does not represent. If you would take three seconds to shut your mouth instead of interrupting your guests, perhaps you would learn a thing or two about progressive values. We stand for equality for ALL Americans and refuse to be cowed by the Bush Administration’s attempts to divide us as a nation with issues such as gay marriage, abortion rights, or other so-called “moral values”.
Stop pretending to be a journalist unless you’re willing to act like one. Good luck with your continued ratings downfall.
calls Matthews’ show “Wiffleball”…for good reason, it sounds like; the only time I watch it is if I tune over for Keith on “Countdown” too early. (BTW, Keith was off again; is he okay???)
I read Booman, dKos, Billmon, My Left Wing — even a Republican blogger, Cunning Realist… but I don’t think I’ve heard of Matthews. I don’t watch TV, I get my information/news from the internet. Chris Matthews? Who is he? Is he sitting in for Rather now that he’s gone?
Ooophs, missed a cue. You mentioned ‘Hard Ball’ — sports announcer, right, ESPN?
the Democrats and Republicans:
The Democrats believe in business regulation, while staying the hell out of people’s private lives.
The Republicans believe in regulating the hell out of people’s private lives, while staying out of business.
Where is the “moral clarity” in allowing corporations to blithely pollute the environment, cut their retirees loose without promised pensions, send jobs to overseas sweatshops, and shortchange our fighting men and women?
Where is the “moral clarity” in allowing companies to employ people at subsistence wages, and giving them information on how to apply for public aid?
And where is the “moral clarity” in a selective culture of “life”, that begins at “conception”, ends at birth and doesn’t resume till the person is on their deathbed trying to find the cleanest possible way out?
‘Nuff said…
Oh bullshit. Ask any Republican; they’re good at rattling them off, though they twist them in the process.
We’re for preserving the environment for future generations instead of destroying everything in sight because we privately believe Jesus will appear to bail us out of our own sewage. We’re for equal rights for all human beings. We’re for elected officials who are servants of the public, not the subjects of cults of personality. We’re for education and science. We’re for religious freedom — the real kind of religious freedom, not the freedom to use taxpayers’ money to give to churches that are already tax exempt.
We’re for making sure no one dies because they lack money for health care, food, or shelter. We’re for examing exculpatory evidence before we send innocent people to the gas chamber. We’re for treating our troops like they are brave and dedicated souls who are putting their lives on the line for us, and whose lives shouldn’t be wasted for lies and corporate profit, and we’re for taking care of them when they come home wounded, in body or mind, no matter how much it costs, and taking care of their families if they don’t come home. And we’re for not running off at the mouth in favor of wars that we are not willing to fight in.
We’re for making the rich, who have profited so much from the labor of the poor, pay more taxes so we can build the schools, hire the police, and repair the neighborhoods that will make it more likely that the children of the poor won’t grow up to be poor themselves.
We’re for treating our allies like allies, and in particular, remembering that we would have lost the revolution without French assistance, so they don’t owe us dick for WW2 — we were paying them back. And we’re against making allegiances with subhuman filth like the dictators of Uzbekistan, and countless other bloodthirsty regimes we backed because we were afraid of democracy abroad. We wouldn’t have assassinated democratically elected leaders and overthrown democratic governments in Latin America and Africa.
We’re for women having the right to say no, with no questions asked. We’re for access to medication without having to deal with slack-ass pharmacists who refuse to do their jobs like the rest of us. We’re for anyone being able to walk down the streets of their neighborhood at night, regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, or anything else without fear of being assaulted by Republican thugs.
We’re for freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial by jury and representation by a competent attorney. In fact, as long as everyone is a consenting adult and no one gets hurt, we’re in favor of pretty much every freedom, whereas the Republicans never saw a freedom they didn’t want to restrict.
We’re for the presumption of innocence until proof of guilt beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt. We’re for sentences proportional to the crime committed, and against sending people to prison for life because they stole a pizza three times in a row.
