crossposted at my new Community Blog, My Left Wing

I’m not privy to their private conversations, but I’d bet money there are plenty of Beltway Democrats talking about impeachment. They’re not, however, doing it from the Senate or House floors, or on television.

No, they’re letting the groundswell build right here in the blogosphere and in living rooms and in newspapers and on talk shows.

And in those arenas, lots of people are talking about impeachment. Half the country, in fact. A Google search for “Impeach Bush” finds 601,000 results.

Even Ralph Nader, for all his megalomania, god bless him, used his self-made bully pulpit to call for impeachment. Countless editorials and articles have called for impeachment. So, why are our Representatives not talking about impeachment?

I’m not well versed in the ways of Washington, D.C. — but I have a feeling the Democratic powers-that-be consider taking talk of impeachment to an official level would be disastrously counterproductive… to their own re-election campaigns.

We are at war, we don’t have the votes, we certainly don’t have a “fair and balanced” media on which to count…

But unlike the ludicrous absurdity of Clinton’s impeachment (wherein virtually the only ones crying to impeach were the Republican politicians and their right wing media minions), this issue is being discussed all over the country by the people who still count — We, the People.

It is incumbent upon us to raise our voices, to stick their feet to the fire, to demand answers, accountability, access to the paper trail. I believe there is more than enough reliable evidence to impeach this President* — but it is not a likely scenario. It is, however, likely that, if enough of us keep screaming about it loudly enough, the CONCEPT of Bush’s impeachment — and the justice in it — will get into and remain in the consciousness of the public and the all-important media.

I don’t believe GWB will be impeached. I think the chances are small that it will even be broached in Congress except as rhetoric.

But We, the People, can impeach him in our own inimitable fashion (and I DO mean inimitable)…

and impeach him We will.