The Whispering Campaign has five brand-new items on the menu:

Is The CIA Behind The Iraqi ‘Insurgents’? by Frank Morales
‘Combat Terrorism’ By Causing It by Imad Khadduri
The Four Powers Behind The al-Qaeda Conspiracy by Matthew Parris
Halliburton Announces 284% Increase In War Profits from
Leaked Emails Claim Guantanamo Trials Rigged by Leigh Sales

We’ve left one of Sunday’s articles at the top of the menu because it is so powerful:
Cindy Sheehan was invited to the White House after her son was killed in Iraq, and in her words, the
Meeting With Bush Was ‘Bizarre And Disgusting’ by Greg Szymanski

We hope you will help us to distribute these compelling [and horrifying] stories beyond the blogosphere.

The Whispering Campaign provides tools you can use to help educate your friends and neighbors, without attracting attention to yourself. Our broadsheets are designed for easy printing [one click] and easy reading [large fonts]. They even contain instructions for their own replication. Please help us share some real news with our fellow citizens.

Being the media has never been easier.

The Whispering Campaign
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