We’re for religion based on love and self-discipline, not self-righteous hatred and domestic abuse.
We’re for a woman’s right to get an abortion without examining her private reasons. We’re especially for a woman’s right to get an abortion if she’s been raped, you fucking Republican swine. We’re for a teenage girl’s right to terminate her pregnancy without notifying her father, heedless of the possibility that he might have impregnated her.
We’re for equal pay for equal work. We’re for small business and against Walmart. We’re for living wages and collective bargaining. We’re for the working classes who sweat for a living, and not too concerned about the billionaire “self-made men” who would be nothing without the labor of the tens of thousands of workers who made them what they are today.
We’re for transparency in government. We’re for accountability. We’re for the rule of law. We’re for the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions.
In short, you slithering crypt-republican quisling, we are for everything you are against. And you know it, too, you lying fuckwit.
That was awesome.
Nicely closed.
Democratic values
Here’s some core values.
–Health care for every American.
–Access to a good education for every American regardless of ability to pay.
–The right to privacy without government interference except for critical government needs (as in criminal cases.)
–A secure and government guaranteed retirement payment from the Social Security system for every worker.
–The right to organize a union or belong to one without being fired for it.
Another would be an American federal government based on the Consitutional ideas of checks and balances, in which the President is accountable to Congress and not merely the King of America.
We hold these truths to be self-evident… beyond debate or discussion; so obvious that it frankly shouldn’t even questioned….
that all men are created equal…. all men, used in this case, does not mean just white men, or just Christian men, or even just Americans… It means men, women and children — all people. Not just our people. All People… (including those people, and those people, and those people as well), are created equal. No human life is without value; no human life is inherently worth more than any other. All should be equal under the law.
That they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…. regardless of nationality, ethnic heritage, language, religion, age, gender, physical health, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, whether free or imprisoned, for whatever cause, be they innocent or guilty of any crime. Those rights are theirs by virtue of the mere fact that they are human beings — and calling them “enemy combatants” does not change this fact.
That among these are Life…. The right to life before birth can be debated, but the rights of those already born can not be disputed…. this includes a right to a means of support, either a decent job or, for those too young, too old, or otherwise unable to work, some form of reliable social afety net to ensure their survival. This includes access to healthcare, both preventative and in times of injury or illness. This includes a right to a decent education, so that an individual may be able to support himself and become a sustaining (and tax-paying) citizen. This includes the right to clean water, food that is safe to eat, air that is safe to breathe, and streets that are safe to walk.
Liberty…. Freedom of movement, of expression, of assembly, of pursuing one’s dreams; freedom from unjust treatment or unlawful imprisonment; freedom to seek redress of grievances through a just and fair legal system, and such other rights as are enshrined in our Constitution.
…. and the pursuit of Happiness… freedom of choice in personal matters of healthcare (including reproductive health) and entertainment, to associate ourselves with whom we choose, and to whom we choose to making lifelong commitments and form a family with; where and how we worship (or not, as the case may be); so long as it infringes on no one else’s right to the same.
(Okay, it’s a bit rough, but you get the idea….)
Oh, Christ, Booman! When you going to give up on Mr. Matthews? Never mind. Here we go:
The Democratic Party stands for exactly what it has always stood for. Fair employment practices. Equal opportunity regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Educational excellence. A strong international presence based on respect for human rights and justice. Representative government. Equitable tax structures. A system of rewards in every area of life that honors merit over privilege.
Really, though, you don’t need a laundry list. The principle is fairness, fairness. People know justice when they see it–and they know cheating, too. That’s why Bush’s numbers are falling. People see that he’s been cheating; he’s been playing them and they don’t like it.
Dear Chris,
Please be sure to keep up the GOP mandra. If you don’t, then please watch your back and your check. Both could be very costly…you know what I am refering to. Sorry that you have to put ppl down all the time. It is not one bit becoming of a person of your stature. If you were to tell the truth just once, ppl might start to watch your show more often…I know I would. As it stands now, I don’t even bother to watch your show, for If I wanted entertainment, I would turn on any sick reality show.
Try to have a good day, if you think you can.
It gets very tiring listening to yet another parrot mouthing the GOP talking points and claiming Democrats don’t stand for anything. It is not enirely surprising that the general public would hold that view, but you, Mr. Matthews, should know better. You work in the media industry. You know damn well who controls the content of the media, and it sure isn’t the “liberals.”
Democrats rarely ever get the opportunity to speak at length about their values. When do they ever get asked the kinds of softball questions you continually toss your Republican guests?
What do Republicans stand for? Please define what you see as examples of this “moral clarity” that you mention.
Outing an undercover agent and threatening the security of the whole nation in order to protect the personal agenda of a few elites?
Defending and carrying out torture against POWs?
Lying to the American public to get them to support an unecessary war?
Ripping off the Social Security budget for other purposes and then falsely claiming that the system does not work?
Doctoring reports about global warming because the scientific evidence might cut into your plan to derail environmental protection in order to benefit your industry friends at the expense of everyone else?
Well I suppose it is moral clarity of a sort — The Dick Cheney philosophy: Go fuck yourself. Yes these Republicans have made themselves very clear in telling all of America to go fuck itself.
Democratic values? It’s pretty simple actually: To preserve and defend the constitution of the United States of America.
Unlike the GOP however, Democrats believe the constitution should apply equally to all. Democrats work to actualize the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness regardless of race, sex, age, or creed.
Now that work is often not glamorous, it doesn’t necessarily lead to catchy phrases or sound bites. It doesn’t necessarily make for good TV. But it is precisely this kind of mundane and diligent work that has allowed people such as yourself to enjoy a life that is something other than serfdom in the service of some King or ruler.
There is no doubt about it, Mr. Matthews, unless you are descended from royalty, you have benefited tremendously from the work of the party you now disparage. You would be nothing now but a rich man’s servant if not for the liberal “agenda” that brought you such things as public education, public health programs like immunization, fair wages, the right to be protected from abuse by your employer, protection from unfair search and seizure, and all the other laws that assure that this country recognizes you as something more than chattel for the rich and privileged.
Because you don’t have any values anymore. I watched you the night Howard Dean was on there, then I turned you off when his interview was done.
It is especially hard to see you pander to some of least moral people who have on as guests.
You don’t appear to have values, just shifting in the winds each day.
I don’t know what the Democratic Party stands for, either. The DLC obviously wants Democrats to be more like Republicans. Major elected Democrats have taken steps to make sure everybody knows Howard Dean does not speak for them. It’s a party that seems all too willing to consider dropping reproductive rights from its priorities — or even its platform. It’s a party that even now has refused to really challenge the Bush Administration about this War on Iraq that is proving to be the best recruiting and training program al-Qaeda has ever had.
No, the Democratic Party is a fucking chatoic mess.
But to say the GOP has “moral clarity” is really quite a laughable assertion.
–Unless lying to start a war, lying about how the war’s going, lying about who’s profiting from the war are all moral.
–Unless working systematically to take away human rights, due process and equal protection from women is moral.
–Unless passing law after law to coddle corporations while screwing the poor is moral.
–Unless letting people dump filth into our air, water and land so they can make a few bucks, while we and our children get sick, is moral.
–Unless endorsing torture and other “ends justifies the means” policy is moral.
–Unless compromising national security to exploit opportunities to score points in party politics is moral.
Unless all these things and more are moral, in which case, yeah, sure, uh huh, real clear.
Chris Matthews, you’re a babboon. Keep on screeching. Maybe you should have Jon Stewart on your show, because frankly, you, too, are hurting America.
Wowie Zowie, I’m impressed with these posts. You all rock. I’m going to drop the link to this diary on every Dem and leftie I know.
Values of the left:
a. Individual Rights and Privacy–Protection of Constitutional Rights for all Americans
b. Fairness–equal rights to ALL Americans
c. Integrity–fighting corruption wherever it raises its head
d. Helping the average Joe American–supporting the farmers and the workers as the foundation of America’s economy
e. Grassroots participation in politics–making politics responsive to the people rather than to big money interests.
Values of the Right:
Corruption, lying to start a war, being proud of failing to protect America, proud of failing to capture bin Laden, violations of the Constitution, torture…
The Republican party is the immoral, cynical, greedy, lying party. The Democrats have their problems but are fundamentally the party of the Constitution and of the people.
You all have done a great job, but here goes my addition…
Ah… Chris,
Republican moral clarity and the lack Democratic values. You’re right, the Republican party has been perfectly clear about so many issues.
It is abundantly clear that Catholics are not fit parents.
It is abundantly clear that changing the facts to fit your agenda is “moral.”
It is abundantly clear that circumventing the democratic process by appointing John Bolton during the recess is “moral.”
It is abundantly clear that refusing to release John Roberts’s papers is “moral.”
It is abundantly clear that torture is “moral.”
It is abundantly clear trying to keep the American public in the dark is “moral.”
Yup a real moral group that GOP. If you’re really the least bit interested in the Democrats values, try the opposite of the clear Republican values.
All I can say is I don’t watch the fool.
Thanks for this diary though – the comments are inspiring.
How does it feel to get your ass kicked by Olbermann every night of the week?
over analyzing and I forget to listen to my heart Chris. Awhile back I wrote a diary on Kos about us just pulling out of Iraq and the Democratic Party was split down the middle on the Iraq issue then, I feel like we are a lot less split on it now. Because Iraq is an issue that has my heart and some of my soul wrapped up in it (my husband is a soldier who has served in Iraq) my words just poured out as I attempted to persuade my party to as a whole support an Iraq pullout as soon as possible. In that diary of respectful persuasion I wrote a line about the Democratic Party being all about personal responsibility. Those words for me were and are the truth and I typed those words out without over thinking them, not realizing that there was a time and a place that the GOP’s claim to fame was the party of personal responsibility……and those days are long long gone from my perspective. I’m sure that whole phenomenon of the current Democratic Party can be chalked up to many different social evolutions, the ones that are clearest for me are Vietnam and the evolution of factually tested sciences. In Vietnam the Democrats fell to their knees, and in dealing with all of the damage that Vietnam brought home to us we all became more familiar with our hearts and our souls and our true natures and spirits. Beaten to our knees we grew character as we never imagined and we became willing to fully view the impact that we as people have on the world. Sciences developed and brought magic into everybody’s life both Republican and Democrat, but as Democrats be have fearlessly applied our character and self evaluation to all of the new information provided by science and we fearlessly step through the doorway of implementing all of these marvelous God given discoveries right along with our personal responsibility to ourselves and to preserving the world we live in for our own personal use and the use of children and grandchildren. To do so means that we won’t be gluttonous, unfeeling, uncaring users and abusers. We take a little and we leave a little, we use a little and we replenish a little and we live in tune with reality and reality is ever changing. The Democratic Party is about Personal Responsibility and the embracing the enormous responsibility that that entails, and for those who believe in living in accordance with the teachings of Christ……..living in such a manner seems to lead to a very Christlike path and a very unselfish loving lifestyle of giving and sacrifice and enjoying life and living fully.
To be fair, Tweety’s half-right. There are many in our party – politicians and citizens both – that don’t stand for anything other than winning elections, and don’t think anyone should. They tend to masquerade as “pragmatists” or “partisans”, and claim, loudly, that our position on the issues is and should be whatever polls best.
And, when you read the various lists here of what the “Democrats” stand for, it’s hard to align up many of the items in the lists with the official position of the DNC.
I sent this thread off to Tweety. Add comments if you want to heard.
As long as we’re hearding the sheeple to the promised land of Truth, count me in ๐
– greed, gluttony, jealousy, etc. In addition their “pro-life” values stand for killing anybody using war, death penalty, back-alley abortions, famine anytime regardless.